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Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Why didn't the two shake hands?

I blame Hillary more than the Donald on this one.
Her body language was saying don`t come near me.
Then when they shook hands at the end of the debate it was Donald who stuck out his hand first. Or maybe he was just going for a pussy grab.


May 3, 2010
It makes me laugh when i hear some of these people who are supporting trump talk.They are some of the most UN-educated,bible waving who actually believe the earth is only 10,000 years old, who believe that men use to ride dinosaurs.People like these should not be allow to vote.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
It makes me laugh when i hear some of these people who are supporting trump talk.They are some of the most UN-educated,bible waving who actually believe the earth is only 10,000 years old, who believe that men use to ride dinosaurs.People like these should not be allow to vote.

The same goes to people who believe that Hillary would be a good choice. Ignorant and listen to who the media tells them how to vote.
Trump supporters are bible wavers? Shows you do not follow politics at all and let the media do the work for you.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Bill Clinton is surprised that Hillary is making more of a stink about Trump's words that Bill using Monica's vagina as a cigar holder.

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
Today would have been a good day for Donald Trump to release his taxes.........

.....but he was too busy fighting with Paul Ryan and the Republican Party.


Apr 27, 2016
I blame Hillary more than the Donald on this one.
Her body language was saying don`t come near me.
Then when they shook hands at the end of the debate it was Donald who stuck out his hand first. Or maybe he was just going for a pussy grab.

Come on, Donald would never do that......for a 4.



May 3, 2010
Yes most of them are bible wavers CNN had this trump supporter on The host had to put her head down from hearing what she was saying.God is going to change trump,god is going to do this for trump.Every single trump surrogate wear the cross of some one who never exist, so there you go


Active Member
Feb 7, 2009
NY state
not going to bother to read this entire thread and what i have to say has probably already been said but nonetheless it will feel good saying it. trump is everything you teach your kids not to be- a braggart, a bully, a liar, a bigot, etc. hillary may bend the truth like most politicians but trumps lies are of epic proportions, right off the pages of the national enquirer- obama was born in africa, crowds of muslims cheered in new jersey as the twin towers went down and on and on... his daddy left him a lot of money and he has used it to enrich himself on the backs of others- and not a very good job at that since it has often been pointed out that if he put that money in a mutual fund he would have made more than he earned in his businesses. he has a dedicated following of deplorables (yes hillary was right this time) who confuse political correctness with human decency. in their mind, trump can do anything he damn pleases as long as he promises to keep the blacks, mexicans, muslims and women in their place. they represent the uneducated and disenfranchised and trump has played on their fears and led them to this terrible place they now find themselves. he is a disgrace and would change things but definitely not for the better- change is not always good. hillary will win because although trumps supporters will remain solid, they still remain a minority (thank god). however, there will be scars from this election will remain for a long time. trump has taught a group that it is okay to be racist and sexist and you cant put that genie back in the bottle.

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
Speaker Paul Ryan abandons Trump

Speaker Paul Ryan told House Republicans on a conference call Monday morning that he’s done defending Donald Trump and will focus on maintaining his party’s increasingly imperiled House majority, according to sources on the call.

The message amounted to a concession by the highest-ranking elected Republican that his nominee for president can’t win — and lawmakers should save themselves and the Republican-controlled Congress to act as a check on Hillary Clinton.

Ryan stopped short of formally rescinding his endorsement of Trump — but just short. His move carries immense risk, and Ryan faced blowback from all sides: Trump and his surrogates warned Republican leaders they would pay a price for breaking from the nominee; some rank-and-file Republicans warned the strategy was a mistake; and immediately after the call, Clinton tweeted to her nearly 10 million followers that “Ryan is still endorsing Trump.”

Trump tweeted after the call that "Paul Ryan should spend more time on balancing the budget, jobs and illegal immigration and not waste his time on fighting Republican nominee." And a Trump supporter in the House, Rep. Dana Rohrabacher of California, sharply criticized Republican leaders on the call for not doing enough to support Trump, sources said.

The continued fallout set off alarms among Republicans about a potential down-ballot wave that imperils not only the Senate, which Democrats are already in a strong position to win, but the until-now seemingly impenetrable House majority. At this point, the imperative for vulnerable Republicans on the ballot is simply political survival.

Ryan told his members that “you all need to do what’s best for you in your district," said a source on the call, giving rank-and-file lawmakers political cover to disavow Trump. House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy of California urged the lawmakers to take a deep breath and focus on their own races.

It was the biggest and most dramatic split between the highest-ranking Republican lawmaker on Capitol Hill and the party's presidential nominee. Ryan has pushed back repeatedly on Trump's most outrageous comments or positions, but until now, he has refused to openly break with the nominee.

Ryan and House Republicans are cognizant they could face a backlash from Trump supporters. With less than a month to go in the campaign, an open rupture between the presidential nominee and down-ballot Republicans could turn off independent voters and depress turnout among base voters, compounding their problems from the top of the ticket.

"The speaker is going to spend the next month focused entirely on protecting our congressional majorities," said AshLee Strong, Ryan's spokeswoman.

Ryan will be campaigning in 17 states and 42 cities this month, with additional events planned, said GOP sources.

Read more:

Paul Ryan finally abandons Trump

Doc says: "It's about time he dumps that misogynist racist sexual predator!"

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
Clinton Ahead 14 Points in WSJ/NBC Poll

Hillary Clinton leads Donald Trump by more than 10 percentage points in two new national polls released early Monday afternoon. In a new poll by NBC News and The Wall Street Journal, in a four-way ballot Clinton leads Trump 46 percent to 35 percent; in a two-way ballot, the Democratic nominee leads with 52 percent of voters surveyed compared to 38 percent for Trump.

Results from a congressional ballot poll showed that Democrats led 49 percent to 42 percent—the largest congressional advantage since the government shutdown in October 2013. The survey also shows voters are split over the effects of the release of 2005 recording of Trump describing kissing and touching women without consent: 52 percent said the audiotape should be an issue in the campaign.

Clinton up 14 points in new poll

What Doc says: "Turn out the lights.....the party's over!" :yo: :yo: :yo:


Active Member
Feb 7, 2009
NY state
long live live the corrupt killer and may she screw all those who vote for her

its amazing a forum of guys who pay for sex call out trump for being morally incorrect like the pot calling the kettle black

so you think it immoral to have sex for pay. i dont. its a business transaction not unlike any other. are you a bible thumper? what are you doing here?

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
long live live the corrupt killer and may she screw all those who vote for her

its amazing a forum of guys who pay for sex call out trump for being morally incorrect like the pot calling the kettle black

Very true. Accept someone so corrupt and tells you what you want to hear and not what she thinks. And someone says he likes to grope pussy is unexceptable. Trump is a mouth, Clinton is a C***. Add Carp if you want.


May 3, 2010
Paying for sex is completely different than sexual assault.Just watch,im sure in the coming days there will be more women filing complaints against donald jerk off trump There are more tapes out there thats why a lot of republicans are running away.You christian conservatives are bunch of hypocrites, you will support a man with so much hatred,but will give people shit for smoking weed. Oh i forget you guys believe in this fictional character called Jesus


May 3, 2010
It was bill clinton who was accuse not hillary.Its not hear say there have been a bunch of women who have file complaints.Plus he brag about it on the tape plus there are more tapes and its not locker room talk. a lot of athletes are coming saying thats not locker room talk.they talk about women but not in that way


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
successful, a great father, creator of tens of thousands of jobs for people which put food on their table, to love your country, want to make things better for everyone, to be a difference maker for others....etc....

Yea, I would never want my kids to be taught any of that :rolleyes:

trump is everything you teach your kids not to be


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015
so you think it immoral to have sex for pay. i dont. its a business transaction not unlike any other. are you a bible thumper? what are you doing here?

High level of hypocrisy, much higher than in other western countries, is a trademark of American politics. It is well known that in modeling business, beauty pageants and in a large degree in Hollywood gals have to sleep with their managers and bosses. They have no chance if they don’t comply. How it is different from the escort business? It is the same play-for-pay just not with immediate cash. Trump was in this business and simply did what was common in the industry. Clinton however played completely different game…


May 3, 2010
Bro,stop watching cnn or fox news and get some real news from the bbc and you will see that theres alot of accusers out there against trump. The past two republican president has ruin the economy and it was the democrats who save the economy.The man want to invest in coal wtf and think climate change is a hoax or it was created by the chinese.Dumbest thing i have heard.Thats why Hillary is killing him on college educated people, only the un-educated can believe in things like these.the dumber you are the more likelier you are to vote for trump


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015
I agree Tramp is bad, but Hillary is not the better choice, period. She actually scares shit out of me with her anti Russian rhetoric. I am old enough to remember the cold war and the civil defense drills. Russia still has nukes capable to wipe out US many times over. If you start to put them in the corner as she proposes the Big Shit may happen…
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