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Threats, insults and intimidation directed at MERB from MERC. How do we stop it?

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Born again punter
Nov 13, 2005

Dee said:
we await your word:
what of the accusations of BBFS, Rape et al going on at your board? Answer the question and stop skating!


New Member
Aug 5, 2006
I'm here for one thing only: pussy!

None of the other stuff concerns me.

But especially wrt the other board, a very small number people have taken over the board and basically trashed it and turned it into a decidedly 'non-gentlemanly' low-class affaire. Why the owner of the board would allow that to be done is well beyond me.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
I could suggest another way to go: The 2 boards owners (Fred Zed and Tom) should make a pacific pact, and they should ban definitively all the trouble-makers of all the boards and don't allow them to come back ever.
Maria, until two weeks ago, any mention of blue was prohibited on merb. The mods started to allow it after the threats and accusations from blue became too much for them to take. The mods here can address this better than I can, but Fred Zed has tried to contact Tom to get him to control his barbarians, but has had little result.

Remember, Maria, ALL OF THE ATTACKS, LIES, AND SLANDERS are coming from the other side. That's why we are taking action. That's why we are asking you to stop giving Tom your money.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
I'm here for one thing only: pussy!

None of the other stuff concerns me.

But especially wrt the other board, a very small number people have taken over the board and basically trashed it and turned it into a decidedly 'non-gentlemanly' low-class affaire. Why the owner of the board would allow that to be done is well beyond me.
HP, While your apolitical stance is not my own, I appreciate your input. You can do your little part for peace and justice by voting with your pecker. There are 100s of fine looking women in Montreal earning a fine living without resorting to wallowing in the slime by advertising on merc. You can do your part and stil have your fun.

Maria Divina

Adorable libertine
Apr 10, 2007
Around Montréal...

You know, that's been "ages" that I used just one board to advertise. Before, that was Merb, and now, this is the other. I didn't read that much the board I didn't advertise, I am sorry, I am not awarded of all the last months.

So, why all this war is existing? Could you explain to me? I want to understand.


Red Sox Nation
Jan 28, 2009
I could suggest another way to go: The 2 boards owners (Fred Zed and Tom) should make a pacific pact, and they should ban definitively all the trouble-makers of all the boards and don't allow them to come back ever. That could be like a Salomon decision: each part will be for ever not existing on boards, and everyone will be peacefull and could do what we are supposing to do on a Review board like this: talk about the girls, having fun with the girls, and having fun to exchange with each others.
This is really logical, just to condamn those who are implicated, and who are stirring shit. Both side.

Do you like my proposition, Mister the owners? Fred Zed and Tom?

Hello again Maria,

The basis for what everyone has been trying to do is exactly this...regulation of the boards. It is eveident from what goes on that there is much more regulation and discipline on green then there is on blue. On blue its pretty much a free for all. What you propose is exactly what has been requested.

Relative to your comment about being pushed...decisions on how to run your business are obviously yours and yours alone. But as clients/customers the members of the boards also have the right to chose who and which board they will support. Ultimately everyone does what is best for them either by economics or by virtue of their beliefs. I would simply ask this...if you do not like the fighting and the bullshit and blue refuses to regulate it...then why tolerate it and support it? Personally my beliefs have led me to stop posting in blueland. That is frankly the only choice I have.

Hopefully all of this BS stops and people simply have fun...otherwise frankly, who needs either board...LOL.

Have fun,



It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
So, why all this war is existing? Could you explain to me? I want to understand.
It's quite simple, Maria. Read the other board. Your friends are being accused of rape, pedophilia, and more. They are not only being allowed to do this by board management, they are being encouraged. You, Maria, are paying them to do this.

So, why should I pay you to give them money to tell vicious lies about me and my friends? If Merlot sees you, he is giving them money to tell the world that he is a pedophile.
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Mod 11

Active Member
Jul 28, 2009
Maria, si MERC se mets à permettre des discussions valorisant des actes illégaux, est-ce que tu continurait d'annoncer avec eux? C'est ce qui se passe présentement:

  • Menacer de tapper sur quelqu'un avec un baton de baseball est illégal
  • harasser les gens est illégal
  • répendre des faussetées au sujet des gens est illégal
  • forcer quelqu'un à agir contre son gré, c'est de la cohersion et c'est illégal
Ce n'est qu'une partie du problème. Est-ce que ce genre de choses se produit sur MERB? Absolument pas!

Tom dit ne pas pouvoir rien y faire. Il y a combien de Mods actifs sur MERC? Combien de posts par jour sur MERC? Ici, Mod 8 et moi gardons les choses sous contrôle avec principalement que nous deux, avec un nombre de posts beaucoup plus élevé. C'est vrai que Fred, en tant qu'administrateur, ne peut rien faire non plus, il n'y rien qui reste à faire pour lui, on s'en occupe avant qu'il aie à le faire!

Si avec 2 modérateurs ici, beaucoup plus de membres et de nouveaux posts par jour, le board reste clean, il n'y a pas de raison que MERC soit dans l'état ou il est, sauf si son administrateur veut que ce soit ainsi.

Maintenant, pour ce qui est de ta publicité: Ce qui paie les factures d'un site internet gratuit pour les usagers, c'est soit que le proprio est un philanthrope invétéré ou que l'argent viens d'ailleurs. Fred n'est pas un philanthrope quand il s'agit de ses boards donc, l'argent viens de la pub. Pareil pour Tom.

Avec ton argent, tu achètes un service de Tom. En échange, Tom te garantis une certaine visibilité. Cette visibilité va de pair avec tout ce qui est sur le site. Si il y a des pubs des Hells Hangels, du KKK, des Jeunesses Hitleriennes, du Parti Communiste, name it, l'association automatique est "qui se ressemble s'assemble".

C'est la même chose avec les posts sur le board. Un post avec un thread qui prone la violence (head-bashing par expemple) avec ta bannière au dessus de la page, l'association est que tu approuve. La réaction de ceux qui ne te connaissent pas: "Pourquoi elle laisserait son nom associé à de tels propos si elle n'approuves pas?" Ceux qui te connaissent savent que c'est totalement faux.

C'est l'explication du boycott. VOUS, les clientes te Tom, devez lui faire savoir clairement que vous n'aimez pas ce que vous lisez sur son board. C'est ce que ce boycott demande.

Simplement dire que vous n'avez aucun contrôle est défaitiste ou, encore pire, équivalent de dire à vos clients que vous n'avez aucun intérêt à vous assurer que le respect soit une priorité. N'oublie pas que, parmis les gens qui lisent ces messages haineux, certain peuvent être d'accord et pouvoir financièrement rencontrer qui ils veulent. Si ils sont d'accord que le respect n'est pas important, comment seront-ils avec une escorte? Vrai, les "keyboard bullies" sont souvent des souris en personne mais ça n'excuse pas leur comportement.

Si tes clients ne proviennent en majorité pas de MERC, tes pubs sur MERC sont inutiles. Si tu ne crois pas que MERB n'est pas non plus une grande source de clients, il te serait inutile d'annoncer ici aussi donc, simplement, as-tu besoin d'annoncer? Un mois de temps en temps sur MERB serait probablement plus rentable qu'une pub constante su MERC, sauf si naturellement, Tom est tellement désespéré qu'il charge des peanuts. C'est à ce point que le respect entre en ligne de compte: aceptes-tu que ton nom soit associé à des posts du genre qui remplis MERC?
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CS Martin

Apr 21, 2007
Hello again Maria,

The basis for what everyone has been trying to do is exactly this...regulation of the boards. It is eveident from what goes on that there is much more regulation and discipline on green then there is on blue. On blue its pretty much a free for all. What you propose is exactly what has been requested.

Relative to your comment about being pushed...decisions on how to run your business are obviously yours and yours alone. But as clients/customers the members of the boards also have the right to chose who and which board they will support. Ultimately everyone does what is best for them either by economics or by virtue of their beliefs. I would simply ask this...if you do not like the fighting and the bullshit and blue refuses to regulate it...then why tolerate it and support it? Personally my beliefs have led me to stop posting in blueland. That is frankly the only choice I have.

Hopefully all of this BS stops and people simply have fun...otherwise frankly, who needs either board...LOL.

Have fun,



I tend to agree with the vast majority of your post.

CS Martin


New Member
Aug 5, 2006
rf, I ALWAYS vote my pecker.

As to how I choose where I spend my money, there are many factors. One such factor:

birds of a feather, flocks together. If a sp chooses to aligns herself or keep company with unsavory characters, that alone would not stop me from booking her. But it IS part of the decision process, especially if she is being weighed against another one of exactly the same 'qualities'. If that tips the scale, so be it.

What is happening to the other board is a total shame. That board used to be more civilized than here. Now it seems like just a street gang affaire. What goes on there is way out of the norm of north-american middle-class expectations. If that's the crowd the owner really wants to attract, go for it. If that is the kind of clients sps advertising there want to attract, do go for it too.

Oh, if any 'ladies' who ad there don't know what I am talking about, who thinks that is just 'normal', that's fine too. That will be taken into considerations when I pick my next girl.

For example, I recently emailed a lady advertising there. Zero response. That's about as impolite as it comes. That's what I mean 'birds of a feather, flocks together'.


Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
First, I am an escort. Second, I have never been nasty (in the real term of the word) with anyone. I am confirming to you, that I don't support anything who has been said. I am not in control of what people are writing. This is a hobbist-fight, not an escort-fight.

Is really the only way you have found to win over some guys to threat ladies? If this is so, that's really sad, but I understand that you could be tired of it.

Will you pay for my fee advertising on Merb then? but I will continue to advertise there too.

First, Maria, before being an escort, you are a human being with goals in life very different then being an escort. And as a human being, I suppose you have a set of basic ethic principles.

Second, it is untrue that you have never been nasty, in the real sense of the word. You may recall meeting me at GT. I approached you and complimented you for your determination to attain the goals you have set for yourself in life. We had a short but pleasant discussion about it and you thanked me sincerely for the compliment. A few days after the GT, you have written a message on smutland to say how rude and sufficient I was with you at the GT. Nasty you were in that case, but I guess you were once again under the influence of DT. I excused you because, like many sp and hobbyists, you are not trained to recognize all the tactics of manipulation.

Third, it is too easy to say you do not support anything that is said and bring that as an excuse for advertising on smutland. As I have explained to Ysabelle, you must admit there is a limit to this logic. Otherwise, you would have no problem advertising on a forum where members promote things like pedophilia without the intervention of the administrators. You have to admit that sometimes, things can get very seriously off limits, near the border where it becomes criminal. That is certainly the case with smutland where you advertise.

Forth, I agree, to a certain limit, that this is a hobbyst fight, not an escort fight. But I think you do not see, let alone understand, the will behind the pimp (Tom), the troll (DT) and the cyberstalker (Tony). It is all the same, Maria: control over the girls of the profession.

Fifth, I am sorry for saying this Maria, you will not make me cry when saying we deprive you of the revenues to pay for your studies at University. That is a joke considering the costs of living and studying in the Universities in Montréal and the type of revenues a sp of yours status is making. You have enough money to advertise here instead of there.

Sixth, about threatening of ladies, you seem to have a very selective thinking about it. I would tend to give you more credibility if you also denounce publicly the threats made by your dear friend DT, threats with far more serious consequences for the ladies that are not under his influence. Denouncing a boycott because it is a threat is very simplistic. There is a logic behind a boycott, in this case, denouncing a quasi criminal behaviour. You “choose” to burry your head in the sand. Considering your intelligence, I think I am allowed to say “choose”. I think it is unwise to make that decision and that it sends a wrong message to the independant SPs advertising on smutland.

Yzabel Wolf

Sep 22, 2006
Hello vous tous, Ce que je n'aime pas et que Maria je crois n'aime pas non plus c'est L'obligation de choisir un bord au l'autre. Je n'ai jamais aimé travailler pour quelqu'un qui me disait quoi faire alors maintenant je me trouve encore dans cette situation J'ai choisi d'être Indy pour prendre mes propres décisions pas pour me faire dire quoi faire. Et en disant que nous prônons pour les Dires de certains membres sur le blueland et bien je dois dire que je me sens insulter. J'annonce là parce que'il y a du trafic et encore là vous me dites mais si tu annonces là tu approuves ce que certain membres font Hé bien non je n'approuve pas Mais en même temps je les trouve comiques. ( Pas comique dans le vrai sens du terme là ) Si vous prenez pour du cash tout ce qui se dit alors vous êtes Naifs Ces gens là s'amusent à vous provoquez Depuis des ANNÉES et vous tombez dans le panneau.
Et là encore vous allez me dire mais voyons Yza tu ne vois pas tu te voile là face ! Peut-être OUI. Mais en même temps Je DÉTESTE Me faire dire quoi FAIRE. C'est en fait le POURQUOI de ma protestation.
C'est cela qui me fait royalement chier.

L'Intimidation, La Manipulation en ce moment vient de VOUS.
Vous êtes tous dans le même Bateau pour moi en ce moment.
Et je dois dire que malgrés tout je vous aimes tous pareil et cela même
si vous créez une tempête en ce moment.
Ha mais c'est vrai l'hiver arrive j'avais oublié tellement il fait chaud par ici

Maria Divina

Adorable libertine
Apr 10, 2007
Around Montréal...
Hello Gugu,

I want to know who you are, because you are saying that we met at a GT, and I am not recognizing you presently...

You have a strange opinion on myself, I don't know why you are talking about DT while you are talking about me. I have nothing to do with this personage.

You don't have any clue about my life, Thanks God! Your statements just proved it.

That's sad you are thinking the way you are writing, but you are free to speech.


If things don't change sooner, I will take some decisions. I don't like to be taken in hostage.


That's really surprising that we don't have that much answers to the survey, sondage, for the moment. Majority of people seem to be not interested.

My view that something about 12 guys at the maximum, could be exact. Will see.

Now, I have things to do. I will come back later.


Jun 13, 2003
Visit site
Bigboyeddie, like Dee and Roland, you just don't seem to understand do you? When one of the people causing problems and allowing threats, insults, false accusations and pure bullshit to be posted is the OWNER of merc, then there's a serious problem. The mods here have always kept this board free of posts directed at the other board and have always removed posts directed at posters that can't reply here. But for some reason, lack of posts, lack of reviews, lack of decent posters, Tom has let his board become more of a place to attack MERB than it is a review board. Finally the mods have decided to let us reply to almost a year of pure shit, accusations, threats and insults thrown at us and we are going to have our say. You may find it funny, but being on the receiving end of all this garbage for so long is nothing to laugh about or laugh at.

Techman, I focus on reading and posting reviews. I was away from the boards for almost all of 2009. I have read bits and pieces but LIKE MANY review board members, I don't have detailed knowledge about the basis or the roots of all these accusations I have been seeing. I just see people hating on each other and accusing each other of such things as rape, pedophilia, forceful behaviours..... Why these accusations started?, what were the basis of these accusations? I don't know.

All I can say is that if accusations are unfounded, then of course they should be removed but if they are true then they should be discussed for the safety of the sex industry workers and their clientele.

Example: If an agency girl tells me that a particular handle beat the shit out of her or forced her to perform an act like CIM because he would give her a bad review if she didn't comply , of course this person should be exposed. However, if an agency girl tells me personal information like a real name or address of a hobbyist or name of employer then of course this is no one's business and should be kept confidential out of respect for the individual's privacy.

Maybe someone should recap the basis and roots of the accusations because many clients as well as SPs don't know what is being discussed. Of course there is a fine line between friendly teasing and downright character damaging accusations unless they are warranted.
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Yzabel Wolf

Sep 22, 2006
Yzabelle, My French is very weak, but if I'm correct, you're saying that you find them funny. Funny? You think people being falsely accused of rape, pedophilia, and attempted bbfs is funny? I really hope that I'm reading you incorrectly and that you're not really that sick.

Not it's not what you are reading if somebody could translate for me what i saying you will understand what i'm try to say

Maria Divina

Adorable libertine
Apr 10, 2007
Around Montréal...

That wasn't the spirit of what Ysa said. She said that those guys there just want to have reactions, your reactions, and they have success presently. "comique" in québécois/french could mean different things depending of the general talk.

Like myself, Ysa seems to think to not understand why those guys want to make you react, but they are succeeding lately really highly.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Like myself, Ysa seems to think to not understand why those guys want to make you react, but they are succeeding lately really highly.
Maria, we are not just reacting; we are acting. We've listened to their garbage long enough. They've gone from simple lies to vicious accusations. The only power we have is in how we use our dollars and that's where you come in. We're not happy that we have to involve you, but you're where their dollars come from. We don't want to boycott you; we want you to stop giving them money. You and I know each other and we have had a good friendly relationship, but I will do what I must to stop the flow of money that is being used to slander me and my friends.

Consider, Maria. How would you feel if you read on a board that you are seeing 12 year old boys as clients? Would you take whatever steps were necessary to stop it? That's how we feel. Would you expect us as your friends to help you put an end to it?

Yzabelle doesn't understand why they want to make us react. It's quite simple: what the French word for "psychopath"? I'm going to delete my response to Yzabelle; I'm glad I read her wrong.
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Born again punter
Nov 13, 2005

(snip) Et en disant que nous prônons pour les Dires de certains membres sur le blueland et bien je dois dire que je me sens insulter.

(snip). Si vous prenez pour du cash tout ce qui se dit alors vous êtes Naifs Ces gens là s'amusent à vous provoquez Depuis des ANNÉES et vous tombez dans le panneau. Et là encore vous allez me dire mais voyons Yza tu ne vois pas tu te voile là face ! Peut-être OUI.

(snip) L’intimidation, La Manipulation en ce moment vient de VOUS. (snip)
Izabelle, je t'adore et je suis certain que tu ne prônes pas ces énormités. Mais que veux-tu, MERC c'est là où tu t'annonces. Une chose qui serait très utile, c'est que tu te serves de ton statut d'annonceur pour dire à la direction (Tom) haut et fort que tu n'approuves pas ce qui se passe là récemment. Tu peux le faire en privé à Tom, et publiquement dans un des threads appropriés sur le forum MERC. Avant tout, et BIEN AVANT LE BOYCOTT, nous cherchons à ce que les annonceurs de MERC se servent de leur statut pour dénoncer la situation. Si un bon nombre d'eux le font, le boycott n'aura probablement même pas lieu.

Ils nous provoquent depuis un certain temps, c'est bien vrai. Mais plus le temps avance, plus la direction de MERC laisse passer des choses inacceptables (je cherche des relations non-protégées, rumples est violeur, etc). Et depuis que le conflit a vraiment pris, c'est pire: on dirait que la stratégie de MERC est de "lâcher les chiens sauvages lousse" et maintenant tout est permis. Comme c'est le monde de l'escorte, diffcile de "poursuivre". En dehors de ce monde, ces "choses" mériteraient des libellés très coûteux...

Tu dois savoir que tout d'abord des posters se sont plaints directement sur MERC et ont été ignorés, ridiculisés et censurés. Ensuite, les modérateurs de MERB on fait appel à ceux de MERC, sans suite. C'est escaladé à Fred Zed qui a fait un appel sans suite à Tom.

Comme je te disais, le "boycott" ne débute officiellement que le 1er décembre. Si d'ici là, suffisamment d'annonceurs MERC signifient à Tom "fini les folies" et lui suggèrent fortement de remettre de l'ordre sur son forum, tous ces efforts n'auront pas été en vain et le boycott sera évité.

Souviens toi de l'Afrique du Sud, de l'apartheid et de l'embargo imposé par les nations occidentales. Certainement que ce n'était pas de gaieté de cœur et nous savions qu'à court terme ça nuirait en partie aux victimes de ce système. Mais en relativement peu de temps, les chaînes de ce système totalitaire furent brisées :).

Annonceurs et annonceuses de MERC: envoyez un message à Tom qu'un boycott n'est pas nécessaire s'il agit, la modération ellle, OUI!
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The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Maria and Yza, how would you like it if the idiots on merc started posting that you were making most of your money by having sex with school children for their lunch money. Would you find it funny? Would you like it if they kept spreading that rumour and you weren't allowed to respond and no one was allowed to defend you because their posts would be removed and they would get banned for doing so?

Look, the bottom line is that as long as you continue to support that board by advertising there, you are saying that everything that goes on there meets with your approval. I don't care where you advertise, all I care about is getting the shit stopped. This has been going on for almost a year and if you haven't noticed it, maybe you should open your damned eyes and actually read the board whose members you are advertising to. Amazing that in a year you haven't said one thing against those fools and now that we are finally able to reply we become the bad guys.

You are the advertisers over there. You have the power to get this stopped.

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