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I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
No, Trump has different ways to flatter his ago and as a businessman who was in touch with NYC mafia knows when not to raise stakes. Hillary however would go on the road of no return pretty fast. This is the point in the nuclear apocalypse scenario when one side decides that the nuclear exchange is unavoidable therefore making the first strike would make a complete sense as the other side would inflict fever damage. Nobody knows where this point of no return is but the general rule developed during cold war was not to put other side in the corner. This is exactly what she is intended to do with Russia.

Good point.

That said, I still think the biggest problem will not come from Russia. Russia has big economical problem. In fact, Mexico will soon surpass Russia economically. Crazy Putin will be out in a few years and Russia will not be a threat anymore.

Kasey Jones

Mar 24, 2008
The last poll before the pussy grabbing video had Clinton up by 4 to 5 points overall, 2 to 3 points in Florida and 12 points in Pennsylvania. With Clinton now up by 11 points nationally can you imagine what she's getting in all the swing states. It's reported she's now up in all of them. But a big surprise may be Georgia a very hardcore red state. It's gone from red to questionable and it seems to be in play to possibly turn color. That's amazing.

Utah may also be in play... it seems the Mormon's may not be all that enamored with the Donald...

Give Der Trumpenstein another 30 days to use his mouth and twitter. He excels at damaging himself.

another 2 weeks and the House will be in play....

Of course Paul Ryan is barely sticking with Grab-and-Go Donald because dumping this predator would be like quitting on the election and losing more House and Senate seats. You can otherwise bet Ryan would love Trump's head on a silver plate with an apple down his throat like the trashy pig he is.


if he dumps Donald the loonies in the House will take his Speakership... Brave Brave Sir Paul would never let that happen...

the next month will be hilarious as every elected Repub up for re-election pretends they don't know who their nominee is...

Kasey Jones

Mar 24, 2008
Lucky you, millions and millions of others would wholeheartedly disagree with you.

Really? You manged to lose money in this economy? Wow! That must have taken quite a bit of effort... Coal futures?


New Member
May 14, 2016
Utah may also be in play... it seems the Mormon's may not be all that enamored with the Donald...

I had heard this before the Pussy grabbing video. By now it's worse.

I just heard about Ryan:

Paul Ryan said he won't defend Donald Trump
Washington (CNN)House Speaker Paul Ryan dealt his own party's presidential nominee a withering blow Monday, telling fellow Republicans he will no longer defend Donald Trump and will instead use the next 29 days to focus on preserving his party's hold on Congress.

"The speaker is going to spend the next month focused entirely on protecting our congressional majorities," Ryan's spokeswoman, AshLee Strong, said in a statement.

The move -- highly unusual in US political history -- laid bare the seemingly intractable divisions now seizing the Republican Party with a month left before the presidential vote. Support for Trump among the GOP establishment, already weak amid disagreements over policy and tone, has now eroded to new lows.

In a conference call with members Monday morning, Ryan told lawmakers, "you all need to do what's best for you and your district," according to someone who listened to the meeting.


Kasey Jones

Mar 24, 2008
No, Trump has different ways to flatter his ago and as a businessman who was in touch with NYC mafia knows when not to raise stakes. Hillary however would go on the road of no return pretty fast. This is the point in the nuclear apocalypse scenario when one side decides that the nuclear exchange is unavoidable therefore making the first strike would make a complete sense as the other side would inflict fever damage. Nobody knows where this point of no return is but the general rule developed during cold war was not to put other side in the corner. This is exactly what she is intended to do with Russia.

Yes, Donald has been a paragon of restraint this election season... no one I would trust more with the nuclear codes... :jaw:

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Yes, Donald has been a paragon of restraint this election season... no one I would trust more with the nuclear codes... :jaw:

Trump would never be able to push the button by himself.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Really? You manged to lose money in this economy? Wow! That must have taken quite a bit of effort... Coal futures?

No he does have a point. Middle class America is going nowhere since the 80's. Salary gain lower than inflation. This is a big problem. And this is why we see people like Trump now. Middle America is tired of all politician. They want someone to bring back their good paying middle class jobs. I can understand them. What they failed to realize is those jobs will not come back. Those jobs helped some other country going from very poor to all right. Just look at Apple, that company made a few billionaires, a lot of millionnaire, about 30k good paying jobs in the US and about 300k jobs oversees. This is just one example. Do you really think Trump will fix that? Nope. The guy sell ties to raise money for his campaign. His ties are made in China ;)



New Member
May 14, 2016
I never thought I would be supporting Trump on anything, but come on, grab that!

It's not the looks or the body it's his ego. He can't accept the idea anyone would refuse him so he has to know. It's his sickness.

Melania and the Donbag were married Jan 22, 2005. The pussy grab video was from 2005. So he had just married a beauty and wasn't satisfied to stop his grabbing others at all. That's his sick ego. No matter how great the woman he has he's got to have more because he's Trumpenstein the gross grabbing slutdog.

To Trump's supporters, dig this:

Trump, companies accused of mistreating women in at least 20 lawsuits


Kasey Jones

Mar 24, 2008
Trump would never be able to push the button by himself.

ummm... this is kinda how that whole deterrence thing works. The President can pretty much order a nuclear strike whenever he wants. The system counts more on the President not being a thin-skinned narcissist know-nothing than it being dificult to launch a nuke...


Jan 14, 2016
When will american stop listening to the press, precisely the CNN (Clinton News Network - I like that Iggy !!) and go dig for themselves ? Normal family people, fathers, mothers, body guards and people who were going to be cross examined and challenged in court in the Clinton scams died by accident ... Is it really accident ? No wonder, some call it Clinton crime syndicate. Here is what is going to happen now ... Clinton cannot afford Trump to take office that she will use all her resources and friends at FBI, many other bodies in the govt, rich people like Warren B., and all her stolen money to buy voters and in Red States. These people are Rednecks and pure Republican from blood. They will all be bought and guess what ? After she gets elected, her crime syndicate will ask for pay back of all the money used to purchase votes, which she will have all the power to do it then ... . Why she cannot afford Trump win ? Why failure is not an option ? Guess what, she will go to jail and so her whole scam system behind her, including Mr. Wet Cigar ... lol.

It's close or almost close to dictatorship ... . Is that the America that American want ? Come on, you guys have the opportunity to make America great again !!! I do not say that I like Trump with his dirty mouth and all .. but let's face it, who in the world can turn to Americans and show them where their hard earn tax money went ?? It sounds a lot like all the scams that was going on in Montreal with the construction business and the mobs.

Yes, Trump did not pay tax, OK, then why isn't he in prison today if he committed a crime ? Law makers made it for rich people to use the law on their sides. Not his fault .. or is it ?? The law is for everybody and the sun shines for everybody. You guys too, use it, you will pay less tax.
OK, disrespect towards women and grabbing her by the pussy, did he do it ? No evidence that shows it, or at least nobody came forward. As for Mr. Wet Cigar, he had lost his practice licence over that facts of abusing women with his power.

Enough said, like I said my decision is made into which side I will be .... . 'Let's open the crock pot and see what was cooked in it by the Clinton crime syndicate.

His mouth is foul sometimes, not good for kids and women to listen, yeah ok ... Everybody was born and came to the world from a pussy for Pete's sake !!! I will not let the press or news anchors to make me think differently because quite frankly, their CEO's are perhaps friends with the Clinton crime syndicate. Come on Americans ... . Nuff said !

Kasey Jones

Mar 24, 2008
its getting hard to tell the difference between Trump supporters and very talented trolls...


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Best post in this entire thread and full of nothing but the truth.

You should post more ofton A12B :thumb:

When will american stop listening to the press, precisely the CNN (Clinton News Network - I like that Iggy !!) and go dig for themselves ? Normal family people, fathers, mothers, body guards and people who were going to be cross examined and challenged in court in the Clinton scams died by accident ... Is it really accident ? No wonder, some call it Clinton crime syndicate. Here is what is going to happen now ... Clinton cannot afford Trump to take office that she will use all her resources and friends at FBI, many other bodies in the govt, rich people like Warren B., and all her stolen money to buy voters and in Red States. These people are Rednecks and pure Republican from blood. They will all be bought and guess what ? After she gets elected, her crime syndicate will ask for pay back of all the money used to purchase votes, which she will have all the power to do it then ... . Why she cannot afford Trump win ? Why failure is not an option ? Guess what, she will go to jail and so her whole scam system behind her, including Mr. Wet Cigar ... lol.

It's close or almost close to dictatorship ... . Is that the America that American want ? Come on, you guys have the opportunity to make America great again !!! I do not say that I like Trump with his dirty mouth and all .. but let's face it, who in the world can turn to Americans and show them where their hard earn tax money went ?? It sounds a lot like all the scams that was going on in Montreal with the construction business and the mobs.

Yes, Trump did not pay tax, OK, then why isn't he in prison today if he committed a crime ? Law makers made it for rich people to use the law on their sides. Not his fault .. or is it ?? The law is for everybody and the sun shines for everybody. You guys too, use it, you will pay less tax.
OK, disrespect towards women and grabbing her by the pussy, did he do it ? No evidence that shows it, or at least nobody came forward. As for Mr. Wet Cigar, he had lost his practice licence over that facts of abusing women with his power.

Enough said, like I said my decision is made into which side I will be .... . 'Let's open the crock pot and see what was cooked in it by the Clinton crime syndicate.

His mouth is foul sometimes, not good for kids and women to listen, yeah ok ... Everybody was born and came to the world from a pussy for Pete's sake !!! I will not let the press or news anchors to make me think differently because quite frankly, their CEO's are perhaps friends with the Clinton crime syndicate. Come on Americans ... . Nuff said !

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Interesting how a 11 yr old recording can be found but thousands of e-mails are missing for good.
Seems to be a direct connection for people who say nothing about Clinton ( who is pure evil ) and bitch about Trump to people wo voted for Trudeau.... The media strikes again gathering sheep.
Just my opinion.


Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2006
The DOJ said Clinton had the right to delete personal emails from her private server.

Also, you lose credibility by characterizing Hillary Clinton as "pure evil". She has far more character and integrity than Trump.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
I have never ever said that Trump is good, just wonder why many think Clinton is good.


Active Member
Aug 15, 2007
I feel increasingly old-fashioned in my insistence on civility. But even putting aside the notion of manners and respect, is there anything more cowardly than personal attacks made from behind the mask of internet anonymity? I don't see why we can't have a reasonable discussion about politics--as many in this thread are. But if we need to vent our anger and frustration, at either candidate or at the world in general, let's do it without attacking each other. Doing so only degrades this forum.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
I feel increasingly old-fashioned in my insistence on civility. But even putting aside the notion of manners and respect, is there anything more cowardly than personal attacks made from behind the mask of internet anonymity? I don't see why we can't have a reasonable discussion about politics--as many in this thread are. But if we need to vent our anger and frustration, at either candidate or at the world in general, let's do it without attacking each other. Doing so only degrades this forum.

Completely agree.

The thread is becoming like the campaign, really ugly, with not much real discussion about real issues.

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