I do not agree with this. I have a close relative who was diagnosed with Lewy Body Dementia. The entire family noticed changes, not just in his cognitive abilities, but also in his behavior patterns, long before he was formally diagnosed. And these changes went beyond "oh he is getting old." One of the more complex human skills, in terms of applying cognitive ability to it, is driving a car. While simple for the normal functioning human, you begin to notice it with the person whose cognitive abilities have declined due to dementia. One of the biggest clues is forgetting to make turns down roads you have turned down for 50 or more years in a town you have lived in your entire adult life. Another behavioral change was increased paranoia. These are not symptoms you observe in others who are just aging in a normal fashion. The other thing is that the demented person doesn't recognize the loss of that skill. They are oblivious to it.
I observed in Biden many of the things as with the family member. The incoherence. The starting of sentences and inability to complete them in a lucid fashion. My relative has now deteriorated to the point where he starts a sentence, but is unable to finish it and just trails off. I think the thought is forgotten as soon as the first two words come out of his mouth, never to return. It's very sad, as this relative was, in his day, a person of immense cognitive ability and holder of a Ph.D. It's now gone.
Make no mistake. There was a coverup on Biden's dementia. It was a great lie, and a person was used as a puppet for a long period of time. This was a tremendous deception that, while recognized by many citizens, was nonetheless very heinous. It shouldn't have happened and should not be allowed. It should have triggered a congressional investigation.