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Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
Trump is not a politician. He's a totally classless, power at any price, a-moral egomaniac with no decency, obsessed with enriching himself and deluded with the idea of his divinity.

He's also a megalomaniac, narcissist, liar, bullshitter, selfish, con artist, fraud, alleged rapist, bigot, racist, sociopath, misogynist, delusional, bad businessman, doesn't pay taxes, etc.

He's a very bad person. He's a spoiled lying piece-of-shit.

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
Republican women are done with Trump

Tape of the GOP nominee boasting about sexual assault has officials deserting him in droves.

Republican women are abandoning Donald Trump in an historic repudiation of their party’s nominee, a devastating development for the GOP candidate's chances one month before Election Day.

Trump’s lewd, sexually aggressive comments about women, revealed in a 2005 audio recording that became public Friday, have prompted large-scale defections, from female Republican senators to conservative activists in the swing states. That dynamic further jeopardizes his chances with women voters, including white, married voters who typically back Republicans. After nearly two years of listening to Trump denigrate women — including Fox News host Megyn Kelly, Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina, Heidi Cruz and former Miss Universe Alicia Machado — Republican women have had enough.

A mass desertion by white, married women would effectively torpedo Trump’s chances of defeating Hillary Clinton. That demographic has been a core part of every Republican nominee’s constituency this century — Mitt Romney and John McCain won 53 percent of married women, and still lost the election — meaning that Trump, who struggles far more with party unity than previous nominees have, has even less room for error. But he is already losing badly with women overall, and Friday’s bombshell threatens to set him back further with women of all marital statuses.

High-profile Republican women over the weekend made clear that they have zero interest in helping Trump regain his footing, instead offering cover to other lawmakers looking to abandon Trump.

“I wanted to be able to support my party’s nominee, chosen by the people, because I feel strongly that we need a change in direction for our country,” said New Hampshire Sen. Kelly Ayotte, who is in a competitive re-election fight in a key swing state. “However, I’m a mom and an American first, and I cannot and will not support a candidate for president who brags about degrading and assaulting women.”

Ayotte will be writing in Trump running mate Mike Pence, she said. New Hampshire GOP Chair Jennifer Horn backed her up, saying in a statement, “there will be no repercussions from the party directed at those who choose not to support Donald Trump.”

One particularly notable defection: Nebraska Sen. Deb Fischer (R-Neb.), who is perhaps Trump's most prominent female defender in the Senate.

"The comments made by Mr. Trump were disgusting and totally unacceptable under any circumstance," she tweeted. "It would be wise for him to step aside and allow Mike Pence to serve as our party's nominee."

Fiorina, once a target of Trump’s trash talk — “look at that face! Would anyone vote for that?” he mocked during the primary — released a statement Saturday asking the Republican National Committee to replace Trump with Pence.

"Donald Trump does not represent me or my party,” she said. “I understand the responsibility of Republicans to support their nominee. Our nominee has weighty responsibilities as well. Donald Trump has manifestly failed in these responsibilities."

In perhaps the most explosive moment to date in a campaign that has already been littered with shocking developments, an audio recording of a hot mic moment from 2005, first reported by the Washington Post, captures Trump bragging about groping women, without their consent.

“I don’t even wait,” he said. “And when you’re a star they let you do it…Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything.”

In a sign of how toxic Republicans expect this remark to be in swing states, Rep. Barbara Comstock, who faces a competitive race in her moderate northern Virginia district, was among the first lawmakers to urge Trump to exit the race. But it’s not just Republican women from moderate states: Rep. Martha Roby, from deep-red Alabama, also called on Trump to get out of the race in a statement Saturday morning.

“Donald Trump's behavior makes him unacceptable as a candidate for president, and I won't vote for him,” she tweeted.

And West Virginia Sen. Shelley Moore Capito, whose state is a Trump stronghold, said, “the appropriate next step may be for him to reexamine his candidacy.” Rep. Mia Love (R-Utah) was one of several members of the Utah delegation to call on Trump to exit the race. Rep. Ann Wagner (R-Mo.) and Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) did the same.

Such high-profile Republican rebukes come as early and absentee voting has already gotten underway in some key states, making it all the more difficult for Trump to regain his footing.

“Yesterday made me even more sick,” said Heidi Wixom, a Republican activist in Nevada. “It was kind of like, ‘Oh great, we’ve got Bill Clinton all over again,’ except Bill Clinton had class, intelligence about working with policy, so we could overlook a lot of things. But with Trump, how do you overlook this when he’s already a buffoon to start with? He doesn’t have any redeeming qualities for me, he doesn’t.”

But for all of her concerns about Trump, before Friday’s development, she had been slowly starting to consider whether she could hold her nose and vote for him. No more.

Read more:

Republican women are done with Trump

Doc says: "This is embarassing for not only the Republican party, but for the entire country. The world is laughing at the United States as we speak. The clown named Donald Trump has made the United States the laughing stock of the entire world!"


nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
donald trump is not a politician.he says what he thinks.if every personal conversation me you or anyone ever had went public im sure we would all be embarrased at times

But he was in a studio green room with a microphone clipped to him. Most people would be very careful what they said in that situation. He had media experience, he knows there is no such thing as an "off " microphone.

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
I disagree , 70% BS qualifies him as politician, and he is working on the balance.

No other politician in the history of the United States comes close to Trump in that department. Even Lyin' Ted Cruz was only found to be lying 30% of the time.

The big difference between Trump & a politician is that Trump actually believes his lies. He's a lying sociopath!


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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It's true that Trump is not a polished politician and it's for that reason he has constantly said things he shouldn't say before and after running for President. And I think it actually helped him some because people had respect for him at least speaking his mind. But nobody should vote for a candidate just because he speaks his mind and says politically incorrect things. In addition to that he needs to have a plan of action that will work. In my mind making sure that he and other rich people not pay any taxes while babbling about things like building a wall with Mexico which will never happen makes no sense. Who will pay for that wall???? It's this kind of talk that should tell people he really has no idea what he will do.

I am not crazy about Clinton either. I think a majority of Americans are not wildly enthusiastic about either candidate. It's unfortunate but we have a political system that doesn't produce actually talented politicians running for President. Some of the historically great Presidents like Abraham Lincoln made names for themselves by doing things that didn't cost tons of money. The 2 party system has developed into something that is just a massive amount of gridlock and nothing good ever gets accomplished. It's all compromises and often to benefit the minority point of view. It's a system that totally stifles problem solving.

I genuinely worry that secession of States may happen in the future. It hasn't happened until now due to shifts in population and demographics of certain states. But there are right now too many States that demand more federal money while many of its citizens do not want to pay a cent in taxes. As this situation intensifies something has to give.

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
Ex-Trump Policy Chief Renounces Trump

Donald Trump’s former policy coordinator has released a statement renouncing the Republican nominee in the wake of a damning video released Friday.

“Under no circumstances will I support Donald Trump for president,” Pratik Chougule wrote. Chougule then took it a step further and said he wished he’d never joined Trump’s campaign in the first place. “I regret my decision last April to join the campaign as policy coordinator. Although I left the campaign in August for a variety of reasons, I wish that I had done so sooner and spoken out more forcefully against a candidate who embodies the worst excesses of our culture,” he said.

Chougule is just the latest to jump ship after a damning video surfaced on Friday in which Trump made sleazy, vulgar comments about women.

Trump's former policy chief renounces him

Doc sings a Willie Nelson song:

Turn out the lights
The party's over
They say that all
Good things must end
Call it a night
The party's over
And tomorrow starts
The same old thing again

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
Robert DeNiro on Trump

Robert de Niro said he’d like to punch Donald Trump in the face in a new video released Friday night. The video, filmed as part of a “Get Out The Vote” campaign, was obtained by Fox News and broadcast on The Kelly File. “He’s so blatantly stupid,” de Niro can be seen saying of the Republican nominee.

“He’s a punk, he’s a dog, he’s a pig, he’s a con, a bullshit artist,” he added. “A mutt who doesn’t know what he’s talking about, doesn’t do his homework, doesn’t care, thinks he’s gaming society, doesn’t pay his taxes,” he said. “He talks how he'd like to punch people in the face?” De Niro said. “Well, I'd like to punch him in the face.”

De Niro’s comments were so strong that his clip reportedly didn’t make the cut into the ad campaign.

Robert DeNiro is no fan of Donald Trump

Doc says: "I've always been a big Bobby DeNiro fan."

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
I genuinely worry that secession of States may happen in the future. It hasn't happened until now due to shifts in population and demographics of certain states. But there are right now too many States that demand more federal money while many of its citizens do not want to pay a cent in taxes. As this situation intensifies something has to give.

Will you remain with the Union or will you join the Confederacy?

Seriously, i doubt it'll ever happen in our lifetime. But what i see quite possibly happening is the GOP splitting in half. I actually believe it's the only solution for the GOP to resolve its crisis. But another solution would be to reverse the Citizens United ruling. There's too much money being injected into politics by billionaires like the Koch brothers.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
Visit site
Will you remain with the Union or will you join the Confederacy?

Seriously, i doubt it'll ever happen in our lifetime. But what i see quite possibly happening is the GOP splitting in half. I actually believe it's the only solution for the GOP to resolve its crisis. But another solution would be to reverse the Citizens United ruling. There's too much money being injected into politics by billionaires like the Koch brothers.

The biggest problem for the GOP congressional delegation is that, much like their democrats across the aisle, when they are elected to Congress, they quickly find out that whether they get re-elected depends on how much FEDERAL MONEY they bring back into their State or Congressional District. No money and jobs, no votes, and they lose re-election. This is why we have seen some of the most grotesque federal spending in US history come from Republican who greedily horded federal tax money for wasteful projects that benefitted their constituents at home, but almost nobody else. Who can forget the "Bridge To Nowhere", this brought to you by Republican Ted Stevens:

As for secession, I see it happening in red states first, although economics may hasten one of the blue states to be the first. I have lived almost my whole life in Connecticut, one of the wealthiest States in the USA, but also having one of the highest costs of living and highest taxes. And we have a real problem in CT right now: all of the businesses have moved out of our State, the tax revenue base has dried up, and severe budget shortfalls have caused State services to be cut dramatically. Making the problem worse is that almost the entire landscaping and restaurant industries in this State are staffed by illegal aliens, so two whole industries are not contributing anything or a disproportionate % of tax revenue. Hedge Funds that used to be based in Stamford and Greenwich are fleeing to States with better tax rates, like Florida. As a result local politicians have to raise taxes on those who remain, and we are not far behind Quebec as the most onerously taxed jurisdiction in North America. But the cost of living here is MUCH higher, and people are getting crushed. I have attorney friends who do Conservator work for the State of Connecticut at a rate of $50 per hour. No attorney should be working for $50/hour unless it's very part time and done as a learning experience. The one friend I have is supporting herself and although she would like to do the Conservator work full time, you cannot work full time making $50 an hour doing that kind of work. It's appalling to me because I know what Conservators have to do and it is very hard work requiring that painful questions be asked not just of people who are mentally incompetent or on the cusp of being declared such, but their doctors and relatives. It's hard work, and it's exhausting work, and the State of CT wants people to do it for peanuts and it's insane. And now attorneys are turning it away. By contrast, foreclosure sale work is approved by the Court at $200 an hour and that is as easy a job as an attorney has, you are just a glorified real estate broker. But in that case a private bank is paying the fee and not the State. So go figure on that, but these kinds of situations are causing increasing economic disparity and frustration and anger. I totally get the anger part of it and it is rising, and when it hits a certain level the confederacy will begin.


New Member
May 14, 2016
Saying Trump is not a very good citizen is like saying a gorilla is not a polished human being.

Trump could have said everything he's gotten in trouble for, except the last recording, in terms that would have been acceptable. But he's been absolutely determined to be a trashy, filth-spewing pig. So the latest revelations about him are totally consistent with his sleazy character and now there's no escape by claiming it was a locker-room type aberration. It's all Trump, pure crass trash.

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
It looks like Canada is about to lose the best potential immigrants.
There have been many jokes about if Trump wins, Americans will be coming over in droves to Canada.
Those are the ones we want.
Now it looks like we will lose out.

Good point. But it'd be very difficult for those American immigrants to get used to our high taxes, higher gas prices, high electricity prices, higher everything, etc.....and the colder weather!

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
I just turned on the tv and saw dozens of pictures on the screen...i figured they were referring to a football team. But no, the pictures were all the GOP lawmakers who dropped Trump recently. Dozens and dozens of them! ;)


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Good point. But it'd be very difficult for those American immigrants to get used to our high taxes, higher gas prices, high electricity prices, higher everything, etc.....and the colder weather!

Very true plus lower wages.
On the other side we have less pollution , less crime, more space and clean water. less stress, better and cheaper health care.....and Tim`s .

A few more pro`s....Montreal women....the prettiest and sexiest in North America. The Habs
Anastasia our dope and talented rapper who probably has had torrid sex with half the Capital`s players.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Re Trumps newly revealed raunchy Howard Stern interviews where he sounds like an 18 year old boy who just had his cherry popped.

Lets face it though.... most of us have done or would love to do what he is bragging about.
Even Doc would love to walk among nude Miss Universe contestants.

We all love to brag about are sexual escapades

A couple of days ago I survived 2 hours with the most amazing, 30 year old, sexual tornado....even Trump would have been jealous.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
So Hillary takes millions from the Saudis, deletes classified e-mails, rigs an election, loses 6 billion dollars, kills 4 Americans in Benghazi, , armed and trained ISIS, her husband is just as crooked and so much more...... But Trump says he loves pussy and everyone loses their minds.
The North American news is so pro Democrat and Liberal that the others do not stand a chance due to blind sheep following the news, look what happened during our federal election.

NOTE: EDITED, I posted something I was reading and did not follow up on the rape part.... My error and sorry about that. Still, Clinton is no better than Trump, just as evil but in different ways.


Active Member
Aug 15, 2007
I am SO not getting involved in this discussion ... but I have a genuine question. I saw someone on the internet yesterday with a t-shirt that said "rapist" and above it a picture of Bill Clinton, and I can hear that language in this thread, too. I'm NOT defending Bill Clinton and his womanizing--but I honestly don't know how his serial affairs got elevated to "rape." What did he do that amounts to rape?


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
It is clearly a case of the brainwashed and uneducated cult followers, following their leaders, the corrupt clintons. Nothing will change under killery's rule, it will only get worse.
So Hillary takes millions from the Saudis, deletes classified e-mails, rigs an election, loses 6 billion dollars, kills 4 Americans in Benghazi, defends a child rapist, armed and trained ISIS, her husband is a rapist and so much more...... But Trump says he loves pussy and everyone loses their minds.
The North American news is so pro Democrat and Liberal that the others do not stand a chance due to blind sheep following the news, look what happened during our federal election.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
I edited the rape part in my post, wrote down something I read in the media and did not research, my error and sorry.
Never read about the grabbing pussy anywhere, read that sometime 11 years ago that commented he liked pussy to someone.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Listen to the tape that is causing all the commotion it unfortunately for him proves exactly what he is, an entitled egotistical baffoon , and talk about being stupid on top of that, for a man used to being in front of cameras and knowing that he is wearing a microphone to say these things.
Perhaps he just truly believes his own hype that he is above everyone else and can do and say anything because he is loved by all no matter what, after all he is "The Donald".

I am not arguing that Trump is not an asshole, I am trying to say that Clinton is just as bad but in different ways, she is a real crook that will get what she wants by any means.
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