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The Super Bowl XLII Poll: Who Will Win?

Who will win Super Bowl XLII

  • The New England Patriots: they are just too talented.

    Votes: 32 62.7%
  • The New York Giants: they are tough, they could do it.

    Votes: 19 37.3%

  • Total voters

Ben Dover

Jun 25, 2006
I am going to enjoy collecting on ALL of my bets this year :) Credit where credit's due to all of us who got this one right... Ok so I said the Giants would win by 4.... well 3's good enough for me :D I wish all super bowls could be as exciting as that one... great game!



Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Joe.t said:
Fenway Park beats Yankersville.:p
Hey Joe.t,

WHOA BABY!...hold the presses. You Joe.t...liking a bunch of trash talking bullshit blowhards. Who would have thought it. Is that you still voting after the honor.

Blow on, :D:D:D

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New Member
Jan 24, 2006
If the shoes fits.

Special K said:
Who are you? Have we seen you around here before...Didn't think so.

First off, Pats wagoneers...Yea, been a Pats fan 38 years, that must make me a wagoneer. The other idiotic points you made were already addressed by someone with knowledge and are point on.

Grab a glove and get in the game if you want to talk shit pook. :rolleyes:

First of all did I say YOU are a band wagoneer? Did I mention anywhere on my blog that Special K the Pat's Wagoneers ? Let's face it there are more Pat's Jerseys now then ever. Where are all these fools when the Pats suck.
Second Like your head coach you are a bad loser. Where is the good sportsmanship and acknowledge the fact that they, The Giant, wants this more than you did. They showed up and played their hearts out. The better team won the game. Please don't give me excuses that the Pats defeated themselves. etc.. etc...ya di ya di ya da. Face the fact you showed up for the prom got bitch slap. If this was my team I would be a sore loser too I suppose. I'm a Pacs Fan we got our asses handed to us at home in Lambeau. We were not good enough to close the deal. So before you crown Brady as the best ever I don't recall Montanna losing any super bowl games.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
tex said:
great game....great commercials.....

Now that's it's over we could talk Baseball
A man after my own heart. Go Sox!!


New Member
Jan 24, 2006
Go Pac Go

So, not talking about who your team is? Or are you sitting next to some of them to WATCH the game? Yeah, I know. They are irrelevant.

Hold the BS,


It was a great game. Regardless of the irrelevant issue the Bottom line is this Feb 4th 2008 and the Lombardi trophy is not in Bean town Enough said.


New Member
Jan 24, 2006
More monday QB

Special K said:
Absolutely correct Korbel. 4th-10 and instead of attempting a 49 yard field goal they take a shot at that. Not a smart head coaching play at all.

The reason why your infamous "genius" head coach didn't kick the field goal is because he thought he could rub it in and run up the scores because of the " high scoring" machine that the Pats were.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Brady Abuse

I heard that including the 5 sacks, Brady was on the turf a total of 24 times. That is 19 hurries/knockdowns/pushdowns and 5 sacks. It is amazing that he put up even average stats, and did not turn the ball over at all. Note that on that last sack by Alford, who came through completely untouched on a "jailbreak" bullrush, Brady took a bonecrushing hit. So I give Brady credit for his toughness in not turning it over and in putting up decent stats, but a loss is a loss and he is now 3-1 as compared with 4-0 for Montana.

There is always next year for the Patriots. I would expect them to be very good again next year and likely preseason favorites in the AFC. The Giants will also be very good, although they need help in the secondary and more depth at WR.


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2003
Le Chabrol, Saint - Jacques
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Could it be that the reason the Patriots have been successful is because they have been cheating all these years(spy gate, plus the evidence has been destroyed), a well known senator wants to do a investigation, we might have a scandel on our hands like the soccer scandel in Italy from a couple of years ago and it would not suprise me.


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Joe.t said:
Could it be that the reason the Patriots have been successful is because they have been cheating all these years(spy gate, plus the evidence has been destroyed), a well known senator wants to do a investigation, we might have a scandel on our hands like the soccer scandel in Italy from a couple of years ago and it would not suprise me.
Hello Joe.t,

Well, now you've done it...raised yourself to assinine perfection. Not satisfied with the game you have to be piss on their victories too. What a sad little girl you are. One "well known Senator" also Red-baited thousands without proof and was censured from the Senate. So who are you kidding!

Diapers in aisle 4,

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New Member
Jan 24, 2006
Dont Diminish their achievments

Joe.t said:
Could it be that the reason the Patriots have been successful is because they have been cheating all these years(spy gate, plus the evidence has been destroyed), a well known senator wants to do a investigation, we might have a scandel on our hands like the soccer scandel in Italy from a couple of years ago and it would not suprise me.

Facts are there may be some improper conducts on the coaching staff. Bottom line is this . You stil have to play the game. Knowing what the plays are still will not make one perfect or imperfect. Tackles have to be made, catches have to be made and the amount of athletics has to be accounted for. As much as I bag them on the last couple of replies it is hard for any professional team to win as many games as they did. You have to remember everyone was gunning for them every week. There is only so much a coach can coach the team players have to execute.


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
pookiebear said:
Facts are there may be some improper conducts on the coaching staff. Bottom line is this . You stil have to play the game. Knowing what the plays are still will not make one perfect or imperfect. Tackles have to be made, catches have to be made and the amount of athletics has to be accounted for. As much as I bag them on the last couple of replies it is hard for any professional team to win as many games as they did. You have to remember everyone was gunning for them every week. There is only so much a coach can coach the team players have to execute.
Hello PB,

All of that is just too obvious for Joe.t. You have not been around long, but if you observe the coming baseball season and his responses you will realize these logical facts you provide are just irrelevant to him...The King of Hyperbole and Nonsense.

They call the wind...Joe.t,

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Special K

‹^› ‹(•¿•)› ‹^›
May 3, 2003
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pookiebear said:
The reason why your infamous "genius" head coach didn't kick the field goal is because he thought he could rub it in and run up the scores because of the " high scoring" machine that the Pats were.

You're a very misinformed person pook, very! Above could be the dumbest statement I've seen posted here so far in 2008.


New Member
Jan 24, 2006
To my special Friend

it's my opionion why your "genius" of a head coach did what he did. Hell if I was him I would admit to try running up the score rather than being a dumb ass and not take the points. Why didnt he let the kicker kick the field goal when he , the kicker, can clear the distance. I'm no football genius but everyone knows that when giving the opportunities you take the points. So when he went for it he's either stupid or aggorance. So who is he? a dumb ass or an arrogance ass ? The better team won the day, it's just that team is not your team.
Call 900-Idontgiveafuck or dial up The result at the end of the of the day is that your Pat were Losers and lost the game. I swear to God there is something in that water in the New England areas I have never heard of so much whinners in my life. The stupid Sox cursed yadiyadiyada. One would think that if they won a world series and a couple of superbowls the people would be happy and they would quit whinning. Facts are Giant shows up Pats didn't . They got punched in the mouth and are sore losers. Maybe LT was right "the Pats are a classless organization and it started with their coach." This win shows how Bellichick is a unlikeable loser and a classless guy. He can't even stand on the field for 1 sec. for the game to end. You may hate the Messenger Special K but in the end your Pats came up short and didn't have the intensity that it takes to win the big game. Did I studder ?


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Manning To Tyree

Both ESPN Sportscenter and Mike Golic have voted the Manning/Tyree play the #1 play in Super Bowl history. #2 was the Lynn Swann juggling catch from Bradshaw when the Steelers beat the Cowboys.
Jan 7, 2006
hell of a game!

i thought the Pats were gonna take it but the NY D made Brady their bitch.Always take the extra points no matter the score.ALWAYS!!!Belichick should have stayed on the field(leaving like that?i'm sorry BITCH move.)Manning manned-up,i swear everytime he snapped the ball i thought he would fuck up somehow.Boy came through though.Back to back Manning M.V.P's.That's impressive.

:cool: Mikey:cool:


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
pookiebear said:
Maybe he's a Yankee's fan lol

Hello Pookiebear,

Somehow Joe.t got drunk on Yanker pinstripes at the age of 14 and never grew up from there. I am sure he is from the Montreal area since he was able to show up at a GT with ease. But, he has the dreaded Nuu Yoika disease and thinks he is one of them. In any case, like a stunted gushing 14 year old, with a pinstripe sickness, he will look at any positive molecule of a stat of his team and call it the greatest thing since "Creation". Common terms are... "on fire" ..."unhittable"..."the greatest ever"...and all that for nothing more than his boys being able to put on matching shoes and carry a bat to the plate instead of out to the field. It would all be funny as hell if it wasn't so very SAAAAD! Oh yeah, he predicts things continuously and only gets it right because the odds get better with each failure, which are almost endless.

He's nuts,



Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
pookiebear said:
Call 900-Idontgiveafuck
Okay Pookie,

There, feel better. I mean that performance was as totally classless as you accused Special K of being. Clearly you like to talk the talk but can't walk the walk. It sure didn't take long for your colors to pour out...did it.

And I am tired of this "the better team won" shit. No they didn't. The team that won was the team that played with more intensity and had the better game plan. Look at Super Bowl 36 and tell me the Patriots were the better team overall against the Rams in that one...bullshit. We came with intensity and a better plan. The Giants wisely de-emphasized heavy pass coverage in favor of keeping Brady from planting his feet. That was the winning strategy. Still, it took the bonehead move by Bellichick of going for a first down on 4th and 13, instead of trying a field goal, or punting the Giants back into a corner. The field position the Giants got from that monumental blunder was key to their first touchdown after their defensive intensity gave them a chance. They were the Patriots of Super Bowl 36, but not the better team.

I think the real problem for the Patriots was just a bit of complacency. They are certainly one of the hardest working teams ever, and despite all the perceptions from the media, they are generally very down to earth. However, going 18-0 you can't help but have at least a tiny bit of complacency. It's inevitable. No matter how much you try to keep things real, being unbeaten instills overconfidence and denies that sense of real dynamic hunger to win because somehow it creeps in and you just start to believe you can't lose. The Patriots had that over the Rams in Super Bowl 36, and the Giants had that over the Patriots in Super Bowl 42. But did the better team win? Overall...NO! But they did it better when it meant the most. Of course, that's what counted.

Bronx cheers,

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Special K

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May 3, 2003
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pookiebear said:
Did I studder ?

No, but your spelling and punctuation really suck!

You really think the better team won that game? If so, as I said before, you're quite misinformed sportswise.

To get to your other points, Belichick made a mistake, in my opinion, of not going for the field goal from 49 yards out, does it mean he was being an arrogant asshole in trying to run up the score? Absolutely not, it means he doesn't have much faith in his kicker, big f'n deal. Should he have stayed on the sidelines until the last second ticked off, who gives a fuck??? He went out, congratulated the other coach and headed off the field, guess that makes him a poor sport, right? Everybody blows shit so out of proportion it's ridiculous.

Lastly, as for shit being in the NE water, it's that we're the most loyal and knowledgeable fans in all of sports, doesn't make us whiners, it makes us very informed, unlike others posting in this thread.

I'm done wasting my time on typical Hatriots here.


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2003
Le Chabrol, Saint - Jacques
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Not an ounce of Patriot hate in me, I actually love them to death because they made me $320.00, now what do I do with the coinage, see a SP for two hours or buy a ringside seat to the Serra vs ST.Pierre fight, decisions decisions.
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