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The SP's I saw recently ranged from mediocre to ugly, despite rave reviews here...

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Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
^^^^^^ Up 2. Not talking about SP's, do not care about looks too much, 1/3 my age female naked willing to fuck me.... attitude is #1. I was talking about the average girl on the street.


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2004
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....saw 8 new SP's from Euphoria, XO, Mike's Mansion and Vogue. Lets just say they're probably not going to win any beauty or fitness contests.

It's rare that one sees a woman who has a curvy, but toned body and a flawlessly pretty face working as an SP. I do see such women serving in high end bars and they some claimed that they earn almost as much per hour as most SPs. One particular such woman, a nude model, also rumored to be a former sex worker, married the (possibly) billionaire president of the USA.

I see from this thread that I'm not alone in enjoying encounters with SPs of average looks.

Incidentally, secretagentman, two of the seven Vogue SPs I have seen (Thiffany and Laurie) wouldn't be out of place at a beauty contest. Angelie and Mandy wouldn't be laughed off the stage either. The other three were not stunning, but definitely were attractive. You weren't lucky with my favorite agency. Please PM me. I'm curious which women you saw.


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
In the FKK scene in Germany, there is a word for the kind of woman that the OP seems to desire. They are referred to as "optifucks." There are lots of them in the top FKKs. Maybe he should take a trip to Germany. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
Same thing is true at the grocery store. A long time ago, young ladies primped for a half-hour before they walked out the door for anything, and guys did the same for 10 minutes.

I guess my point was that when they show up at my hotel it would be nice if they looked like they gave a shit about their appearance. I'm not talking about putting on a pair of sweats and slides to go to the grocery store, I'm talking about an SP looking like a hot girl I want to bang when she arrives. Not someone who looks like a dirt bag. I accept that the way people dress now is different than 5 or ten years ago, but arriving like you made an effort goes a long way. I wouldn't show up for work dressed ultra casual and expect to be taken serious, I guess the same goes here. Make an effort.

I can roll out of bed and throw on velour sweats, slides and a dirty tee shirt to go to a bar, but I'm certainly not kidding myself if I think I look attractive.

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
What's you guys opinion about a girl wearing tight jeans instead of a short skirt during winter ? Is this a turn off or am I fine haha


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Like I said, a 20 year old walks through the door to have sex with me at my age she’s already a 7 in my eyes.
I just wish girls would dress up more. I appreciate the ones that do. Jeans are ok but just dress like your going on a date.


Active Member
May 27, 2004
Boston, MA USA
How pretty a girl's face is is different from whether her body matches photos. Virtually all Montreal agency and indy girls post photos that clearly show their body but obscure their faces. Of course all of the photos are touched up a bit - girls use filters on instagram and snapchat for crying out loud. its a new era deal with it. At the end of the day, does the body in the pics reasonably match the body in the pictures? When dealing with the major agencies and independant MERB advertisers, I have not once had a booking where I felt the pictures were misleading.

As for the face, that is a different story. we do indeed have to rely on the reviewers. But who cares if everyone overinflates their ratings? If every reviewer rates high, you can still tell who the prettiest girls are. Who cares if they are or are not prettier than some girl 15 years ago - that girl isn't working anymore.

I used to come to Montreal in the early aughts - I booked many girls from Asservissante and a few other agencies. I stayed away for a while but started coming back a few years ago. I certainly have not seen a decrease in the attractiveness of the girls from 12 years ago to today. Not every girl is a runway model, but some are truly stunning. I did book once girl a couple of years ago based on the smoking body in her agency website, but when she showed up, I was really put off by her face. I chose not to write a review because I dont feel like I was misled and she made every effort to provide great service. She just wasn't to my taste.

It seems like every few months we all go through this big discussion about rating scales and whether reviewers are handing out too many 9s or 10s. It is a silly discussion - what matters is each reviewer being internally consistent. Everything about what we write is subjective - an objective rating of beauty is a silly thing to aim for. When a girl has 6 pages of reviews and 80% of the posts say her face is beautiful then that seems like something to rely on. Thats the best anyone can hope for.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Answer to the OP

Well if you find a girl down right ugly you can always decide to not see her, turn around if incall, or send her back if outcall.

Personally i will admit over the years i have been to a lot of industry parties wich made it possible to "make my list" of girls i met in person. Usually i would pick the girls i had the most chemistry with that also attracked me, but on ocasion there was girls i tough where just too pretty so i took a risk and well it turned out great actually.

Other times i would book girls with face pics or sometimes you see an SP that has many SP friends and she show you pictures of them on her cell to give you a general idea.

Booking completely "blind"... i actually didn't do it super often but i never saw a girl i tough was down right ugly. I can recall maybe 2-3 girls that i tough where "average looking" but i saw them in smaller agencies and they where not charging the "par" ammount of the time.

But reading the OP's post, i feel you are maybe aiming "too high"

For instance what you say about Amy Lee, ok i seen her last time in 2012 so its a while ago but to say she is a "dude with bolt on" is so false. I remember her having a rocking body. Yes she is a bit older than the general young SP but she is a fine looking more mature lady. If i had more budget i would see her again for sure.

Personally over the years i seen many SP that i tough where as hot, if not more, than most celebrity.

I do agree on one aspect, and its probably more true in Winter, the agency girls in Montreal usually do not "doll up" that much. Personally its not something that bother me, but i can understand some old fashion older guys would prefer that. But you have to take into consideration its winter, its cold, they come out of there cloaths and put them back on many times a night. I would say you will have more chance to get what you want seeing high price indies.

As for the "alternative look" well usually you can know this by reviews. I will admit the recent years haircut style are not my favorite, im a sucker for old school shoulder/back long hair and im not too fond of over tatooing or percing but even as i say that one of my all time favorite had many tatoos... so always depend on the girl.

But ill give you one thing, arm pit hair SHOULD BE DISCLOSED before a booking for sure. Its something that would make me highly uncomfortable and i wish i would be able to notice it before time has passed too much so its still possible to cancel. Its simple, to me a women must look feminine and exept on her head there shouldn't be much body hair anywhere. As i said a couple time i don't mind a "stripe" or a "V" well groomed but thats about it. Nothing beat a clean smooth laser done pussy. But ultimately i think i could "live" more with a bit more hairy (as long as its not a forest) downstair than arm pit. It may be psychological and i know it does not change her service or face beauty etc, but to me its a killer.

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
What do your girls think about clients seeing you in shorts and sandals?
A lot of time, I think SPs should pay me, instead I pay her for the encounter :fencing::doh:

That doesnt compare to a pair of sexy tight jeans during winter with a sexy top and full makeup (which I always do my makeup lol)... I think its a little selfish to expect girls to wear skirts at -20 and catch a cold just because you want a slutty hooker knocking at your door haha...

(To answer : if you show up at my door with shorts and sandals at -20 I'm probably sending you home because I dont want to catch your cold hahaha, during summer I dont care)

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
No youre paying for a service not for the girl to catch a cold and be unable to work for days. Outfit request is fine and I would even accept it, I love dressing up. I just think summer attire shouldnt be expected from every girl during winter in Canada and I think jeans or yoga pants or whatever should be acceptable as long as theyre sexy and the girl puts effort into makeup and the rest of her outfit..

Some seem to think escorts are not human... news flash we feel the cold too... And girls generally feel it more than men btw... Not to say I never wear dresses during winter (I do, but not as often as in the summer) but it shouldnt be expected IMHO. :)

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
Some seem to think escorts are not human... news flash we feel the cold too... And girls generally feel it more than men btw... Not to say I never wear dresses during winter (I do, but not as often as in the summer) but it shouldnt be expected IMHO. :)

I work in corporate America where the suit and tie is standard. I am a human. If for some reason this is not enough for the weather I adapt. Maybe I bring clothing in a gym bag and change when I get to work. Either way I'm expected to show up dressed and ready for work, that's what they pay me for. No different for an SP IMHO.

No youre paying for a service not for the girl to catch a cold and be unable to work for days:)

Not wearing enough clothing is not how you catch a cold.

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
And I never said I would refuse. I said it should not be expected and pants can be sexy. (Girl in ugly dress with no makeup vs girl in pants with a sexy shirt and makeup?)

(To the other guy : ah sorry, pardon my french if cold isnt the right one. But we can definitely get sick from wearing a short skirt at -20. Glad you never experienced it because you never wore a skirt at -20. Your suit is warmer than my skirts. Cold weather doesnt make people sick but it weakens the immune system, therefore making people more vulnerable to illness)

I dont like communicating when someone only reads half of what I say so lets end it there xx


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I think its a little selfish to expect girls to wear skirts at -20 and catch a cold just because you want a slutty hooker knocking at your door haha...
I do not want a slutty hooker showing up. That's the point. I want a girl coming over that looks like she is dressed up for a date with the opposite sex.

I think it sounds a little entitled to think a girl that is trading companionship for a fee should be able to show up however she wants to.

...a pair of sexy tight jeans during winter with a sexy top and full makeup

Sounds nice for a casual date and if this is you that's great. I prefer how Gabrielle Garnier showed up in a short dress in heels like she was going to a cocktail party. She accessorized. I could smell her beauty like a bouquet (perfume). She wore tights underneath because of the weather and she had on a long winter coat. She immediately removed the tights upon entering my room at the Hilton Garden Inn. She went way overboard with the lingerie but I appreciated every outfit and every item of lingerie and every little attention to detail.

I used to love the parties because the girls would show up dressed like they were going to their high school reunion. Tiffany, Just Olivia, Nicky, and so many others that I sessioned with at the parties were dressed so hot.

I have never had a bad meeting with a girl that arrived dressed sexy like Gabrielle or any of the party girls. I've had good dates with girls dressed down too but usually, girls that dress the part (HDH) convey a message and they perform.

You just reminded me of a quote from Tiffany at GG7. Go to the other thread.

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
"If thats you"

No, I wore pants to appointments less than 5x in 3 years actually hahah, like I said none of you actually read my posts (I did say multiple times that personally I am ok with outfit requests) so stop replying...


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
GreatWaloo, I am sure you have noticed that fewer and fewer “professionals” wear a suit and tie every day. A person seeing you walk down the sidewalk is more likely to guess what you do for a living than 10-20 years ago, where about 25 percent of the guys walking down the sidewalk of a major city during the workday had a suit and tie on. Now it is like 5 percent, if that.

This is true Patron, but my point was more about what is expected to wear as opposed to what 5% of the people are doing. Showing up in flip flops and shorts to my job would mean that I don't have a job anymore.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I second Mike's very great post here. You nailed it. I am one of the older guys and I answer the door usually in a sport's coat or a nice long sleeved dress-shirt similarly like when I show up to meet with client of whom I want their business.

There is a twitter post that all the girls are forwarding about men answering the door in a towel. I once opened the door wearing a robe because she came so early but I always try to do my part and not scare her away. I usually have wine or her favorite drink and maybe chocolates etc...I rent in nice hotel and the bed is made with clean sheets and there is no mess...


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Patron I remember last Spring I am in the elevator in Vancouver and hop in at the last second a super spinner blond dressed in short classy sexy skirt. Smiled at her and instantly we both knew exactly what she was in for. Unfortunately I could not talk to her as I had just gulp down one of these polish garlic street giant hot dog walking from the train station to my hotel... Bad timing haha Anyhow we smiled at each other and as she walked out the door I simply said "Sexy as can be!" she turned back with a huge smile while the elevator door closed. The thing is facially she was about a 7. With her easy smile, hot body and manners I instantly would have given her a 10!

Now back to original OP I still think that if he clearly saw 8 ugly girls in a row in Montreal and if he was prompted to write such a long post to elaborate it I think he should first and foremost look at himself in a mirror. Sometimes looking at yourself, asking question, trying to find out how come you ended up like this will give him some answers. And I am no saying this in any negative way. Perhaps he is rich dude who is now only attracted to facially perfect superficial bimbo. Nothing wrong with that. One was elected in the WH haha

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