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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Jalimon. I don't think it is my fellow conservatives that are committing all those crimes.

Here are FBI statistics of arrests made by race:


Look at the statistics. Look at all those murders and robberies committed by African Americans!!! And consider they are a small percentage of the population in the USA.

Now consider if the southern half of Canada would have been prime cotton growing land and someone would of had the idea of importing slaves from Africa to grow cotton. In the United States the southern plantation owners were all Democrats. The Democrats fought civil liberties and they fought for Jim Crow. Killarys favorite was Robert Byrd from West Virginia who was Liberal Democratic Senator for years...He was in the Ku Klux Klan before he became this loving give everything away for nothing liberal do-gooder. He was not a Grand Dragon in the Klan but just a step below that. Byrd was an exaggerated example of the typical Democrat. At one time the Democrats used actual chains of bondage. Today the chains are more literal. Keep em poor and keep on assistance and they will vote for the descendants of the plantation owners who are Democrats.

Blacks can go to school for free here and we have affirmative action and many have taken advantage of this and they have bettered themselves but there still are massive numbers that have not. And before you call me a racist please study the FBI statistics. I can take you to neighborhoods that I lived close too. I can let any well intended liberal get out of the car and walk around the block. Just like the Sgt in the Detroit Police said to my nave ass when I foolishly said this is a good neighborhood. He said he would give me 5$ every time I walked around the block...I didn't dare go off the porch at night there.

Now why is it that they can live in a poor neighborhood and stay poor forever when other races move in and in a generation they have moved into the top classes of wage earners and small business owners? I say it is liberal policies. Keep em dependant and they will have to vote for you.

But let them all go up to Canada and you could try your liberal values on them. That would probably fix everything.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Who might you be referring to?

I have walked late nights down the streets of Mtl, Toronto, Ottawa and many more canadian cities and never had a problem just as i have done so in many american cities like NYC (all boroughs), and several cities in states like Texas, Oklahoma, New Hampshire, Maine, Florida mASSachussets, and many more. I am also smart enough to stay out of bad areas late at night (or even daytime) in high crime cities like Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Boston (Dorchester mainly) and believe it or not, Washington D.C. Do you know what those last places all have in common? They are all Liberal based Cities! There goes your theory out the window along with your tv, jewelry and hobby money that those liberal thugs just stole from you :lol:

So you see It has nothing to do with liberal values and everything to do wtih bad people in general. How many so called thugs are fleeing/coming illegally to Canada versus the mass number that come into the USA? (Pre Trump) Not even close so of course Canadian cities are going to be safer in general. By the way, do you think thugs aka bad people give a crap if they or you are liberal or conservative when they rob, murder, steal or rape?

I can't wait for Hungry's take on what you said below :lol:

PS....the hungryman beat me too it! You are fast mon ami!

The problem with your post my friend is that montreal is a peacefull town to walk at 3 am in the morning and such a great city for hobbying exactly because of all our liberal values!! If we were like you guys in the states who see Trump in their bowl of cereral we would be a copy of just any american city. Great city but where you need to be fucking carefull about everything you do.

You guys are enjoying our great benefits here in Montreal without being humble enough to admit that this is possible because we are and we believe in liberal values!



New Member
Oct 3, 2008
There you go again, making sense that the libs will never be able to understand, won't you ever learn amigo? Pfffft :rolleyes:

PS.... :lol:

Now why is it that they can live in a poor neighborhood and stay poor forever when other races move in and in a generation they have moved into the top classes of wage earners and small business owners? I say it is liberal policies. Keep em dependant and they will have to vote for you.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
They are not political prisoners. They are drug dealers, gang members, car jackers, murderers, bank robbers etc. Would you like them in your country Doc? Of course you wouldn't be able to walk the streets in Montreal and late night places downtown would no longer be open after 8PM.

Many of the citizens are in prisons for petty drug-related crimes. But hey, it's a way for the white man to keep the black guy in prison, right? It's also a good way for rethuglicans to prevent black people from voting for democrats.

By the way, the United States have supported for decades many foreign leaders who've imprisoned people as political prisoners. They still do. All the arab countries they support for one, including even Jordan. Most countries with these type of leaders need to imprison their political ennemies in order to remain strong leaders and maintain power. Just like Trump's idol, Vlady Putin.

And that's why many arabs and al-quaeda militants hate the United States: because the States have shielded those dictators and looked the other way when these same leaders imprisoned, tortured and killed their political ennemies. And over the years, some of those 'leaders' were put into power by the United States. Google 'Chile 1973' for one small example of this.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Trump just named a couple more billionaires to work in his cabinet. The Donald so far hasn't been draining the swamp. All he's done is put more alligators into his swamp. By the way....

Today would be a good day for Donald Trump to release his taxes. ;)


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Many of the citizens are in prisons for petty drug-related crimes. But hey, it's a way for the white man to keep the black guy in prison, right? It's also a good way for rethuglicans to prevent black people from voting for democrats.
There is no one doing time for smoking pot here. I was thinking, we could send them north and I am sure they would just blossom with all that liberalism north of the border. They couldn't learn to speak proper English in 4 or 5 generations but maybe they would do better with French?

And that's why many arabs and al-quaeda militants hate the United States: because the States have shielded those dictators and looked the other way when these same leaders imprisoned, tortured and killed their political ennemies. And over the years, some of those 'leaders' were put into power by the United States. Google 'Chile 1973' for one small example of this.
Come on Doc. You know better than this. Those people would just love us if we backed some cleric eh? Those people have been killing each other since Cain slew Abel with the jawbone of an ass. That wonderful peace-loving religion they have adopted 14 centuries ago or so gives them plenty of excuses to murder at will. There is no grovelling or policy changing that will keep ISIS and the rest of them from refraining from killing something or someone. As Golda Meir said "Peace will come to the Middle East when the Arabs love their children more than they hate us." You know as well as I there will never be peace there.

We just had a Somalian refugee, living completely off the system, run over some people at Ohio State. He got out of his car to do the customary stabbin and he was shot and killed by a police officer. Just like the Chechen Tsarnaev brothers who set off the pressure cooker bombs. Now why do we want more of them? Yes Doc, you guessed it....because someday these people will vote Democrat. So what is a bomb and a couple of stabbings?

I know my colleagues is Switzerland voted against allowing a masque to be built. The rest of Europe publicly called them racist but my colleagues tell me that in private every one tells them you did the right thing they are taking over in France, Germany, and Belgium. Now in Europe there is a terrorist attack every 72 hours. You only hear about the big ones. A few stabbings go unreported and the left wing media that you love gets together and tries to explain away every crime of Muslim on non-Muslim as mental illness or some other factor than terrorism. You can't ask the murderer. He/she died in a suicide attack.


New Member
May 14, 2016
Run for the hills! It's not flesh eating zombies or mass murdering aliens...it's the "Libbys"...ROFLMAO.

In right wing politics there are some perspectives that could have real value. However, the extremism woven throughout connect them too close to fascism, like prison or lost citizenship for flag burning, which I personally find sickening. But what's next? firing squads? They never say anything against supporters carrying swastikas but don't anyone mention global warming or they'll run for a gun...if...they aren't wearing 20 or 30 of them already. :lol:

With right wing propagandists around the country there's this mindless brain dead droning of the term "Libby's in every sentence employed like some mentally possessed chanted panacea of absolution that reduces their legitimacy to a Stooges-like farce. It's like they're so scared to death of some gross infection they wouldn't try a new flavor of ice cream without holding a holy cross wrapped in a flag for dread the "Libbys" might like it too. Do they all go around with their own personal exorcist to save them? They are just as stuck in blind dogma as they accuse the Left.

Both the extreme Left and Right are so willing to regurgitate dogmatic catch-words there's no difference between them in how much they cling to nonsense.

I say it is liberal policies.

No one saw that coming. :pound:More...more...please. :D

participating in a recount (which she did not initiate) is within election law. It is a thoroughly legitimate and legal process. Saying you wont accept the result because "because that's why" like Trump is just being an asshole...

They fear a recount will delegitimize the election. Then T-Rump goes out and provides much greater cause for a recount by claiming millions voted illegally. It's the kind of mindless short-sighted self-inflicting wounds that make most of Americans worry he's a nutcase.


New Member
May 14, 2016
Donald Trump Vows on Twitter to Step Away From Business


Still about 6 weeks from inauguration and the Conflict Of Interest trouble has become a constant concern, not only because of the media, but also because T-Rump has already used his own business assets including his family when dealing in American government business, not counting the children who have their own personal conflicts of interest apart from the father or father in-law as the case may be.

Given T-Rump's view of what makes a legitimate election...ie...he'll accept it only if he wins, it will be interesting to see how he sets up and defines stepping away from his own businesses. The issue is sure to dog his term in office from Democrats, Independents, the media and some Republicans. It's his quickest and surest path to IMPEACHMENT.

Or is that just "white guilt"....:pound:

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Most of us know Trump is by far not the best choice to run even an ice cream stand, too bad some do not know that Clinton would have been worse than Trump. Citizens in the US and Canada are fed up with political lies, constant bull shit and raised taxes while politicians give themselves high fives and raises. I do not think this was a left or right election but the people saying enough is enough with fucked up politicians, and Clinton is fucked up as politicians go.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
The Trump team has announced that they're now down to 4 names for the position of Secretary of State.

Who will be the next Apprentice??

My money's on David Petraeus, although he once resigned in shame for giving the girl he was fucking at the time classified information. Could he now be trusted? I suppose as long as he keeps his dick in his pants, he could be trusted. But once the dick comes out......lookout!!!!!!

In other news, Newt Gingrich criticized Donald Trump for his tweets and especially for tweeting bullshit. Which likely means he won't be getting any job in the Trump administration.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
My money's on David Petraeus, although he once resigned in shame for giving the girl he was fucking at the time classified information. Could he now be trusted? I suppose as long as he keeps his dick in his pants, he could be trusted. But once the dick comes out......lookout!!!!!!

That makes me think that a guy who want's to be next chef of conservative party in Canada did the same! And the girl's ex was actually part of organized crime! I hope people will have a memory, but just the fact that he's where he is makes me worry.


Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Former Republican Congressman and Trump supporter Joe Walsh is incensed at Trump for his recent appointments of billionaires and Goldman Sachs employees. Here is what he tweeted:

"Mr Trump, this is bullshit! Can you hire someone who doesn't work for Goldman Sachs? What about that swamp? Huh?"

Me thinks that the president-elect hasn't stopped disappointing his supporters. Trump is simply showing is true colors in that he's one of them (billionaire elites) and not at all like the people who supported him throughout his campaign, which he's spit on his entire life. Suckers!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Why are the sore libby losers not reporting how Trump just saved 1000 jobs at the Carrier Plant in Indiana as promised?

Ahhhhhh you gotta love the lefties and their (hidden, very well hidden) agendas :lol:

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Why are the sore libby losers not reporting how Trump just saved 1000 jobs at the Carrier Plant in Indiana as promised?

Ahhhhhh you gotta love the lefties and their (hidden, very well hidden) agendas :lol:

Wait until you learn the details of how he managed to do this. Can you spell S-T-I-M-U-L-U-S ???? :lol:

Actually, i love what Trump is doing. By appointing billionaires, lobbyists and Goldman Sachs types to his cabinet, he's shitting all over the clueless bunch who supported and believed in him. Suckers!!!!!! :lol: :lol:

Go Donald Go!!!!! Keep up the good work!!!!! You're actually making a believer out of me!! :thumb:


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
That is where you are (yet again) wrong. People who supported him do not care who he appoints, hires etc...they only care that things get better by any means possible and not the "how" as much as the end results. Cha cha cha! ;)

The only suckers were those who foolishly voted for the wicked witch from the west aka not only suckers but sore losers as well :Cry:

Wait until you learn the details of how he managed to do this. Can you spell S-T-I-M-U-L-U-S ???? :lol:

Actually, i love what Trump is doing. By appointing billionaires, lobbyists and Goldman Sachs types to his cabinet, he's shitting all over the clueless bunch who supported and believed in him. Suckers!!!!!! :lol: :lol:

Go Donald Go!!!!! Keep up the good work!!!!! You're actually making a believer out of me!! :thumb:


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Why are the sore libby losers not reporting how Trump just saved 1000 jobs at the Carrier Plant in Indiana as promised?

Ahhhhhh you gotta love the lefties and their (hidden, very well hidden) agendas :lol:

Check the amount of business Carrier does with the US gouvernment. It's in the billions. That was just a bluff my friend. Those jobs would have never moved. Pure Trump bullshit.

I am not saying Trump is complete bullshit, he may turn out to be ok, but that example with Carrier is bogus.


Kasey Jones

Mar 24, 2008
Former Republican Congressman and Trump supporter Joe Walsh is incensed at Trump for his recent appointments of billionaires and Goldman Sachs employees. Here is what he tweeted:

"Mr Trump, this is bullshit! Can you hire someone who doesn't work for Goldman Sachs? What about that swamp? Huh?"

Me thinks that the president-elect hasn't stopped disappointing his supporters. Trump is simply showing is true colors in that he's one of them (billionaire elites) and not at all like the people who supported him throughout his campaign, which he's spit on his entire life. Suckers!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

if he's talking he's lying... watch what he does, not what he says. At some point, some of his voters will realize that they were just marks in another Donald scam... just like his students.

Kasey Jones

Mar 24, 2008
Why are the sore libby losers not reporting how Trump just saved 1000 jobs at the Carrier Plant in Indiana as promised?

Ahhhhhh you gotta love the lefties and their (hidden, very well hidden) agendas :lol:

good for him... we don't have all the details yet, but it is good news.

It is kinda funny how Democrats are communists and big government spenders when they offer tax incentives to keep jobs, yet Donald gets a sloppy wet BJ from Iggy for doing the same... Hard to figure out these conservatives. One day they hate wall street, the next they love it. One day they hate deficit spending, the next they love it. One day they love free markets, the next they hate them... Its all very confusing... :boom:

Kasey Jones

Mar 24, 2008
That is where you are (yet again) wrong. People who supported him do not care who he appoints, hires etc...they only care that things get better by any means possible and not the "how" as much as the end results. Cha cha cha! ;)

They really should care. They are about to get screwed by Republican policies all over again yet they seem to be to unable to figure out who is actually screwing them over. It's like those people in KY who elect Bevin governor when he ran on a platform of getting rid of the ACA, and then they vote for Trump who ran on repealing the ACA and now they are worried about losing their health insurance... the mind boggles...
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