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I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015

trump is now focusing on 1 main issue drain the swamp(congress) of its crooked career criminals bravo donald aka groper
hey kennedy fucked everything that moved
nixon was impeached
regan was an actor with altzimers and his wife consulted psycics for desicions
bill cclinton was a lying sack fo shit and a rapist
so given the predicessors credentials donald will fit in quite well

I guess that is what makes Obama the best president since Lincoln ;)



Jul 8, 2012
What a fucking good post minutemenX! You resumed exactly what I think. But what I think does not matter, you are dead on. Trump will do as good as Berlusconi did in Italy, that is, fuck all. Hillary, as crook and bad as she is, will only resume to business as usual. Wake up american, Trump will not build a wall and he will not bring 25 million job in the US. Your problem are in your own redistribution of your wealth, that's all. Look no further.


Actually, part of this wall already exists for hundreds of miles across the CA border, and the rest was authorized to be built by a bi-partisan vote in Congress. It's just never been funded. So, Trump already has Congressional approval to finish what they already authorized. If, however, the GOP doesn't keep the Senate, the money will not be authorized.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Actually, part of this wall already exists for hundreds of miles across the CA border, and the rest was authorized to be built by a bi-partisan vote in Congress. It's just never been funded. So, Trump already has Congressional approval to finish what they already authorized. If, however, the GOP doesn't keep the Senate, the money will not be authorized.

Do not forget Trumpet mentionned Mexican will pay for it, ya right! ;)



Jul 8, 2012
Could not agree with you more that the Donald fits in and belongs in this crowd.
Let the American people take one for the Groper?

What a choice an egotistical lunatic or a lying witch.

If you knew the real Obama and not the media creation, you would understand he totally belongs on this list. Let's just say he's very open-minded and leave it at that.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
i dont know about that ther has been strong rhumours that obamas wife michelle is really micheal a closet ts.makes ''her'' a real queen''
i bet obama takes it in the ass..... a true bottom and ....when micheal is pissed at him... while he is doing him doggie style..... she wont even reach around and give him a wank.

You are crazy John ;) Most probably a good chap, but still crazy!



Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Clinton dropped 5 points in the last week to hold a mere 2 point lead in the polls. She will drop another 5 points in the next week and lose the election. As I wrote before she is finished.
I hope that I`m wrong cause Trump is bad for the world and not just America.
Trump smells blood and I smell.....what!!!! did you shit your pants again?


New Member
May 14, 2016
Clinton dropped 5 points in the last week

One of the things I love about people and this board is people never cite anything. I've seen polls that had her behind last week. The way polls run I could find one that has you winning the Presidency. See it's very easy to say anything without citing proof. However, even Fox News had Clinton up by 3 yesterday.


New Member
May 14, 2016
The REAL Trump:

Here's a good one. There was a charity going on for a new nursery. Seats were saved for the major donors. Suddenly there's a lot of noise. It's Trump barging in unexpected, uninvited, and having donated nothing. He grabs one of the big donors seat, sits for the ceremony, horns in on photos, offers nothing to the cause, then leaves when it's over saying nothing and still never giving anything. It looks like he made an appearance for the publicity but never intended to donate.

Donald Trump - The life of a phony asshole.

Then, all of a sudden, there was Donald Trump.

“Nobody knew he was coming,” said Abigail Disney, another donor sitting on the dais. “There’s this kind of ruckus at the door, and I don’t know what was going on, and in comes Donald Trump. [He] just gets up on the podium and sits down.”

Trump was not a major donor. He was not a donor, period. He’d never given a dollar to the nursery or the Association to Benefit Children, according to Gretchen Buchenholz, the charity’s executive director then and now.

But now he was sitting in Fisher’s seat, next to Giuliani.

“Frank Gifford turned to me and said, ‘Why is he here?’ ” Buchenholz recalled recently. By then, the ceremony had begun. There was nothing to do.

“Just sing past it,” she recalled Gifford telling her.

So they warbled into the first song on the program, “This Little Light of Mine,” alongside Trump and a chorus of children — with a photographer snapping photos, and Trump looking for all the world like an honored donor to the cause.

Afterward, Disney and Buchenholz recalled, Trump left without offering an explanation. Or a donation. Fisher was stuck in the audience. The charity spent months trying to repair its relationship with him.

“I mean, what’s wrong with you, man?” Disney recalled thinking of Trump, when it was over.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Wow, even the Clinton News Network is STILL reporting the newest info about the FBI and the new scandalous emails that came out since friday. Trump just might have a chance with the biased media actually spending quality time pointing out what a dirty player "she" is for more than the usual 30 seconds of coverage, about freaking time.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
All is quiet on the front, guessing the Trump team have him on a very short leash and a taser if he says something stupid again.


New Member
May 14, 2016
First of all there are 650,000 emails on Weiner's computer, anything related to Clinton is in the 10's of thousands not 100's of thousands according to all reports. It's called grossly cheating the facts AGAIN for effect. To put the distortion in perspective Trump also claimed yesterday 650 million people would enter the U.S. in a month if Hillary is elected. That's 5 times the population of Mexico, 50% more than the entire population of all South America. Together it doesn't make 650 million. But let's add Europe, Asia, Africa....OYVEY! :crazy:

And the real point is no one has said anything about whether one email has anything wrong in it at all yet and the haters are still RUSHING to judgment.

The difference between Trump and recent Presidents:

In spite of whatever people liked or disliked about Ford, Carter, Reagan, H.W. Bush, Clinton. G.W. Bush, Obama, and their political positions, the choice between them and their opponents was political. Differences in their ethics and personal morals were relatively small. While opponents feared they were either too Conservative or too Liberal they could be counted on to be rational and stable. Even in Clinton's case with the disgusting Lewinski sexual episode the state of the country was better than other recent presidents had been economically.

Trump on the other hand from top to bottom is an emotional vindictive reactionary with no consciousness of ethics or morals. From talking about his daughter as a sex object and hinting at his personal sexual desire "if she wasn't my daughter", to obsessing over irrelevant nonsense like what Rosie O'Donnell thinks and says, to bigotry, misogyny, taints of racism, to admiring and commending how dangerous dictators handle their countries, to his 6 separate business bankruptcies he has no shame of saying or doing anything like a rebellious street punk.

Trump has no self-control on anything, and worse doesn't think he should have. That makes him uniquely dangerous. As much as I dislike G.W. Bush at least he had stable people (though I hated their views) to advise him and Bush took advice. Trump ignore advice even from those closest to him trying their best to get him elected. A very dangerous sign.

I'm also very happy he's charging in on this newest email stuff. The more he rants the more he turns things against him. It's his biggest talent.


Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
First of all there are 650,000 emails on Weiner's computer, anything related to Clinton is in the 10's of thousands not 100's of thousands according to all reports.

Ten's of thousands is acceptable then? Not really a large number, 10's of thousands.... would be a lot if it was money but e-mails not so much.
Glad to see the Clinton supporters are still behind her and something as small as this is all good. Ten's of thousands, you call that news :jaw:


New Member
May 14, 2016
Ten's of thousands is acceptable then? Not really a large number, 10's of thousands.... would be a lot if it was money but e-mails not so much.

Why isn't tens of thousands of email acceptable? Please explain. You've probably done it. I've done it. Probably anyone who has had a computer for a while has done it. We've all done it.

You see, you failed here. Because the real point is whether there's something illegal in those emails. NOT how many there are. THAT'S THE POINT. If Clinton or Trump sent 1.000,000 emails there's nothing wrong with that unless it breaks the law, and what FBI Director Comey gave us is the finding of emails on someone else's computer with absolutely no hint of what is in them or any hint of breaking the law thus leaving idiotic speculation to serve political bias as anyone wishes. Comey says there are thousands of emails connected to Clinton, and just like the tens of thousands examined thoroughly before they could all be the same as before with nothing Comey can find criminal. Yet you act as if there is even though NO ONE has said one syllable about what has been found in them.

You say you aren't a Trump partisan. So where is your honest acknowledgement that NO ONE knows if there is anything wrong in any one of those emails. That has not been said by anyone. But like a Trump partisan you infer GUILTY! Right away. So let's not pretend you are being balanced or fair about any of this.

And YES, I much rather see a person who's worst offense is her method of keeping emails than some mountain of shit like Trump who has the lecherous character of a filthy animal and praises the worst dictators like he craves a big kiss.

I also just got back from voting early. Sorry if you and your buds DON'T have a vote. ;)


Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Why isn't tens of thousands of email acceptable? Please explain. You've probably done it. I've done it. Probably anyone who has had a computer for a while has done it. We've all done it.

You see, you failed here. Because the real point is whether there's something illegal in those emails. NOT how many there are. THAT'S THE POINT. If Clinton or Trump sent 1.000,000 emails there's nothing wrong with that unless it breaks the law, and what FBI Director Comey gave us is the finding of emails on someone else's computer with absolutely no hint of what is in them or any hint of breaking the law thus leaving idiotic speculation to serve political bias as anyone wishes. Comey says there are thousands of emails connected to Clinton, and just like the tens of thousands examined thoroughly before they could all be the same as before with nothing Comey can find criminal. Yet you act as if there is even though NO ONE has said one syllable about what has been found in them.

You say you aren't a Trump partisan. So where is your honest acknowledgement that NO ONE knows if there is anything wrong in any one of those emails. That has not been said by anyone. But like a Trump partisan you infer GUILTY! Right away. So let's not pretend you are being balanced or fair about any of this.

And YES, I much rather see a person who's worst offense is her method of keeping emails than some mountain of shit like Trump who has the lecherous character of a filthy animal and praises the worst dictators like he craves a big kiss.

I also just got back from voting early. Sorry if you and your buds DON'T have a vote. ;)


I can see that none of Clintons bad actions have any effect on you, you are fixated on what Trumo is and are blind to the person Clinton is. Not a bad thing since Trump is a dick but not a good thing either since Clinton is not fit to run the states either. I do feel bad for Anthony Weiners impending suicide though. ( Sarcasm ).

EDIT: You have already cleared Clinton with your comment, as I said before many Clinton supporter are blinded by the media against Trump. It does not matter that Clinton deleted thousands of e-mails after being told to hand them over, Oooops, sure.


New Member
May 14, 2016


Active Member
Oct 29, 2013
Sex Prison USA
First of all there are 650,000 emails on Weiner's computer, anything related to Clinton is in the 10's of thousands not 100's of thousands according to all reports. It's called grossly cheating the facts AGAIN for effect. To put the distortion in perspective Trump also claimed yesterday 650 million people would enter the U.S. in a month if Hillary is elected. That's 5 times the population of Mexico, 50% more than the entire population of all South America. Together it doesn't make 650 million. But let's add Europe, Asia, Africa....OYVEY! :crazy:

And the real point is no one has said anything about whether one email has anything wrong in it at all yet and the haters are still RUSHING to judgment.

The difference between Trump and recent Presidents:

In spite of whatever people liked or disliked about Ford, Carter, Reagan, H.W. Bush, Clinton. G.W. Bush, Obama, and their political positions, the choice between them and their opponents was political. Differences in their ethics and personal morals were relatively small. While opponents feared they were either too Conservative or too Liberal they could be counted on to be rational and stable. Even in Clinton's case with the disgusting Lewinski sexual episode the state of the country was better than other recent presidents had been economically.

Trump on the other hand from top to bottom is an emotional vindictive reactionary with no consciousness of ethics or morals. From talking about his daughter as a sex object and hinting at his personal sexual desire "if she wasn't my daughter", to obsessing over irrelevant nonsense like what Rosie O'Donnell thinks and says, to bigotry, misogyny, taints of racism, to admiring and commending how dangerous dictators handle their countries, to his 6 separate business bankruptcies he has no shame of saying or doing anything like a rebellious street punk.

Trump has no self-control on anything, and worse doesn't think he should have. That makes him uniquely dangerous. As much as I dislike G.W. Bush at least he had stable people (though I hated their views) to advise him and Bush took advice. Trump ignore advice even from those closest to him trying their best to get him elected. A very dangerous sign.

I'm also very happy he's charging in on this newest email stuff. The more he rants the more he turns things against him. It's his biggest talent.


Ten's of thousands is acceptable then? Not really a large number, 10's of thousands.... would be a lot if it was money but e-mails not so much.
Glad to see the Clinton supporters are still behind her and something as small as this is all good. Ten's of thousands, you call that news :jaw:

A bit premature to jump to conclusion on whether these emails from Weiner's devices are material or not considering there is no information on what exactly they are.

Comey's action is unprofessional. If he had announced that based on evidence uncovered, the FBI will be recommending charges to the DoJ, that's one thing. Instead, he is stating that there's smoke coming out that house without revealing/knowing what the cause is. It could be a stove left on, or it could be Clinton burning documents.

According to this, doesn't the FBI report to the AG? Not only is he behaving unprofessionally, he is also acting outside the DoJ leadership structure. If Comey can't produce the goods to recommend charging Hillary after the investigation runs its course regardless of who wins the election, Comey should be charged for interfering with the election whether it be the Hatch Act or relevant laws.


New Member
May 14, 2016
A bit premature to jump to conclusion on whether these emails from Weiner's devices are material or not considering there is no information on what exactly they are.

That's all I said. It's simple logic and sense. How does a rational and fair person come up with guilt because emails exist when not knowing a thing about them unless they are imposing their biased desires over a total lack of facts.

According to this, doesn't the FBI report to the AG? Not only is he behaving unprofessionally, he is also acting outside the DoJ leadership structure. If Comey can't produce the goods to recommend charging Hillary after the investigation runs its course regardless of who wins the election, Comey should be charged for interfering with the election whether it be the Hatch Act or relevant laws.

Examination of the Hatch Act by CNN analysts on the average believes it would be questionably argumentative thus far that Comey violated the law. Maybe yes, maybe no. Many argue Comey violated a traditional protocol always observes previously by all other directors and agreed to by both Parties. But more serious is he went against the wishes of the U.S. Attorney general whom he reports to.

There are also reports Comey has been under great pressure by politically motivated resignations within the FBI and his actions reflected that.

For the board members who scream partisanship former U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales appointed by G.W. Bush came out saying: "FBI director "made an error in judgment". “I really worry that the FBI director has made an error in judgment in terms of releasing a letter that really says nothing,” said Gonzales.

“In my judgment, it’s a very wise policy because at the end of the day, if you delay the announcement, hopefully it’s not going to jeopardize an investigation” or the pursuit of justice, Gonzales said. “It appears that this was an error…,” he added. “It was a mistake. As a general matter, you would not comment on an investigation.”

So the view of whether Comey should not have made this release is not partisan. At the very least he should have added an important truth. It's a matter of being efficient but what may it may show we do not know and need time to find out what is in the emails if anything relevant.



Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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My IT guy explained to me that if the Abedin-Weiner computer was on a shared system those 30,000 deleted emails could be on there. So that's what the issue is. Emails that were thought to be deleted may not be. They would have to be retrieved from the Weiner computer and given his emailing of underage girls I am guessing he and his attorneys don't want snoops on their computer. It may end up being a bigger dilemma for this dick Weiner than for Clinton but it could be damaging to both. Of course Weiner's damage is self inflicted and Clinton likely didn't know the deleted emails could be on that computer. My IT guy explained it to me and he is very upset CNN doesn't have an IT guy explaining it to the rest of you and the masses at large.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
After the election if Trump wins. Canada gets the Keystone pipeline, Justine gets very scared, utter chaos in the US.
If Clinton wins. Many political figures and reporters mysteriously commit suicide, the economy does not change and taxes go up, utter chaos in the US.
Just my opinion...
Watch the Wiener leaks....
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