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A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
Why did Trump win? It'a actually pretty simple to explain:

My liberal critics rolled their eyes when I complained about political correctness. I hope they see things a little more clearly now. The left sorted everyone into identity groups and then told the people in the poorly-educated-white-male identity group that that's the only bad one. It mocked the members of this group mercilessly. It punished them for not being woke enough. It called them racists. It said their video games were sexist. It deployed Lena Dunham to tell them how horrible they were. Lena Dunham!

Trump Won Because Leftist Political Correctness Inspired a Terrifying Backlash
What every liberal who didn't see this coming needs to understand

Robby Soave|Nov. 9, 2016 8:01 am

Many will say Trump won because he successfully capitalized on blue collar workers' anxieties about immigration and globalization. Others will say he won because America rejected a deeply unpopular alternative. Still others will say the country is simply racist to its core. But there's another major piece of the puzzle, and it would be a profound mistake to overlook it. Overlooking it was largely the problem, in the first place.

Trump won because of a cultural issue that flies under the radar and remains stubbornly difficult to define, but is nevertheless hugely important to a great number of Americans: political correctness.

More specifically, Trump won because he convinced a great number of Americans that he would destroy political correctness.

I have tried to call attention to this issue for years. I have warned that political correctness actually is a problem on college campuses, where the far-left has gained institutional power and used it to punish people for saying or thinking the wrong thing. And ever since Donald Trump became a serious threat to win the GOP presidential primaries, I have warned that a lot of people, both on campus and off it, were furious about political-correctness-run-amok—so furious that they would give power to any man who stood in opposition to it.

I have watched this play out on campus after campus. I have watched dissident student groups invite Milo Yiannopoulos to speak—not because they particularly agree with his views, but because he denounces censorship and undermines political correctness. I have watched students cheer his theatrics, his insulting behavior, and his narcissism solely because the enforcers of campus goodthink are outraged by it. It's not about his ideas, or policies. It's not even about him. It's about vengeance for social oppression.

Trump has done to America what Yiannopoulos did to campus. This is a view Yiannopoulos shares. When I spoke with him about Trump's success months ago, he told me, "Nobody votes for Trump or likes Trump on the basis of policy positions. That's a misunderstanding of what the Trump phenomenon is."

He described Trump as "an icon of irreverent resistance to political correctness." Correctly, I might add.

What is political correctness? It's notoriously hard to define. I recently appeared on a panel with CNN's Sally Kohn, who described political correctness as being polite and having good manners. That's fine—it can mean different things to different people. I like manners. I like being polite. That's not what I'm talking about.

The segment of the electorate who flocked to Trump because he positioned himself as "an icon of irreverent resistance to political correctness" think it means this: smug, entitled, elitist, privileged leftists jumping down the throats of ordinary folks who aren't up-to-date on the latest requirements of progressive society.

Example: A lot of people think there are only two genders—boy and girl. Maybe they're wrong. Maybe they should change that view. Maybe it's insensitive to the trans community. Maybe it even flies in the face of modern social psychology. But people think it. Political correctness is the social force that holds them in contempt for that, or punishes them outright.

If you're a leftist reading this, you probably think that's stupid. You probably can't understand why someone would get so bent out of shape about being told their words are hurtful. You probably think it's not a big deal and these people need to get over themselves. Who's the delicate snowflake now, huh? you're probably thinking. I'm telling you: your failure to acknowledge this miscalculation and adjust your approach has delivered the country to Trump.

There's a related problem: the boy-who-cried-wolf situation. I was happy to see a few liberals, like Bill Maher, owning up to it. Maher admitted during a recent show that he was wrong to treat George Bush, Mitt Romney, and John McCain like they were apocalyptic threats to the nation: it robbed him of the ability to treat Trump more seriously. The left said McCain was a racist supported by racists, it said Romney was a racist supported by racists, but when an actually racist Republican came along—and racists cheered him—it had lost its ability to credibly make that accusation.

This is akin to the political-correctness-run-amok problem: both are examples of the left's horrible over-reach during the Obama years. The leftist drive to enforce a progressive social vision was relentless, and it happened too fast. I don't say this because I'm opposed to that vision—like most members of the under-30 crowd, I have no problem with gender neutral pronouns—I say this because it inspired a backlash that gave us Trump.

My liberal critics rolled their eyes when I complained about political correctness. I hope they see things a little more clearly now. The left sorted everyone into identity groups and then told the people in the poorly-educated-white-male identity group that that's the only bad one. It mocked the members of this group mercilessly. It punished them for not being woke enough. It called them racists. It said their video games were sexist. It deployed Lena Dunham to tell them how horrible they were. Lena Dunham!

I warned that political-correctness-run-amok and liberal overreach would lead to a counter-revolution if unchecked. That counter-revolution just happened.

There is a cost to depriving people of the freedom (in both the legal and social senses) to speak their mind. The presidency just went to the guy whose main qualification, according to his supporters, is that he isn't afraid to speak his.


New Member
May 14, 2016

My liberal critics rolled their eyes when I complained about political correctness.

NO! Wrong. There were TWO bad choices. Trump absolutely was the more odious person by far. But it was because 1. people were sold on the idea government insiders were the problem. 2. Clinton was an insider with a great deal of baggage. Clinton still won the popular vote currently at Clinton 48% 59,814,018, Trump 47% 59,611,678.

Trump didn't go just against political correctness. He went into being a sleaze mongering ghetto slob. Had the election been before Comey threw it to Trump by leaving open all kinds of speculations that were not true Trump would have been slaughtered in the electoral college and the popular vote. Sure people don't like political correctness, neither do I. But don't ever confuse that with being against decency. Trump was heading to one of the worst beatings ever because of his filthy trash mouth...and the dislike of political correctness never would have saved him for that comment.

The purveyors of this anti-political correctness silliness can be thankful the electoral college counts first or Trump wouldn't be moving his sexual predator habits anywhere.



nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
Clinton 59,814,018, Trump 59,611,678

So the difference in actual votes is about 200,000? That is a lot closer than the media makes it sound.
Over a hundred million eligible voters did not bother to vote.
The number who did not vote is 500 times the difference in the popular vote?

I thought the one good thing about Trump is he got everyone fired up about politics. This wasn't another ho hum campaign.
And still half the people just stayed home!


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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1. people were sold on the idea government insiders were the problem. 2. Clinton with an insider was a great deal of baggage.

I agree with this and I believe this sums up the election in a nutshell. It may encourage outsiders who are rich and have the ego and wherewithal to run in the future. Mark Cuban comes to mind as a possibility for the future. He has more money than Trump and as much ego and charisma, without all the negatives. The Democrats may even come to see him as their answer to Trump in 2020. I already do. Cuban is a very, very smart guy as well.


Sep 14, 2011
Wow! You hit that one out of the park Captain. I actually voted for Hillary in 2008 during the Democratic primary against Obama. I got off her bandwagon when she blamed the whole Bengazi incident on a "videotape". Having been several times to U.S. Embassies and Consulates in Colombia and Mexico I know we don't have military stationed at the Embassies/Consulates. So, I didn't blame her for not calling in the troops in time to do any good. But, when she became a Muslim apologist like Obama and said some dumb amateur filmmaker in California was the whole reason for the Bengazi attack - because he offended the sensibilities of Muslims - well She lost me and many others at that point. She takes P.C. to a new level. As Savannah Guthrie said last night, Trumps victory was a big f u to the the political establishment. Drain the cesspool. After 8 years of Bush who got us into Iraq under false pretenses and 8 more years of Obama, where he basically continued with the same policies and did nothing to balance trade with China, and bring back good paying jobs, it's time for someone like Trump. His pledge to build a wall is total b.s. He would never get congressional approval nor budgetary approval from Congress for such an undertaking. However, under Article 2 of the U.S. Constitution he has broad powers through International Treaties to effect international trade. I think China is crapping in its boots and so are the members in Congress who receive donations from the Corporate elite in the U.S. while making all their products in China, e.g. Apple et al.


New Member
May 14, 2016

While you were preoccupied with all the stuff about Clinton's court problems you forgot Trump's. Trump has more than a DOZEN cases pending against him. He will be the first president-elect to my knowledge facing trail before being sworn in. Could he be the first pre-convicted president?

Before Inauguration, A Trial: Trump To Appear In Court Over Trump University

In less than three weeks, Trump is scheduled to take the witness stand in a federal civil trial over alleged fraud in the Trump University real estate seminar program, according to Politico.

Presided over by U.S. District Judge Gonzalo Curiel in San Diego, the trial is one of two class action lawsuits filed by former students of Trump University alleging they were lured into paying up to $35,000 for real estate investment seminars that did not have the instructors or depth of subject matter promised.

The class-action case, Low v. Trump University LLC, 10-cv-00940n, is in the U.S. District Court, Southern District of California and is set for trial Monday, Nov. 28.

The New York attorney general also has a suit pending, in New York state court, accusing Trump University of fraud for deceiving students.

Just as many elements of Trump's candidacy and path to the White House were unprecedented, so too is this degree of legal entanglement: never before has a president-elect had to defend himself in court as he also begins the enormous transition required to assume the presidency in January.

In addition to the suits over Trump University, Trump declared in an October speech in Gettysburg that he plans to sue the more than a dozen women who accused him of sexual harassment and assault. Additionally, New York state is conducting an investigation into his charitable foundation.

This article was written by Annie Rees from Talking Points Memo and was legally licensed through the NewsCred publisher network.

Ladies and gentlemen: The convicted POTUS

I hope he sues those women. He's a damn fool and a damn fool would bog down the Presidency with issues it doesn't need to get entangled with just as he's starting out. Imagine all the details coming out from 12 women claiming sexual impropriety or assault. Hail to the chief baby. :clap2: :yo: :pound:

I thought the one good thing about Trump is he got everyone fired up about politics. This wasn't another ho hum campaign.
And still half the people just stayed home!

Sorry I disagree. Campaigns are always very interesting if you are studying the issues and trying to understand the consequences. Unfortunately many people only pay attention to the Cliff Notes version of politics. If what it takes to get someone interested in political campaigns is a candidate trying to be one of the worst assholes in history then maybe they really don't care enough about issues and only want Beavis and Butthead do Dallas kind of entertainment.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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CNN reported tonight that Hillary's campaign relied heavily on polling and did not campaign in areas they thought were in the bag. Hilary Clinton never set foot in Wisconsin, which decided the election, thinking it was in the bag. This kind of presumptuous thinking also assisted in losing the election.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
For me it was a vote against the culture of corruption of the dirty Clinton clan. It was also a vote against the big government and socialism of Obama. I want to see Illegals treated as such and not given an elevated special status just because the Democrats think that they can buy their vote down the road. Bush got us into Iraq but what Obama did - abandoning Iraq and creating a power vacuum - was reprehensible. Obama and Killary screwed-up the Middle East and they want to bring half of Syria here? No thanks. I want to see Obama care repealed and I want to see the deal with Iran dismantled (the Iran deal reminded me of Neville Chamberlain appeasing Nazi Germany) and I want to make sure that we do not get any of Killary's ideologue friends on the Supreme Court. That is why I rejected the Clinton Camp!

Thanks to Wikileaks we saw how dirty the Clinton machine really is. They made 330 Million with all their influence peddeling and the cattle futures and stock deals? They did Bernie Sanders in and Donna Brazil leaked debate questions to Killary? and then CNN asked the Clinton camp which questions should they ask her opponents? She paid for her daughters wedding with the Clinton foundation donations? Does anyone remember Mark Rich? His pardon cost 30MM$. And Oh yes, Killary blamed Bengahzi on a video made by some poor slob. A video that was never seen by anyone. Turns out that the administration, to save money, farmed out Chris Steven's security forces to a British firm for 9MM$. The group contained 4 Al-Quaeda operatives byut they weren't properly vetted.

Killary was a political hack that will say or do anything to enrich herself and hold onto power. Let Killary go back to bullying secret service agents with her foul-mouth and comments like "Come on Bill. You can't fuck her here." With Trump you don't know what you are getting with Killary you do and none if it is good.


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
Trump absolutely was the more odious person by far....Trump didn't go just against political correctness. He went into being a sleaze mongering ghetto slob...Sure people don't like political correctness, neither do I. But don't ever confuse that with being against decency...

As the Reason writer points out, political correctness has gone way beyond "decency" or politeness. For decades liberals used the same kind of epithets that you use ("odious," "sleaze mongering," "deplorables," "racist" etc.) to characterize a large segment of the American population i.e., white males but especially less educated white males. They finally got sick of it and voted for a man who talked back. Trump wasn't my choice but I understand the motivations of those who voted for him.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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There is a huge anti-Trump protest going on in New York City at 57th and 5th Avenue right now. I was in NYC earlier today and it all seemed like business as usual but tonight things exploded.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Had the election been before Comey threw it to Trump by leaving open all kinds of speculations that were not true Trump would have been slaughtered in the electoral college and the popular vote.

Trump was heading to one of the worst beatings ever because of his filthy trash mouth...and the dislike of political correctness never would have saved him for that comment.

The purveyors of this anti-political correctness silliness can be thankful the electoral college counts first

BRAVO! :clap2:



Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
There is a huge anti-Trump protest going on in New York City at 57th and 5th Avenue right now. I was in NYC earlier today and it all seemed like business as usual but tonight things exploded.

Oh the intolerance of the tolerant....isn't there a big exam tomorrow in the Gender Studies 401 class they signed up for? It is always the left out protesting and rioting and all along they were worried about Trump supporters and their intimidation tactics. How many of these rioters are paid and bused in by Soros or paid directly by the DNC.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Kellyanne Conway deserves a ton of credit. Ever since her and Bannon came on board Trumps chances took off

Robby Mook was clearly outdone. Experience took over.
CNN reported tonight that Hillary's campaign relied heavily on polling and did not campaign in areas they thought were in the bag. Hilary Clinton never set foot in Wisconsin, which decided the election, thinking it was in the bag. This kind of presumptuous thinking also assisted in losing the election.


New Member
May 14, 2016
I thought the two key states were Pennsylvania and North Carolina. Florida I figured would vacillate on and on and on. I didn't waste my time staying up to watch knowing the key states wouldn't be decided until late. However, If those two states had gone for Clinton, Michigan and Wisconsin could have killed her chances anyway.

People confuse political correctness often with politeness and decency. Now they gone into gross over-compensation dumping political correctness and replacing it with gross trashiness. So now there's no difference except PC is overcompensating to act decent and the other is just being trash.

Hey everybody I've got a stalkerxxx following my posts. Watch this. Here he comes. :yo:


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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It's being reported that Newt Gingrich will be offered and will accept to be Secretary of State and Rudolph Giuliani will be offered and accept the position of Attorney General.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Just great, i was supposed to fly down there for some meetings tomorrow. Are all Libs crybabies or what?
There is a huge anti-Trump protest going on in New York City at 57th and 5th Avenue right now. I was in NYC earlier today and it all seemed like business as usual but tonight things exploded.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Never was a "Newt" fan but Rudy wiould make a excellent AG. Look out Hillary :)

It's being reported that Newt Gingrich will be offered and will accept to be Secretary of State and Rudolph Giuliani will be offered and accept the position of Attorney General.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Just great, i was supposed to fly down there for some meetings tomorrow. Are all Libs crybabies or what?

What would you do? Repress any manifestation like they do in communist country like China? USA is a free country, as long as they do not break any law, they can protest.



New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Very well said mon ami.

I heard a rumor that if Michigan does in fact go to Trump (still counting votes) that it was YOUR VOTE that gave that great state to Trump! If that is the case, you get a lifetime admission pass to any party I have, just make sure to bring Uncle Ted! :pound:

High 5 Bro!

For me it was a vote against the culture of corruption of the dirty Clinton clan. It was also a vote against the big government and socialism of Obama. I want to see Illegals treated as such and not given an elevated special status just because the Democrats think that they can buy their vote down the road. Bush got us into Iraq but what Obama did - abandoning Iraq and creating a power vacuum - was reprehensible. Obama and Killary screwed-up the Middle East and they want to bring half of Syria here? No thanks. I want to see Obama care repealed and I want to see the deal with Iran dismantled (the Iran deal reminded me of Neville Chamberlain appeasing Nazi Germany) and I want to make sure that we do not get any of Killary's ideologue friends on the Supreme Court. That is why I rejected the Clinton Camp!

Thanks to Wikileaks we saw how dirty the Clinton machine really is. They made 330 Million with all their influence peddeling and the cattle futures and stock deals? They did Bernie Sanders in and Donna Brazil leaked debate questions to Killary? and then CNN asked the Clinton camp which questions should they ask her opponents? She paid for her daughters wedding with the Clinton foundation donations? Does anyone remember Mark Rich? His pardon cost 30MM$. And Oh yes, Killary blamed Bengahzi on a video made by some poor slob. A video that was never seen by anyone. Turns out that the administration, to save money, farmed out Chris Steven's security forces to a British firm for 9MM$. The group contained 4 Al-Quaeda operatives byut they weren't properly vetted.

Killary was a political hack that will say or do anything to enrich herself and hold onto power. Let Killary go back to bullying secret service agents with her foul-mouth and comments like "Come on Bill. You can't fuck her here." With Trump you don't know what you are getting with Killary you do and none if it is good.
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