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New Member
May 14, 2016
As for myself I am a special cereal predator.

My favorite cereal predator is Count Chocula. Don't tell me you are the great one???

Donald’s Trump Star on Hollywood Walk of Fame Is Smashed

A spokeswoman for the Los Angeles Police Department, Officer Norma Eisenman, said the authorities received a phone call reporting the attempt at about 6 a.m. The defaced site was later secured, and a tent placed over the star, Officer Eisenman said.

The witness, Dominic Patten, a senior editor at Deadline Hollywood, which initially reported the news, said the man told him he wanted to auction the star and raise money on behalf of the nearly dozen women who have accused Mr. Trump of sexual assault or sexual harassment.

How fitting. Just like Trump a stranger was trying to grab something very personal without permission. This time an asshole instead of pussy. Cheers


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
I dont get it. Trudeau wanted to impress and impose his stature when he befriend with Castro. Economically that hurt Canada a lot back then but it's not something we can evaluate. There was no selfie during those days, Trudeau had to find other way to show himself ;)

Castro took control of Cuba with big change in mind. He and guevara killed many many innoncent people and transformed the magical island into a land of complete poverty. A country should not be lead by egocentric maniac.


Hello jalimon

When we are talking of history its easier to evaluate ,then when we are speculating about the future ?

A country should not be lead by egocentric maniac.
I agree
So the question is who was the worst maniac Batista or Castro ?

Back in power, Batista suspended the 1940 Constitution and revoked most political liberties, including the right to strike. He then aligned with the wealthiest landowners who owned the largest sugar plantations, and presided over a stagnating economy that widened the gap between rich and poor Cubans.[4] Batista's increasingly corrupt and repressive government then began to systematically profit from the exploitation of Cuba's commercial interests, by negotiating lucrative relationships with the American mafia, who controlled the drug, gambling, and prostitution businesses in Havana, and with large US-based multinationals who were awarded lucrative contracts.[4][5] To quell the growing discontent amongst the populace—which was subsequently displayed through frequent student riots and demonstrations—Batista established tighter censorship of the media, while also utilizing his Bureau for the Repression of Communist Activities to carry out wide-scale violence, torture and public executions; ultimately killing anywhere from hundreds to 20,000 people.[6][7][8] For several years until 1959, the Batista government received financial, military, and logistical support from the United States




I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
if she looses which seems doubtfull cause the election seems rigged.

Comon you really beleive that? Shit Trump's strategy actually works! Just by saying something over and over it gets to the head of people who start to believe all his shit.


Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
the general population are mindless sheep.governments create distractions smoke and mirors so the masses can not see how they are being screwed

Very true statement, the reason we have Justine Trudeau ruining our country.


New Member
May 14, 2016
Corruption in the U.S.A. Can anyone tell me which country name you could replace "U.S.A." with and there would not be corruption involved? If you think you can find one you aren't from this planet. That's a fact, not a dodge. We all know there's corruption, but to write like Hillary and the Democrats are deeper into it than Dumbass and the Republicans is nonsense.

The problem here is we are all acting like promoters. There's very little genuine "discussion". You promote your side I promote mine. But to act like if Clinton didn't get prosecuted it had to be conspiracy, well, it's nice to see another self-serving promotion. The beat goes it was once sung. You're a partisan promoter.

Comon you really beleive that? Shit Trump's strategy actually works! Just by saying something over and over it gets to the head of people who start to believe all his shit.


Yup. Trump makes his fans swallow exactly what he says and then they regurgitate it back like trained parrots. Everything he says is the truth and no matter how he acts, how much his actions and word confirm anything, how many people are willing to come out and say what he said on the record he really did, all Trump has to do is deny deny deny and his buddies will swallow it because it's what they want to believe. Facts and real evidence don't matter. They they have the balls to claim they know "facts" against Clinton are true. No for their candidate, yes against Clinton. It's contradictory, hypocritical, and stupid.

I saw the whole Megyn Kelly and Newt interview yesterday. What an ass saying she is "fascinated with sex". He accuses her of using inflammatory words to color Trump then he does the same to her. It's nice to see there are a few people on Fox News who don't parrot the Republican Conservative line and will actually challenge them when there is reason to do so.


Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Just because Trump is a rude obnoxious womanizer does not make Clinton a good choice.


Active Member
Oct 29, 2013
Sex Prison USA
Just because Trump is a rude obnoxious womanizer does not make Clinton a good choice.

Policy differences aside...

While Clinton may not have been my preference, Trump is just fundamentally unqualified to be POTUS.

Thin skin which shows how vindictive he is, and doesn't know when to keep his mouth (or Twitter account) under control. Sure many of us especially on MERB love to do various things to pussies but we are not as stupid as Trump to say it in public and/or saying it while being recorded when the recording is not under his control.

If it was any other Republican candidate, I would have seriously considered voting for them.


New Member
May 14, 2016
Policy differences aside...

While Clinton may not have been my preference, Trump is just fundamentally unqualified to be POTUS.

Thin skin which shows how vindictive he is, and doesn't know when to keep his mouth (or Twitter account) under control. Sure many of us especially on MERB love to do various things to pussies but we are not as stupid as Trump to say it in public and/or saying it while being recorded when the recording is not under his control.

Thanks. That's really it. Clinton, if you want to call her a corrupt politician you can certainly find plenty of sources both heavily slanted and realistic to make that argument. But she does come off as a stable person who would not just act based on visceral emotions rather than rational consideration. Trump, has no control of himself at all. He has no scruples on anything from politics to how he sees women as things he can take when he wants. Everything unfavorable to him is a conspiracy in his mind, and he doesn't care about how what he says affects the country or it's foundation principles.

Trump says anything simply for it's effect regardless of source or proof. He was on Fox News with Bill O'Reilly saying a voter tried to vote for him and the names flipped. O'Reilly asked him what proof he had. That's Bill Fox News O'Reilly. All Trump would say is "I received a call." As with everything else Trump feels all he has to do is say it and it's a fact. It's been clear for a long time he makes up a lot just because he thinks it will work and because people are going to swallow it just like the locker room line. What does it say about Trump when even Fox News challenges his claims.

My biggest problem with him is he's unstable and obsessively self-serving. Anyone who thinks they are the only person right about everything is a danger to themselves and everyone else. Intelligent people know it's smart and necessary to take advice, advice that may not fit your own view. This is importantly true about leaders, especially national leaders. No President can know everything and ignore all the advice and intelligence of those who are advisors for the expressed purpose of giving the President good intel to decide from. Trump acts like he would ignore anything he doesn't like, and that's incredibly dangerous.

Also, I have no quarrel with people who hate Clinton having that opinion based on what she has done. It's the same thing we are all doing. We are all entitled to opinions, hopefully based on proven circumstances and facts. However, there have been statements made by some showing a clear bias against women in general. When a person insists on using labels that demean women as part of their consistent way of thinking, even if those women are escorts, that's indicative of a negativity against a gender, NOT just a political opinion of a candidate. And it's ugly.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Sure many of us especially on MERB love to do various things to pussies but we are not as stupid as Trump to say it in public and/or saying it while being recorded when the recording is not under his control.

And for christ sake not touch it without consent!!! Give me 1 billion and I would still ask for consent before touching any pussy or kissing anyone. If not, it's sexual violation, period! Scary to think what this asshole thinks he can do...



Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
The FBI has re-opened its case into Clinton.
It may be over for her and she`ll have to await a pardon from Obama


New Member
May 14, 2016
The FBI has re-opened its case into Clinton.
It may be over for her and she`ll have to await a pardon from Obama

Really??? If you were not aware at the time what this is really about then excuse me, but still jumping to conclusions? You usually represent things well enough, but wow, where's the devastating news? Any knowledge or hint of anything?

Like anyone else she emails many people. Could be totally innocuous stuff or something important. No one has found anything at this point but you say it's over. Bill Clinton performed the wedding ceremony between Weiner and a Clinton associate Huma Abedin. Why would the emails automatically be anything but chit chat. Sure there could be something more but now you say it's over with no other info. Of course the FBI is looking at all his emails, and he had exchanges with Clinton. What was the FBI supposed to say given the Trump conspiracy bullshit. We're ignoring any emails that came from or were sent to Clinton?

Not one piece of anything released yet and it may be over for Clinton? Puuuleeeeeze.

Now Donaldo says the election is not so rigged and the FBI is okay. That's Trump. If it has some help for him it all changes to hoooray for him and now all those he called crooked are sainted again. LOL!.


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2004
Visit site
There is an update on today's news. The e-mails of today's news were not from Clinton nor using her private server. They have something to do with an investigation concerning Anthony Weiner, not Clinton.


Active Member
Oct 29, 2013
Sex Prison USA
Really??? If you were not aware at the time what this is really about then excuse me, but still jumping to conclusions? You usually represent things well enough, but wow, where's the devastating news? Any knowledge or hint of anything?

Like anyone else she emails many people. Could be totally innocuous stuff or something important. No one has found anything at this point but you say it's over. Bill Clinton performed the wedding ceremony between Weiner and a Clinton associate Huma Abedin. Why would the emails automatically be anything but chit chat. Sure there could be something more but now you say it's over with no other info. Of course the FBI is looking at all his emails, and he had exchanges with Clinton. What was the FBI supposed to say given the Trump conspiracy bullshit. We're ignoring any emails that came from or were sent to Clinton?

Not one piece of anything released yet and it may be over for Clinton? Puuuleeeeeze.

Now Donaldo says the election is not so rigged and the FBI is okay. That's Trump. If it has some help for him it all changes to hoooray for him and now all those he called crooked are sainted again. LOL!.

Huma Abedin will fall on her sword if there is anything substantial on Weiner's devices. I think this is just political theater and Comey covering his ass.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015
Michael Moore Perfectly Explains Why Trump Will Win
listen to this and you will be impressed and agree

Exactly! It will be f-k u elections. People who arguing that Trump does not fit (our bellowed Doc made several excellent observations :) ) completely miss the point. People would vote for a Big White Horse on a ballot just to say “ f-k u” to the system as they are fed up with politicians that are entrenched in Washington for decades and the system that is obviously dysfunctional (look at our choice of candidates). Trump has managed to smartly distance himself from the entrenched establishment both democrat and republican (though of course he is more connected to it that he is ready to admit). People will gamble with Trump as he might, just might, to bring some changes. They are however know too well that with Hillary it will be business as usual. We might wake up to a big surprise on 9th…


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Exactly! It will be f-k u elections. People who arguing that Trump does not fit (our bellowed Doc made several excellent observations :) ) completely miss the point. People would vote for a Big White Horse on a ballot just to say “ f-k u” to the system as they are fed up with politicians that are entrenched in Washington for decades and the system that is obviously dysfunctional (look at our choice of candidates). Trump has managed to smartly distance himself from the entrenched establishment both democrat and republican (though of course he is more connected to it that he is ready to admit). People will gamble with Trump as he might, just might, to bring some changes. They are however know too well that with Hillary it will be business as usual. We might wake up to a big surprise on 9th…

What a fucking good post minutemenX! You resumed exactly what I think. But what I think does not matter, you are dead on. Trump will do as good as Berlusconi did in Italy, that is, fuck all. Hillary, as crook and bad as she is, will only resume to business as usual. Wake up american, Trump will not build a wall and he will not bring 25 million job in the US. Your problem are in your own redistribution of your wealth, that's all. Look no further.

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