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Mar 31, 2006
I'm thinking we should go back to the monarchy system of government. Perhaps we need a king or queen or England could use another colony couldn't they...


New Member
May 14, 2016


Jan 14, 2016
If he takes presidence, he will resign after a few month and give it to the Vice President. Too much for him to put into trust fund if he gets elected President. He has more <fuck-you money> than to waste his time for the Presidency. On the other side, Clinton might give it to Biden to run for her. It will be interesting to see what happens this summer.


New Member
May 14, 2016
Clinton on Trump: "I'll leave it to the psychiatrists to explain his affection for tyrants". Go Girl Go :D

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I used to like him, but realized over time that he's nothing but a racist con artist who lies most of the time.

Fact-checkers have estimated that he lies 76% of the time. Hillary, Obama and most of the other politicians (minus Ted Cruz and Michele Bachmann) are in the 20's.

Billionaire businessman Mark Cuban chuckled last week when asked about how much Trump is really worth. He pointed out that he's much much wealthier than Trump is and ever will be, and that he has proof that Trump isn't even close to what he claims to be worth and explained why and how he knows this. And seeing that Trump lies 76% of the time, my guess is that he's not even worth half of what he claims to be worth.

The fact that he's the first and only presidential candidate in 40 years to refuse to disclose his income tax shows that he has tons to hide. It's also strongly rumoured that he barely pays any income tax or none at all. A lot of skeletons would come out if he's ever forced to open his books and show the voters his income tax reports.

He's such a lying scumbag that he and his ancestors have even lied about the family name!!! It's Drumph, not Trump!!!

This arrogant asshole is doing so much damage to the Republican party that it'll take decades for it to recover! Imagine the damage he'll do to his own country and to the rest of the world if the voters make the catastrophic mistake of electing this psycho scumbag con artist to the White House!!! Yikes!!!!

Were i allowed to vote, i'd vote for Mickey Mouse and Goofy before voting for this thin-skinned lying prick!!!


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
C'mon Doc, tell us how you really feel :pound:
I used to like him, but realized over time that he's nothing but a racist con artist who lies most of the time.

Fact-checkers have estimated that he lies 76% of the time. Hillary, Obama and most of the other politicians (minus Ted Cruz and Michele Bachmann) are in the 20's.

Billionaire businessman Mark Cuban chuckled last week when asked about how much Trump is really worth. He pointed out that he's much much wealthier than Trump is and ever will be, and that he has proof that Trump isn't even close to what he claims to be worth and explained why and how he knows this. And seeing that Trump lies 76% of the time, my guess is that he's not even worth half of what he claims to be worth.

The fact that he's the first and only presidential candidate in 40 years to refuse to disclose his income tax shows that he has tons to hide. It's also strongly rumoured that he barely pays any income tax or none at all. A lot of skeletons would come out if he's ever forced to open his books and show the voters his income tax reports.

He's such a lying scumbag that he and his ancestors have even lied about the family name!!! It's Drumph, not Trump!!!

This arrogant asshole is doing so much damage to the Republican party that it'll take decades for it to recover! Imagine the damage he'll do to his own country and to the rest of the world if the voters make the catastrophic mistake of electing this psycho scumbag con artist to the White House!!! Yikes!!!!

Were i allowed to vote, i'd vote for Mickey Mouse and Goofy before voting for this thin-skinned lying prick!!!

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Trump reminds me of Pablo Escobar. Only difference is that he obviously cannot kill them.


He reminds me of that dictator played by Sacha Baron Cohen in the movie The Dictator.

Trump is a buffoon. I know, that's insulting to actual buffoons.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Talking Powder :pound:

Best Regards

Hehe nope. Pablo actually did not took any of this shit. He sold a lot tho. And lied, threaten and killed in his ego-maniacal way all who opposed him. Just like trump, less the killing of course ;)

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Hehe nope. Pablo actually did not took any of this shit. He sold a lot tho. And lied, threaten and killed in his ego-maniacal way all who opposed him. Just like trump, less the killing of course ;)

Trump reminds me more of Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini than Pablo Escobar. Minus the murdering, of course.


New Member
May 14, 2016
I saw an interview yesterday where he was asked some simple questions on his views about the American judge. Trump would make a short comment of a few word always followed by "I'm building a wall". For most of us that kind of response seems extremely limited and childish. I guessed he thought that kind of thing fit his target audience best...sad to say.

Never liked Trump. Honestly though I'm amazed. It's hard to believe anyone with his position and alleged accomplishments is so consistently cheap and infantile like a grade school bully.

Nice piece above by George Will on the true price of supporting Trump at the top of the Republican ticket. I've never seen or imagined Republicans being so embarrassed by their own top candidate.

He reminds me of Kim Jong Un. A global embarrassment.
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