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The Super Bowl XLII Poll: Who Will Win?

Who will win Super Bowl XLII

  • The New England Patriots: they are just too talented.

    Votes: 32 62.7%
  • The New York Giants: they are tough, they could do it.

    Votes: 19 37.3%

  • Total voters


New Member
Jan 24, 2006
How about this brief and to the point.

Game by game, as often the competition got better and better, the Pats were exposed for what they were : Weak at the critical line positions. Eventually, given its importance, they were demolished by that weakness: revealed through their inability either to protect Brady or to get to Manning. The result is that we now know the Pats as a highly imperfect team, and far from occupants of the Best Ever position: a position touted by TV, Pat's homers, and sport's columnist in order to hype the " best team ever " In the end the results speak for itself. Giants 17- Pats 14. I would suggest you give Football 101 lessons to your coach.

Special K

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May 3, 2003
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Special K said:
As I said before, I'm done dealing with people lacking severely in "Basic Sports knowledge 101" Yes, this would be you. Enjoy your Pack and look for the Pats in SB 43 next year. 5-2 Favorites already...what a surprise!

Evidently your listening skills are as poor as your grammatical ones Pook!


New Member
Jan 24, 2006
quit whinning

Sports 101 you punt the ball when you're on the 49 yard line and it's 4th and 13. This coming from a "genius" coach wow. How hard is that ? Like your coach you are a sore loser. Having no arguement about how your team choked you have to go off on some other tangent. Stick to the thread and admit it that your team sucks and it's not the perfect team you thought it was. Going on some stupid crusade regarding my grammar does not erase that the Pats are LOSERS. I would love nothing more for your Pats to go back to the superbowl and have another team bitch slap them so they can be a two-time loser and become the new Bills .
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Special K

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May 3, 2003
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Quit whinning? What's that supposed to mean?

pookiebear said:
Sports 101 you punt the ball when you're on the 49 yard line and it's 4th and 13.

You really are about as bright as a 5 watt bulb, aren't ya Pook?

pookiebear said:
Like your coach you are a sore loser. Having no arguement about how your team choked you have to go off on some other tangent. Stick to the thread and admit it that your team sucks and it's not the perfect team you thought it was.

Am I speaking English in this thread? I already told you why the better team lost that game. The Pats blew it, defensive breakdowns in the last drive, it happens. It does NOT make the Giants a better team than the Pats. I've watched the final drive umpteen times on video. More than once the Pats dropped very catchable interceptions lofted up by Manning. 99 out of 100 times they make those catches. Which part of that don't you understand. The Pats blew the game, the Giants got lucky, the END!! The better did NOT win the game and the Pats will never be the Bills, at least until they lose 3 more SB's! For the last time, I'm done responding to your blatant lack of reason!

johnhenrygalt said:
That wasn't the situation in the game.

Don't waste your time John, he's always right. :rolleyes:


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Special K said:
You really are about as bright as a 5 watt bulb, aren't ya Pook?

Am I speaking English in this thread? I already told you why the better team lost that game. The Pats blew it, defensive breakdowns in the last drive, it happens. It does NOT make the Giants a better team than the Pats. I've watched the final drive umpteen times on video. More than once the Pats dropped very catchable interceptions lofted up by Manning. 99 out of 100 times they make those catches. Which part of that don't you understand. The Pats blew the game, the Giants got lucky, the END!! The better did NOT win the game and the Pats will never be the Bills, at least until they lose 3 more SB's! For the last time, I'm done responding to your blatant lack of reason!

Don't waste your time John, he's always right. :rolleyes:
Hello Special K,

You are right. Why waste time on him when he has no credibility to speak of. Pookiebear and Longislander both showed up on this thread after the Super Bowl is over. While many of us who write here had the courage to take a stand all season long and take the hits like men, they only have the courage of skulking lurkers to appear and spout from hindsight. Now all of a sudden he is the spokesman for the Giants. Bandwagoning, especially after the championship game, is soooooo shameful. His first football post did not come until 02-04-2008, 09:16 AM the morning after the game. Ohhhhh bravo, way to stand up buddy. Since then he has had the hindsight courage to post 13 times. Looks like the result of the game gave him enough courage stop lurking.

Maybe good ole Pook can come over to the baseball thread now, and stand up with the rest of us before the season starts, instead of lurking until the last out of the year...if he has any guts.

Bronx cheers,

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Special K

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May 3, 2003
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Korbel said:
Maybe good ole Pook can come over to the baseball thread now, and stand up with the rest of us before the season starts, instead of lurking until for the last out of the year...if he has any guts.

Bronx cheers,


That's a Pook-free zone, just the way I like it.


New Member
Jan 24, 2006
Pats Homer

I never said anything about being the Giants Fan. I hated the Giants. Again my arguement for all you Pat homers is that when a good team beat your team " it's luck " when you beat other teams "it's skills". First and for most you play in a shitty division. Let's see Dolphins, Jets, and Bills. That's an automatic 6 games there. When the Colts, and the Jaguars clearly have a tougher schedule. Your team won 16 games I gave you that and it's an astonishment accomplishement. Something that we might not seen in a long time. It's a good season but not a perfect one. Read all my thread when in any of it did I say I was a Giants' fan or gonna be a Giants fan. I comment ,and I will repeat again, that your coach is an Idiot. (Something Special K didn't want to admit to.)
Your team was too arrogance and over confidence with the whole dynasty hoopla and didn't show up. I'm not going to be a super sport geek and break down every stats and play. You lost when it counts the most. You might be the better team going in but not the better team going out. ( You can believe if it makes you feel better.) But in the end you were not the Champion.:p
Special K didn't have any arguement about it and decides to attack my grammar when it's not about my grammer but about the Super Bowl XLII thread. FYI Korbel I would have pic the Pats to win, but I would not have pic for them to cover the spread. The lack of passion to put away teams in the last six or so games at the end of the season shows that they have weaknesses. I'm not on here to tout the Giants but to merely add my opinion in which Homer like Special K went on a personal vendetta because he couldnt answer some of my questions. For a bunch of intellectual New Englanders you guys are nothing more than cry babies and sore losers and as classless as your coach


New Member
Jan 24, 2006
Baseball Sucks

Special K said:
That's a Pook-free zone, just the way I like it.

Sorry Korbel Baseball sucks the big donkey dong. I don't have a patience for cheaters and the like that ruin the national pass time. Guess if you're not cheating your're not trying. ( Didn't someone said that about the Pats ? Doh.)
Besides my limitation is one whinny thread per board. ( Special K made sure of it. )
Think I now hate Boston fans as much as Yankee's Fan. I think it's something in the east coast that makes One whines like a little girl. Next time I'll come out I'll bring some cheese for all you whinners.:p
California Cheese it's da bomb. Good for ya chowda.


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
pookiebear said:
I'm not on here to tout the Giants but to merely add my opinion...
Hey PB,

You have been nothing more than a shameless vulture never participating until all was over...and offering NOTHING.




New Member
Jan 24, 2006
My sentiment exactly

I think that the above article is what most of everyone in the country feels about the Pats. If I logged on sooner Korbel I would have stated my opinion sooner. I would have pick the Pats to win but not cover the spread like I said in my previous post.
But Like I said earlier too, if my aunt has balls she would have been my uncle. The fact remains Pats' are not perfect and are Super Bowl 42 Losers.
Pat's fan have had 18 weeks of "in your face" attittude for everyone. And please do not say that your team and/or fans are humble about the situation. You loved it when you outscored and spank the Skins, and you were equally proud to rubbed it in and taunt the Chargers last year.
I have seen many interview with Brady stating that he wants to score as much as possible when they play agaisnt an opponent.
Burgess was right when he predicted a 23-17 outcome. But the Pats can't even score 3 more points.
Now they get bitch slap and you can't handle the agony of defeat. Like I said before Dial up -1-800- Waa-Waaa because I don't think any one is crying for or with you guys.
Don't hate the messenger.
BTW maybe Special K can spell check the grammar on this.
"Pats are Losers".


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Hey PB,

Sadly, we missed all of your wise football analysis until after the game when you found what passes for your courage to finally post. What a bitter little hater you are. You still have not even offered any real post-game analysis of what happened except for a bit of bluster and a lot of hate...which you boringly repeat. Is this your life now???



Special K

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May 3, 2003
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chercherfemmes said:
However, when asked about their favorite parts of the game, most fans chose the Patriots' cocky decision to begin the game with a trick play, which the Giants stopped handily; Bill Belichick's smug third-quarter attempt at a fourth-and-13 conversion, which blew up in his face, instead of trying a field goal;

Which quarter did this occur in? Yea, "The Onion", very well respected source of media.

pookiebear said:
BTW maybe Special K can spell check the grammar on this.
"Pats are Losers".

I'm flabbergasted! You must've used spell check for this Pookie because I was 99.9% certain you would've spelled that "Loosers". Kind of like the way you spell "Whinning" with two "n's" instead of the correct one. You almost spell it like "Winning" something the Pats have done 3 times since 2001 and the Pack hasn't done since...ahhh...sometime in the 90's anyway.

Regarding the rest of your ludicrous drivel, I'll just defer to the following..again.
Special K said:
The Pats blew the game, the Giants got lucky, the END!! The better team did NOT win the game and the Pats will never be the Bills, at least until they lose 3 more SB's! For the last time, I'm done responding to your blatant lack of reason!
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New Member
Jan 24, 2006
More On Pats Homer

I really dont know what to say. Korbel if you are going to call me out don't send me an email and tell me how lousy I'm and blah, blah, blah,
post it instead. It's shamelss that you call me out and not voice your opinion so that everyone can see how " great of a guy you are."
Special K until they change it to the Lombardi trophy don't talk to me about my Pacs and what we have accomplished. It wasnt that long when your team were the laughing stock of the NFL next to the Tampa Bucks. So what if your team won 3 Super Bowls in a span of the last 7years. Didn't the Steelers, Cowboys, and Niners did the same in their era ?
I made a point to state that your coach made a rookie mistake and going for it, which Special K agrees with me, and all of a sudden I have no clue on how football is being played ? Or I have no creditability because I posted late. Didn't I mentioned that I would have pick the Pats to win but not cover the point spread ? So because I haven't been on this board longer than the two of you it doesn't negate my opinion. Since when does longivity on this board gives you seniority to override other's opinion? This is not some virtual village and you guys are not the village elders.
The Point is your team was arrogance and every glad that you lost the game. I just made it known and voice my opinion about it and I'm the bad guy. Don't hate the messenger.
During this whole thread you didn't give the Giants any props for playing a good game, they pretty much shut the explosive Pats offense down during the whole game.
Come on guys you lost the biggest game and choaked at the time that you need it the most. So I didn't post before the Super Bowl big freaking deal, if I logged on I would have. Regardless of when and why I post the point has not change and your Pats didn't have the perfect season like you thought they would. So you are going to hate on me because I point out some very obvious reason why you lost.
I.E bad coaching decision, line didn't show up defense or offense , and over confidence. All in which you guys obviously can not or will not see, but rather to refer it to the "lucky Giants". Blowing a game is when one or two plays are given up and you beat yourself by stupid penalties and such. Getting knocked down, hurried and sack 20 times and getting shut down is an ass whooping. Not able to score when your average is 40 points a game is not showing up and getting punched in the mouth. Give props where it is due the Giant wants it more and in the end they are the champions.
Until you go on undefeated than there is only one undefeated team and that team is the 72 Dolphins. If you guys do it next year I will give props to the Pats as the greatest team ever. Until your Pats go undefeated and is the only king of the mountain, Pats are bridesmaid as similiar as all those teams in the past that lost one game.
The facts are the facts you guys lost the biggest game when it counts the most. No matter how much you hate on me or anyone else the 2208 Pats ae known as 18-1.
Don't make it personal because I'm not.:D
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Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2003
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Pssst!! Hey pookie I will let you in on a little secret, the Pats will not and I repeat "will not" even make the playoffs next year and you can take that to the bank(aging team, salary cap), I just hope that Korbel doesn't see this post because the poor boy tends to get all riled up when something negative is said about one of his teams.

Special K

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May 3, 2003
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Joe.t said:
Pssst!! Hey pookie I will let you in on a little secret, the Pats will not and I repeat "will not" even make the playoffs next year and you can take that to the bank(aging team, salary cap)

$160 says they do Joe.t, whaddya say? ;)


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
pookiebear said:
I really dont know what to say. Korbel if you are going to call me out don't send me an email and tell me how lousy I'm and blah, blah, blah,
post it instead.

Hey Pook,

First, it's a PM, not an email. Second, I have said everyhting to you publicly in posts that I said in it. Only I was more blunt. Don't like it...cry me river Mr. Bandwagon Vulture. Once again, you were a coward all year. Now you persist in you shameless hate.

Move on,



Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Joe.t said:
Pssst!! Hey pookie I will let you in on a little secret, the Pats will not and I repeat "will not" even make the playoffs next year and you can take that to the bank(aging team, salary cap).

Hey Joe.t,

You gotta be dumber than even Rumples thinks to say that. Please put me in for $160 of that bet...if you have the guts.


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