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Towards the presidential run of 2024


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017
I wouldn't be much surprised to learn that it was staged to help him for his reelection.
Thanks to his corrupt Supreme Court judges, if he is elected he could be exempt of jail time for his crimes.
The man that attempted at Trump's life had voted for him in 2016.
He was highly deceived by his presidency and his acts since that time.
Trump is receiving money from his cultists following today's event.
I saw that he publicly told that he hate Taylor Swift ! Is he putting her life at risk ?
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Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017
Trump is telling he will deport the Haitans that came to Springfield to Venezuela !
I didn't know that Venezuela population were called Haitans !
By the way, since those crazy words on the debate, Springfield city has much more trouble than before, like bombs alarms and others things.

Trump chose well his VP candidate.
Vance told : " if I have to create stories to get media attention, I will ".
That's what he did in the Springfield case.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
IMO,,,,,,as result the next polls will b favorable to him especially in the battlegrounds.....BUT more concerning HARRIS is no longer safe anywhere.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Well.....quite the bellicose atmosphere of these elections everything becomes possible and to be feared..... with crazy people everywhere.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2019
I truly hope both candidates stay safe and healthy but don’t you find it odd to be only worried about Harris while no attempt was made on her?

She campaigns less in open crowds and has much higher level security. Also no one enflames lunatics by calling her Hitler or an existential threat to democracy.

Trump had 2 serious attempts in 7 weeks and you downplay them.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
I saw that he publicly told that he hate Taylor Swift ! Is he putting her life at risk ?
If Taylor Swift life is at risk it is because she couldn’t stay in her own Disney World and had to open her big mouth.
Perhaps if she shut the fuck up and stuck to singing she wouldn’t make herself a target, but that would be too much for the entitled star that wants her name in lights every opportunity she gets,


Jul 22, 2024
If Taylor Swift life is at risk it is because she couldn’t stay in her own Disney World and had to open her big mouth.
Perhaps if she shut the fuck up and stuck to singing she wouldn’t make herself a target, but that would be too much for the entitled star that wants her name in lights every opportunity she gets,
So... freedom of expression for people for some. Curious why you think she should be quiet. Because she supports the Dems? Because she's a woman? Because she's rich? Perhaps it's all three.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
So... freedom of expression for people for some. Curious why you think she should be quiet. Because she supports the Dems? Because she's a woman? Because she's rich? Perhaps it's all three.
No simply because she is an idiot,
With the 2 attempts on Trumps life already publicly supporting either candidate for any celebrity is just being stupid and putting a target on your chest.
The US is a land of crazies and million upon millions of guns in private hands read the news how many people get killed everyday.
Elections do bring out the crazies on both side.

It is purely about having some common sense and not being an entitled fucking idiot.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I think it's unfortunate that the assassin was not killed in a hail of gunfire by the Secret Service, like the first would-be assassin of Trump was. Taking the assassin into custody alive means that his grievances and agenda will be aired and discussed and this will honor them, thus encouraging the attention seeking behavior of other would-be assassins of Trump and of Harris.


Jul 22, 2024
No simply because she is an idiot,
With the 2 attempts on Trumps life already publicly supporting either candidate for any celebrity is just being stupid and putting a target on your chest.
The US is a land of crazies and million upon millions of guns in private hands read the news how many people get killed everyday.
Elections do bring out the crazies on both side.

It is purely about having some common sense and not being an entitled fucking idiot.
If we're only handing out freedom of speech to smart people, America would be a country of mimes.

Pretty sure Taylor Swift has a target on her back already just for being a popular Liberal woman that speaks her mind. Just the fact that she's an attractive woman is enough to make her a target for stalkers and crazies. Remember that guy that shot Ronald Reagan? He did that to show his love for Jodie Foster. Speak your mind, don't speak your mind - doesn't matter if you're an attractive female celebrity. You still have to deal with crazies.


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2021
I truly hope both candidates stay safe and healthy but don’t you find it odd to be only worried about Harris while no attempt was made on her?

She campaigns less in open crowds and has much higher level security. Also no one enflames lunatics by calling her Hitler or an existential threat to democracy.

Trump had 2 serious attempts in 7 weeks and you downplay them.
I think that both candidates and their running mates are in grave danger. Both candidates are receiving death threats daily. Again too many crazies with too many guns. We have the gun lobby and republicans to blame for the 400+ million guns in America, and ourselves to blame for inadequate mental health care and our polarized society. Harris is the sitting VP so her level of protection is greater than a former POTUS and candidate. Congress needs to authorize additional funding to protect all candidates to the fullest extent possible.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
If we're only handing out freedom of speech to smart people, America would be a country of mimes.

Pretty sure Taylor Swift has a target on her back already just for being a popular Liberal woman that speaks her mind. Just the fact that she's an attractive woman is enough to make her a target for stalkers and crazies. Remember that guy that shot Ronald Reagan? He did that to show his love for Jodie Foster. Speak your mind, don't speak your mind - doesn't matter if you're an attractive female celebrity. You still have to deal with crazies.
You still don’t get it do you.
Yes she has every right to say and chose who ever she wants to back it is not about that at all.
It is about having a bit of common sense and not putting a target on yourself.
I responded to a comment made that Trump is endangering her by saying he hates her.

It is not Trump who is endangering her what did you expect him to say that he loves her, but her own stupidity of not keeping her mouth shut, with the amount of crazies and guns out there it doesn’t take much for one of them to get pissed off enough at her. If you cannot understand that well it’s on you,


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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It's totally wrong and improper for her to publicize her endorsement for President, regardless of who she supports. One should keep his or her vote private. I have shared my vote only here on MERB, where I am anonymous, and speaking to a mostly Canadian audience. Taylor Swift, who is a calculating, egotistical person, know her endorsement carries weight and will influence people, and that she is a "Sheperd" whose flock of sheep will follow whatever she does. It is NOT FOR HER TO DECIDE THE ELECTION OR BELIEVE SHE CAN DO SO. She should stick to writing and performing her music, most of which I do not like.

What we are seeing here is a massive ego at work, a real prima donna. She is the very definition of a prima donna.

She is also pissing off a certain number of Republicans, which is plan stupid. A musician's legitimate goal is to have their music be the music of the people and to see as many records as she can, to as many people as they can. She probably doesn't need any more money than she already has, unless she wants to give it away. But by not keeping her political opinions to herself, which she ought to be doing (rather than behaving like an egotistical social influencer), she is causing a loss of profits, both for her and her agents. Who probably do not appreicate her very entitled prima donna behavior.
At this point I need to repost my post on Taylor Swift as it now bears repeating. She does a lot of things that bring attention to herself that really are not necessary.
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