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New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Thats what i love about ya buddy, you are always "in character" behind the keyboard but yourself in person, or is it the other way around :pound:

Enjoy the shit show that starts monday in Philly my friend, love those wikileaks! ;)
I know. I have quite a lot of them who've supported me in back channels and who have indicated their preference to stay away from the thread. Some of the points i make actually comes from info provided by some of them. You know quite a few of these posters also. ;)

I haven't been able to sleep since i read this last night. It totally depressed me. How will i be able to move on from this? I am doomed! Doomed i say, doomed! :rolleyes:

Nah! I'm an asshole!! Being known as a great guy is lame and boring. Doc Holliday is a boozing, womanizing gambler who loves guns & has never been afraid to use a Colt-45 to silence those he perceived as his ennemies without even giving them the benefit of a fair trial. He has hung around with & enjoyed the company of shady characters, men & women alike. People have even questioned his sanity and his self-destructing ways at times. He was once known as a skilled, brilliant man. But he threw it all away and the reasons why continue to be a mystery even to those who claim to be closest to him.

Therefore, he prefers being known as a straight-shooting asshole who tells it like it is! Refering to this man of many faults as an asshole would likely be welcome. :D

Stranger: "Doc Holliday, you're an asshole!"

Doc Holliday: "I'm your Huckleberry." ;)

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Benghazi victim's mother asks Trump to stop talking about son's death

by Daniella Diaz

WASHINGTON - The mother of U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens, who died during the 2012 Benghazi attacks, penned a short letter to the editor of The New York Times asking that Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump and the GOP stop invoking her son's death.

"I know for certain that Chris would not have wanted his name or memory used in that connection," Mary Commanday wrote in the letter, which was published Saturday. "I hope that there will be an immediate and permanent stop to this opportunistic and cynical use by the campaign."

The Benghazi attacks were frequently mentioned in speeches at this week's Republican National Convention in Cleveland, where speakers used it as a reason presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton is unfit for the presidency.

Clinton was secretary of state at the time of the attacks. Some conservatives blame Clinton and the Obama administration for security failures in Benghazi that they blame for the deaths of Stevens and three other Americans.

At one point during the convention, another victim's mother, Pat Smith, spoke before the audience and blamed Clinton for the death of her son, IT expert Sean Smith.

Benghazi victim's mother tells Trump to shut the fuck up

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Enjoy the shit show that starts monday in Philly my friend, love those wikileaks! ;)

It'll be a great convention, i have no doubt about it. Many A-list speakers. No washed-up tv actors, forty-something male underwear models or cross-dressing angry ex-mayors who look like Nosferatu. None of the speakers will have previously consumed a cocktail of speed with Red Bull. It will be an orderly and well-organized convention full of hope and positiveness. Not some shit-show trying to scare the shit out of everyone watching while trying to convince them that the USA has suddenly become the worst place to live on the planet.

As for the wikileaks thing, it wouldn't surprise me if we later learn that someone connected to Trump was in cahoots with Vladimir Putin & the russian hackers on that one. We all know that Trump has never hid the fact he has a huge boner for Putin . ;)


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
We must have been watching a different convention last week, it was the best one i have ever seen and not like the yawn-fest that is about to unfold in Philly. However the bernie supporters might just save the day and make this interesting, hopefully they will disrupt there as much as they tried disrupting Trump's rallys all over the US during the primaries, you know what they say about Karma ;)

One thing is for sure and a FACT and that is Trumps Daughters and daughters in laws sure are hot! then again compared to chelsea clinton that is not hard to be. On one hand we have the Smart and Beautiful Party with a candidate who will get things done versus the dumb and ugly with a (ugh) "leader" who will do nothing but the same as the last 8 years and continue to lie, cheat and take dirty money and be bought off from giving a damn about the people she is supposed to be representing......I like the first choice much much better lol.

Enjoy the Shit Show! :pound:
It'll be a great convention, i have no doubt about it. Many A-list speakers. No washed-up tv actors, forty-something male underwear models or cross-dressing angry ex-mayors who look like the Nosferatu. None of the speakers will have previously consumed a cocktail of speed with Red Bull. ;)

As for the wikileaks thing, it wouldn't surprise me if we later learn that someone connected to Trump was in cahoots with the Russian hackers & Vladimir Putin on that one. We all know that Trump has never hid the fact he has a huge boner for Putin (and Saddam).

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Not really into talking about boners but i must admit his huge one (as you say) sure did produce some fine looking daughters! Great post mon ami!

His 'huge one', as you put it, also brutally raped his ex-wife.

You really gotta feel for Don Jr, Ivanka and Eric. To be stuck with a bad father like Trump who once brutally raped their mother and pretend that all's well. But, they along with Tiffany turned out fine since they were raised by their mothers & various nannies while their father was out groping & screwing everything that moved. Now he's even groping his own daughter, whom he even admitted to wishing he could 'date'. He's a very, very sick man!

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
We must have been watching a different convention last week, it was the best one i have ever seen and not like the yawn-fest that is about to unfold in Philly.

It was a very interesting convention, but for all the wrong reasons. From a GOP point-of-view, it was a disaster. The arena was three quarters-empty by 10pm on the first two nights. Joni Ernst was stuck speaking to a nearly empty arena on Monday night. Tuesday was fairly dull affair.

The biggest disaster of the week occurred Wednesday when good ol' Ted Cruz, got up on stage and totally embarrassed Trump and told everyone to 'vote their conscience'. In other words, don't vote for this asshole. I'm no fan of Ted Cruz, but i gotta give it to him: he has balls Wednesday night!

And Thursday, we saw a father step onto the stage after his beautiful and classy daughter spoke and saw him groping her. And then, he turned a 30 minute speech into something that lasted nearly an hour-and-thirty minutes. People kept looking at their watches after 45 minutes, including his own people. What he basically said was that America is shit, it's going down the tubs, everyone will come and kill Americans, and he's the only one that can prevent it. Just like any dictator would and has said in the past. And the following day, he was back to his ol' crazy self blasting the likes of Ted Cruz and John Kasich. Today, he added another popular GOP member to his hit-list (likely Jeff Flake) whom he refused to name and told Meet the Press that he's considering starting up three super pacs in 2018 in order to defeat their re-election. What a treacherous scumbag!!!!!


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
It was a very interesting convention

Indeed and one of the best ever! See, we can agree :boxing:........;)

The biggest disaster of the week occurred Wednesday when good ol' Ted Cruz, got up on stage and totally embarrassed Trump

He actually did Trump a huge favor and likely in the process put a end to any chances he will ever have to be President one day and maybe even ruined his chances to be re-elected to the senate in 2018. L'yin Ted actually helped to Unite the Republican Party. Good job LT! :clap2:

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Really? Where is the evidence that locked him up for such a crime? ROFL! Can we stop talking about huge boners now? Kinda weird.......

Most accused rapists do not get locked up. The charges rarely stick in many sexual assault cases. The victims often wind up dropping the charges or refuse to testify. Especially when the accused is wealthy (or a billionaire).

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Indeed and one of the best ever! See, we can agree :boxing:........;)

Well, the ratings on all tv networks for the convention were among the worst ever. So you can't say it was 'one of the best ever'. But it had its moments....Trump's wife reading a plagiarized speech, Dracula showing up and terrorizing the hell out of viewers Monday evening, the Benghazi mother embarrassing her son's memory (shameful on the GOP for putting her up there), Cha-Chi, the male underwear model, more screaming, Trump's nazi-like children, Tiffany telling the folks the only time she hears from her deadbeat father is when someone close to her has passed away, Ivanka looking great and then getting groped by her sick father, the Donald screaming for nearly an hour-and-a-half while reading a speech written by others off his teleprompter.....and TED CRUZ.

Yep, it was a fairly interesting affair for those who bothered to watch it. It was a real-life soap opera with tons of drama, tons of spooks and tons of b-list actors and characters. Most GOP and Republican A-list names and celebs with half a brain stayed away from the convention and refused offers to go and speak. The last 4 GOP presidential nominees (incl. two Presidents) also stayed away.

He actually did Trump a huge favor and likely in the process put a end to any chances he will ever have to be President one day and maybe even ruined his chances to be re-elected to the senate in 2018. L'yin Ted actually helped to Unite the Republican Party. Good job LT! :clap2:

Your dreaming or still in your alternate reality if you think Lyin' Ted Cruz would ever become President of the United States. There's no way this would ever happen. Heck, crazy Sarah Pallin would probably have a better chance.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I love your sarcasm really. But your idea of shipping the old is not a new idea, they do it by themselve! Close to half a million of retired quebeccers go down 6 months per year to live in Florida or Arizona. Within a few years I will be one of them, unless Trump's team makes a mistake on their geography and build their wall along canada!

Not as many Quebecers went to Florida last year. Same thing with the rest of Canada in regards to both Florida and Arizona. Many have put their houses/condos/mobile homes up for sale. The US dollar is too high and it costs too much now for Canadians to spend extended time in the States. Damn Obama!!! He's doing too good of a job with the US economy!!! :mad:

p.s. A Trump presidency would do wonders for the Canadian dollar. Therefore, it would considerably boost Canadian travel to the States.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003

Trump Defends Roger Ailes: ‘He Helped Those Women’

GOP candidate insinuates Gretchen Carlson and 20 others are lying about their boss's alleged sexual harassment.

by Dean Obeidallah

Simply put: Donald Trump is a serial defender of men who have engaged in sexual misconduct and is a serial shamer of the female victims who have come forward. There truly should be a special place in hell for men who do this.

The latest episode of Trump’s victim-blaming came Sunday morning when he appeared on NBC’s Meet The Press. There, Trump was asked about Fox News’ Roger Ailes resignation earlier this week after Gretchen Carlson’s bombshell harassment lawsuit and after over 20 other women reportedly came forward alleging sexual misconduct from Ailes.
Trump’s response to the question was simply jaw-dropping. Trump stated that he felt “very badly” for Ailes (not for the women, though). Trump also praised Ailes as a “very, very talented person,” applauding the way he built Fox News into a media powerhouse.

Then Trump started attacking the women who had come forward. “I can tell you that some of the women that are complaining, I know how much he's helped them," he said.
Think about that comment for a moment. Trump is basically saying that since Ailes had helped these women with their careers, the alleged sexual harassment was okay because it was the price to pay for his help.

And then Trump did what he has done for years—he attacked the female victims as liars: “I can tell you that some of the women that are complaining ... when they write books that are fairly recently released, and they say wonderful things about him.

“And now all of a sudden they're saying these horrible things about him.”

The worst thing about this disgusting defense of an alleged serial predator is that it’s hardly the first time Trump has used it.

In 1992 when Trump was asked about his good friend Mike Tyson being convicted of raping Desiree Washington, Trump defended the boxer and maligned the rape victim. He in essence blamed Washington for being raped: “You have a young woman that was in his hotel room late in the evening at her own will.” And then Trump— even though Tyson had already been convicted by a jury—despicably questioned whether Washington was even raped, noting that a video after the incident showed her “dancing with a big smile on her face, looked happy as can be.” Trump then added, “It’s my opinion that to a large extent, Mike Tyson was railroaded in this case.”

Trump even touted Tyson’s endorsement in April during the GOP primaries, telling the audience at a campaign rally in the very same Indiana city where Tyson had raped Washington: "Mike Tyson endorsed me. I love it... when I get endorsed by the tough ones, I like it.”

Trump did the very same thing when defending his then-good friend Bill Clinton against allegations of sexual misconduct in the 1990’s. Trump first mocked the women who had made claims such as Paula Jones with comments like, “I don’t necessarily agree with his victims. His victims are terrible... a terrible group of people.” Trump also ridiculed the physical appearance of the women involved, remarking, “Linda Tripp may be one of the most unattractive human beings I’ve ever seen—not women, human beings.” He added, “The whole group—Paula Jones, Lewinsky—it’s just a really unattractive group.”

After Trump was done maligning the women, he went on to defend Clinton, claiming he was the real victim in this whole ordeal: “He is really a victim himself.” His one point of concession: Trump did call out the former President for his mistake of “put[ting] himself in that position.”

That, ladies and gentleman, is Donald J. Trump. A man who will defend men accused of sexual misconduct, and worse, publicly malign the women who have made the claims, from suggesting they are lying to mocking their appearance. Is this really the type of person we want to be the President of the United States of America?

Trump defends sexual predator


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
I asked for evidence not more excuses lol....
Most accused rapists do not get locked up. The charges rarely stick in many sexual assault cases. The victims often wind up dropping the charges or refuse to testify. Especially when the accused is wealthy (or a billionaire).


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Apparently it was about the same ratings as 4 years ago???? Ratings do not make something 'best ever" anyways when you really think about it.....Best ever IMHO ;)

L'yin Ted for Pres one day? Where did i say i thought that would ever happen. I will be the first to say that LIAR will never be Pres. and thank goodness. Even Obama would make a better pres than L'yin Ted.......oh wait a minute, nevermind :pound:
Well, the ratings on all tv networks for the convention were among the worst ever. So you can't say it was 'one of the best ever'. But it had its moments....Trump's wife reading a plagiarized speech, Dracula showing up and terrorizing the hell out of viewers Monday evening, the Benghazi mother embarrassing her son's memory (shameful on the GOP for putting her up there), Cha-Chi, the male underwear model, more screaming, Trump's nazi-like children, Tiffany telling the folks the only time she hears from her deadbeat father is when someone close to her has passed away, Ivanka looking great and then getting groped by her sick father, the Donald screaming for nearly an hour-and-a-half while reading a speech written by others off his teleprompter.....and TED CRUZ.

Yep, it was a fairly interesting affair for those who bothered to watch it. It was a real-life soap opera with tons of drama, tons of spooks and tons of b-list actors and characters. Most GOP and Republican A-list names and celebs with half a brain stayed away from the convention and refused offers to go and speak. The last 4 GOP presidential nominees (incl. two Presidents) also stayed away.

Your dreaming or still in your alternate reality if you think Lyin' Ted Cruz would ever become President of the United States. There's no way this would ever happen. Heck, crazy Sarah Pallin would probably have a better chance.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Trump: Dem over David Duke? 'I guess'

By Eric Bradner

Trump indicated he'd back a Democrat over Duke, 'depending on who the Democrat (is)'

Donald Trump said Sunday he rebukes the support of David Duke, the white supremacist who recently launched a Senate campaign in Louisiana, who said he was inspired by Trump's nomination.

But would he support a Democrat over Duke if that's what it took to keep the former Ku Klux Klan leader from winning?

"I guess, depending on who the Democrat (is) -- but the answer would be yes," Trump told NBC's Chuck Todd on "Meet the Press."

Trump said he wanted to make clear that he rebukes Duke "as quick as you can say it."

"Because last time with another person in this position, I did it very quickly. And they said, 'He didn't do it fast enough,' " Trump said. "Rebuked. Is that OK? Rebuked, done."

His reference to "last time" was an interview with CNN's Jake Tapper on "State of the Union" in February.

"Just so you understand, I don't know anything about David Duke, OK?" Trump had said.

Trump was pressed three times by Tapper on whether he would distance himself from support from the Ku Klux Klan.

"I don't know anything about what you're even talking about with white supremacy or white supremacists," Trump said then. "So I don't know. I don't know -- did he endorse me, or what's going on? Because I know nothing about David Duke; I know nothing about white supremacists."

He later blamed his answer on a "bad earpiece."

Trump on David Duke


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Wikileaks Democratic Scandal.........LOL (fools)

So what have we learned from Sanders and Trump pertaining to what they both agree on? A Rigged System......i actually feel bad for ole Bernie, he got shafted BIG TIME!

Trump fought the system tooth and nail and won the nominee. cLinton had backers on the inside to "make sure" she won the nominee....yea, i want a corrupt person like that to win the vote for leader of the free world....disgusting. I hope Bernie supporters protest like crazy in philly and come to their senses and either A) do not vote at all on election day or B) throw up their middle fingers at killery and vote Trump or even Johnson or even for Doc Holliday or Smuler! It would be the ultimate diss to the witch and the rigged democratic establishment and really, the rigged political establishment.

Bern baby bern :pound:


New Member
May 14, 2016
Remember the judge born American but with Mexican heritage. The one Trump tried his psychotic best to smear. Why do you think so? The charges against Trump are FRAUD and RACKETEERING. Will the "law and order" members stand up for the same principle they shout against an alleged criminal, against Clinton, if the case vs Trump is judged that way. Or will they pull a Trump? Make excuses? Change position? Blame everyone else but the guilty? Will they scream for a jail term against a criminal? Is it about principle or those they favor vs those they disfavor??? Stay tuned.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
The charges against Trump are FRAUD and RACKETEERING. Will the "law and order" members stand up for the same principle they shout against an alleged criminal, against Clinton, if the case vs Trump is judged that way. Or will they pull a Trump? Make excuses? Change position? Blame everyone else but the guilty? Will they scream for a jail term against a criminal? Is it about principle or those they favor vs those they disfavor???

Right-wing conservatives are the masters of hypocrisy. It is always a double standard. Clinton is a criminal but Trump is not. The government are evil but corporations are saints. Businesses got to be more competitive by paying employees less yet those same lazy CEOs, shareholders, and right-wing politicians want the top pay for doing minimum work. It is obvious what they will do.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
So true, good thing Obama can't be there for a third term, it would screw up my visits to Florida for a while.
Not a problem, Trump will strengthen the Canadian dollar in no time.

At least Brexit was good news, now let's hope Spain, France, and Germany will follow.
Would love those countries to be more affordable also.

No we cannot let that happen. A canadian dollar around 80 cent US is perfect for our business! It makes me have very competitive price :)

That said, I will probably lose many contacts because of Trump america first propraganda. Shit... If that happens I will lobby with all the hubby here in canada to have the girls stop seeing american client. Canadian girl to canadian hubby first! ;)

Just kidding of course...

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