Trudeau is giving immigration to the retired parents of recent immigrants which is a kind of oxymoron because you bring more people who are retired and will put more pressure on the healthcare system. They will get OAS and healthcare. Under Harper they retired parents of recent immigrants got super visa and they had to provide proof of getting health insurance before being able to come here but would not benefit from OAS and universal healthcare which was the right decision to do. And as someone else mentioned, Canada is the worst about this is they have a lot of red tape and often recent immigrants with skills need to redo their school because they are old they need Canadian experience. In Quebec, the government forces new doctors to do their residencies in the regions, many do not want to live in the middle of nowhere so they tend to move elsewhere usually to the US which has no such restrictions and pays double the salaries in Canada.Not at all. In an interview I saw on tv recently, he suggested higher immigration rates will help the health system with new doctors. We know doctors represent a tiny fraction of immigrants, and when they come there are a lot of barriers to prevent them from working (like the ones from the College des Medecins, a very powerful lobby). When asked about lowering the immigration rates, he responded with a vague threat, that he is considering even higher rates....
Resign and move to the Ukraine, take Biden with him.What Trudeau should do.
What industry? He can start by opening the competition for airlines and telecoms, unless you are thrilled with the customer service from Air Canada or Bell...One month ago Trudeau promised that food prices will stabilize by Thanksgiving. Well Toronto supermarkets are charging $120 Turkeys ahead of Thanksgiving. That is the Trudeau moto, promise everything, deliver nothing and blame someone else. When you impose a carbon on the farmer who grows the food and the trucker who ships the food, you end up taxing all that buy the food. Is that why he needs to so he can take luxury vacations? After 8 years of Trudeau, we seen the fastest rising interest rates, Canadians are the most in debt of all G7 countries. I hear a 3 1/2 apartment in Toronto is running for $2400 a month! Trudeau has an addiction to spending, he cannot stop spending and keeps on borrowing.
Price freezes, discounts on pantry items among grocery stabilization efforts coming 'soon': minister
Canadians frustrated by their food bills will 'soon' start to see the big grocers taking action to address prices, including price freezes and price-matching campaigns, Industry Minister Francois-Philippe Champagne announced Thursday, providing an update on what he is calling the '
I said some years ago that Trudeau is a communist. Well here it is, industry minister Francois-Phillippe Champagne just announced their big plan: Venezuela style prices freezes - grocers will have to freeze grocery prices. According to Champagne, grocery stores will be forced to provide "aggressive discounts across a basket of key food products". The Liberals are also creating a grocery task force which will monitor grocery store compliance and ensure that they are not engaging in shrinkflation. So instead of lowering prices by removing the carbon tax and others taxes, by shutting down mass immigration, the Liberals will ban grocery stores from charging the market price for their products. What happens when you artificially lower prices while simultaneously increasing demand by mass immigration? That is a double whamming. In Venezuela, when the government tried this (btw they did not have mass immigration like Canada), what happened is that store shelves went empty and many grocery stores closed down, making it harder then ever for Venezuelans to feed themselves. Many on this board went to Cuba and knows the effect when government controls manufacturing and distribution. The basic toiletries are in shortage. What will happen slowly by slowly there will be shortages of the basic necessities in Caanda. Remember half empty stores shelves in 2020, that is what awaits us. Trudeau continues to bring in so many immigrants, this is a time bomb waiting to explode, frozen prices with artificially increasing demand. Remember you guys that voted Liberal asked for this. Slowly by slowly, day by day Canada march towards Communism.
What Trudeau should do.
- Abolish the carbon tax thats making everything more expensive
- Shut down mass immigration which is keeping inflation up with artificially increasing demand
- Cut spending and bring Canada back to a balanced budget like we had with Harper (remember Canada before Trudeau? Also no more free hotels for refugees. Send them all back. We cannot pay for everyone or save anyone. No more wasting taxpayers money to send it to Ukraine. That is not our war.)
- Deregulate the industry to allow for more competition
That too and do not forget about the dairy cartel.What industry? He can start by opening the competition for airlines and telecoms, unless you are thrilled with the customer service from Air Canada or Bell...
The dairy cartel should also be changed in Canada.What industry? He can start by opening the competition for airlines and telecoms, unless you are thrilled with the customer service from Air Canada or Bell...
I'm no fan of the Conservatives but it's because of PP. If they had someone even HALF decent I wouldn't mind them, but any party that would elect someone like PP as their leader has shown that they have no judgment, no scruples and no self-respect.
Trudeau is certainly no hero. Can't argue with you on that. But PP? Come on! He makes even Trudeau look like a saint! I can't think of even a single Canadian who'd be scarier as PM than PP. In fairness to PP though, I'll admit that there are many American politicians even worse than he is and they're all in the GOP.
Trudeau signs a free trade agreement with the corrupt Ukraine and pisses off India who is the world leader in economic recovery. Two swines who should not be in power, one begs for money the other throws it around.Trudeau is corrupt to the max..
It is really funny to read you commenting on silly comment... You can't even respond in the proper thread. (My post was not published in this thread). Stop jumping all around and repeating the same arguments over and over! We know you hate Trudeau, that is the only thing which is obvious in your post. Don't you have anything original to post? Maybe you should think about taking a break in posting the same weird ideas over, over and over. Of course you do what you think is the best to express your FreeDumb.@Like_It_Hot
In response to your silly Poilievre comment, under Justin Trudeau, the Liberal party brand is being destroyed across the country (The Liberal party of Canada has turned into the Socialist Party of Canada under Justin Trudeau). The Liberals in Manitoba just suffered a crushing defeat, winning only one seat out of 57 under their leader Dougald Lamont. But it is just the latest provincial defeat for the Liberal brand. It is part of a trend of Liberal parties loosing provincial relevance across Canada.
Of the 729 provincial seats in Canada, just 125 of them, a little more then 71% are controlled by politicians who ran under a Liberal banner.
About the 71%, it was a typo, with the keyboard I have I often make typos. I meant to say 17%. I will correct it.It is really funny to read you commenting on silly comment... You can't even respond in the proper thread. (My post was not published in this thread). Stop jumping all around and repeating the same arguments over and over! We know you hate Trudeau, that is the only thing which is obvious in your post. Don't you have anything original to post? Maybe you should think about taking a break in posting the same weird ideas over, over and over. Of course you do what you think is the best to express your FreeDumb.
Your last weirdo comment was: "Of the 729 provincial seats in Canada, just 125 of them, a little more then 71% are controlled by politicians who ran under a Liberal banner.' Again you failed your math classes. According to your numbers 125/729 implies 71%... in fact 125/729 means 17%. Please reread yourself before posting. you are losing the small credibility that you might have.
Anyway Trudeau is still PM, has no criminal record and calling names as socialist, communist, etc. don't give any value to your faint arguments.
You also wrote: "The Liberals in Manitoba just suffered a crushing defeat". The Conservative Party lost the match in Manitoba, the Liberal Party was not even in the race. Stop watching the tree and try to understand the forest. But to do that you should take a step back and I am not sure you are able to do so.
Ok blame it on your device, blame your keyboard. With all the things you publish, you should know where the keys are...About the 71%, it was a typo, with the keyboard I have I often make typos. I meant to say 17%. I will correct it.