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The Trudeau Crime Family


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
No problem paying taxes as I know I live in a country that runs on a tax system and takes care of the people who need them.
But you still live in Quebec ? the highest taxed jurisdiction in North America. Why ?
If you had done some real research instead of posting conservative classless garbage bullshit hate images and propaganda,
most probably you would be living in Alberta by now paying 33% less in taxes (And $500 for Non-GFE services).
Or even better, moved one of those 3rd world countries and enjoy "Trudeau"s Money"...
Stealing other peoples money and giving it to others is not helping, that is theft and taking all the credit for it. Helping is if Trudeau donated to those in need from his personal salary like to a charity, that is helping. Do you even know anything about the Income Tax Act? It was established to fund the WW1 and it was supposed to be temporary. But guess what? Government saw this as an opportunity to make money and a 100 years later it is still here and grossly expanded. Taxation is a form of Marxism because when a government steals your taxes they own a portion of your labor. But it can be okay if it actually went to help Canadians. During covid the premiers asked Trudeau to increase funding for healthcare but he refused but has millions to send to foreign countries. Roxham Rd is an open revolving door. Trudeau zips around in his private jet going to other countries to take selfies and to look good spending hundreds of thousands of dollars of taxpayers money. The governor general recently took a trip that costed $93,000. The tax money allows MPs to give themselves big raises for not doing much and when they retire they get a lifetime over inflated pension all funded by taxpayers. What do we get? We get the bill and a hike in the carbon taxes. Maybe you are okay with the government wasting your hard earned money that being the case you can donate some of it to me.

BTW I am posting Libertarian memes. Learn the difference. Some of you need to get this, I am neither Liberal or Conservative. Y'all think in bipolar terms, that if you are not left then you are right, nopes not me. I am a Libertarian. I am for the individual and for freedom. For me it is the state vs the individual. The government is the problem. In the past I have always been a Liberal voter till Trudeau took over, I never seen such garbage lead the country in all the years I can remember, he is a total disaster worse then Mulroney. Trudeau is a far-left extremist and his idol is Fidel Castro.

About third world countries if you were not so gullible, the reality is very little of that foreign aid goes to the people who actually need it. Most of it gets eaten by bureaucrats. All this foreign aid is just a charade to show to the world that they are doing something. It is like when the government starts running anti-prostitution ad campaigns during Grand Prix, it is all a show for the benefit of the public and media.

Trudeau wants to look good. He is power hungry and his goal is to remain prime minister for life. He likes to stare himself on the camera with that fancy hair and suit. He wasted millions of taxpayers money sending it to foreign countries because he was so desperate to have a seat on the UN council, having a seat keeps him in power for life and makes him lots of money. He was rejected. Trudeau is the joke of the world.

Finally why I do not move, it is not so easy to move. All my friends and family is here. I want to stay close to my family. But if I did move it would be to Switzerland.


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A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
Is Justin Trudeau running for U.S. Congress? Given how much he is obsessed with American politics (like many leftist Canadians including some MERB posters), it often seems like he wishes he were American.

The Wall Street Journal editorial board recently took note that Canada’s prime minister, Justin Trudeau, seems to keep doing and saying things for the sole purpose of impressing Americans. “One of the oddities of Canadian politics is that its Liberal Party politicians so often sound like they’re running for office in the U.S.,” it reads.

Canadian politics is never too far removed from its U.S. equivalent, but there have indeed been an awful lot of Liberal actions in recent months that don’t really make any sense unless you consider the Liberals’ desire to score points with a U.S. audience (or a Canadian audience who watches too much CNN). For example …


It’s hard to think of a Western country that has more thoroughly cowed its anti-abortion movement than Canada. There are no laws whatsoever governing abortion in Canada; a fact that makes us an outlier even among the abortion libertine nations of Europe. Despite this, the consistent public position of the Conservative Party of Canada ever since its 2004 founding has been that whatever their personal thoughts on the matter, they will never introduce legislation to disrupt the status quo.

Of the six people running for Conservative leader right now, five of them (including the two front-runners) have publicly promised not to touch abortion with a 10-metre pole. The Conservative leader in the last federal election said he was “pro-choice.” Even Canada’s leading far-right option, the People’s Party of Canada, has promised not to legislate abortion.

In the face of all this, Trudeau has consistently campaigned on the notion that Canadian abortion access is somehow at risk like it is in select U.S. states. The Liberals’ 2021 platform said that “Conservatives want to roll back abortion access.” And when news leaked that the U.S. Supreme Court was poised to overturn the Roe v. Wade decision barring state-level bans on abortion, it only took a few hours for Trudeau to respond with a tweet that “every woman in Canada has a right to a safe and legal abortion.”


Trudeau made direct reference to a recent mass-shooting at an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas, in his decision this week to “freeze” the sale or transfer of handguns. Not mentioned was that the shooting was actually committed with a long gun. Or that Uvalde is in the United States, and thus not subject to Canadian law. Or that the shooting would almost certainly have been prevented in Canada due to our existing latticework of laws, which are actually pretty good at screening out mentally ill gun owners. Or that handgun shootings in Canada are almost entirely committed with smuggled U.S. firearms that are already illegal.

A high-profile drive by U.S. progressives to counter mass shooting by banning the AR-15 rifle has also had a clear influence on Trudeau policy. The AR-15 was already a restricted firearm in Canada, but the Liberals issued a 2020 Order-in-Council prohibiting it and approximately 1,500 other long guns that look like the AR-15, even if they might happen to differ dramatically in capability and rate of fire. Notably, that particular order was issued in response to a Nova Scotia mass shooting that was committed with smuggled U.S. firearms...


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Justin Trudeau is obsessed with what goes on in foreign countries because he just wants to look good and take selfies. He just babbles to impress but his words lack sincerity and is usually all lies. He has a hidden agenda in everything he says and does. In this case he is using abortion and causing division just to score political points. Firearms are already quiet restrictive in Canada but he as usual says nonsense and drafts more bills just to show to the world that he is doing something but in reality it is all a show. Nothing but political theater.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Trudeau's second carbon tax is coming. He babbles things but he is all talk no action. He also says he is for the middle class but his actions shows otherwise. All these gas price hikes will affect the poor and middle class the most. It will make everything cost more. That is what Trudeau wants, he wants to make it so expensive so everyone just drops their car. All part of Trudeau's densification and gentrification plan. All of you that voted for this clown are 100% responsible for this.



Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Canadians rate Justin Trudeau as the worst prime minister of Canada then any other prime minister. Although I believe the percentage is actually higher. But Trudeau keeps on getting propped up by Singh, the only reason Trudeau is still in power. That is why Singh formed a Socialist coalition with Trudeau, to secure each others job for the next three years. They know their days are numbered. But in 3 years Trudeau will cause a lot of damage.

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Active Member
Oct 17, 2006
. But Trudeau keeps on getting propped up by Singh, the only reason Trudeau is still in power. That is why Singh formed a Socialist coalition with Trudeau, to secure each others job for the next three years.

Besides the Conservative garbage propaganda (Most probably poll taken in Alberta).

This sounds like EXCELLENT Team Work...


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Another Trudeau stupidity. He wants to impose covid mandates yet refuses to increase the Federal portion of funding for healthcare but for some reason the clown has millions to send to foreign countries and for refugees (hotel paid for and monthly paychecks). Healthcare clearly needs to be expanded to accommodate population increase and covid. It is never Trudeau's fault, everyone else is to be blamed. Trudeau had the nerve to criticize Legault for sending out $500 checks and said it should have been used on healthcare (Trudeau is in no position to criticize since he has wasted so much of taxpayers money). The reality is when the Canada Healthcare Act came into effect the funding between the Federal government and provinces were 50/50 but the Federal government portion has shrunk to 24%. Does not make sense. Taxpayers money is supposed to be used for Canadians, not on foreign countries. And do not forget the $8.5 million Trudeau wasted on insect farming because the Liberals want to force everyone to go vegetarian and eat insects.

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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
The hatred for Trudeau is clear and it is growing by the day, it is well deserved. Trudeau is a Communist and authoritarian. He is finding any way to redistribute wealth, sending money to foreign countries and inviting way too many refugees. Trudeau event at Brewery cancelled due to protesters, this would be the second time this happened. When will Trudeau do the right thing and resign? Boris Johnson did. Trudeau is too power hungry and has zero shame.



Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
He is correct. Canada is in deep trouble with Trudeau, he is indeed a communist. The way he handled the Freedom Convoy is proof of that. Anyone that does not follow the political narrative, leftist like to resort to name calling to further their own agenda and that is what Trudeau did. More Canadians disapprove of the direction Canada is headed to and of Trudeau. That is why he formed the alliance with Singh, they both saved their jobs for 3 years because they know their days are number. Poilievre will swipe Trudeau away with a tsunami. Rogan is correct in his statement.



Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
While the Prime Minister jet-sets across the country, and then to a vacation in the Caribbean - he tells the rest of us that we need to give up driving, cut back on fertilizer use, not eat as much meat, and yes eat insects. So much for leading by example, ahh what hypocrisy. Trudeau seems to think he is above everyone else.


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Active Member
Oct 17, 2006
Canada's economy lost 30,600 jobs in July, and 43,000 in June.
Meanwhile USA added 528,000 jobs last month alone, higher than they expected.
Trudeau needs to resign now. He is the worst Canada has ever had.


Lowest unemployment rate ever in Canada.

This guy Trudeau must be a Genius, doing hell of a job it seems.

I guess he deserves all the travels, jet setting etc etc


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005


Lowest unemployment rate ever in Canada.

This guy Trudeau must be a Genius, doing hell of a job it seems.

I guess he deserves all the travels, jet setting etc etc
Try this on someone that does not know better. Here is a paragraph in your article

The unemployment rate fell to a new record-low of 4.9%, as fewer people searched for work. The adjusted employment rate, which includes people who were not in the labour force but looking for work decreased to 6.8%, another record low.

The strange thing about these rates is that it does not include people not working, the rates only include people actively seeking employment. The rates are low because many people are not looking for work. A lot of young people are living longer with mommy and papa (probably spoiled with CERB). Of course their solution is always more immigration but the government does not want to increase capacity of healthcare to support all these extra people and neither are there more multi-unit apartment building being built and not enough new houses are being built either (in fact the zoning rules has to change for more dense housing) hence the housing crisis (Canada has one of the most expensive housing market). All these problems started with Trudeau came in power. I rest my case, the worst Canada has ever had. While Canada lost jobs, the US gained more jobs then expected. Try again. I know you love the Liberals but you cannot be blind to this.
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