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The Trudeau Crime Family


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2021
@purplem I see you are an admirer of Socialism.

Trudeau is the worst kind of sleazeball in existence. Trudeau is driving everyone to poverty with higher taxes and mass immigration. During the trip Trudeau took to attend the Queen's funeral, he stayed in the most expensive hotel in London that costed taxpayers $6000 a night while Canadians face the highest inflation in 40 years (created by Trudeau's Socialist policies and a fake covid pandemic) called Justinflation. That is a slap on the face to ordinary Canadians. Trudeau sure is trying his best to live the legacy of Fidel Castro. Trudeau must pay that back. This is why Trudeau wants to remain in power at any cost.

Hey Cloud, We get it. You hate JT. So vote the Liberal party out of office or vote him out as leader of the Liberals. At least Canada, unlike the USA, is still a democracy.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017
Hey Cloud, We get it. You hate JT. So vote the Liberal party out of office or vote him out as leader of the Liberals. At least Canada, unlike the USA, is still a democracy.
Trudeau want to overview how the Provinces spend the money transfered by the Federal.
The transfers that was cut time and time again.
From a government that isn't able to pay his own employes, to manage the passeports, the immigration, I think it is insulting !


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Mar 22, 2022
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Hey Cloud, We get it. You hate JT. So vote the Liberal party out of office or vote him out as leader of the Liberals. At least Canada, unlike the USA, is still a democracy.
You got a weird version of what democracy is. Trudeau formed a socialist coup with the NDP (both sleazeballs trying to save their own tails) so he can remain in power otherwise Trudeau would have been removed a long time ago for incompetence. Plus he keeps on increasing his mass immigration quota (even though rents are so high and the price of houses are so high. The dream for young Canadians to own a home will remain a dream) just so he can remain in power. How is that because the more immigrants he brings, the more control he has of parliament. They will all vote for him because they want all their families to come here. He brings so many asylum seekers and gives them a free hotel and monthly paychecks (payed for by taxpayers) meanwhile homeless in Canada are living in the streets with no place to go. Why? Because they are quickly given permanent residence so they are able to vote and guess what it all goes to Trudeau. He is a power hungry greedy POS. Trudeau hijacked democracy. I am not sure if you understand or are just blind. Canada has no protection against Communist governments taking over like in the US, no prime minister should run for more then two terms. We got some Socialist lovers bashing Trump all day, with several threads, I see you make no mention of them.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
What hypocricy Omfg??!!

Justin Trudeau to become 1st world leader to appear in ‘Drag Race’ franchise22 hours ago

Anyone remember the attempt to expropriate club Cleopatra?
Unelected foundation "Société de développement Angus" with their "good for society projects"

Café Cléopâtre a beacon of sin from Montreal's wild, wicked past › article37281176

So Trudeau is now wild and wicked? He gonna get expropriated? No. Of course not.
Trudeau is the king of hypocrisy. With the housing crisis, runaway inflation, so many homeless, high energy prices (created by Trudeau with his carbon tax), I think these are more important things for a prime minister to tackle, not to have fame and take selfies.


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2021
You got a weird version of what democracy is. Trudeau formed a socialist coup with the NDP (both sleazeballs trying to save their own tails) so he can remain in power otherwise Trudeau would have been removed a long time ago for incompetence. Plus he keeps on increasing his mass immigration quota (even though rents are so high and the price of houses are so high. The dream for young Canadians to own a home will remain a dream) just so he can remain in power. How is that because the more immigrants he brings, the more control he has of parliament. They will all vote for him because they want all their families to come here. He brings so many asylum seekers and gives them a free hotel and monthly paychecks (payed for by taxpayers) meanwhile homeless in Canada are living in the streets with no place to go. Why? Because they are quickly given permanent residence so they are able to vote and guess what it all goes to Trudeau. He is a power hungry greedy POS. Trudeau hijacked democracy. I am not sure if you understand or are just blind. Canada has no protection against Communist governments taking over like in the US, no prime minister should run for more then two terms. We got some Socialist lovers bashing Trump all day, with several threads, I see you make no mention of them.
My points are 1) if JT is as horrific as you incessantly portray him, you have the ability to vote him out of office, and 2) if JT is voted out he will not claim the election was rigged and try to stay in power illegally as is the case in US. Canada is still a democracy. Embrace and defend your democracy and resist being so hyperpartisan and tribal . Hyperpartisanship and tribalism will destroy your democracy as it has done in the US. Unfortunately, the US is no longer a democracy because Republicans will only accept the results of elections that they win and consider Democrats as enemies and threats and not as fellow Americans who love their country equally.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Unfortunately, the US is no longer a democracy because Republicans will only accept the results of elections that they win and consider Democrats as enemies and threats and not as fellow Americans who love their country equally.
Different strategy, same results. You see what you want to see. Canada has the same issue. The Liberals formed a coalition with the NDP, a Socialist coup. This way Trudeau remains in power and Singh saves his job. Any motion to remove Trudeau will fail since Singh keeps on propping up Trudeau. Democracy is already hijacked.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Les ÉLECTEURS will remove TRUDEAU if they decide to.....and if he is still on the ballot... ;) ....and it's to your dear PC leader de faire ses preuves d"ici next elections.....that"s the way our democracy it or not....;)BUT we have one of the best --if not the best--electoral system in the world....;););).


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Not sure what imaginary world you live in. It was tried twice to remove Trudeau for incompetency but Singh propped him up each time. Now the Socialist coup ensures Trudeau remains in power till 2025. Canada's democracy is flawed, in a perfect democracy no prime minister should be allowed to run for more then two terms. There is a reason such a thing was passed in the US.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
I feel very good in the world am living in.....oui nous avons nos problèmes et défis ---comme toutes les autres démocraties---mais nous avons ici----quoique l'on dise--une qualité de vie ready again and again for your continual ;)
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
At your age, I can see why you say that. But for the younger generation, the perspective changes. The quality of life is going down fast (not so exceptional anymore for those looking to own a single detached home), thanks to the Socialist policies of Trudeau.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Hum...i have younger generation all around me----famille and coworkers--- and they enjoy their living too........and for those for whom times are bad....not sure it would b better ailleurs ;) ....quite sure they would not move somewhere else...;)


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2021
Different strategy, same results. You see what you want to see. Canada has the same issue. The Liberals formed a coalition with the NDP, a Socialist coup. This way Trudeau remains in power and Singh saves his job. Any motion to remove Trudeau will fail since Singh keeps on propping up Trudeau. Democracy is already hijacked.
I understand what you're saying - I just don't agree with you. No need for insults or captious remarks. You see your democracy as highjacked and I see your democracy as working as it's designed. It's just not working as you'd like so you see it as failing. That's myopic. To compare the functioning Canadian democracy with the failed American democracy is a false equivalence. I envy what you have in Canada, imperfect as it may be. I hope you don't fuck it up like we have in the states.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
I always said covid was a scam because it was nothing more but a money making scheme and to satisfy politicians need for power. Covid mandates were pushed the most leftist politicians. In the US we see the big disparity between Democratic and Republican states. Inflation is now the talk and it is caused by the government with forced covid mandates and then excessive spending on social benefits and covid spending. See inflation works to the advantage of the government and big business. Anyone who understands economics would know this, I would not expect Liberal voters to understand. How the government benefits is they make a lot more money when inflation goes up. How may you ask? Well...

Many say that inflation is a hidden tax but it is also a visible tax. If your cost of living increases by 10% but your salary increases by 10% you might think this is a fair trade off. It is not. The progressive tax system ensures that a significant percentage of these gains are taxed.

Roughly 50% of the Canadian economy is taxed (these figures differ from province to province, and municipality to municipality but they all hover around 50%). However, with income taxes, property taxes, sales taxes, corporate taxes, a 10% increase in cost of living is not offset by a 10% increase in salary, as 5% has gone to taxes.

Through income increases inflation often pumps taxpayers into higher brackets. In layman terms, with inflation as your salary increases you get taxed more because you end up falling into a higher income bracket due to inflation. Another scam of the far-left.

The fatuity of Trudeau saying, “We took on debt so Canadians did not have to” is rooted in several things; chief among them is that many Canadians are taking on debt to combat the absurd cost of living. Horrifyingly, Canadians are taking on debt at a time of rising interest rates. Budgets calculated today do not reflect tomorrow’s realities.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Justin Trudeau's crave for Power:

With bill C-11 giving the federal government the power to regulate free speech we must keep in mind a few other measures. He supported Nineteen Eighty Four level government spy programs. He is taking away citizens ability to meaningfully defend themselves. He took away parental choice for fitness and arts and replaced them with Liberal programs. He put in a Liberal installed panel to determine which news outlets thrive and which fall. He brought in arbitrary use of the Extreme Measures Act.

Equally concerning is his removal of Jody Wilson-Raybould. When the WE charity scandal broke, we saw nearly half a billion dollars being funneled through a real estate shell company. The RCMP did not do a public investigation even after parliament received blacked out and redacted documents.
I remembered when the minister of justice did not conform to Trudeau’s wishes, he got rid of her. Shockingly, Trudeau is eliminating the lines between justice and the legislature.

He has not got a shred of ethics, we saw that with the Saudi Arms Deal - it is highly unethical to sell weapons to anybody we think might use them for immoral purposes, let alone to an entire country committing genocide with them.
Then comes his bizarre praise Fidel Castro. Castro is a communist who had homosexuals and pastors lined up and shot and Trudeau admired him. Trudeau is much more dictatorial than we realize and actually admires that extent of control.

All of this is coupled with his admiration for China’s basic dictatorship. He does not have discernable ethical constraints, he is amassing absurd levels of power to the Canadian executive branch. He is controlling the minister of justice.
The absolute least that could be said about all of this, the bare minimum, is that Trudeau has no plans for furthering tyranny, but he is amply laid the foundations for a 1984 style rule if someone else comes along and wishes to do so. He merely needs to earn the trust of 32% of Canadian people and we will not have the capacity to get him out of our lives.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
About securing his 32%, Trudeau found a formula that works, mass immigration. It is a known fact that immigrants almost always vote Liberal and they move to densely populated large cities like Vancouver, Toronto, and Montreal. Securing seats especially in the Golden Horseshoe ensures Trudeau always wins as more then 30% of the total seats are in Ontario. He does not care how it is driving everyone to poverty. There is a housing crisis, rents are sky high, houses very expensive. Trudeau has increased demand to high levels while supply is not keeping up. Now he has upped his target to 500,000 a year, this is all a plan to gain control of parliament.

Direct Quote from the article:

Most recent immigrants overwhelmingly vote Liberal, and are a key constituency who’ve helped power Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s last three election victories. New immigrants tend to be heavily concentrated in large metropolitan areas, especially the greater Toronto and Vancouver areas. This is seat-rich territory and the Liberals have done exceedingly well in these ridings.

Without wanting to sound too cynical, could this be another unstated reason that helps explain the Trudeau government’s unbounded enthusiasm for record-breaking immigration quotas? After all, whether you agree with their policies or not, everyone will agree that the Liberals are great at winning elections, one way or another.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
I understand what you're saying - I just don't agree with you. No need for insults or captious remarks. You see your democracy as highjacked and I see your democracy as working as it's designed. It's just not working as you'd like so you see it as failing. That's myopic. To compare the functioning Canadian democracy with the failed American democracy is a false equivalence. I envy what you have in Canada, imperfect as it may be. I hope you don't fuck it up like we have in the states.
You say that because you do not understand how Canadian politics works. One of the major things is we lack term lengths which is necessary to keep dictators from taking over as Trudeau has. You do not vote for the Prime Minister. He is merely a member of parliament, who also happens to be the leader of their political party in power.

There are only two types of voters who have a say in who they want as the Prime Minister:

1. Those who vote for the leader of their political party.
2. Those who vote in the same riding as the party leader.

Being the leader of a political party does not guarantee you a seat in the House of Commons. Maxime Bernier is one example of this.

Regarding those who vote for the leader of their political party, it is the equivalent for voting for the Presidential candidate of either the Democratic or Republican party in the USA. The major difference between the Canadian political system and American system is the length of their time in the position.

In Canadian politics, the leader of a political party remains leader even if their party does not get voted into government, which leads to two outcomes after an election:

1. The party holds a leadership review during a convention to determine if their leader gets to keep his job.
2. The party leader resigns.

Until that happens the political leader keeps their job for life.

This represents a constant issue in Canadian politics. The Head of Government in the USA, which happens to be the President, is elected directly by the people. The President also serves as the Head of State for the nation. The problem is the inability of voters to directly choose who controls the government of our nation. Canada does not elect their own Head of State. As Canada is a constitutional monarchy, the Monarch of the United Kingdom, also the Monarch of Canada, is the Head of State. And they have a representative in each of the dominions of the United Kingdom on their behalf including Canada. The Governor General of Canada is appointed by the Prime Minister. They have representative powers on behalf of the Monarch. And since the Prime Minister appoints the Head of State, they will almost always work in the best interests of them and not the public.

The Prime Minister of Canada holds more power in Canada then the President of the United States does in the USA. They are able to appoint members of the Senate, the Judicial court, call an election when they feel the need to, etc.. Since the Monarch holds little to no relevance in Canada, we often treat the Prime Minister as the Head of State.

Since the Prime Minister is also appointed by the Monarch on the advice of the Governor General, they can serve as long as he holds confidence of both the Monarch and the House of Commons which can be forever until they loose the confidence of the House of Commons (hence why Trudeau formed a Socialist coup with Singh) or loose the election (hence why Trudeau has mass immigration).
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
I understand what you're saying - I just don't agree with you. No need for insults or captious remarks. You see your democracy as highjacked and I see your democracy as working as it's designed. It's just not working as you'd like so you see it as failing. That's myopic. To compare the functioning Canadian democracy with the failed American democracy is a false equivalence. I envy what you have in Canada, imperfect as it may be. I hope you don't fuck it up like we have in the states.
So to conclude: all the issues I stated creates a tension in our democracy. We have seen the past two elections that Justin Trudeau has lost the popular vote in both instances yet remains in power due to the number of seats his party holds. Very similar to how the former president of the USA Trump lost the popular vote in 2016, yet he gained more electoral votes to help him win the presidency.

Like I said the term length issue compliments the representation and direct voting issue in Canada. If a Prime Minister is voted into government, directly by the public then the public gets to dictate the term length of the Prime Minister. Going further the public should also get to elect their own Head of State, as the public would then get their say in who oversees the way our government operates. Which leads to secession from the British Monarchy, to end the power they hold over our country.

And all of this has to lead to a change in representation in our country. Instead of the majority of power being held in the east, equally disperse the number of seats in the House of Commons between Eastern and Western Canada. 169 seats in Eastern Canada and 169 seats in Western Canada. I already said this but the Prime Minister should have term limits like in the US. The longest a Prime Minister has held office in Canada is over 20 years which is ridiculous. 20 years of Trudeau will completely ruin this fine country. I would go even further and limit the power the Prime Minister has. Starting which changing how the Senate is formed. The public gets to elect the members of the Senate instead.

I hope this clarifies my position. The system Canada has is faulty and has no protections against Communist style governments like we have right now. Liberal voters would disagree as the current system favors them, they love Socialism (for reasons I just cannot understand).
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Chrystia Freeland just like Trudeau are so out of touch with reality. In order to cut down costs due to inflation caused by Liberal Socialist policies, she said to cancel your Disney Plus subscription. I am not making this up. She is getting a lot of backlash on her stupid comments.

Chrystia Freeland's new call for fiscal responsibility is not a point in her favour. The Liberals are experiencing liquidity issues, they are running out of money in the federal treasury and running out of ways to find new money. Paychecks can bounce in these circumstances.

They do not want to practice fiscal responsibility but they have to. It is similar to the man who spent his entire credit card and line of credit, will be forced into fiscal responsibility for the Christmas season.

They have another election at some point, ripe for new promises. They have to give a semblance of honouring the NDP’s desire for dental and pharmacare plans. They are going to have to deal with higher interest rate payments on existing debt. They need to spend but the money is not there. They are cutting elsewhere so they can maintain optimal fiscal irresponsibility.

The last time they raised taxes on the wealthy they lost short term revenue from those income brackets. The middle class is going into severe debt. They are running out of options
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