Yea, oBama has done such a tremendous job...keep watching the bbc, oh vey
The past two republican president has ruin the economy and it was the democrats who save the economy.
The past two republican president has ruin the economy and it was the democrats who save the economy.
I am no fan of Trump. He's an egotistical thin skinned narcissist who comes across as insensitive and suffers from foot in mouth disease. Not the best role model for our kids, that's for sure.
But here's the thing. In reality he has been successful in his business endeavors. He has created tens of thousands of good paying jobs. Within his organization he treats women with equality and respect. Many women hold high positions within the organization. And in turn his employees respect him. His kids have followed in his footsteps and by all accounts are hard working, educated and respectful members of society. So you have to say the actions don't really follow the rhetoric. If you can get beyond all the bluster you see a totally different DJT.
What I am a fan of is about 80% of his platform. I support securing the border with Mexico. I support strong vetting of refugees from Syria and other dangerous areas of the globe. I support comprehensive tax reform, including a drop in the corporate tax rate and closing of many IRS loopholes. I support constitutional judges on the SC. I support the 2nd Amendment. I support full repeal of Obamacare, which is an unmitigated disaster. I support a new energy policy that relies on fossil fuel and coal and less on green energy because it's a total waste of $. I support loosening strangling regulations on small and mid sized businesses that has been all too prevalent under 8 years of Obama. I support the feds getting out of the education business. I support charter schools. I support law enforcement. I support mandatory minimum sentences.
And that's why I can never support Hillary. Notwithstanding the fact that she is a two faced lying POS who should be indicted for lying to Congress, to the FBI and to the Benghazi victims' families.
Yea, oBama has done such a tremendous job...keep watching the bbc, oh vey![]()
Not about to quote a large post.. Who did Hillary kill. Google Clinton kill list, guaranteed that some are fake but with that many some have to have a little merit. 12 bodyguards dead, suicides to people about to testify against her, airplanes crashing with people who were to testify against her. Even if only one is correct that is enough and with her ties to the FBI many could be possible.
The numbers came out last week, 15 millions jobs created under obama. A bit lower than Clinton (bill) era! But much better than Bush.
I agree Tramp is bad, but Hillary is not the better choice, period. She actually scares shit out of me with her anti Russian rhetoric. I am old enough to remember the cold war and the civil defense drills. Russia still has nukes capable to wipe out US many times over. If you start to put them in the corner as she proposes the Big Shit may happen…
The same goes to people who believe that Hillary would be a good choice. Ignorant and listen to who the media tells them how to vote.
Trump supporters are bible wavers? Shows you do not follow politics at all and let the media do the work for you.
totally different from escort business. escorts (at least the ones i deal with) are not coerced into having sex. they chose to be escorts and made a business decision. those women (models actors etc) did not choose to be escorts. any man who makes unwanted advances on a women is an ass
Smoke and mirrors. The economy is just amazing lol
Speaker Paul Ryan abandons Trump
long live live the corrupt killer and may she screw all those who vote for her
its amazing a forum of guys who pay for sex call out trump for being morally incorrect like the pot calling the kettle black
Nope, it's the real stats. Something republicain like to disapear so they can push their propaganda.
By the way, US economy is absoluty great when you compare to 99% of all other countries.
you seem like a well versed person
take 1 minute to think
accusers have stepped forward as the 2 canditis are head to head not saying tis not ture but it seems like dirty politics as usual
forget trump for a minute
are you, or would you be comfortable ,to vote for clinton ,if there were other candidts available
if your a law abideing citizen do feel its moraly correct what the fbi did in the clinton investigation destroying evidence laptops
clinton sid she only ran 1 sever under questions fbi director said clinton had mutiple servers
clinton sid she never had clasified emails and under questioniong fbi director said there was 75 emails marked classified
clinton said she used only 1 device and director for fbi said over a period of time she used mutiple devices
so put asie yoru hatred for trump for 1 minute and im not saying tit is not justified
im sayng i jstu cant belive hillory clinton she just does waht she watns and gets rid of anyone in her way any way she can do you really believe in concidences that 33 people who were going to cause hillory problems met their demise
so to sum it up 2 questions for you
do you.... yourself clinton....
and if you had a choice if there was someone else other than trump would you still vote for her
That is not what i was referring to. And NO the economy for the U.S. is not great, stop trying to compare apples to oranges, we are talking about the U.S. economy like i said not 99% of other countries (talk about propaganda)![]()
Yea, oBama has done such a tremendous job...keep watching the bbc, oh vey![]()
What a load of bullshit. The Democratic Party version of fact checking aka
I blame Hillary more than the Donald on this one.
Her body language was saying don`t come near me.
Or maybe he was just going for a pussy grab.
Can you imagine the same with Trump? He would love the big shit to happen, just to flatter his ego.
my investments disagree with you... so does the DJIA. Things are going swimingly, in fact. Much better than under the last know-nothing the republicans managed to get elected...