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Jan 14, 2016
Here is my opinion about the race and again, only my opinion.

A vote for Clinton = a vote to Obama lousy continuity and more money to the Clinton's cash syndicate.
A vote to Trump = a vote to open up the lid on the Clinton's scams

It goes to show how much power the Clinton's have in order to destroy all the files after she has been subpoena. Money = power, even at FBI level. How crazy does it get in the USA ?

So, I wouldn't be surprised that if Clinton win this, how much money and power was put in behind her to get public's vote. I mean, if the FBI and many other governmental bodies helped her getting away from jail, what else can they do to get her nominated ?

If I was American and after watching the 2nd debate yesterday, I'd vote for Trump hands down. At least he is a direct man that says it the way it is without being subtle. May be too direct to some hypocrites out there. This goes to show that he is a non partisan guy and that what America needs. Screw the politics and get the country moving. Let's make America great again ... lol !!


New Member
May 14, 2016
Here is my opinion about the race and again, only my opinion.

A vote for Clinton = a vote to Obama lousy continuity and more money to the Clinton's cash syndicate.
A vote to Trump = a vote to open up the lid on the Clinton's scams

:) Wow! All the balance in the world there. You don't think "A vote for Trump =" he'll do everything he can to enrich himself.

As for his being DIRECT, absolutely yes, when putting out the message he wants to, to the audience he thinks he's speaking to. He's been honest and direct speaking to crowds and tweeting, acting like a crass ass. He was also honest and direct when he was talking to Bush in that oversize bus saying he can take what he wants because he's a celebrity, including sexual assault and rape. "I moved on her like a bitch" (talking about a married woman)..."when you're a star they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything" (speaking in general about women).

He was lying his ass off when he said the recording was just locker room talk.

It's pretty hypocritical to say he's very direct then allow him to get away with saying some very ugly direct talk was nothing.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Slick Willy must of thought he prematurely was in hell last night when he saw those 4 women that he abused years ago, show up at the debate. He thought he was seeing ghosts.....your past will haunt you slick willy

Trump destroyed the wicked witch from the west last night (ghosts? witches? hey, it is halloween soon) and we do not need any polls to prove otherwise. He was presidential, direct, honest and put her on the defense all night. She was clearly frustrated and frantic, even that fake ass smile looked staged. Good night for Trump/Pence to get back on track from the attempted screw job (again) by the mainstream media.
LOL when I read the word rapist I honestly thought you were talking about Bill Clinton.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
It was a CNN (Clinton News Network) anchor, what do you expect? Anderson Cooper i feel has always been the most fair of all the libby anchors at CNN but it was the woman who was clearly against Trump until Trump called her out and Cooper to an extent and he was absolutely correct to do so, it was 3 against 1 like he said up to that point. Thats why Trump has so much support from millions of people, he takes no BS, says whats on his mind and for the most part gives political correctness the middle finger, something that more need to do. It is political correctness that has made the usa a weaker nation than ever before, that and many other reasons.

It's insane how much the panel was pro Hillary. So many times Trump was cut off by the woman on the panel. I don't necessarily care who wins but honestly I feel despite his dumb comments Trump would actually bring some kind of change while Hillary would do absolutely nothing.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
I suspect many of the undecided voters came over to Trump after last nights debate. In fact i was watching a after debate show that had a group of undecideds (before the debate) and overwhelmingly when asked if they would now vote for Trump, 90% raised their hands. It was Trumps best political debate (ever) and Clintons worst, likley ever.

He really hit her hard and helped expose the truth, the truth of what a fake person and fraud and outright crook (and many other things) that she and slick willy have been for 30 plus years. I can't believe a huge majority of the American people are so stupid and BLIND.

Highlight of the night besides bringing back those 4 women who bill clinton sexually abused/raped all those years ago (he must have pooped his pants, good thing for depends) was when Trump told hIllary that once he becomes President, shes going to jail lol.
Here is my opinion about the race and again, only my opinion.

A vote for Clinton = a vote to Obama lousy continuity and more money to the Clinton's cash syndicate.
A vote to Trump = a vote to open up the lid on the Clinton's scams

It goes to show how much power the Clinton's have in order to destroy all the files after she has been subpoena. Money = power, even at FBI level. How crazy does it get in the USA ?

So, I wouldn't be surprised that if Clinton win this, how much money and power was put in behind her to get public's vote. I mean, if the FBI and many other governmental bodies helped her getting away from jail, what else can they do to get her nominated ?

If I was American and after watching the 2nd debate yesterday, I'd vote for Trump hands down. At least he is a direct man that says it the way it is without being subtle. May be too direct to some hypocrites out there. This goes to show that he is a non partisan guy and that what America needs. Screw the politics and get the country moving. Let's make America great again ... lol !!

Kasey Jones

Mar 24, 2008
Kasey,trump is rich,probably did illegal thigsn to get there,he brags to me this shows even though rich and famous he is insecure
Steve Schmidt is just another brainless puppet who has been bought off personally he cones across as arogent to me
if hilory was so great she would win on merit alone and all the dirt which comes out in very election would not be necessary
seems like a 50 50 split on how much each candit is detested
i get it you hate trump but do you think hilory
an honest person
somone who actually gives a shit and is not just a puppet for the rich bankers and 1% of the worlds population who dont give a rats ass if we all die suffer stavemany who work for clinton have stated off the record she is a psycopath and very unplesant to work for
anyways days end tis the americans who will suffer first and when they suffer it will trickle over into canada

I don't hate Trump... he's a hoot and a half...

Steve Schmidt is a long-time Republican operative. He was a main adviser to John McCain. He helped choose Sarah Palin(!!!) as McCain's running mate and he thinks Donald is unfit... lol... that right there should give you pause...

Hillary is an average run of the mill politician. I wouldn't give any politician high marks for honesty, but at least she is not manifestly incompetent and unfit for the job.

This is really about an entire political movement becoming completely unhinged and unmoored from reality. There has never been a politician under more scrutiny than Hillary Clinton. Heck, the republicans held 8 congressional investigations on Benghazi alone and turned up nothing. Yet it is easier for republicans to believe in a vast government conspiracy including the State Department, the FBI and the CIA to protect Hillary than it is to believe that she may in fact be innocent of what they are accusing her of. Same bs with the emails... Actually watch all of Comey's testimony and you will learn that in his own words, there is no evidence Hillary lied to the FBI, there are only 3 emails at issue - 2 of which were classified retroactively and 1 which was incorrectly marked. But no, easier to believe that the only thing government is good at is covering up Hillary's "crimes". It's about one of 2 american political parties that has decided that World Net Daily and Breitbart are reliable sources of information. Conspiracy theories are better than reality. What Steve Schmidt correctly alluded to is that an awful lot of the republican party is, at this point, certifiably nuts. There really is no sugar coating this... Heck, they nominated Donald Trump to run for president. What other evidence do you need?

K Douglas

Aug 1, 2005
Tell us STN why do you take your information from a scumbag like Trump. You know...we have computers....these things can be checked in seconds. Do you need to defend Trump with old phony claims.

Trump didn't say he loves pussy. Trump said because he is a star/celebrity he has the right to grab any woman's pussy and bang her. It's called sexual assault. It's called RAPE!

CLAIM: $6 billion went missing from the U.S. State Department while Hillary Clinton was in charge.
WHAT'S TRUE: An inspector general's report criticized Hillary Clinton's State Department for improper record keeping on $6 billion in government contracts.
WHAT'S FALSE: The $6 billion was never "lost," "missing," or "misplaced."

CLAIM: Clinton and Obama created ISIS:

Our ruling
Trump said "Hillary Clinton invented ISIS with her stupid policies. She is responsible for ISIS."

There were several factors that contributed to the growing power of ISIS, but it’s misleading to pin the responsibility solely on Clinton. For starters, the roots of ISIS trace back to 2004, when Bush was president and before Clinton was Obama’s secretary of state.

She did vote to authorize force in Iraq in 2002 while a senator, but that was advocated by the Bush administration and the vast majority of senators. The intervention in Libya, which she supported, did give ISIS an opening, but Trump is overstating her role by saying she is responsible for ISIS.

This claim is inaccurate. We rate it False.

CLAIM: Clinton has rigged the election:

Our ruling

Trump has repeatedly claimed that the U.S. election system is rigged.

He has cited examples of voter fraud, which is extremely rare, often unintentional and not on a scale large enough to affect a national election.

While there are isolated examples of bought local elections, experts say it cannot be replicated on a national scale. While it is possible to tamper with electronic voting machines, there is no evidence deliberate malfeasance has altered any election.
We rate Trump’s claim Pants on Fire.

CLAIM: Hillary killed 4 Americans in Benghazi.
This is as valid as saying Reagan killed 300 men in Beirut in the 1983 terrorist attacks on the American Marine Barracks. Was Reagan ever indicted on that.

Our ruling
Pence claimed that Clinton "took 13 hours to send help to Americans under fire."

In fact, it wasn’t Clinton’s responsibility to send troops to the scene — the military chain of command took that responsibility. The Defense Department attempted to send help to the scene, but was unable to reach Benghazi before the deaths occurred.

Pence implied that Clinton dawdled before sending help to Americans in danger. That is not accurate. We rate this claim False.


What a load of bullshit. The Democratic Party version of fact checking aka

Kasey Jones

Mar 24, 2008
Here is my opinion about the race and again, only my opinion.

A vote for Clinton = a vote to Obama lousy continuity and more money to the Clinton's cash syndicate.
A vote to Trump = a vote to open up the lid on the Clinton's scams

It goes to show how much power the Clinton's have in order to destroy all the files after she has been subpoena. Money = power, even at FBI level. How crazy does it get in the USA ?

So, I wouldn't be surprised that if Clinton win this, how much money and power was put in behind her to get public's vote. I mean, if the FBI and many other governmental bodies helped her getting away from jail, what else can they do to get her nominated ?

If I was American and after watching the 2nd debate yesterday, I'd vote for Trump hands down. At least he is a direct man that says it the way it is without being subtle. May be too direct to some hypocrites out there. This goes to show that he is a non partisan guy and that what America needs. Screw the politics and get the country moving. Let's make America great again ... lol !!

m'eh... my retirement funds and real estate generally do much better under Democrats, so I can live with the continuity... They certainly did better under Clinton than either Reagan or Bush 1, and certainly better under Obama than Bush 2.

and yes, I am sure that all the evidence of all these Clinton scandals will come out as soon as Donald is elected...


May 3, 2010
Thank god Canadians are smart, his support in Canada is like around 15%. Im sure its going to go down after he diss our health care system, break your leg in the USA without insurance $10,000, break your leg in Canada $0. Donald Trump does not live in a Canada priceless

Kasey Jones

Mar 24, 2008
Slick Willy must of thought he prematurely was in hell last night when he saw those 4 women that he abused years ago, show up at the debate. He thought he was seeing ghosts.....your past will haunt you slick willy

Trump destroyed the wicked witch from the west last night (ghosts? witches? hey, it is halloween soon) and we do not need any polls to prove otherwise. He was presidential, direct, honest and put her on the defense all night. She was clearly frustrated and frantic, even that fake ass smile looked staged. Good night for Trump/Pence to get back on track from the attempted screw job (again) by the mainstream media.

I'm sure Slick Willy was really worried... lol... All those republican office holders jumping off the train is a good sign, right?

the longer this goes, the more the House comes into play. You are up for a Karl Rove moment come election night... lol.. Of course you will be claiming the election was rigged...

Kasey Jones

Mar 24, 2008
What a load of bullshit. The Democratic Party version of fact checking aka

reality definitely has a left-wing bias... f@ck reality...


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
And CNN is any better? Let me guess, you also think the other mainstream media outlets are reliable sources of information as well? Why, because NBC, CBS and ABC have been around longer? Sorry but bias is bias and they are all part of the problem. Politics within the maintstream media are so corrupt it is sickening.

Killery will likely win the election because she has bought and paid for it with other peoples money/donations. The people who will vote for her to clinch the win are those uneducated people who i call uneducated only because they are not informed with what a corrupt person "she" really is because they do not pay attention to anything but ad's on tv and radio and what people tell them instead of researching the truth for themselves. They do not pay attention to anything other than her hate ad's that do not tell the whole truth. If she wins, God help us all.

Same ole same ole (or likely worse) or give someone else a chance to make it better., someone that actually loves his country.......the choice is so clear it is laughable but there are far too many blinded uneducated sheep in the Usa. Hopefully they wake up in the next 29 days but not holding my breath.

It's about one of 2 american political parties that has decided that World Net Daily and Breitbart are reliable sources of information.

Kasey Jones

Mar 24, 2008
And CNN is any better? Let me guess, you also think the other mainstream media outlets are reliable sources of information as well? Why, because NBC, CBS and ABC have been around longer? Sorry but bias is bias and they are all part of the problem. Politics within the maintstream media are so corrupt it is sickening.

Killery will likely win the election because she has bought and paid for it with other peoples money/donations. The people who will vote for her to clinch the win are those uneducated people who i call uneducated only because they are not informed with what a corrupt person "she" really is because they do not pay attention to anything but ad's on tv and radio and what people tell them instead of researching the truth for themselves. They do not pay attention to anything other than her hate ad's that do not tell the whole truth. If she wins, God help us all.

Same ole same ole (or likely worse) or give someone else a chance to make it better., someone that actually loves his country.......the choice is so clear it is laughable but there are far too many blinded uneducated sheep in the Usa. Hopefully they wake up in the next 29 days but not holding my breath.

Who did Hillary kill? You call her Killery because she murdered someone? And you accuse others of being uneducated and uninformed? lol... its always projection with you right-wingers and its always funny when reality finally smacks you upside the head. That you would even put WND and Breitbart in the same category as CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS (despite their numerous failings) is symptomatic of the problem...


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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iOf course you will be claiming the election was rigged...

In 2000, Al Gore won the popular vote with 500,000 votes more than George W. Bush, but Bush won the election because of a victory in the critical swing state of Florida, of which Jeb Bush was then Governor. Florida had not updated their electoral technology and as a result, some paper votes were nor counted. Many claimed State Republican machinery in Florida rigged it, and took advantage of the older and more fragile voters of the State.

Reportedly, a handshake deal was reached in which Gore waived his legal rights to sue in exchange for Bush not challenging Gore's historical claim to be inventor of the Internet, and Bush agreeing not to oppose Gore's run for and nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize down the road. Gore later won the prize in 2007.

K Douglas

Aug 1, 2005
I don't hate Trump... he's a hoot and a half...

Steve Schmidt is a long-time Republican operative. He was a main adviser to John McCain. He helped choose Sarah Palin(!!!) as McCain's running mate and he thinks Donald is unfit... lol... that right there should give you pause...

Hillary is an average run of the mill politician. I wouldn't give any politician high marks for honesty, but at least she is not manifestly incompetent and unfit for the job.

This is really about an entire political movement becoming completely unhinged and unmoored from reality. There has never been a politician under more scrutiny than Hillary Clinton. Heck, the republicans held 8 congressional investigations on Benghazi alone and turned up nothing. Yet it is easier for republicans to believe in a vast government conspiracy including the State Department, the FBI and the CIA to protect Hillary than it is to believe that she may in fact be innocent of what they are accusing her of. Same bs with the emails... Actually watch all of Comey's testimony and you will learn that in his own words, there is no evidence Hillary lied to the FBI, there are only 3 emails at issue - 2 of which were classified retroactively and 1 which was incorrectly marked. But no, easier to believe that the only thing government is good at is covering up Hillary's "crimes". It's about one of 2 american political parties that has decided that World Net Daily and Breitbart are reliable sources of information. Conspiracy theories are better than reality. What Steve Schmidt correctly alluded to is that an awful lot of the republican party is, at this point, certifiably nuts. There really is no sugar coating this... Heck, they nominated Donald Trump to run for president. What other evidence do you need?

I am no fan of Trump. He's an egotistical thin skinned narcissist who comes across as insensitive and suffers from foot in mouth disease. Not the best role model for our kids, that's for sure.
But here's the thing. In reality he has been successful in his business endeavors. He has created tens of thousands of good paying jobs. Within his organization he treats women with equality and respect. Many women hold high positions within the organization. And in turn his employees respect him. His kids have followed in his footsteps and by all accounts are hard working, educated and respectful members of society. So you have to say the actions don't really follow the rhetoric. If you can get beyond all the bluster you see a totally different DJT.
What I am a fan of is about 80% of his platform. I support securing the border with Mexico. I support strong vetting of refugees from Syria and other dangerous areas of the globe. I support comprehensive tax reform, including a drop in the corporate tax rate and closing of many IRS loopholes. I support constitutional judges on the SC. I support the 2nd Amendment. I support full repeal of Obamacare, which is an unmitigated disaster. I support a new energy policy that relies on fossil fuel and coal and less on green energy because it's a total waste of $. I support loosening strangling regulations on small and mid sized businesses that has been all too prevalent under 8 years of Obama. I support the feds getting out of the education business. I support charter schools. I support law enforcement. I support mandatory minimum sentences.
And that's why I can never support Hillary. Notwithstanding the fact that she is a two faced lying POS who should be indicted for lying to Congress, to the FBI and to the Benghazi victims' families.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
I smell some of that nasty libby blinded bias again :pound:
Who did Hillary kill? You call her Killery because she murdered someone? And you accuse others of being uneducated and uninformed? lol... its always projection with you right-wingers and its always funny when reality finally smacks you upside the head. That you would even put WND and Breitbart in the same category as CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS (despite their numerous failings) is symptomatic of the problem...

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Not about to quote a large post.. Who did Hillary kill. Google Clinton kill list, guaranteed that some are fake but with that many some have to have a little merit. 12 bodyguards dead, suicides to people about to testify against her, airplanes crashing with people who were to testify against her. Even if only one is correct that is enough and with her ties to the FBI many could be possible.
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