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Apr 27, 2016
Anyone who thinks Trump is only "just as harmful as Clinton could be" as president is deluding themselves.

Forget that he's declared bankruptcy 7x. Forget that he's not paid taxes for a good portion of his adult life. Forget that he's managed to p---- off most target groups of people whose votes he needs. I think those are huge warning flags, but in the end, it's how fit the guy (or gal) is to sit in the big chair. And in that respect, he's failed miserably to show the qualities you'd want to see in a future leader.

The defining moment of the 2nd debate was when he decided to go against his own GOP and running mate on how to deal with Syria - where he literally has ZERO experience. Rather than show true leadership and rely on those who might have an idea on what to do - he just decides to go rogue when it suits him.

For everything else politicians get a deservedly bad rap for, you cannot have someone who is irresponsible enough to decide they can go rogue whenever they feel like it. Worse yet, on something the guy has zero credible experience or knowledge on.

If people think somehow Clinton is just as bad, they're are freaking deluding themselves. I say that as someone who would have supported Colin Powell as a Republican, or Bernie Sanders as a Democrat candidate 10x more than Hilary. But Hilary is literally 1,000,000x better for the job than Donald.

The fact that the GOP itself is cutting ties, so many dyed-in-the-wool Republicans (not just the leadership, we're talking about media outlets that have gone 50+ years Republican each and every time that have gone away from Trump), that so many feel this way, it's more than telling, it's screaming at max volume. They aren't just worried he's going to lose, they literally have come to the conclusion he's actually harming their cause.


New Member
May 14, 2016
I would add to your comment the most astonishing moment of the last debate: when Trump threatened to name a special prosecutor who would imprison Clinton. That's the language of a banana-republic dictator, and the threat left constitutional lawyers on all political sides with their jaws on the floor.

He's clinically turning into a demented fool. What he's threatening is the best method of his own destruction and he's either too far gone in the head to see it or he's too maniacally combative to understand or care.

Now imagine having a President with his "character/personality" traits in charge during the Cuban Missile Crisis and we are all nuclear incinerated shadows. Think about this scene from "Dead Zone" where the President says "YOU'RE NOT THE VOICE OF THE PEOPLE, I AM THE VOICE OF THE PEOPLE" and tell me how far off that is from the kind of character Trump is displaying. Scary.


Right after I wrote the above I found this:

Trump declares war on establishment Republicans

WASHINGTON — Donald Trump all but declared war on the Republican establishment Tuesday, blasting House Speaker Paul Ryan for his criticism and vowing to campaign as he sees fit.

"it is so nice that the shackles have been taken off me and I can now fight for America the way I want to," Trump said during a morning tweet storm that targeted Ryan and other Republicans.

Later, the Republican presidential nominee tweeted: "Disloyal R's are far more difficult than Crooked Hillary. They come at you from all sides. They don’t know how to win — I will teach them!"

Trump's attacks on Ryan and other Republicans underscore a massive breach within the party, one that makes it even harder for the GOP to hold control of the Senate and perhaps the House, not to mention winning the presidency.

"The GOP has a suicide bomber as their nominee," said Texas-based political consultant Matt Mackowiak.

Trump erupted a day after Ryan told House Republicans he would no longer defend or campaign with the GOP nominee in the wake of the fallout over a tape in which Trump is heard making vulgar comments about women.

"Our very weak and ineffective leader, Paul Ryan, had a bad conference call where his members went wild at his disloyalty," Trump tweeted Tuesday.
Ryan's office responded with a terse statement: "Paul Ryan is focusing the next month on defeating Democrats, and all Republicans running for office should probably do the same."

Trumpenstein indeed!


May 3, 2010
So one of donald jerk off trump top surrogate jeff sessions does not think that grabbing a women by her pussy without consent is sexual assault.there you go people donald jerk off trump campaign all wrap in one. i guess when i go to the usa i can go search out his daughter and grab her by the pussy and see how she feels.


Active Member
Aug 15, 2007
you will not like what i just said but prove your statement--were you a witness is therea police report or video can you post the name of 1 person he actually did this to or show a picture of video tape in other words dont go by what was said in privacy in a 11 yr old tape just because someone bragsof doing something in a court of law prove ti ws actually done
for him to brag about something its possable he just trys to impress people.

this is a escort forum all the partons pay for sex which many ''normal people'' find disgusting and deplorable .actually when you think of it all teh patrons here it could be said they are responsable in part for human trafficing and many a guy here who unwitidingly had sex with out their knowledge(some knew) with so called escorts who were actually underage which is not only a big nono but punashable by jail time and a $5000 fine.amd of caarce we have the bareback gang who love to slip off their condoms we have had a few exposed over the years.
and there is a number fo hobbiests who have not only doen their fair sahre of derugs some have dealt and done otehr illegal paractices.. great moral group to judge think you not?

You make some points that are really worth thinking about, but I would say: 1) Trump is not being accused of sexual assault, at least not yet; what many people find shocking is that he would brag about sexually assaulting a woman, whether he did it or not. And many find it troubling that he would then call his comments "locker room banter." In brief, sexual assault is unethical and wrong. 2) Your second point is vastly more complicated--and interesting. But I don't think that we need to see engaging the world of sex work--as an SP or a client--as morally wrong. I think that many on this forum attempt to engage in "the hobby" in ways that are mutually beneficial and positive; and we should all ensure that the experience is entirely consensual. That fact that it is or may be illegal doesn't make it morally wrong in itself ... though I agree that's not an argument we would win in the public forum. It goes without saying that anything to do with underage women is abhorrent.


May 3, 2010
John s black do you have a daughter or a female family member. if i grab them by the pussy without their consent would that be ok by you.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
i am typeing real slow..answer this question
is there a picture / video/police report did you see wtih your own eyes he actually did this
talk is cheap especially since it was a bullshitting conversation between billy bush and trump on a bus trump trying to impress bush

so again unless you actually saw or you can give proof of him actually doing it jstu because he bragged mayeb beside all his known characteur flaws he is a bullshitter as well

As much as I hate Trump I do agree he should not getting the hit he is getting because of this 10 year old video. Think about Letterman that slept with his whole woman staff... Think Tiger Wood... I agree this rape culture needs to change tho.

Just like Clinton is getting a hard hit because of her email server, but people fail to realize Bush had a private email server as well... The complete republicain party had a private communication way back then too.



May 3, 2010
if you have a daughter or any female family members you should tell them should say this to your female family members if you are walking down the street and some stranger just come up to you and grab you by the pussy its ok ,its not sexual assault.educate yourself and go look up the definition of sexual assault.i have a feeling you dont have a daughter. here you go


May 3, 2010
It useless arguing with you. i think im going to go downtown and go grab some pussy, since you dont believe its sexual assault.


New Member
May 14, 2016
i asked the question first and if you cant prove he did something

Deny, deny, deny. Another famous movie line.

So if you can't prove it it didn't happen no matter what the culprit says. You know what's much rarer than telling the truth? HONOR! What you're doing is pure Sophism (a fallacious argument, especially one used deliberately to deceive). I didn't see the Roman Empire fall. There are no videos to prove it and no witnesses. Just the word of historians. I didn't see what you ate for dinner last night. If you say describe your meal to us does that means you didn't have one because I can't prove it. Your argument is pure Sophistic dodging.

Trump's history with women and his flagrant proven attitude of super superiority and unbridled misogyny, plus the conditions in which he was speaking without fear (as he thought) of being held accountable all uphold the conclusion he was telling the truth. You can split hairs until kingdom come about absolute proof and all you're saying is we should let everyone whose crime was not eye-witnessed out of prison. It's ridiculous.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
we all know right from wrong but a court of law is different
if trump was charged he would have a criminal record and not allow to run
so all the well we know his trackrecord bullshit
trump is not liked by you guys
i understand this but there is a potion of the amrecian public who love and accept him for who aand what he is
which tells us a lot about that portion of the amreical public does it now
imagine for a moment for what ever reason trump wins
its not over till the fat lady sings
hillary is not in the best of health.......... :)

John S. Black it would really help if you add breakline, punctuation and capital letter at the correct place in your post. No offense but it's difficult to read, especially for us french speaking.



New Member
May 14, 2016
trump is not liked by you guys

I'm sure the Trump partisans will say I'm too biased, but when any person is very comfortable and tells me something he didn't have to while feeling there's no way he can be held accountable, and believes I'm just one of the boys who would never consider doing anything about it, especially when I'd have no proof, that's when he's most likely to be telling the truth. I know a few who've done it exactly under those conditions and I found later they were telling me precisely the truth. It's not about me despising him, it's all about the way he did it. That's all.


Apr 27, 2016
I can't tell who's more at risk of going postal at this point - Doc if Trump wins, or John S. Black if Hilary wins. :behindsofa:


Jan 14, 2016
no matter who wins i think it is bad news for the usa and canada

Actually, for Canada, the real question is who is in better position to get the oil price up the quickest ? Remember, higher gas price per barrel, the better is for Canadian economy.

Kasey Jones

Mar 24, 2008
I have never ever said that Trump is good, just wonder why many think Clinton is good.

she's a run of the mill politician... Trump is your crazy Uncle Sol who everyone avoids at family bbq's...

Kasey Jones

Mar 24, 2008
I feel increasingly old-fashioned in my insistence on civility. But even putting aside the notion of manners and respect, is there anything more cowardly than personal attacks made from behind the mask of internet anonymity? I don't see why we can't have a reasonable discussion about politics--as many in this thread are. But if we need to vent our anger and frustration, at either candidate or at the world in general, let's do it without attacking each other. Doing so only degrades this forum.

Misogyny and racism have become impolite... Republicans have determined that politeness is the problem...

Kasey Jones

Mar 24, 2008
The problem isn't that Hillary is a unethical,corrupt lying,criminal dirtbag-Everyone knows that
The problem is that her supporters dont care!

the problem is that her detractors live in a fantasy world of their own creation... you get to the point where you almost feel pity for them but then you remember that they are there by choice...

Kasey Jones

Mar 24, 2008
never said trump is good all which is said about him si ture but im saying hillory supporters cant see she is jstu as bad both candits should eb flushed but you would jsut get more shit in their places

Hillary isn't perfect, but thinking that she is "just as bad" is, frankly, stupid... sorry. I usually try to avoid personal attacks, but if you believe this is true, you need to be medicated... much like the Donald himself...

Kasey Jones

Mar 24, 2008
you will not like what i just said but prove your statement--were you a witness is therea police report or video can you post the name of 1 person he actually did this to or show a picture of video tape in other words dont go by what was said in privacy in a 11 yr old tape just because someone bragsof doing something in a court of law prove ti ws actually done
for him to brag about something its possable he just trys to impress people.

this is a escort forum all the partons pay for sex which many ''normal people'' find disgusting and deplorable .actually when you think of it all teh patrons here it could be said they are responsable in part for human trafficing and many a guy here who unwitidingly had sex with out their knowledge(some knew) with so called escorts who were actually underage which is not only a big nono but punashable by jail time and a $5000 fine.amd of caarce we have the bareback gang who love to slip off their condoms we have had a few exposed over the years.
and there is a number fo hobbiests who have not only doen their fair sahre of derugs some have dealt and done otehr illegal paractices.. great moral group to judge think you not?

holy crap... prove any claim about Hillary's criminality is true... Countless congressional investigations, the FBI, the CIA, the State Department all have found SWEET FUCK ALL. Easier to believe in vast governmental conspiracies than the PLAIN F@CKING TRUTH that is right in front of your eyes...
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