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The Trump Crime Family

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Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
I will step aside so as not to disturb your intense inner monologue. When you are done can you please clarify, how many voices do you hear in there? Half a dozen?

Fuck I enjoy reading your posts.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Do you think this prediction ,will pan out better, than the outcome for clinton ,who you said ,would win the election?:fat:

I predict he will not be impeach and will win 2020. That does not mean he is not guilty. That only means how fucked up american politics has become and how crazy about 40% of Americans have become.

C.B. Brown

Nov 29, 2019
Right here
I predict he will not be impeach and will win 2020. That does not mean he is not guilty. That only means how fucked up american politics has become and how crazy about 40% of Americans have become.
agree with you 100%.not only is american politics is fucked up its very dirty,people win but discrediting opponents rather than winning on merit


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
"When Jesus was falsely accused of treason, Pontius Pilate gave Jesus the opportunity to face his accusers," Loudermilk said from the House floor...

What the fucking fuck!!!

Is this real? Was this really said today??? I mean there is fucking gap here haha I do not know who this Loudermilk is but if he would have received a extensive face face fuck from a wonderful SP he would have understand the reality we live in in 2019!

Bred Sob

New Member
Jan 17, 2012
What the fucking fuck!!!

Hey, such a tremendous victory for the progressive humankind and you are still unhappy, what's the matter with you? Don't squander your chance to celebrate, it may be all downhill from here, who knows.

Carmine Falcone

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2017
"When Jesus was falsely accused of treason, Pontius Pilate gave Jesus the opportunity to face his accusers," Loudermilk said from the House floor...

What the fucking fuck!!!

Is this real? Was this really said today??? I mean there is fucking gap here haha I do not know who this Loudermilk is but if he would have received a extensive face face fuck from a wonderful SP he would have understand the reality we live in in 2019!

You clearly don't know what kind of batshit people that comprise our population. (I understand that Loudermilk's invocation of Jesus/God was the second one today). This sort of thing isn't even new. Sarah Huckabee Sanders said way back in January that "God wanted Donald Trump to become President." Another Washington Post in February reveals that almost half of Republicans (45%) think God wanted Trump to be President. Expecting rationality out of people like these is like trying to get blood from a stone.

It's little surprise Trump is in the history books for all the wrong reasons: 3rd President to be impeached, #1 President to be impeached in his first term. (So much winning!). By the end of 2017, Trump had shown that he's not up to being President in any way. Republicans could have cut their losses long ago, but they chose not to. Sure, Pence would have become President. But Pence is no Pied Piper of Deploristan like Trump is. All the rats hear Trump's wanton ignorance and bigotry and come swarming like moths to a flame; Pence doesn't have that sort of magic.

That Trump got impeached falls on the people that were supposed to keep him in check but never did. I don't blame Trump for his own impeachment because the man has zero self-discipline.

There's nothing to celebrate. Nothing.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
There's nothing to celebrate. Nothing.

Thanks for your post. You bring some light (dark light) to this non sense. Perhaps we can celebrate that actually I think that keeping Trumpet in place is actually better then other republican like Pence!
Put Pence as President and you would have a new Iran in America.... The USA... All fuck up by crazy religious nutcase.


C.B. Brown

Nov 29, 2019
Right here
If for some reason Trump is not re elected the market will take a major hit
the market just focuces on facts
Trump was impeached by the congress 500 strong (the majority are democrats) yesterday which is like getting a parking ticket
The senate is like the judge 100 of them and they need to get 2/3 to have him impeached and they control by 3
it didn't happen history that every republican voted + 2 votes from democrats to stay in office
normally 1/3 other side would have voted to impeach if he deserved it
Trump called it a suicide march.because they voted to impeach they the democrats will all lose their seats all but 2 in november and then the market will really take off
which means next november 3 he could control the house and the markets watching right now
trump said if they proceed they will lose the house and he will win the election
then if he is re elected and he is all powerful he will lay into the chinese this is what the market is fearing
if a company goes to china ,china wants them to hand over all the technology and trump said no no this wont happen
and this is the main issue they have to resolve.
if i was chinese i would want to rectify everything with trump cause if trump ever did lose the
democrats are anti china and would undo everything trump did.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
^^^^^^ Up 3. As if I follow American politics, just read the highlights. Too concerned with our own politicians than what is happening down south even thought I agree that the media dislikes the right and basically leaves the left alone.

Didn't stumble, just do not give a shit.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
So the big news today is the outrageous edit canada's CBC has done editing out Trump out of a movie they had purchased. All was done in 2014.

Can someone warn Trumpet's son that he is a fucking dangerous idiot? These little details is what scare's the shit out of me about america.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
This story, as everybody but Ratliffe, Sol Nutz, and the Russian who posted this nonsense knows, quid quo pro IS bribery. Keep stumbling, Sol. You made some Russian happy by reposting his work.

Looks like my post got deleted by a mod again, will repost.
From reading this article it looks like the bribery was not the first attempt at impeachment and used later on.

Had some time to check. Keep up the good work Rump ( Am I allowed to say this mods? )

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Can someone warn Trumpet's son that he is a fucking dangerous idiot? These little details is what scare's the shit out of me about america.

What makes him dangerous? People working, the stock market doing well? 15 million people in the US probably disagree with you and since they live there and you do not their clout is much bigger than yours.
Question, why do you continuously rant against Trump when he has no effect on you ( he is assisting the Canadian economy though ). You seem content with Trudeau changing Canada for the worse, the place where your kids will grow up.
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