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Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Melania was interviewed to-day about her reaction to the Donald tapes.
Not surprised that she defended him. But was very surprised at how she looked. Gaunt and nervous. She looked like she had lost about 10 pounds and aged 5 years.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Melania was interviewed to-day about her reaction to the Donald tapes.
Not surprised that she defended him. But was very surprised at how she looked. Gaunt and nervous. She looked like she had lost about 10 pounds and aged 5 years.

Let's see how you'd look if you'd be married to a monster like Donald Trump! ;);)


New Member
May 14, 2016
The Vengeful Tyrant - Imprison Any Opponents.

Donald Trump Is Completely Obsessed With Revenge

The debate tonight could be all about payback.

David CornOct. 19, 2016 8:48 AM
At the second presidential debate, GOP nominee Donald Trump went where no major candidate has gone: He vowed that if elected he would prosecute and imprison his opponent. This promise was a pure act of vengeance and drew much scorn. But Trump's supporters, who have long rallied around the "lock her up" meme, embraced his declaration. Days later, Trump expanded on his pledge: He said he would also throw Clinton's lawyers into the hoosegow. And after the New York Times and other media published the accounts of women who said they had been groped, grabbed, and kissed against their will by Trump, the former reality television star threatened payback against his accusers and the press. Next he attacked GOP House Speaker Paul Ryan after the top Republican dared to suggest that the US electoral system worked fine while Trump was claiming it was rigged against him.

Revenge—it's a big part of Trump's life. Following the first presidential debate, he spent days of valuable campaign time (and hours of valuable sleep time) slamming Alicia Machado, the former Miss Universe. At other times during this contest, he could not let go of his feud with Rosie O'Donnell. He tried to smear Judge Gonzalo Curiel, the American-born federal judge hearing a fraud case against Trump University, as a "Mexican" unqualified to preside over this litigation. For days, he derided Khizr and Ghazala Khan, the parents of an Army captain killed in Iraq, after Khizr criticized him during a speech at the Democratic convention. He launched misogynistic attacks against Carly Fiorina and Megyn Kelly. Rather than attempt to unify his party after a divisive primary fight, he threatened to finance future campaigns against GOP rivals, most notably Ohio Gov. John Kasich. He encouraged violence against protesters at his rallies. And there were the mean and nasty nicknames: Lyin' Ted, Little Marco. Why all the insults, bullying, and grudge matches? There is a reason. Trump fervently believes in retaliation. How do we know? Because he has said numerous times that he is driven by revenge and that it is a basic tool to use in business. He is obsessed with payback.

In speeches and public talks, Trump has repeatedly expressed his fondness for retribution. In 2011, he addressed the National Achievers Congress in Sydney, Australia, to explain how he had achieved his success. He noted there were a couple of lessons not taught in business school that successful people must know. At the top of the list was this piece of advice: "Get even with people. If they screw you, screw them back 10 times as hard. I really believe it."



Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Pre-debate preparations

The debate is coming up in an doubt Trump will be his ol' classless and despicable self. After all, he's one of the most evil persons on the planet, possibly including even the leader of ISIS, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

So i want to come up with a drinking game while we are watching the debate:

-For every time we hear the Trumpster say the world "rigged", we have a drink of beer (or wine).

-For every time Trump sniffs, it's one drink of beer once again. Be ready to take two swigs, since he tends to sniff a lot in a short time.

-For ever time we hear him or Hillary say "Ronald Reagan", we double it.

-For ever fifth time Trump interrupts Hillary Clinton, it's three swigs.

-Every time Trump tells a lie.........forget about that, i don't want to get drunk thirty minutes into the debate.

Questions about tonight's debate:

-Will Tiffany Trump be ignored again by her siblings and be asked to sit with the poor people? She reminds me of Cinderella with her evil step-sisters.

-Will Donald Trump strip naked in the middle of the debate? The king of stunts will come up with something.

- Will Hillary Clinton & Chris Wallace get Trump so angry that he'll have a stroke before the debate is over?

-How many times will the Trumpster complain to the moderators that he's being treated unfairly?

-Will Trump beat his own record at interrupting Hillary Clinton while she's talking?

-Will they shake hands prior to the start of the debate? I'm saying yes they do.

-Will Donald Trump make a fool of himself once again? This is way too easy, so i'm not even answering that one.

Enjoy the debate, and don't forget: DO NOT DRINK AND DRIVE.


New Member
May 14, 2016
Damn, I was thirsty and I didn't hear Trump sniff. Can't he do anything right.

Okay, I thought the moderator from Fox News, Chris Wallace, was very balanced with the candidates.

Both candidates got in deep digs.

Most telling moment was the outrageous statement Trump said he would keep everyone in suspense about accepting the election results, meaning unless he wins. That's the one thing that kept this debate from being near even. Wallace asked if Trump would accept the results "for the good of the country" and all Trump could say was "I'll keep you in suspense". It's a stunningly dangerous statement implying resistance against the election results if he doesn't get his way.


Nov 21, 2010
...That "such a nasty woman" comment came out of left field!
When I heard it, i told myself, did I just hear that??


New Member
May 14, 2016
...That "such a nasty woman" comment came out of left field!
When I heard it, i told myself, did I just hear that??

Yeah, everyone caught that. You can bet the people at SNL jumped for joy at the possibilities when Trump said that.

It's funny how some commentators are giving "The Donald" props for not losing it in the first 40 minutes. As one said, what a low standard to be President when a candidate can keep it together for a time, only before he loses his cool again.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Early debate results:

Trump: 39%
Clinton. 52%

Trump had a good first thirty minutes or so although most of what he said were lies. He actually lied about the lies he once said. But he mostly remained somewhat calm and on topic. And then, he imploded! He fell into her traps and made things worst for him when he doubled down on his nonsense after moderator Chris Wallace gave him several lifelines.

As a matter of fact, his total self-destruction throughout the second half of the debate caused him to have possibly his worst debate performance out of all three debates. Not only did he contradict his running mate and campaign manager a few times, but he even contradicted not only himself many times, but he contradicted his own wife!


New Member
May 14, 2016
As a matter of fact, his total self-destruction...

As someone pointed out he's often self-destructive and fails to understand or ignore it.

For instance, the line the whole election is rigged. How does that motivate his supporters. If it's rigged as Trump says why should they go out and vote. He loses more with that line, yet he digs in on it all of the time.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I watched the debate again and i've concluded that this was by far Hillary Clinton's best debate performance. She aced it!

On the other hand, it may not have been Trump's worst debate, but it wasn't his best either. They key is that he needed a knockout in order to reverse the current freefall. It didn't happen. Trump was very good for the first thirty minutes, and then went into meltdown mode. He looked bad when he kept interrupting her again. He looked bad when he kept defending Vladimir Putin again and refusing to admit that the Russians are the main suspects behind the email hacking when the FBI and other intelligence agencies are certain it's the Russians. As she pointed out, he'd rather believe Vladimir Putin than the country's own intelligence agencies. And on top of that, he praised Bashar Al Assad. Folks, Donald Trump would really love to be among that group of the world's most hated dictators. I can't figure it out!

Trump also didn't do himself any favors with the women. He looked absolutely terrible when he spoke about abortion rights. And the worst part was when he repeated over and over that he wasn't ready to accept the election results two weeks from now. Today that's all people are talking about!

I am disappointed that once again, nothing was mentioned about climate change. Three debates and nothing about climate change. Disappointing. By the way, Trump's co-campaign manager Kellyanne Conway looks even worse day after day. It's bad hair day after bad hair day, and she looks over 70 when she's actually in her late 40's. Maybe it's true that she's seriously contemplating of dumping Trump when the campaign has become a disaster and heading towards the same fate as the Titanic. It may also be good for her personal health, since managing a campaign such as Trump's must be daily chaos. She's a millionaire, has a million dollar polling company, and her stock has got even higher since she became the campaign's co-manager. I'll give you this: she's very good at what she does (spins!) and she's an asset to any political campaign. But i can tell that she's fed up and can't wait for this mess to be over.

When the campaign manager, the surrogates, the running mate & his own daughter say something and less than an hour later the candidate says the opposite of what they just said earlier, then they've all lost control over the monster and the election is basically over.

I'd like to add that moderator Chris Wallace did a masterful job. He may have been the best moderator of all three debates, but i must admit that all the other moderators of the three presidential debates were all very good. Does anyone remember the Vice-Presidential debate?


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
I think he is totally done by saying:" I will look at it at the time if I will accept the result of the election."

He is expecting what...? Starting a USA Government in exile?

It simply show he does not care for american institution and that he cannot stand up in front of the nation to accept defeat. Remember, Trump is there now only because he was once humiliated publicaly by Obama. He is a fucking joke to the USA.



Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
More proof of how much Trump" loves" the US.
Not only hasn`t he paid his fair share of taxes to support the US military and infrastructure....but now his son Jr. is claiming that the presidency would be a step down for his dad.
Selfish disloyalty is what I call it.
If HRC wasn`t hated so much , Trumps polling would be in the low 20`s.


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2007
I think he is totally done by saying:" I will look at it at the time if I will accept the result of the election."

He is expecting what...? Starting a USA Government in exile?

That would be reassuring to the astonished and horrified onlookers on both sides of the aisle. The fear, of course, is that he's soothing his ego by threatening violence and discord. One of the ugliest and scariest things ever said by a serious candidate for (as cloudsurf reminds us) the presidency of the US.


Apr 27, 2016
It's indeed a low standard when Trump can keep his cool for 40 mins and people give him credit - that's the expectation, not an accomplishment.

He did OK until the election result response and the "nasty woman" comment. The "bad ombre" comment is getting a lot of run, but if that had been his only answer of controversy, he could have made inroads. Unfortunately, those 2 other responses on the election and "nasty woman" are already getting the most run not just in the media, but in the focus groups of undecided viewers. Given his need to really turn things around, I think that's the death knell to his chances.

The thing is, the undecided voters are most worried about his fitness and temperament to be president - by refusing to say he'd accept the election results (if he was worried about extraordinary circumstances like a required recount, all he had to say was "barring extraordinary circumstances, yes, I'd accept"), and the "nasty woman" comment - he basically reinforced the concerns that he'd be too impulsive and/or erratic to serve as a leader. Plus, while his stance on abortion aligns with the GOP, it's hard to see how it's going to bring in the undecided female voter under 40 (and those with daughters, over 40), other than the GOP members who are already as like-minded as he is on the subject.

It's too bad we didn't have 3 debates like last night, because it was the most on-topic discussion we saw. Kudos to the moderator, he was the most effective one of the 3 so far.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Not only was Chris Wallace, son of famed reporter Mike Wallace of 60 minutes, the best moderator of the 3 debates....but he was the toughest one on Hillary.
He happens to be a Democrat but he was very even handed with the 2 candidates.

Charlie Smart

Active Member
Jun 12, 2015
The Godswoods
Chris Wallace did an exceptional job handling both personalities and asking poignant questions of both candidates...he was fair and balanced. Trump did well early but, actually very well in going after Hillary, but like the other debates he just fell apart...imagine how he would behave when sitting at summits or at the negotiating table with other world leaders.


New Member
May 14, 2016
Listening to Trump at this moment. For a split second he seemed he had given in on whether he would accept election results, then added after a pause "If I Win". He's back in Trumpenstein mode using every angle he can to motivate his highly pro-Trump audience at a rally. It's the same play of conspiracy theories, insults, demagoguery his audience will love, while doing nothing to attract or convert any other voters.

I watched the debate last night often trying to take the angle of how does what he says attract voters. In the first 30 to 40 minutes. He was good. I thought I was listening to the kind of candidate like Romney, Bush, Reagan who was stable and fairly skilled in expressing many of the broad Conservative concerns that attracted a wide range of voters. Then Hillary baited him. Trump took the bait, and turned back into Trumpenstein the cartoon of a candidate. Clinton got him to disintegrate into a cartoon by turning his own tactics against him, and he dove right in and wrecked himself.

Here's a good article on that:

Hillary Clinton, Mocking and Taunting, Turns the Tormentor

She mansplained him. “Let me translate that if I can,” Hillary Clinton said dryly after Donald J. Trump talked up his tax plan.

She interrupted him. When Mr. Trump boasted of the gilded Las Vegas hotel that bears his name, Mrs. Clinton leaned into her microphone. “Made with Chinese steel,” she quipped with a smile.

She mocked him. After Mr. Trump said President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia had “no respect” for her, Mrs. Clinton slyly posited why Mr. Putin seemingly preferred Mr. Trump: “He’d rather have a puppet as president of the United States,” she said.

In the third and final presidential debate, Mrs. Clinton outmaneuvered Mr. Trump with a surprising new approach: his.

Flipping the script, she turned herself into his relentless tormentor, condescending to him repeatedly and deploying some of his own trademark tactics against him.

The relatively subdued and largely defanged Republican nominee who showed up onstage in Las Vegas was a different figure from the candidate America has watched for the past 16 months.

Mr. Trump was, for much of the night, oddly calm and composed. He minimized his name-calling. His interruptions were relatively rare.

In a debate that his allies and aides had predicted would represent 90 minutes of scorched-earth verbal warfare, Mr. Trump seemed deserted by his most bellicose instincts.

He repeatedly gave up chances to respond to pointed taunts from Mrs. Clinton, who dominated the confrontation from its opening moments, needling and baiting him over and over.

During a back-and-forth about immigration, Mrs. Clinton landed a hard jab, asserting that Mr. Trump had used undocumented workers to build Trump Tower — even threatening such workers, she said, with deportation.

Mr. Trump, who until Wednesday had seldom let a critique go by unanswered, did not respond.

In the night’s biggest surprise, he allowed Mrs. Clinton to avoid entirely a question from the moderator, Chris Wallace of Fox News, about allegations of sexual misconduct against former President Bill Clinton and what role she might have played in trying to discredit the women who came forward to accuse her husband.

When Mrs. Clinton called Mr. Trump a puppet of Mr. Putin, Mr. Trump offered a limp interruption.

“No puppet. No puppet,” he said. “You’re the puppet,” he added, emptily. He never explained what he might have meant.

After two historically acrid debates, Mrs. Clinton finally got the policy discussion she has craved. But in between expounding on her proposals to make college affordable and raise the minimum wage, she lustily savaged Mr. Trump’s career, his finances and his sensitivities, portraying him as a lightweight with the temperament of a spoiled child.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
The day after the elections is going to be a sad day for the US, not because Trump lost but because Clinton won. Anyone who sees Clinton as a president svould hang their head in shame, also if Trump wins the same shame should happen.
Just my opinion.
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