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I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
I have never ever said that Trump is good, just wonder why many think Clinton is good.

If you read back the complete thread, I do not think you will find anywhere someone mentionning she is good. She is just a politician like many others before. Obama had everything in the world to be liked, yet he is very much dislike by about 40-45%...

Trump is not a politician. That is what democrats are so scared about. And I have to admit, I kind of agree with them. Still he could surprise us, or maybe do his 7th bankcruptcy, that one with the whole country ;)


Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
Also, you lose credibility by characterizing Hillary Clinton as "pure evil". She has far more character and integrity than Trump.

Even Glenn Beck agrees with that statement:

"It is not acceptable to ask a moral, dignified man to cast his vote to help elect an immoral man who is absent decency or dignity. If the consequence of standing against Trump and for principles is indeed the election of Hillary Clinton, so be it. At least it is a moral, ethical choice."------Glenn Beck

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
I have never ever said that Trump is good, just wonder why many think Clinton is good.

I don't recall anyone categorizing her as being 'good'. She's a politician, no different than thousands of other politicians in the country. The difference is that she's better known than the majority of them since she's married to a former US President and later became a US Senator and until 2012 a Secretary of State. She's a huge success and the American Dream personified. Who knows, maybe some of us will be saying the same thing of Michele Obama thirty years from now.

But Donald Trump is Satan personified. He's pure evil. There's absolutely zero redeeming quality about him. He's a bad person. A very bad person.

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
If you read back the complete thread, I do not think you will find anywhere someone mentionning she is good. She is just a politician like many others before.....

I just saw this after i've already posted. What can i say? Great minds think alike? ;)

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
The DOJ said Clinton had the right to delete personal emails from her private server.

And that's exactly my point!

It was from a 'personal server'. 100% of people using email delete them all the time. I just deleted 24 emails the minute i logged onto my computer earlier. I do this several times a day. Everyone does!!

Would would have been the purpose of setting up a personal server at home if she would have been told never to delete emails?? Who the fuck doesn't delete emails anyway??? Every fucking person in the US government and every fucking person on the planet deletes emails all the time! Duh!!!!

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
I feel increasingly old-fashioned in my insistence on civility. But even putting aside the notion of manners and respect, is there anything more cowardly than personal attacks made from behind the mask of internet anonymity? I don't see why we can't have a reasonable discussion about politics--as many in this thread are. But if we need to vent our anger and frustration, at either candidate or at the world in general, let's do it without attacking each other. Doing so only degrades this forum.

I totally agree. I was actually thinking about this last night while watching the Dodgers/Giants game and tweeting. I mean, none of us can change and alter the outcome of the upcoming election. It's no use to get all riled up about. It's no use to get all carried away among ourselves with people who don't share our political views. Okay i'll admit that it's more than political views when it comes to Donald Trump: they're political, but also moral views and it's also about values. But still, whatever we say or think won't make anyone change their mind or their vote and it won't affect the outcome on November 6.

But expressing our views among ourselves is fun for me. We learn about ourselves. And sometimes, we actually learn things from others. For example, i learned just now that Donald Trump likely got Billy Bush fired from the Today Show. ;)

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
But Bernie is a socialist bastard.

Social democrat to be exact. No different from any Canadian Prime Minister or western leader over the past century. It seems to be a crime to be a liberal or social democrat in the United States. That's why i often tell my American friends that they'd be extremely unhappy and miserable if ever they'd move to Canada, unless they're liberals. They simply would find it too difficult to adjust to Canada's ways. They'd find Canadians mostly share the views of the left-wingers in the US political spectrum. They wouldn't be able to cope with the high taxes Canadian willingly pay. The high gas prices and high hydro costs would drive them nuts. They would have problems adjusting to the cold months on a yearly basis. I could go on and on. I often tell them that actually living in Canada is like night and day compared to visiting Montreal or Toronto once a month to party or get laid.


Active Member
Aug 15, 2007
I totally agree. I was actually thinking about this last night while watching the Dodgers/Giants game and tweeting. I mean, none of us can change and alter the outcome of the upcoming election. It's no use to get all riled up about. It's no use to get all carried away among ourselves with people who don't share our political views. Okay i'll admit that it's more than political views when it comes to Donald Trump: they're political, but also moral views and it's also about values. But still, whatever we say or think won't make anyone change their mind or their vote and it won't affect the outcome on November 6.

But expressing our views among ourselves is fun for me. We learn about ourselves. And sometimes, we actually learn things from others. For example, i learned just now that Donald Trump likely got Billy Bush fired from the Today Show. ;)

And I totally agree. I actually like hearing different points of views, and sometimes mouthing off on issues. And very well said: we learn about ourselves; I'd add as individuals and as a forum/community.

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
Trump tweets 'Shackles have been removed from him'; Trump now taking on the GOP establishment

Washington --- Donald Trump tweeted Tuesday that the "shackles" had been removed from him, freeing the Republican nominee to campaign the way he chooses, following several days where his words and actions have thrown the GOP into chaos.

"It is so nice that the shackles have been taken off me and I can now fight for America the way I want to," he said.

Trump also called House Speaker Paul Ryan "very weak" and "ineffective" Tuesday, after the Wisconsin Republican announced he'd no longer defend or campaign for the GOP presidential nominee.

Read more:

Trump at war with GOP

Doc says: "About a year ago, i told several people that i supported Donald Trump in the GOP primaries since i was predicting he'd destroy the Republican party if he ever won the nomination. At one time in my life i looked at the GOP favourably. But over the past 20 years or so, i had grown disillusioned about it. As the years went on, i viewed it as a party which catered to big business and mostly looked after white interests, overlooking other Americans of ethnic backgrounds. I also viewed it as being more and more anti-women, and becoming extremely intolerant. It was a party that was stuck in the past and were i an American voter, it would have nearly nothing in common with me and my values. In other words, i usually vote for a candidate and party which represents my interests better and whom i perceive as being the most competent. Sure, i've voted for nearly every different political ideology at one time. And yes, there were times i voted for a protest party or simply stayed at home due to lack of political motivation in regards to the candidates.

But when Trump came along, i knew fully well he didn't have much in common with the GOP and that the election was all about himself and his legacy. The fact President Obama once made fun of him (embarrassed is a better word) in public possibly was the motivation for him to run for office wouldn't surprise me. No one has a bigger ego than Donald Trump. And when he announced he'd be running and went up in the polls, i told myself "My God! If this guy ever manages to win the nomination, he might just destroy the Republican party!"

But i never believed it could actually happen until now. The end of the GOP or at the very least a split is now a very possibility. Thank you, Mr. Trump!"

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
"The words my husband used are unacceptable and offensive to me. This does not represent the man that I know."-----Melania Trump


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Social democrat to be exact. No different from any Canadian Prime Minister or western leader over the past century. It seems to be a crime to be a liberal or social democrat in the United States. That's why i often tell my American friends that they'd be extremely unhappy and miserable if ever they'd move to Canada, unless they're liberals. They simply would find it too difficult to adjust to Canada's ways. They'd find Canadians mostly share the views of the left-wingers in the US political spectrum. They wouldn't be able to cope with the high taxes Canadian willingly pay. The high gas prices and high hydro costs would drive them nuts. They would have problems adjusting to the cold months on a yearly basis. I could go on and on. I often tell them that actually living in Canada is like night and day compared to visiting Montreal or Toronto once a month to party or get laid.

Well said, and Montreal would never be as kinky as it is without our free liberals values :)

Or wait... Maybe with Trump in power it will be permitted to touch all the pussy and titties that we want! Just kidding ;)


Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
Well said, and Montreal would never be as kinky as it is without our free liberals values :)

Or wait... Maybe with Trump in power it will be permitted to touch all the pussy and titties that we want! Just kidding ;)

Very true. That's why Montreal is so special and a great place for fun: it's a very liberal city in a liberal country.

I'd also want to add to my prior post: Over a decade ago, i'd regularly visit relatives who lived in the Tampa area. Or it could also be relatives i'd sometimes visit in Minnesota. But quite often, i'd hear people asking one another "are you Republican or Democrat?" I even had a few people ask me the same question when they'd meet me. At first, i found this very odd. I mean, in Canada, we don't give a fuck about political affiliation. One day, i spoke to my relatives about this and why i'd often hear this question whenever i'd be in the States. They told me that they had never really thought about it in the past, but now that i mentioned it, i was right. I remember telling them "Who gives a fuck whom a person votes for? What the does it change??" I remember feeling confused why this minor item (in Canada, anyways) would seem so important for some Americans i'd cross on my path back then.

Most people i know in Canada don't even know who'll they'll vote at the next election. Many won't even bother to vote since they don't give a fuck. Canadians in general are not as political as Americans. Politics is the least of their worries and find it ridiculous that Americans spend so much time talking and obsessing over it. When people ask me what political party i'm for, i tell them i don't really know myself since i've voted for every political ideology over my lifetime. I even voted for the Rhinoceros party once. I've voted NDP, Liberal, PC, you name it. I vote for whom i perceive to be the best candidate and which party represents my values and interests the most. And at times, i've voted for the good of my district over my personal interests. People often change over time. I'm not the same person i was five years ago, let alone ten or twenty years ago. Therefore, there's no reason for me to always stick with the same political party or ideology.

Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump were Democrats at one time or another. Senator Arlen Spector as once a Democrat, switched to Republican, and then late in his political career switched back to the Democrats. They all switched parties for whatever reasons. Reagan claimed their ideologies were no longer compatible. Trump likely switched parties for strategic reasons considering he was one of the biggest various political donors at one time. He bragged he loved to bribe politicians in order to get favours for his businesses. It wouldn't surprise me if he switched back to the Democratic party once this election is over since he's not at war with the GOP and actually said nice things about the Democratic party today. Arlen Spectator switched for political and strategic reasons. Heck, even Bernie Sanders isn't even a Democrat anymore. He's an Independent and that's a big reason why Debbie Wasserman-Schultz and the DNC favoured Hillary Trump over him as the party's candidate: Bernie was an Independent. Hillary was a Democrat.

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
The Americans label themselves as an exceptional country, I guess thats why.

Americans aren't very good with facts. They don't lead in anything anymore and that's been going on for decades. Way too much money is being thrown away at the military instead of other areas such as education, the poor and health care. A lot of that money could be used to rebuild the inner cities and other areas needing the money. Although they trail nearly every other western country in almost every category, Americans still believe it's the best place to live in the world and that no other country comes close. I beg to differ.

But i still love America. But it's far from being the best country out there, and that's been going on for a very long time although most Americans are totally unaware of this.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
LOL......John if you sub Hillary`s name for Trump`s....your statement would apply even more.

Trump has been compared to a suicide bomber . He is ready to blow himself up and take as many Republicans with him as possible.

I am a moderate conservative who under normal circumstances would support the Republican nominee.

In this case, where I dislike them both....I would go with the devil I know....HRC

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
Now even Chris Christie is hinting he may leave the Trump campaign and his disgust with Trump & some members of the campaign staff was the reason he didn't show up at the debate. Oh well, Trump is at war with the Republican party and has been attacking Speaker Paul Ryan all morning, but look on the bright side: he still has the likes of Newt, Dracula, Grandpa Munster and Little Marco still supporting him. :lol::lol:

It turns out that the Trojan Horse all along was Trump himself. The GOP is now imploding because of him. Not only is it nearly certain the Democrats will win the Presidential election, but it looks like the Senate is also a certainty and now we're hearing that they might even win Congress, which didn't look possible until 2020. There is a God after all! :nod::nod:

By the way, i'm hearing that sexual misconduct stories in regards to Trump are not over yet. More are expected to come within the next couple of weeks. On another note, could Melania serve him divorce papers before election day? The poor woman must be extremely humiliated!


New Member
May 14, 2016
A lot of Trump supporters like to make claims about Liberal (which I am not) bias, ignorance, and denial regarding Clinton's past and character. That was never true for most of her supporters Liberal or not just as it's the same for those who support Trump. However, those claims by Trumps supporters have been spitting into the wind in view of all the Republican defections from Trump, which his friends on this board have seemed to disregard completely in their statements. Now those Trump backers have something very telling to deal with...GLENN BECK.

Glenn Beck, net worth $90 million, ultra-Conservative commentator, tv producer, long time Fox News host and producer of their Conservative political projects, no stranger to promoting anti-Liberal conspiracy theories. THIS Glenn Beck says "OPPOSING TRUMP IS THE MORAL CHOICE". Have you got that JSB??? Glenn Beck says he'd rather fight Clinton as President than elect Donald Trump because it's the MORAL thing to do. This is truly a landmark moment that defines who and what Trump is.

Washington (CNN)Conservative political commentator and media personality Glenn Beck said opposing Donald Trump is a "moral, ethical" choice — even if that results in Hillary Clinton becoming the next president.

The outspoken opponent of the GOP's presidential nominee wrote on Facebook over the weekend that every voter had to decide for themselves what constitutes "a bridge too far," after the release of footage last week in which Trump can be heard making lewd and sexually aggressive comments about women.

"It is not acceptable to ask a moral, dignified man to cast his vote to help elect an immoral man who is absent decency or dignity," Beck wrote on Facebook in reference to Trump. "If the consequence of standing against Trump and for principles is indeed the election of Hillary Clinton, so be it. At least it is a moral, ethical choice."

He joined a growing chorus of conservative leaders over the weekend who are appealing to Trump to withdraw his candidacy for president, adding that a vote for the businessman was "validating his immorality, lewdness, and depravity."

Yes, Trump is building a wall. Between him and many in his own party.



New Member
May 14, 2016
The allusions about ego-maniacal dictators regarding Trump have always been extremely dubious and excessive. As the campaign go on it becomes less and less far fetched to make those connections. Case in point, Trump is now threatening to retaliate against Republicans who abandon him as well as become even more gross in his attacks on Clinton's personal life. It's political suicidal. Trump's die hard supporters and Democratic opponents are not what will determine the election, it's Independents. Independents whose most important voting point is offering real thoughtful solutions to real issues. Independents who have a great disdain for bickering and dirty politics. Trumps promise to become ever more dirty in every personal way is so self-destructive he's becoming a mirror image of those power-mad figures who have seemed to prefer a doomsday scenario despite all costs to losing their power.

Simply, Trump is nuts.

Trump Threatens Intensely Personal Clinton Attacks If More Tapes Emerge

Donald Trump vowed to continue to attack Hillary Clinton over her husband's marital transgressions if more of his own past comments are made public in the final month of the campaign.

“If they want to release more tapes saying inappropriate things, we’ll continue to talk about Bill and Hillary Clinton doing inappropriate things,” Trump said Monday at a rally in Ambridge, Pennsylvania.

Seeking to push back against a furious wave of Republican desertions following the release of a 2005 video of him talking about groping women and getting away with it because of his celebrity, Trump energized Republican voters by confronting Hillary Clinton at the second presidential debate with Bill Clinton's accusers. The strategy locked up the support of his running mate, Mike Pence, and Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus.

But he also moved to address the larger threat looming on the horizon Monday: the potential emergence of more damaging tapes.

Hours after an NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll taken after the video's release and before Sunday's debate showed him trailing Clinton by double digits, Trump said his newly launched scorched-earth tactics were meant to discourage the release of more evidence.



Active Member
Aug 15, 2007
The allusions about ego-maniacal dictators regarding Trump have always been extremely dubious and excessive. As the campaign go on it becomes less and less far fetched to make those connections. ]

I would add to your comment the most astonishing moment of the last debate: when Trump threatened to name a special prosecutor who would imprison Clinton. That's the language of a banana-republic dictator, and the threat left constitutional lawyers on all political sides with their jaws on the floor.
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