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The Trump Crime Family

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Bred Sob

New Member
Jan 17, 2012
In other news Russian State TV has confirmed today that Donald Trump is indeed Russia's agent.

Russian State TV ought to be taken seriously since it enjoys a well-deserved reputation as the most trustworthy news source in the world.

In any event, that is what they said:

Vesti Nedeli, a Sunday news show on the same network, pointed out that it was Trump, personally, who asked Lavrov to pose standing near as Trump sat at his desk. It’s almost the literal image of a power behind the throne. [those familiar with the language of Lenin and Putin are invited to enjoy the actual show]

This time Trump is done for good, no question.


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2014
Trump is a poor human being that’s fir sure , but a Russian agent I think not
These stories that we hear in the media are sometimes ridiculous ti say the least

C.B. Brown

Nov 29, 2019
Right here
Trump is a poor human being that’s fir sure , but a Russian agent I think not
These stories that we hear in the media are sometimes ridiculous ti say the least
People believe what they want to hear .Man for those who think trump is a russian agent i got a ice flow off the coast of alaska for sale real cheap.
if you guys want to be real about it politics in usa is pretty disgusting if you ask me,there is no low someone will stoop to to undermine competition thats all of them
bill clinton with his blowjobs in the office and reported to have raped 3 woman .kennedy.stuff nixon did,they are all guilty of something
All clinton supporters still cant get over the fact she lost.
Obama was a gifted speaker,but don't think for a moment he was not ruthless
bottom line is trump got voted in and guess what 85% chance it will happen again.Impeached by a stacked deck of the opposition party hell ya.thrown out of office not in this lifetime
china trade deal hell ya and he said he would do it and he did so swallow that.
can he be a asshole hell ya so can most people under the right circumstances


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Trump is a poor human being that’s fir sure , but a Russian agent I think not
These stories that we hear in the media are sometimes ridiculous ti say the least


Still we all would love to see Trump’s taxe declaration would we not? Could be interesting to see who owns him.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
So what insult did Trumpet wrote about new Finnish prime minister? She is a hot young female from a socialist party (moderate do not think venezuela you idiot!) he must have insult her by now?

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
The benefits of the trade war are speculative but the costs are real. Trump’s tariffs have cost Americans $88 billion, one of the biggest tax hikes in history. To cushion the blow, he gave $28 billion to farmers—twice the cost of the 2009 auto bailout. ------Max Boot, Republican

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003

Still we all would love to see Trump’s taxe declaration would we not? Could be interesting to see who owns him.

Several insiders 'in-the-know' claim that Trump would likely resign prior to his income tax records being released since it would very likely be the final nail in his corrupt coffin. Knowing what's on his taxes would help explain a lot of things, they say.

When even Russia State TV jokes that Trump will likely have to defect to Russia once he's thrown out of office.....

C.B. Brown

Nov 29, 2019
Right here
to date track record of the clinton supporters is not so good so we will see

1st no one believed the china trade deal and when it came to pass down play its importance

2nd you trump haters are all so positive he will resign or be impeached and or thrown out of office

i hope when none of this happens you guys don't take it as hard as when clinton lost

opinions are like assholes everyone has one but to date the predicted results against the present facts are no so good


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
C.B. we know the impeachment will not work because republican will simply block it. Trump will then tweet big victory because this ass hole thinks it's a game. He thinks it's a battle and for him everything is justify to win.

Current impeachment is about the law. Did he broke the law? That's what it's about.

Remember not everyone is left or right. Some of us are in the middle and like the law to be respected.



Well-Known Member
May 31, 2014
Excuse me C.B.Brown but what do you say we try and keep it real
Because you make it sound like most Trump haters really expect him to be impeached and be removed from office . But for the vast majority it’s just wishful thinking on their part and they know that it’s unlikely to happen

It’s good that the US economy is booming but it was always IMO going to rebound anyways although it’s true that he did many good things that where effective . Also I’ll be the first to congratulate him for standing up to China but nothing is finalized yet so let’s not jump the gun . Some of he’s ideas have worked so he’s not that incompetent , it’s just that I wish he had a soul

Again I don’t think anyone here is going to be surprised if Trump wins the election, I fir one expect him to do so
It seems that lately the Democratic Party , the liberals have lost touch with a lot of US voters and they are as guilty of lying and using the media to exaggerate everything and besides I was never a big fan of Clinton or politicians in general

C.B. Brown

Nov 29, 2019
Right here
Nobody is above the law nor is anyone below the law
he is a private citizen as well as president no one should have to make their
tax returns public
he gets audited every year he has done nothing wrong this is just a total smear campain
oh look he made a tax break on a building 20 years ago or smear his kids which is redicilous
they are trying to do everything possable so he is not elected but like it or not he is too bright
1st china phase 1 dec 13
2nd usmca united states canada mexico which is superior to nafta
and he passed 1 for japan
and 1 before the nest election for britain
so only thing his opponants can do is try to smear him some way as he has done everything he set out to do

abraham lincon believed in tarrifs
and thats how he turned the usa into a powerhouse

dishes as a example prior to the trade agreament
the bafoons try to pitch it as its a tax but it is only if you buy chinese then you pay the tarrif
same dishes below
canada us 110 china 75
with the tarrifs 107 unless you buy the chinese you pay the duty

there is more people working at a higher wage this is what has infuriated the billionares who are used to cheap labour
and how does trump know this he is a businessman other presidents were politicians


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Can you please name a couple? Thank you so much in advance.

Just google a bit you will find many sources. From time magazine to CNBC. Ho ya right those are fake media. Checked on breitbart and fox and did not find any... Shoot those are very credible source so doc must be wrong...

Bred Sob

New Member
Jan 17, 2012
I will step aside so as not to disturb your intense inner monologue. When you are done can you please clarify, how many voices do you hear in there? Half a dozen?


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
So you had a look on google and found the info. But your ego is too strong to say so... So instead you write some yada yada stuff to fill out ;)

C.B. Brown

Nov 29, 2019
Right here
Several insiders in-the-know is in the 3rd chapter of the ''book''

Several insiders 'in-the-know'.
Got the popcorn out for this,hope they can as well confirm the existanace of space aliens,the wherabouts of hoffas body
and hey doc for old times can you pm me the powerball winning numbers

its funny when i post something like the china agreament radified friday past and link given to article i get asked for proof

Bred Sob

New Member
Jan 17, 2012
From time magazine to CNBC. Ho ya right those are fake media.

Speaking of the devil... On the eve of this historic event, the above-mentioned Time magazine chose to publish an interesting article titled "How Speaker Nancy Pelosi Could Still Save Impeachment".

Who knew that impeachment was in need of saving? Wasn't it going swimmingly and exactly as designed (as shown on the chart below)?
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