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New Member
May 14, 2016

Donaldo has been saying the election is rigged. It looks like he may be dead right in some parts. Except it's coming from his supporters. In Georgia counties that have a large racially diverse population polling places have been understaffed, IF they are open at all as mandated by the state. Many precincts with a large racial diversity did not even open polling places for a time, and that's besides 46,000 newly registered voters being blocked from voting by tactics including blocking voters who have any number or letter errors at all. Courts ruled against using this method.

Trump leads in Georgia polls by 1% to 2% and the state is high risk to turn Democrat.


How White Nationalists Learned To Love Donald Trump
I tracked this two-year evolution through thousands of posts and comments on scores of blogs and forums used by the most ideological racists. What these posts show is the story of a U.S. presidential candidate who slowly but relentlessly overcame widespread distrust and contempt, as white nationalists came to believe he was their candidate—or at least the best candidate they could realistically expect.

Perhaps surprisingly, it wasn’t Trump’s initial campaign announcement about Mexican “rapists” that cemented his support: It was his steady, consistent push for an anti-immigration platform, one of the central policy pillars of the nationalist right. And as white-nationalists began to rally around Trump as its closest political ally in a generation, they began to detect what members called “wink-wink-wink” communications from the candidate. There was his retweet of bogus murder statistics that exaggerated black crime; two separate retweets of a racist Twitter feed called @WhiteGenocideTM; and the interview that sealed the deal: the moment on CNN when—just days before the Louisiana primary—Trump dodged the question of whether to repudiate the endorsement of former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke, which one commenter on the white nationalist site Stormfront called “the best political thing I have seen in my life.”



May 3, 2010
why would i look for sympathy. i apologize if you dont accept it. your is too great and rich right now


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
warikahill I know that your paranoid ranting, crying and feeling sorry for yourself on Merb is a far cheaper option than seeing a psychiatrist.
But in your case, judging you by your hot and cold are badly in need of a shrink.
Hey we are all caring human beings :)


May 3, 2010
bro people had a bad day. my shrink is my mma gym that i own. i take out my frustration there. you are welcome to join

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Johnson did not even run for re-election in 1968, such was his unpopularity. Although passage of the Civil Rights Act came during Johnson's presidency, it would have happened anyway.

It's debatable that the Voting Rights Act (not the Civil Rights Act) would have passed anyway. It's also debatable that he didn't run in 1968 because he felt he was unpopular. The main reason why he chose not to seek re-election was because he realized that Bobby Kennedy likely would have won the nomination because of his enormous popularity at the time and all the anti-Vietnam war feeling around the country.

Lyndon B. Johnson is one of the most underrated Presidents in history. He did a lot of good for the country. But his foreign policy in regards to the escalation of the Viet Nam war led to his downfall. That's what happens when a President's advisors have too much influence over him.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
So much for the great Obama-Care Health plan. Did you see how much most premiums are going up (again) next year? At this rate it will bankrupt itself and others as well.


May 3, 2010
Iggy i have couple of questions for you. forget trump and clinton what would be your dream match up and second question what would be the ideal health care system


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Sexy Judy and Lea of YPG in a all out make out session and anything other than obama care ;)

Iggy i have couple of questions for you. forget trump and clinton what would be your dream match up and second question what would be the ideal health care system

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
To each his own. Your psychiatrist is a gym and mine is a hot nymphomaniac.

Mine is a fine bowl of special cereal and a walk with my dog, solves most of my issues, the more difficult ones I call up HRC and have them removed.


New Member
May 14, 2016
It's also debatable that he didn't run in 1968 because he felt he was unpopular.

Lyndon B. Johnson is one of the most underrated Presidents in history. He did a lot of good for the country.

Not exactly. By1967 the social programs became nationally divisive, and the war was magnifying all the tensions in the extreme. By late 1967 Johnson couldn't go anywhere without meeting significant harsh protests, and the Democratic party had split much more seriously than Republicans today. The Tet Offensive tipped feelings against Johnson dangerously. Though the North Vietnamese were decisively beaten, media coverage showing how much reach they had over South Vietnam led to broad conclusions among Johnson's advisors and most of the public the war could not be won, meaning stalemate at least. Famously even Cronkite seemed to drop the view the war could be won. Certainly with the Korean War stalemate still fresh in American minds at the time the view Vietnam would end the same way made the war and more American deaths look futile.

Bobby Kennedy at the time was not the factor at first he seems today. His candidacy was considered a long shot and it was Eugene McCarthy at first who demonstrated his strength by nearly beating Johnson in the New Hampshire primary, though it's impressive Johnson's support was by write-in because he had not declared his intentions.

Don't forget it's widely believed Johnson and his administration set up the Gulf of Tonkin incident to escalate tensions into commitment for war. If you read the article it alludes to how Johnson felt about his personal responsibility for all the American deaths.

Yes, Johnson is much more highly regarded today, but his popularity by 1967 already had made re-election look very difficult. Before Tet some Democratic governors were warning Johnson would lose their states. After Tet more of the public was against Johnson and the splits in the Party made re-election very doubtful. Today because he had made very tough social program choices against harsh resistance he often ranks in the top 1/3 or 1/4. Sometimes better.

Walter Cronkite


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Sexy Judy and Lea of YPG in a all out make out session and anything other than obama care ;)

That is fuckin hilarious response .......I`ll second the motion.

Flo-Champ and Brandy in an all out make out session would be a fine pick too.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Fully agree with everything you wrote below. :clap2:
if hillary gets in it will be business as usual notning will change for the better it will get worse

if trump gets in hold on to your shorts it will be a shitstorm like no one has ever seen
ya he is not the type of guy id want at a family gathering but he didnt get to be a billionaire because he is stupid
and yes he said stuff which is not right and yes he did stuff which is probably not right but could would he make a dramatic change in the usa
probably yes
(flamesuit on bullshit detector activated)


May 3, 2010
One of my heroes, born from Jamaican parents General Colin Powell is voting for Hillary. although the Iraq kinda tarnish his image a little. his charity work in the inner cities makes up for it.


New Member
May 14, 2016
Colin Powell Announces He Will Vote For Hillary Clinton

Former Secretary of State Colin Powell is supporting Hillary Clinton in November’s presidential election.

Powell, a retired four-star Army general and a Republican who served in the George W. Bush administration, reportedly made the announcement at a Tuesday event hosted by the Long Island Association, a business group focused on development in Long Island, New York

Hacked emails that were published in September revealed that Powell had called Donald Trump, the GOP nominee, a “national disgrace” and a “international pariah” earlier this year. In a separate email, he decried what he called the “racist” conspiracy theory about President Barack Obama’s birthplace.
Powell joins scores of other Bush administration veterans who have crossed party lines to endorse Clinton, including former Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff, former President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board Chairman Brent Scowcroft, former Commerce Secretary Carlos Gutierrez, former Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson and former Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage.

While Bush himself has kept silent about whom he plans to vote for in November, his father, President George H.W. Bush, is reportedly supporting Clinton.

Pariah - parasite, leper, black sheep, outcast, persona non grata, undesirable, nonperson.

Please don't get me wrong. I LOVE Trump. He's the
best thing to make Trump lose. :thumb:


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2004
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wow im shocked....really..i bet they will dig up jimmy hoffa elvis and the original space alien from roswell to vote for her as well hahaha

Trump said that Hillary will get millions of dead people votes. It must be true as he always tells the truth except when he said that he assaulted women and a few, very rare other occasions. I'm confused about when he is telling the truth when he denies what he has already tweeted. Was the original tweet a lie and therefore his denial of believing in it the truth?

It looks like Hillary really wants to crush him, even using dead people and illegal aliens. She has even been pandering to space aliens, assuring them that she recognizes them in the hope that they will also vote for her.
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