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Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
I have read and heard the comments from 11 years ago, it was to someone who is a known party person and like most people words spoken are probably embellished a lot ( do not tell me that during some conversations you do not embellish your statements ). It is not an excuse for him and he is an ass but why is Hillarys wrong doings always a flash in the pan and easily forgotten.
Pitiful that of all the available Americans it comes down to these two clowns.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
I have read and heard the comments from 11 years ago, it was to someone who is a known party person and like most people words spoken are probably embellished a lot ( do not tell me that during some conversations you do not embellish your statements ). It is not an excuse for him and he is an ass but why is Hillarys wrong doings always a flash in the pan and easily forgotten.
Pitiful that of all the available Americans it comes down to these two clowns.

I agree with you. Problem is Trump's runner up (Cruz) was much worse! America is better with Trump, as bad and misogynist as he is. If there is only one positive aspect of this election is that finally a woman will become president. It's about time. Even tho it would have been much better to have another woman than Clinton...


Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
If there is only one positive aspect of this election is that finally a woman will become president.

What is with all the " women need more positions in power ", not saying that they do not deserve it but the best person should be the one hired and not because of their sex. Justine Trudeau did that with his cabinet, wanted more women because it was 2015 so men that were more qualified lost out due to their sex and JT being an idiot. For Canada Trump should win due to his stance on climate change and he will pass the Keystone pipeline, Trump is a mouth that will be good for the common person in the US in terms of jobs and lower taxes, will he push the big button.. NEVER, will he piss off other countries... Of course, too bad, think of your own country first.. If Hillary wins you will see so much corruption your head will spin.

Have to add.... I am ecstatic that Kramer is well, still smiling 3 days after the news....


New Member
May 14, 2016
So Hillary takes millions from the Saudis, deletes classified e-mails, rigs an election, loses 6 billion dollars, kills 4 Americans in Benghazi, , armed and trained ISIS, her husband is just as crooked and so much more...... But Trump says he loves pussy and everyone loses their minds.

Tell us STN why do you take your information from a scumbag like Trump. You know...we have computers....these things can be checked in seconds. Do you need to defend Trump with old phony claims.

Trump didn't say he loves pussy. Trump said because he is a star/celebrity he has the right to grab any woman's pussy and bang her. It's called sexual assault. It's called RAPE!

CLAIM: $6 billion went missing from the U.S. State Department while Hillary Clinton was in charge.
WHAT'S TRUE: An inspector general's report criticized Hillary Clinton's State Department for improper record keeping on $6 billion in government contracts.
WHAT'S FALSE: The $6 billion was never "lost," "missing," or "misplaced."

CLAIM: Clinton and Obama created ISIS:

Our ruling
Trump said "Hillary Clinton invented ISIS with her stupid policies. She is responsible for ISIS."

There were several factors that contributed to the growing power of ISIS, but it’s misleading to pin the responsibility solely on Clinton. For starters, the roots of ISIS trace back to 2004, when Bush was president and before Clinton was Obama’s secretary of state.

She did vote to authorize force in Iraq in 2002 while a senator, but that was advocated by the Bush administration and the vast majority of senators. The intervention in Libya, which she supported, did give ISIS an opening, but Trump is overstating her role by saying she is responsible for ISIS.

This claim is inaccurate. We rate it False.

CLAIM: Clinton has rigged the election:

Our ruling

Trump has repeatedly claimed that the U.S. election system is rigged.

He has cited examples of voter fraud, which is extremely rare, often unintentional and not on a scale large enough to affect a national election.

While there are isolated examples of bought local elections, experts say it cannot be replicated on a national scale. While it is possible to tamper with electronic voting machines, there is no evidence deliberate malfeasance has altered any election.
We rate Trump’s claim Pants on Fire.

CLAIM: Hillary killed 4 Americans in Benghazi.
This is as valid as saying Reagan killed 300 men in Beirut in the 1983 terrorist attacks on the American Marine Barracks. Was Reagan ever indicted on that.

Our ruling
Pence claimed that Clinton "took 13 hours to send help to Americans under fire."

In fact, it wasn’t Clinton’s responsibility to send troops to the scene — the military chain of command took that responsibility. The Defense Department attempted to send help to the scene, but was unable to reach Benghazi before the deaths occurred.

Pence implied that Clinton dawdled before sending help to Americans in danger. That is not accurate. We rate this claim False.


Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Tell us STN why do you take your information from a scumbag like Trump.

I do not take any info from Trump, google any topic and you will find 2 or 3 sides to a story. As I have posted, I do not like Trump either but the media is not showing the evil side of Clinton and she has many skeletons, that is the point of my posts.
Lost of slander on both sides, lots of embellishment on both sides , lots of lies on both sides.... Trump is in the news.
No matter who wins it will be a sad day for Americans.


New Member
May 14, 2016
google any topic and you will find 2 or 3 sides to a story.

You will find many putting out a lot of different versions because to find the truth every needs to look for it, not what serves their bias or their purpose. For instance, anyone who knows anything about the duties and responsibilities of the Secretary of State and what anyone in that office can do and cannot do would know to say she killed 4 people is a lie. The truth is always there to be found if a person is interested and cares about finding it. If a person wants to impose emotionalism, bias, or just doesn't know enough a person will find plenty of lies and/or ignorance.


New Member
May 14, 2016
Passionné you seem to think you know everything...

No, I have never implied that at all. What I did was look it up instead of shooting from emotions or taking a viewpoint from biased sources I happen to favor. I didn't go to Fox or CNN. I looked up the responsibilities and duties of the Secretary of State long ago. I like to research topics, always have. You and everyone can do this. I'm sure many do, but clearly many don't....and don't have the impulse to do so. I also provide my sources instead of shooting from the keyboard without backing. I'm not sorry for actually working to know what has happened or is going on.

Now saying Clinton and Trump are scumbags is an opinion. I respect any opinion that uses a foundation of good information. Everyone is entitled to their own feelings on any issue, but if all they want to go on is feelings and biased sources then there's a serious risk of not having the facts.

Saying Clinton killed anyone, if you mean by her choice or action caused it, is not based on the facts.

You want to say what I wrote was a "call down"? Fine. I challenged a view like you are doing. So far that has happened 872 times in this thread. It's what we are all doing. There's nothing wrong with that. It's more interesting and a lot less icky than throwing each other kisses 872 times.



Feb 16, 2011
Hmmmm, maybe Drumpf, is a lot smarter than we all think....maybe he's really pro-Hillary and he's pulling the wool over everyone's eyes and doing everything he can to derail the republicans.
That'a got to be it!!! No other explanation!!!:spy:

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Hmmmm, maybe Drumpf, is a lot smarter than we all think....maybe he's really pro-Hillary and he's pulling the wool over everyone's eyes and doing everything he can to derail the republicans.
That'a got to be it!!! No other explanation!!!:spy:

Bahahahaha... Thanks for that one.


New Member
May 14, 2016
Hmmmm, maybe Drumpf, is a lot smarter than we all think....maybe he's really pro-Hillary and he's pulling the wool over everyone's eyes and doing everything he can to derail the republicans.
That'a got to be it!!! No other explanation!!!

I had the same thought. He's too outrageous to be serious. There must be another motive. But no, it's the real schmaltz.

you passed the test
your calm under fire
now think for a minute,not me you or anyone here knows the real truth on anything unless we were witness

JSB, without reading your whole post yet (I see where you are going) you're right. No matter how much we look into something we can only use our brains to assess what is available and knowing exactly everything is never possible. But we can try to make a good effort IF we wish to.

Cheers JSB

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
The cocksucker con man misogynist rapist Donald Trump just handed the election over to President Hillary Rodham Clinton.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
Visit site
I wonder if there are any other bombs from the past that will be dropped on Trump. He has such a big mouth, it wouldn't surprise me if other stuff surfaces, maybe because it is being saved for the new cycles 1-2 weeks before the election.

The 2005 Trump interview with Billy Bush, who has lost his job with Today, may be just an appetizer or hors d'ouevres to what will be the entree later on.

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
And according to the polls, the winner of tonight's debate is......

Hillary Clinton 57%

Donald Clinton 38%

Winning!!!!!!!!!!!! :D:D:D

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
If women are outraged about Trumps use of naughty words who the hell bought the 80 million copies of Fifty shades of Grey?


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
The cocksucker con man misogynist rapist Donald Trump just handed the election over to President Hillary Rodham Clinton.

LOL when I read the word rapist I honestly thought you were talking about Bill Clinton.


New Member
May 14, 2016
If women are outraged about Trumps use of naughty words who the hell bought the 80 million copies of Fifty shades of Grey?

"Naughty Words". Honestly, it's a troubling characterization and dismissal of what is very obvious. There is no person in the world who could listen to and see that video and not know Trump is talking about what he DID and has been DOING. How he really thinks. All of which matches up extremely well with an attitude toward women he has given in televised debates and at his own mass rallies, and many tweets over and over. Suggesting it's only "naughty words", as Trump did last night is a total denial of your own good intelligence.

If people want to be for Trump despite the video and audio of Trump showing exactly and honestly what he is it's their choice. Just don't insult your own intelligence. The facts of what he is have nothing to do with your hatred of Hillary, and that hatred does not and cannot change what Trump is.

You and the rest of us also know if the recording was Clinton saying criminal things she had done you would not dismiss any of it as "naughty words".


Trump was very good doing exactly what he had to do for those who want to vote for him. He fought back hard. He pooh pooed the infamous recording and attacked Clinton harshly. Paul Ryan is staying with him because of that because Paul Ryan no doubt feels dumping Trump would doom many Republican seats in the House and Senate. But to the rest who heard the recording and know what Trump said and done over the campaign he came off like an arrogant lying pig doing everything he could to deflect all the public knows about his gross behavior and actions. That's ACTIONS, NOT dirty locker room bravado.

So many times Trump was cut off by the woman on the panel.

I watched and listened to all of it. Anderson Cooper, cut off and questioned Trump also. It wasn't just "The Woman". It did look more one-sided against Trump, but he also did more of diverting from the questions and carrying on.

Kasey Jones

Mar 24, 2008
If women are outraged about Trumps use of naughty words who the hell bought the 80 million copies of Fifty shades of Grey?

well, the naughty words and the bragging about using his celebrity and status to repeatedly get away with sexual assault...

Steve Schmidt... Worth watching... wow... intellectual rot lol...
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