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Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
Rosbos, very good exposition. It was actually enlightening.

Israel and Palestine are in a perpetual state of war. That is not just a nuance, but a major obstacle in any negotiations. If Palestine won't put down their weapons, what is the point of negotiations for Israel.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
Carmine, your reply about U.S. media is your opinion. I generally find reactions to mass-consumed media outlets splits along party lines.

My opinion is Obama was treated by most outlets with kid gloves because he was a Liberal Democrat and the first African-American President. Geniality? Fuck that! I want a critical and questioning press no matter who the President's political party or his ethnic origin. I also don't care how many scoops of ice cream President Trump eats after dinner.

As far as the propaganda that Obama was tough on immigration, I think it was nonsense demonstrated now by the cantankerous discord and defiance the liberal states and liberal politicians are putting up on the matter.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
Rosbos, I misunderstood. You seemed to be talking about U.S. politics as if you were an American of the U.S. variety.

I don't know if Liberals are always naturally better debaters. Many think they are approaching politics and society's problems from a position of moral superiority. I genuinely admire their ideals, but don't care for the fact Liberals often do not go back, look at policy that failed and quickly alter/terminate the policy. Their strong ideals allow them to tolerate the natural inclination for government to become self-serving, inefficient and ineffective.

The Liberal mindset dominate several important parts of our society. Journalism, entertainment and academia. Together, they are a powerful force to attack and shame Conservative viewpoints. It's rather easy when you believe Conservatives are always on the wrong side of history.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
Totally agree. I think extreme partisan conflict where people think the destruction of the other political party is the objective is toxic. Ouch! As much as I couldn't stand living under Far Left Democrats from California and New York, I would also hate to see a Ted Cruz or some other staunchly red state politician running the show.

Trust me, both parties ignore the "vox populi" with encouragement from their party patrons.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
You know Sambuca the problem of the right is that they dont fuck enough being stuck with hardcore religious belief...

The problem with the left is that they are stuck with half lesbian feminist who pretend we need to respect their well being and their body...

That's why men invented religion, politics, created wars and battle... It's because they cant fuck!

Cheerios ;)

jeff teliska

Active Member
Feb 26, 2013
Native Land
Instead of referring to those extremely violent gang members as animals , let's just imagine if he had called them " very fine people "...
Oh...Wait a minute...

Carmine Falcone

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2017
Ted Cruz’s greatest contribution to America has been to cause sentimental gushes of memories about his esteemed lookalike, Grandpa Munster, with whom he also shares some personality traits:

The most hilarious politician-pop culture comparison is still Erdogan and Lord Of The Rings folk (honorable mention to Bush vs. Monkey even though Monkey isn't a specific pop culture character. The key to the comparison is finding pictures of the compared people in the same exact or highly similar situations. Google Bush vs Monkey or see below).

Remember to scroll a little further down on the page


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
Visit site
It’s VERY close but I think the Cruz/Grandpa Munster comparison edges Erdogan/Gollum. There is not only resemblance in the facial structures (pointy ears, blocky heads) but also in their facial expressions. If Cruz had any acting ability and they did a remake of the Munsters, he wouldn’t need a whole lot of makeup.

Erdogan/Gollum is funny though!


Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
Instead of referring to those extremely violent gang members as animals , let's just imagine if he had called them " very fine people "...
Oh...Wait a minute...

"Very fine people on both sides" was a poor choice of words. I think for Trump this was a confrontation about a statue that most of us really don't give a shit about.

Any experienced Republican politician knows that if the Alt-Left confronts the Alt-Right and violence breaks out, you condemn the Alt-Right or you just shut up. The American media is going to tell this story so that violent Alt-Left protesters are heroes.

All I know is that Bannon was fired shortly after. There were bad people on both sides.

Carmine Falcone

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2017
You act as if you're above the fray but you're drinking the same Kool-Aid as your fellow kooks. I want the same red pill from The Matrix that you took so I can discount everything that doesn't conform to my worldview or just blame the media for the inability to form educated opinions with the information presented. The American media didn't spin anything. The footage of Neo-Nazis ganging up and beating a black kid wasn't spin. I guess that's why a few people that beat the kid were just convicted. There is no spin in the car that ran into a crowd of people, killing a fellow white person. Even some footage of Neo-Nazis/KKK behaving badly were less popular than the previous two I mentioned. A specific example of that is the guy in a bandana who unleashed a gun, shot about twice after he called someone the N word but fortunately missed (somehow) before disappearing into the crowd. He was later identified and arrested.

Now I'm sure the reason there is no footage of counterprotestors being belligerent is because the media is "obviously" suppressing them to support the narrative that the "alt-Left" (a stultifyingly asinine term btw. Antifa are basically hooligans trying to use defense of minorities to sublimate their violence. They aren't new but they are assholes) wasn't an aggrieving party. Also, that's absolutely nothing about counterprotesting and showing these yahoos America is a place for everyone regardless of race or color. I've run into Neo-Nazis at many metal shows in the past and even had one scuffle I somehow escaped unharmed despite the fact that the guy I was defending (who was swarmed by them) actually ended up in the hospital with a few broken ribs. The violence they perpetrated at Charlottesville is entirely consistent with their history. It's the likes of Richard Spencer that coined think-tanky euphemisms like "alt-right"; they are and will always be Neo-Nazis.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
My opinion, far left bad, far right bad, left likes free stuff, right likes to work for his stuff, left gullible, right likes to question things, left follows the status quo, right gives his opinion, left hates freedom of speach, right likes to give their opinion.
I have given " my " opinion and the reaction was from my thoughts to be hate porn... Fuck, that is still funny, new people I tell that to laugh, to be banned for giving my opinion.
Perhaps find a safe space and a therapy dog and chill.
Left wing universities have safe spaces for stressed out students, fuck.
Trump rocks and if he decides to run again he will win.

Carmine Falcone

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2017
That was a good comedy bit, STN. Oh and everyone likes free stuff. One of the many classic delineations of left vs right was people on the left favor social programs while the right preach self-reliance. These days though, conservatives are perfectly fine with benefiting from or using social programs; they just don't like it when others get a piece of that pie too. I'm still waiting on my Obama phone. For all the time it's taken to get here, it had better come pre-loaded with one year's free membership to BangBus AND Brazzers. I pay my taxes goddammit.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Last thing, imagine the world like a giant family and you are the parents. What is best for your family? Do you keep your $ in investments, slowly let it grow as you shave off the top to allow yourself enough $ to sustain yourself without putting yourself in financial jeopardy, then pass on the bank account to your kids in the future so they can do the same when they are parents and so on as your family slowly grows stronger. Or do you cash out today, split all your cash into enjoyable but unsustainable luxuries/entitlements, and by the time your generation has milked the bank dry and truly did have a nice life, your kids are royally fucked. This is exactly what happened with social security and will happen with all other liberal entitlements. If you want America to have an enduring family, the solution is to trust American $ with the people who know how to make money based on merit. Being in the American lower class still makes you amongst the richest people on earth, there is more than enough opportunity here to find a way to claw your way up the ladder if you truly have what it take. So so many American success stories like this. An unregulated system naturally makes the best ladder climbers our leaders. This is why the majority of American Millionaires and billionaires are self made, not the product of nepotism. Anyways, long story short, for American democracy to survive in the long term, there is never a good time to cash out in exchange for some quick easy entitlement, ever.

This used to be true but the problem is that technology is changing the game. Technology as replaced many high paying jobs and pushed smaller one out of the country all in the name of productivity. America should not care about their self made billionnaire as there is so few of them. You do not fuck up 90% of your population so 10% can live well... And as I said technology will make matter much worse in years to come. What will we do when there will be no more waiter in restaurant, no cashier anywhere, no drivers in all commercial transport, much less lawyers as AI will even reduce by much the numbers of them needed and so on and on...

Like it or not our way of life will have to change and big decision will be needed to be made to allow socialist measure in...

If you regard history the power of numbers never lie. Thus when 80% of the US population will have reach a point were there life is too miserable they will react much more than they do now.


Carmine Falcone

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2017
Also you should try not to use "Neo Nazi" again imho, you are comparing some mindless racist street thugs to the perpetrators of the most systematic and xenophobic genocide in human history. You really are not giving the real nazis enough credit. Recent surveys show how little American's know about the holocaust, and the frequent use of this word in the media makes it evident to me. If a line like that was used in German media, the writer would be criminally charged and sent to jail, it is actually illegal lol, and trust me they know more about the holocaust than you. This is just another cleverly placed buzz word which is absorbed by a gullible population. The bias is so incredibly evident in moments like this. For instance, why are the domestic racists called neo nazis by CNN, but the immigrants who try to shoot up neighborhoods, schools, and nightclubs just called "lone wolves". They seem awfully similar to me but receive wildly different treatment from the media. Just some food for thought. (P.S. if you say because they self identified as "Neo Nazi" that still proves nothing. For instance, I hereby self identify as Liberal!! lol. You can say something, it does not make it true. Nazis are nazis because of their actions, those thugs are bad, but their actions have not earned them the Nazi badge by a long shot).

Well, since I respect opinions of people who know what they're talking about, I can kindly ignore yours. The term "Neo-Nazi" isn't new by any stretch. It's been in use at least since the 90s to distinguish right-wing skinhead types from the non-racist ones. However the term came to be, it is particularly apt because Neo-Nazis are adherents of Nazism and Hitler's ideology. That "Blood and Soil" they chanted on the U of VA campus? That's from the Nazi slogan Blut und Boden from as far back as the 1920s. The "88" in 14/88 stands for "Heil Hitler." Fortunately, modern day Nazis haven't slaughtered nearly as much people as the Third Reich did, but they have enough vitriol in their hearts to do just that if left to their own devices. That I'm even having to explain this is just too much of a "I can't even."


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Regarding self made millionaires and billionaires, you are buying into a myth my friend. A strong majority of millionaire and billionaires are in fact self made, it is not a minority by any stretch of the imagination. It is actually a modern trend which shows the world is moving in the right direction. In the 80s and 90s most were through inheritance, but now it is no longer the case. Look it up! You will not find one article that opposes my statement.

Nice to discuss with someone that does not view you as an impotent and useless leftist as soon you as you make a socialist opinion ;)

By the way have you ever look at the amount of immigrants or son of immigrants in the list if self made millionnaires and billionnaires ;) Many! You wont find Trump tho haha The problem I am trying to point out is you cannot count on them to have a great society. They and will always remain a minority. The inequities is what is killing America right now. I will say it again... No free education and no free healthcare in a country like the US is absurd. And it will get worse.

Hopefully this occurs within my lifetime, I'd like to have an easy retirement.

Fuck me too. Close to 50 now... If it was not for my divorce I would be retired right now. Damn... but soon...

Carmine Falcone

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2017
Rosbos, I wasn't emotional. This stuff right here is merely bits and bytes. I don't know you personally so there's no need to invest any emotion. I was mostly incredulous that I had to explain that there is a link between Nazism and Neo-Nazism.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
Rosbos, I wasn't emotional. This stuff right here is merely bits and bytes. I don't know you personally so there's no need to invest any emotion. I was mostly incredulous that I had to explain that there is a link between Nazism and Neo-Nazism.

I think you make things too personal in emotional rants.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
You act as if you're above the fray but you're drinking the same Kool-Aid as your fellow kooks. I want the same red pill from The Matrix that you took so I can discount everything that doesn't conform to my worldview or just blame the media for the inability to form educated opinions with the information presented. The American media didn't spin anything. The footage of Neo-Nazis ganging up and beating a black kid wasn't spin. I guess that's why a few people that beat the kid were just convicted. There is no spin in the car that ran into a crowd of people, killing a fellow white person. Even some footage of Neo-Nazis/KKK behaving badly were less popular than the previous two I mentioned. A specific example of that is the guy in a bandana who unleashed a gun, shot about twice after he called someone the N word but fortunately missed (somehow) before disappearing into the crowd. He was later identified and arrested.

Now I'm sure the reason there is no footage of counterprotestors being belligerent is because the media is "obviously" suppressing them to support the narrative that the "alt-Left" (a stultifyingly asinine term btw. Antifa are basically hooligans trying to use defense of minorities to sublimate their violence. They aren't new but they are assholes) wasn't an aggrieving party. Also, that's absolutely nothing about counterprotesting and showing these yahoos America is a place for everyone regardless of race or color. I've run into Neo-Nazis at many metal shows in the past and even had one scuffle I somehow escaped unharmed despite the fact that the guy I was defending (who was swarmed by them) actually ended up in the hospital with a few broken ribs. The violence they perpetrated at Charlottesville is entirely consistent with their history. It's the likes of Richard Spencer that coined think-tanky euphemisms like "alt-right"; they are and will always be Neo-Nazis.

I think your missing the most fundamental value of our First Amendment. You and I do not have the right to decide who is worthy of First Amendment rights. We don't get to judge someone's speech to determine if it should be protected. While I'm on that topic, I don't think counter protesting to confront and shout down someone's speech is a First Amendment right. Things will end badly as they did in Charlottesville where a liberal government almost begged for conflict with the Neo-Nazis with their disregard.

Now I suppose you have your right to judge me and my statements. I won't criticize your intelligence, but I will say you are lazy. A thirty second internet search, reveals plenty of major media accounts and videos that demonstrate leftist groups instigated violence. You seem to have covered yourself by disavowing Antifa and other left wing anarchist violence while at the same time saying they weren't responsible for the violence.

The Los Angeles Times published first hand accounts of events on the ground at Charlottesville. I believe there are enough accounts from independent witnesses and liberal groups to verify violence was initiated by both sides. The leftist groups seem to be bragging about their aggressive tactics. What strikes me from the various accounts blaming both sides of violence is the chaos on the ground. Thirty, Forty years ago, the Neo-Nazis couldn't buy this much attention.

I will repeat what I said earlier. "There were bad people on both sides."

The news you read and hear is the equivalent of a cow chewing on cud, because unfortunately all of us our getting news that's been chewed up for us.
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