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The Super Bowl XLII Poll: Who Will Win?

Who will win Super Bowl XLII

  • The New England Patriots: they are just too talented.

    Votes: 32 62.7%
  • The New York Giants: they are tough, they could do it.

    Votes: 19 37.3%

  • Total voters


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Joe.t said:

Joe.t said:
Rule number 1 in betting is never bet on a team where your heart is involved.
Hello Joe.t,

Thanks. There won't be any trade off bets after this. When you lose I expect to be paid. If you think anybody in that division is going to beat the Patriots you are out of your mind. Another team is going to need 12 wins to beat them...if that's enough. AIN'T HAPPENING!


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Jun 20, 2003
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Korbel said:
Hello Joe.t,

Thanks. There won't be any trade off bets after this. When you lose I expect to be paid. If you think anybody in that division is going to beat the Patriots you are out of your mind.


Don't worry Korbie, of course there is a high risk for me of you turning out to be a welcher giving your history of being a sore loser.:eek:


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Joe.t said:
Don't worry Korbie, of course there is a high risk for me of you turning out to be a welcher giving your history of being a sore loser.:eek:
Hey Joe.t,

You know, you are quite a FA when you want to be. You have no honor in your choice of labels regarding your accusations against Ortiz and Ramirez without one shred of evidence...even hearsay crap. So you are consistently without one shred of honor here with this label since I have never bet anywhere on the board or any board before. Will you get some honor when you have to pay??? We shall see. Either way I nominate Rumples to collect when the time comes to confirm the fulfillment of the bet...if he agrees.

No excuses,

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New Member
Jan 24, 2006
Me a Giants Fan ?

I think not. I hate the Giants. Come to think of it I hate the whole East Coast thing. It's freaking cold the people are so up tight if it wasnt for Quebec I would have sink the whole damn East coast myself.
Giant Band wagon ? HELL NO. I would rather see the lowly Dolphins win next year then to see the Giant repeat. I think Eli is an ass to be honest with you. San Diego wanted him but he thinks he's too good to play in San Diego. I think guys like him take away from the whole draft system by dictating where they will or won't play,which is unfair.
You're right Korbel about the Pats winning their division I don't see anyone giving them a run for their money at for at least 3-4 years. Dolphins are rebuilding and it's at least a 3-4 year process. The J-E-T-S also L-O-S-E-R-S. and of course the infamous Bills. They need to move them to LA or something because they have been sucking since Jim Kelly era, and of course we know that franchise is clearly spectacular in not being able to close deals.
Oh BTW New York Suck ass too.:D Regardless if it's Giants or Jets.
I'm so glad we don't have a football team in LA. Of course LA are known for being fair weather fans we are the only state that will give you home field advantage when you're a visiting team. :p
That's why I go with the Pacs. Ya we blew it this year but heck we didn't even expect the team to make it to the play off so for us it's a big accomplishment.
Maybe we'll get Randy Moss for next year.:D


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Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
pookiebear said:
That's why I go with the Pacs. Ya we blew it this year but heck we didn't even expect the team to make it to the play off so for us it's a big accomplishment.
Hey Pook,

Question: will you have the guts to participate all year next year, or do you only have courage after the Super Bowl?'ve got a lot of mouth after your team choked against the Giants at home ...bwahahahahahaha! You hid under a rock and was nowhere to be found at the time...huh.




New Member
Jan 24, 2006
Choaker ???

Question: will you have the guts to participate all year next year, or do you only have courage after the Super Bowl?'ve got a lot of mouth after your team choked against the Giants at home ...bwahahahahahaha! You hid under a rock and was nowhere to be found at the time...huh.



We didn't show up to play the game I will give you that. We got punked at home and got bitch slapped like an ugly red head. The only different between the Pacs vs. the Pats is that we didn't go for a perfect season. We choaked and only a hand full of G-Force faithfull saw it, you Choaked and 15 millions and how many countries seen it ?
We didn't profess to be perfect nor did we were arrogance enough to say we were the best team ever. We choaked, I give you that, but the Pats were supposed to have an explosive offense and the Pats were supposed to dethrone the 72's Dolphins this year. ( me think me hear silence in the background.) So given all that who is the biggest choaker this year ? I think you are still sniffing on those victories on the 18 games and wanting it to be 19-0. In the end no matter whose side I'm on which team I favors the Patriots are not the Champs but a bunch of Chumps hoping and wishing for a perfect season. Chalk up another one for the Beaner's curse or bad luck or whatever excuse you want to use.
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New Member
Jan 24, 2006
It's skill according to tha Pats Homers.

Joe.t said:

Give it up Joe, It's skills when the Pats win, when any one else wins it's luck. Like I said earlier of you ain't cheating then you ain't trying .:D But of course the fines and the loss of the first round draft picks don't bother the Pats homer any. It's business as usual with them.


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Hey JoePook,

Well DUH! The fact that Belichick has been taping games came out in September. Have you two been on the moon, or are your reading classes just starting to pay off...LOL!

Now no excuses Josey. You knew all of this when you made the bet.

Old news,

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johnhenrygalt said:
LOL, a Senator from Pennsylvania (home of the Steelers and Eagles) mouths off in an election year (although he himself is not up for election) and that makes the allegation "official"? You live in a strange world.
Huh?, you wouldn't be related to Korbel by any chance now would you?:rolleyes:, what does the first couple of sentence's in the fox report say?, It is clear cut to me unless you are calling Specter and Goodell liars.
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Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Joe.t said:
Thanks Korbie, to know that I am looked at in such high regard from people makes me a proud man, thanks good buddie, you're one of the good ones, toodles.:)
Hey sweetie,

No problem JoeGG,


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New Member
Jan 24, 2006
Korbel & Special K is this the memo you got ?

In Nicaragua, it appears the New England Patriots did beat Giants in Super Bowl

February 15, 2008
MANAGUA, Nicaragua (AP) -- The New England Patriots won the Super Bowl and ended the season with a perfect 19-0 record -- at least it looks that way in Nicaragua.
The NFL donated 290 Patriots hats and an equal number of team jerseys trumpeting the slogans "Super Bowl Champions, 19-0" to impoverished children from two small communities in southern Nicaragua.
Thursday's gifts could not change history -- the Patriots lost the Feb. 3 game to the New York Giants 17-14 -- but they made a lot of youngsters in the communities of San Gregorio and Buena Vista very happy, said Miriam Diaz, spokeswoman for the humanitarian organization World Vision, which arranged the donation with the NFL.

"They (Patriots) lost, but the children won," Diaz said.
The only "football" most of the children know is soccer, but they were very enthusiastic about the U.S. version of the game once the rules were explained to them, she said.
"They were very happy to receive the hats and jerseys," Diaz said. "They said they did not expect such a surprise."
Neither did the Patriots.



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Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Joe.G said:;jsessionid=979D60B1B8947F461C0C13B2A2A66ADA?id=09000d5d806b4b59&template=

Could the Mitchell Report lead to the Yankees into having to forfeit their World Series wins that they won by cheating because their palyers used steroids and could a "Specter report" be next?.

I think that this will get huge and ugly, I expect JoeG will be crying a river before the 08 season starts.

Hey JoeGG,

Should the Yankers forfeit their rings for all the identified steroid users who played for them during years.


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sources from

If these explanation's do not work for you then I will have lost all hope for you Korbie.

PS- If there is someone else that can reason with Korbel and somehow get it through his thick whining head what the difference is between legal and illegal you will get two free lap dance's at Cleo's from me, I doubt that there is anybody alive that can do it as I am bone tired from trying:(, remember two free lap dances and I don't care who the dancer is.
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Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Joe.t said:
Hello Joe.G,

You using a you have it open maybe you can spell "credibility"..."integrity"..."libel"..."slander"??? I never said any Yanker did anything illegal. My purpose was to show the foolishness of your silly posts. Obviously neither the Yankers or the Patriots will lose their achievements. But, clearly a lost soul like you hasn't fathomed the meaning of integrity. Whether legal or illegal...rules or no rules at the time...using steroids or HGH was and is a cheat. That fact was finally recognized when the MLB offcially banned the substances. Just because it wasn't officially banned before doesn't mean it wasn't unethical.

If you are so concerned with ethical subtleties you would never have accused anyone of violating the rules or laws without one shred of evidence or even hearsay. But you libel and slander without a molecule of integrity, thus destroying your credibility. You babble about the violations by Belichick, but avoid the baseball thread and the Clemens hearing. Then realizing how foolish your bet about the Patriots not making the playoffs next year try to taint the issue with childish baiting tactics by trying to label someone who has never made a bet on any board previously as a "welcher" Well...none of this is a surprise coming from Joe.G. Please no excuses little one.

Pat pat pat on the head silly boy,

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Jun 20, 2003
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Reasons why the dirty cheating Patroits won't make the playoffs

1.Next to nothing in cap space, will only be able to sign one superstar(Moss).
2.Brady and Moss had record breaking years which they will not be able to repeat.
3.The defence is old and will fall apart, Harrison who is the greatest safety to ever play the game will be 38 and his age will show, Seau, Bruschi and Vrabel are also on the wrong side of 30.
4.Samuel one of best corner's in the NFL is gone and the Pats will miss him big time, Gay could also be gone.
5.Spygate seems to get bigger and bigger and I wouldn't be surprised to see pressure for Belicheat to resign at some point.


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