Everywhere you look some girl has an Onlyfans link . They range in price $5.99/mo up to the most I've seen is $39.99 US / month, this means an expense from $72.00/yr to almost $500/yr to look at pictures and videos and jerk off. There have been some that I seriously might have been interested in but as I look at this as an ongoing thing which if we take subscriptions we usually just let them run and this means spending a fortune. There are so many porn sites available FREE that I can't bring myself to spend this money. Add to that the fact that you're in or not, there is no here's a sample of what you'll get if you subscribe, just pay for it and if you don't like it and cancel, well I just got you for month 1 at the very least.I have been in this hobby for a long time and value the money I spend and look for value, Onlyfans in my mind is only satisfying one person in these transactions and that isn't me .