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The Trudeau Crime Family


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Here is Don Martin's opinion on this which is similar to my opinion.

Not surprised though, Trudeau always publicly said how he admired China's Communist system.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Trudeau finally caved in and did the right thing by closing Roxham Rd permanently. A prime minister's job is to secure the borders and we cannot keep accepting all these asylum seekers and giving them free hotels and monthly paychecks. Working class Canadians get the big bill.

Hotel rooms are taken up by the Federal government and that reduced revenues for the city plus people get the bill. Since last election just housing all these refugees costed $94 million. It sucks they grew up in poor countries but we cannot save everyone neither it is our job to do so. This is Socialism at its core, the redistribution of wealth (the equal sharing of misery).



Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Trudeau's latest budget is out and is what I expected. Government spending out of control. Expect more and more taxes making the average joe more poorer. They give out more GST rebates but that is what they should not be doing, not that anyone will refuse to get a check but it will make inflation more worse. Also notice how they are spending taxpayers money to subsidize green energy projects, which means more taxes. What they should be doing is channeling all the oil we have which will create lots of wealth for Canadians. The dental care plan is also a farce, more taxes for Canadians. Trudeau pickpockets Canadians with more taxes.

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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
I knew Trudeau can never do sane things. So he closes Roxham Rd but makes a loophole to accept 15,000 asylum seekers. One has to ask what goes on his head to do this? They take away money from hard working Canadians to give it to asylum seekers. Nothing will change till Trudeau is gone. He will drag this country into deep poverty.



Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
The carbon tax and MPs salaries went up yesterday. Courtesy of Trudeau and always on the same day every year. Still believe a carbon tax will stop the weather from changing? Lol


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
More proof that Trudeau is corrupt with no ethics whatsoever. In 2016, Zhan Bin with ties to the Chinese Communist government made a $200,000 donation to the Trudeau foundation.

This in addition to election interference by China to help Trudeau win. These are serious breeches of democracy. Poilivre has flaws, but Trudeau is madness. Now they are returning the donation (of course after they got caught).

However the board of directors all resigned.

Remember when voting who this corrupt sleazeball is.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Justin Castro constantly looking for money to steal either from citizens or businesses so he can fund his spending spree or send money to Ukraine, giving free stuff to refugees, and gotta pay for those London Hotel rooms at $6000 a nite somehow, etc.. The Federal government plans to change the dividend tax that banks and insurers receive from Canadian companies. The measure will generate $3.15 billion in five years and then $790 million annually. Of course those costs will be passed on to the average joe making living more expensive for regular citizens. What does Justin Castro cares? He is a millionaire.

Some of the Comments posted:

Hello double taxation! Dividends are from income that has already been taxed in the hands of the payor corporations. Now, decades of sensible tax policy has been thrown in the bin by this politically motivated change.

The Liberals aka Socialists never met a tax they never liked and just cannot control spending. As the saying goes, "they do not have a revenue problem, they have a spending problem" in part being beholden to the NDP.

Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery. -- Winston Churchill

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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Here is more, the reason why Justin Castro keeps on increasing taxes, to fund his spending spree. The sleazeball is out of touch with the reality of most Canadians. Trudeau took a trip to Jamaican and stayed on an estate owned by the Green family that made a large donation to the Trudeau foundation. The trip cost taxpayers about $160,000. Trudeau was already reprimanded by the Canada 's Ethics Commissioner for taking a vacation in 2016 to the Bahamas that cost taxpayers lots of money. More and more keeps on piling up. How is this man still in power? Why is he not removed and charged for his crimes? I never seen someone as despicable as him.

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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Poilievre is right, Justin Castro is a freeloader. While he raises the cost of living on ordinary Canadians with his ridiculous carbon tax and many other taxes, Justin Castro lives like a king. Trudeau only likes name calling when it is not directed at him and when the shoe fits.

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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
While public servant workers are on strike and blocking access to government buildings, I wonder if Trudeau will call in the Emergency Act? Also while this is happening, Trudeau zipped off to New York to attend a conference on discussions to end poverty (strange since Trudeau's policies like the ridiculous carbon tax, cap and trade system, mass immigration and entrant of refugees) are all causing more and more poverty?

I think he should be in Canada to deal with the public servants strike.

Interesting no one talks about this. If Trudeau orders a back to work legislation, his buddy Singh will not support him and will trigger an automatic election. I hope so, the sooner this sorry excuse of a Prime Minister leaves, the better for all of us. The next Prime Minister will have a tough job to undo all the damage Justin Castro has caused.

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Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017
While public servant workers are on strike and blocking access to government buildings, I wonder if Trudeau will call in the Emergency Act? Also while this is happening, Trudeau zipped off to New York to attend a conference on discussions to end poverty (strange since Trudeau's policies like the ridiculous carbon tax, cap and trade system, mass immigration and entrant of refugees) are all causing more and more poverty?

I think he should be in Canada to deal with the public servants strike.

Interesting no one talks about this. If Trudeau orders a back to work legislation, his buddy Singh will not support him and will trigger an automatic election. I hope so, the sooner this sorry excuse of a Prime Minister leaves, the better for all of us. The next Prime Minister will have a tough job to undo all the damage Justin Castro has caused.

Another proof that Trudeau is the worst Canadian Prime Minister, the Supreme Court Chief Judge is asking Trudeau to name judges.
As in many instances, Trudeau government is very slow to act.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Another proof that Trudeau is the worst Canadian Prime Minister, the Supreme Court Chief Judge is asking Trudeau to name judges.
As in many instances, Trudeau government is very slow to act.
Trudeau is corrupt to the max yet he is getting away with it all.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
More far-left madness from Trudeau. While many are struggling to make ends meet, carbon taxes are going up, the healthcare system in shambles, rents skyrocketing due to mass immigration, Trudeau gives the biggest corporate welfare ever $13 billion to Volkswagen a battery manufacturing plant in Ontario. That is half of Canada's annual defense budget, just one company! My position is clear, I am against any kind of welfare whether to corporations or to citizens. It is a complete waste of resources. You do not create wealth like this, you are simply redistributing it. Far-left nuts try to force their ideology and Trudeau is doing the same. If a technology needs money is because it is not profitable. Trudeau will keep on taxing people and make them poorer to push his far-left ideologies.

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Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
Trudeau gives the biggest corporate welfare ever $13 billion to Volkswagen a battery manufacturing plant in Ontario. That is half of Canada's annual defense budget, just one company!
It's true but the numbers are 8 to 13 billions, over a 10 years period.
Playing with numbers is a strategy to fool idiots that believe anything with their agenda!


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
It's true but the numbers are 8 to 13 billions, over a 10 years period.
Playing with numbers is a strategy to fool idiots that believe anything with their agenda!
10 years or lump sum makes no difference. That is still taxpayers money being redistributed from one area to another area to far-left lobbysts. Only Socialists think that by taxing more and more it will stimulate the economy.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
More madness from our woke far-left prime minister Trudeau, he removed iconic Canadian symbols from the passport like Terry Fox and Vimy Ridge. With each day this man is getting worse. What an insult to Canada for what Trudeau did to the passport.

Direct Quote from the Article

"Pierre Poilievre, leader of the Official Opposition of Canada, fired questions about the deletion of history in the House of Commons Wednesday, saying, “They erased Vimy Ridge to put in an image of a squirrel eating a nut. They erased Terry Fox, a guy who ran halfway across the country to fight cancer to put in a man raking leaves. And they erased Quebec City in order to put in what appears to be an image of a boyhood prime minister swimming at Harrington Lake. Could this prime minister be any more out of touch with Canadians?”
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Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
Trudeau gives the biggest corporate welfare ever $13 billion to Volkswagen a battery manufacturing plant in Ontario. That is half of Canada's annual defense budget
Selon les chiffres fournis par le gouvernement fédéral, les dépenses militaires du Canada passeront de 36,3 milliards de dollars en 2022-2023 à environ 51 milliards en 2026-2027.
Sur 5 ans le budget des dépenses militaires sera donc d'environ 217 milliards de $, plus de 500 milliards sur 10 ans (ce budget augmente d'année en année).
Prétendre que 8 à 13 milliards sur 10 ans est la moitié 500 milliards (également sur 10 ans) démontre que certains sont plus forts en fausse propagande qu'en mathématique.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017
Yes I am fully aware. But many will let it slide just because he is with the Liberals. But this is a very serious threat to democracy. Liberal MP Han Dong secretly advised Chinese diplomat to delay the release of the two Michaels.

Interesting info today on RDI Mordus de Politique.
Retired canadian ambassador in China, M. Guy Saint-Jacques gave very good opinions on China interference in Canada politics.
He said that Justin Trudeau himself was aware of the situation since at least 2019.
He was informed by Australia who reacted strongly on china about their interference in Australia.
No wonder Trudeau did nothing given that thiese interfetences helped the Liberal party !


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Interesting info today on RDI Mordus de Politique.
Retired canadian ambassador in China, M. Guy Saint-Jacques gave very good opinions on China interference in Canada politics.
He said that Justin Trudeau himself was aware of the situation since at least 2019.
He was informed by Australia who reacted strongly on china about their interference in Australia.
No wonder Trudeau did nothing given that thiese interfetences helped the Liberal party !
One has to understand that China does not support specific parties, they support politicians who support the Chinese Communist Party and Trudeau has already publicly stated that he admires China's communist government. But there is more. Interesting that no one on this board talks about this and are too focused on American politics being a Canadian board. I do not know why Trudeau is not in jail? It is a cesspool of corruption. I never seen Canada at more of a worse position then now. David Johnston a buddy of Trudeau has been elected to investigate foreign interference. The reality it, this was never to find out the truth but to absolve Trudeau of any wrong doing. This is like the Communist governments in Cuba and North Korea.

It will get a lot worse till people wake up to this madness from Trudeau. The Trudeau government just investigated themselves and found out that they did nothing wrong, ever. The Trudeau government fear nothing more then accountability.

According to this Canada's household debt the highest of all G7 countries. Not surprised with Trudeau's policies like mass immigration, carbon taxes, refugees, etc...


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