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New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Bernie, aside from his socialist political views, seems like a nice enough guy, too bad for him that he got screwed by his own party.


Sep 24, 2009
I find it amusing that anyone still believes in Democracy, at all. What a retarded political system.


Sep 24, 2009
They think Trump is putting on an act he has no intention of implementing because they want someone who seems strong to redeem what they see as a terrible situation. Shades of the voters mindset in January 1933.

Yeah in 1933 the Germans were starving. CBC made a pretty good documentary on Weimar called "Sin-Cities/Berlin" you should watch it. It was disgusting.

I am not surprised why they voted National Socialist and, whether you wish to admit it or not - Hitler cut unemployment and homelessness to almost 3%.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Hitler cut unemployment and homelessness to almost 3%.

You are right about that. Hitler improved Germany's economy by a lot and rapidly after The Great Depression.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Obama for president.....That is Michelle O.
What a great speech. Melania is taking notes.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
You are right about that. Hitler improved Germany's economy by a lot and rapidly after The Great Depression.

He sure did. Mussolini also did very good things when he first took office. But their ambitions of world dominance, their racist and murderous ways trumped all the good they did.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Obama for president.....That is Michelle O.
What a great speech. Melania is taking notes.

It was one of the greatest speeches ever by a First Lady. Even some of the Republican pundits said so, including former GOP head Michael Steele. Without even uttering his ugly name once, it was quite an attack on Trump's character. Van Jones noted that it was almost an attempt at baiting him....getting him to attack her, one of the most popular first ladies ever.

As she stated, the United States is the greatest country on the planet. Don't let anyone fool you into thinking otherwise.

I also loved Sarah Silverman's performance. There was talk afterwards that it may have been the best speech every by a convention celebrity.

Sen. Corey Booker also gave a fairly good speech. No doubt disappointed he didn't get the VP nod, he no doubt will be among the faces of the party in years to come.

What a good night it was for the DNC, considering it started off on a bad note. I'd been saying for months that DWS had to go, but although she was finally forced to step down, it couldn't have happened at the worst time. But interim Democratic party chief Donna Brazile took over and it showed. I don't know who'll be named as her eventual replacement, but former Governor Jennifer Grandholm would be a very good choice.

Tonight, it's Bubba time!!!!!! :thumb:

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Trump Doubles Down on NATO Comments: "We Have to Walk"

by Esme Cribb

At a Monday rally in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, Donald Trump doubled down on his previous controversial remarks regarding American support for NATO allies.

In an interview with The New York Times last week, Trump hesitated to commit to a defense of Baltic states in the case of Russian aggression, saying that it would depend on whether or not those NATO allies had "fulfilled their obligations" to the United States.

On Monday night, however, Trump offered an even more explicit ultimatum to NATO allies.

"I want them to pay," he said. "They don’t pay us what they should be paying! We lose on everything. Folks, we lose on everything."

He went on to criticize former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's foreign policy record: "She makes it impossible to negotiate. She’s not a negotiator. She’s a fool.”

"We have to walk," Trump added. "Within two days they're calling back! Get back over here, we’ll pay you whatever the hell you want."

"They will pay us if the right person asks," he said. "That’s the way it works, folks. That’s the way it works."

Trump's initial comments on NATO drew rebuttals from Republican officials, including Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI). John Bolton, former ambassador to the United Nations under President George W. Bush, criticized Trump's stance as "an open invitation to Vladimir Putin" and said that he hoped that "whoever advised Mr. Trump on this rethinks it."

The Clinton campaign was also quick to respond to Trump's suggestions.

“The President is supposed to be the leader of the free world,” senior policy advisor Jake Sullivan said in a statement. “Donald Trump apparently doesn’t even believe in the free world.” He went on to say that it was "fair to assume that Vladimir Putin is rooting for a Trump presidency."

Dangerous Donald Trump doubles down on NATO comments
It was one of the greatest speeches ever by a First Lady. Even some of the Republican pundits said so, including former GOP head Michael Steele...
Indeed, a great inspirational, moving speech by the first Lady. It's quite unfortunate it had to be wasted on a Clinton endorsement.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
I'd been saying for months that DWS had to go, but although she was finally forced to step down, it couldn't have happened at the worst time.

Ah yes, the shamed Debbie Wasserman Schultz, fired for rigging the system so poor ole Bernie Sanders would lose the nomination and what does hIllary do? In typical shady clinton-like fashion the witch hires DWS literally minutes after she was fired can't make this stuff up.

Tonight, it's Bubba time!!!!!! :thumb:

Thanks for telling me, it will be a perfect night to get some work done, he is more annoying than his wife.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Ah yes, the shamed Debbie Wasserman Schultz, fired for rigging the system so poor ole Bernie Sanders would lose the nomination and what does Secretary Clinton do? Secretary Clinton hires DWS literally minutes after she was fired can't make this stuff up.

Actually, i do think you can MAKE THIS UP. Where did you hear about this? This is the first time i've heard it. Did you get this on the so-called 'network' which is actually a right-wing political entity disguised as a news channel? Or did you get this in your alternate reality where angry middle-aged white men are known to hang out? ;)

By the way, if indeed Secretary Clinton's campaign hired Debbie, it would be a very good move since she's one of the smartest and experienced politicians in the country.

As for what DWS 'did', it wasn't really with the intent of having Bernie lose the nomination. Unfortunately (as a Bernie fan), there was no way he would have got the nomination the way the rules are set up in the Democratic party with the super delegates stuff and all. But what DWS and her staff intended to do was to speed up the nomination process in order to get him out of the way and concentrate on Trump.

Anyways, whatever she and some of her staff did had no bearing on the final outcome. Hillary Rodham Clinton is the nominee and will be the next President of the United States. Finally, the United States will have joined the rest of civilization in finally having a female President and for this i congratulate all Americans. Well done! :thumb:

At least the voters wont have picked the factually inept crazy lying racist bigot whose name rhymes with DUMP!

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Indeed, a great inspirational, moving speech by the first Lady. It's quite unfortunate it had to be wasted on a Clinton endorsement.

What can i say? That's politics. This morning, Joe Scarborough, a well-known former Republican Congressman who now has a popular morning show, was talking about what a great speech Michelle Obama had made and agreed with others that it was one of the best speeches ever spoken by anyone at a political convention. But he added that it was so great that he wouldn't be surprised if he wouldn't be hearing it again at the next Republican convention in 2020, obviously a dig at the RNC for having the sad Melania Trump read a plagiarized speech a week ago at their convention, which had turned out to be Michelle Obama's speech from the 2008 DNC.

I just saw the speech again and you are correct in pointing out that it was a great, inspirational and moving speech by the First Lady.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Obama for president.....That is Michelle O.
What a great speech. Melania is taking notes.

Don't be surprised if Ms. Obama runs for Senate in the future. The people love her and i believe she'd be a great Senator.

Melania wouldn't have been wrong in taking notes. A big fan of Ms. Obama's speeches, this one was for the ages!

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Thanks for telling me, it will be a perfect night to get some work done, he is more annoying than his wife.

It's widely accepted that the speech he gave at the 2012 RNC was one of the greatest speeches ever given at a convention and many believe it helped get the great Barak Hussein Obama elected for his second term.

Doc loves William Jefferson Clinton, one of the greatest Presidents ever! The country and the world hasn't been the same since he left office!


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
In a way it is a good thing for Trump because Sanders more likely would beat The Donald than hillary.

Day two of the "Shit show" kicked off with more infighting between Texas delegates as Bernie supporters clashed with hillary's sheep. What a mess......... LOL.

At least the voters wont have picked the factually inept crazy lying racist bigot

If you added accessory to murder you would actually be describing your hero "killery" to a T ;)

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
If you added accessory to murder you would actually be describing your hero "killery" to a T ;)

I didn't include rapist. He once brutally raped his first wife. Just because her plastic surgeon had butchered up his hairline. Poor Don Jr, poor Ivanka and poor Eric. This prick raped their mother. Poor Tiffany and poor Barron. They all deserve a much better father than this scumbag! :mad:

p.s. Who hasn't been falsely accused of murder at least once in their lifetimes?


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Doc, why did you erase your post again? The one about DWS being hired by her par hillary minutes after the scam of rigging votes for her was discovered? Oh wait, you actually did a little research and took you about 2 seconds eh, since it is all over the news (the ones who do not cover things like this up) and all over social media. That is why i did not post a link, gotta let you do some work for yourself, it builds character my friend :)
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