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Unlimited Posting for Escorts?


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Ahhhhhhhh reviews. If reviews are the purpose of a board then why have some run up extreme post counts while seeming to purposely swear off their share of reviews? Well, we know why. This board will say healthy if members who have had meeting opportunities provided a fair due proportion of what the board is designed for. You can't call something BS while being poorly remiss in making contributions, as many have been, while still benefiting from what other members have contributed.

This is nonsense and the usual attempt to shit stir and portray others negatively. First of all I was talking about TER. A board which grants membership time for reviews posted. I actually had reviews posted there that were rejected for not being timely which I could not understand. Regarding MERB reviews, I posted more than my share in the past. A few times recently I was asked not to post reviews, and honored those requests. In another case I was specifically asked to post a review and didn't for various reasons which included not wanting to post because I was asked to. I did post a review on Nadia Jolie and at least a couple others this year. They didn't ask for or not to. Your attempt to somehow tarnish me as not giving back anything is horse manure. How about giving money to support the board? I don't see your name in red. In any event I don't feel the need to be a prodigious reviewer in order to justify my existence, and nor should anyone else be made to feel that way. I have done my part. What I choose to share and why is my business, and I have my reasons. If I don't feel like writing a review I am not going to write one because someone says I should. If I don't feel like it I don't feel like it, and that is the way it is. I also believe very strongly that negative reviews is the primary reason for low agency SP participation, which is the very subject of this thread. I don't write them. Regarding helping others via b/c, I would venture a guess that there has been far more of that than you could ever imagine. Just because I don't lend a hand to you does not mean I don't for everyone else.


New Member
Jan 19, 2014
I also believe very strongly that negative reviews is the primary reason for low agency SP participation, which is the very subject of this thread.

I would say that there is no agency SP participation, not low agency SP participation. Nobody is saying that you don't have a lot of experience and vast knowledge. You can use your powers for good, EB, and not evil... : )

There was one SP that messaged me earlier that she agreed with me. ONE! Even though it's totally anonymous, I think some ladies are just afraid to put in their opinion. Except Lily, of course! Thanks, Lily! You disagreed with me, but you weren't afraid to post, which is my whole point!


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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You can use your powers for good, EB, and not evil... : !

And I do by not posting negative reviews which are part of the reason why they might I be "intimidated" from posting. Not sure what else you are suggesting as I have consistently championed SP rights on this board for a long time. I have directly heard from agency SPs their feelings on the subject. It is not so much they are intimidated as turned off by board reviews that make them feel like abject pieces of meat. The agency SPs tend to be younger women. The indies who post regularly are more mature and self confident, and generally have thicker skins because of their experience.

The same people who champion negative reviews can be looked to as the reason for low or non participation. Having their cake and eating it too ain't going to happen.


New Member
Jan 19, 2014
And I do by not posting negative reviews which are part of the reason why they might I be "intimidated" from posting. Not sure what else you are suggesting as I have consistently championed SP rights on this board for a long time. I have directly heard from agency SPs their feelings on the subject. It is not so much they are intimidated as turned off by board reviews that make them feel like abject pieces of meat. The agency SPs tend to be younger women. The indies who post regularly are more mature and self confident, and generally have thicker skins because of their experience.

The same people who champion negative reviews can be looked to as the reason for low or non participation. Having their cake and eating it too ain't going to happen.

Much of this is true. However, I know some 18 or 19 year old girls who are as tough as nails. Sometimes it has nothing to do with maturity and experience, but native toughness.

Lily from Montreal

Not to forget independence...real deal...
now is nap time,please play nice while I nap lol

Lily from Montreal

Not night,nap..I am a baby,I need a afternoon nap loll


Jul 28, 2011
If it's allowed, why doesn't it happen? I don't know why so many people can't understand the thrust of my argument.

Just because something is allowed doesn't mean it has to happen. In this very thread you yourself have interacted with a lady who, unless I'm mistaken, has not been harassed due to her participation in this thread.

What I think you're saying is, after reading some of your posts in this thread (I honestly didn't read all of them as it seems to be a lot of circular argumentation and this is the first one that I've read that probably actively points out what you've been trying to say) is, "Why do agencies or indies not feel comfortable participating in the Lounge?".

I can't give you the answer to that exactly, but I'd guess it's a mix of, they're here for work, not play and they just don't care to do so. Some do, and some don't and either way it's their choice.

There's no physical limitation on participation, no banning for adding their two cents, outside of the advertising sections, so stop talking like there is because it's confusing the hell out of people.


New Member
Jan 19, 2014
There's no physical limitation on participation, no banning for adding their two cents, outside of the advertising sections, so stop talking like there is because it's confusing the hell out of people.

I'm tired of talking about it. Maybe I'll have some renewed energy tomorrow. I will say that as much as EB fought me on the subject, he never told me to shut up.

There are no defined limits, but THERE ARE LIMITS. Does anyone grasp the difference?


New Member
Jan 19, 2014
All right, I'll say it before I sign off for the night...

I think a lot of girls are suppressed by their agencies & told not to post on the board. No matter how much they want to. If you think that there are no agency girls that want to chime in on the board, you're fooling yourself. Whatever the reason, they're prevented from writing what they want here. The whole idea that there's no limitation on participation is complete bullshit.


Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
There is a limitation on participation for non advertising providers. They are permitted to post but are told to slow down if posting too often. I'm not sure, however, that many agency girls want to chime in except, maybe, when they are offended by comments on their body.


Jul 28, 2011
I don't know where you're interpreting that I told you to shut up gurgeh85, but you need to re-read if you honestly think I said that.

What I'm actually telling you is to not make claims you can't back up. You're making a claim that has no basis in fact and no evidence to support it and moving forward as though everyone agreed it does. Well, let me point out, it doesn't.

Limits that an employer sets on his employees (or rather, limits that an independent arrangement maker sets on those he elects to represent) and the rules of MERB are worlds apart and I can't believe you're sincerely seeing them as the same thing.

You're trying to solve a problem that MERB has no control over, since they already allow unlimited non-advertising participation by all members.


New Member
Jan 19, 2014
I don't know where you're interpreting that I told you to shut up gurgeh85, but you need to re-read if you honestly think I said that.

What I'm actually telling you is to not make claims you can't back up. You're making a claim that has no basis in fact and no evidence to support it and moving forward as though everyone agreed it does. Well, let me point out, it doesn't.

Limits that an employer sets on his employees (or rather, limits that an independent arrangement maker sets on those he elects to represent) and the rules of MERB are worlds apart and I can't believe you're sincerely seeing them as the same thing.

You're trying to solve a problem that MERB has no control over, since they already allow unlimited non-advertising participation by all members.

You're right. I can't back up my claims, because I'm not omniscient. I can't tell you what happens in private conversations. I think that you're right to point out that a woman that works for an agency is really independent, however. I'm not saying that Merb rules and agency rules are the same thing. I'm saying that I think, for whatever reason, the girls feel restrained from posting. Maybe only 10% want to post, but they aren't doing it. Why? There has to be a reason.

Now, I'll tell you the difference between agencies in Montreal and agencies in NYC. The girls who work for agencies in NY have no allegiance in NY because for the most part they don't live there. I think I can name something like four girls off the top of my head that are actually based in NY and work for agencies*. Most of them use an agency when they're in town & then are off again to wherever, Boston or Tyson's Corner, VA, or wherever they go. These are people that don't actually live in NY. In Montreal, most agency girls live in the city. Sure, some travel to Toronto or elsewhere, but mostly they stay put in one place. So, they have more of an interest in the board than some girl that's just passing through. I think a lot of them read the board. I just wish that more of them would post.

And I'll repeat something that I PM'd to someone yesterday. I think it's kind of fucked up that women are stuck in a back room while guys are hanging out in the lounge talking about them.

Anyway, since I haven't gotten much support on what I'm saying, I don't know if I can go on with this...

*Wait! There's actually one agency downtown where a lot of the girls live in NY. Forgot about that one...!


Nov 12, 2007
I think a lot of girls are suppressed by their agencies & told not to post on the board. No matter how much they want to. If you think that there are no agency girls that want to chime in on the board, you're fooling yourself. Whatever the reason, they're prevented from writing what they want here. The whole idea that there's no limitation on participation is complete bullshit.

If that is your problem why take it up with us. That is between the girl and her agency.

From what I've seen on terb though, if I had an agency I'd probably discourage the girls from posting. So many have shot themselves in the foot with their posting by coming across badly. Sure there are those who can post in a manner that helps business but too many that go psycho or have meltdowns and you end up looking like a schmuck.

Also it is pretty standard. If you are saying anything in public in a manner that links you to your employer, your employer will have a very big interest in what you say.

If you were in any way suggesting that the posting is suppressed from the board end. You are wrong. Plain and simple. Wrong.


New Member
Jan 19, 2014
If that is your problem why take it up with us. That is between the girl and her agency.

From what I've seen on terb though, if I had an agency I'd probably discourage the girls from posting. So many have shot themselves in the foot with their posting by coming across badly. Sure there are those who can post in a manner that helps business but too many that go psycho or have meltdowns and you end up looking like a schmuck.

Also it is pretty standard. If you are saying anything in public in a manner that links you to your employer, your employer will have a very big interest in what you say.

If you were in any way suggesting that the posting is suppressed from the board end. You are wrong. Plain and simple. Wrong.

I don't know, wasisname. From the standpoint of pure logic, I will point out that you spent 75% of your time in this post defending the suppression of women's opinions & 25% saying that that suppression didn't exist. I'm not suggesting a difference from the agency and the board. They're one and the same to me. I think what you're saying is that suppression exists, but it exists through the individual agencies, no?

I don't even see this as controversial. I don't understand why so many people are having a hard time with it. I'm not afraid of what a woman would say about me on the board. I don't exactly have a thin skin.
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