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Vancouver Olympics


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
It should be a great game tomorrow, and NBC is broadcasting it in HD!

EB, yes the US won the gold but they didn't prevent Canada from getting our 26th medal of the games.

Turbodick, while the men's hockey is the highlight of the games for most people here, I've enjoyed watching every event that I've seen. I love the short track speedskating, and yes Merlot... Ono deserved his DQ and it was disappointing to see him blame it on the fact the judge was Canadian, the sledding events were great to watch as were the snowboard and ski competitions. I'm even enjoying the curling!

The only thing I couldn't handle watching was a men's figure skater from the US named Johnny Weir. Other than that, I've enjoyed every minute of it.


New Member
Nov 19, 2004
On another note, no one can say for certain how much pressure Apollo Ohno used when he touched Canadian Francois-Louis Tremblay on the final turn of an in-line skating final, but it looked like much of nothing. Tremblay went down, but it looked more like a slip than anything else. Just before the finish line at 3:25 of the video South Korea's Sung Si-bak's left hand caught Hamelin's skate and he almost went down. As Hamelin tried to keep balance Ohno nearly got slashed in the face by his skate. Si-Bak went down. Ohno was disqualified and IMHO robbed of a silver medal.


It looks to me like Ohno pushed Tremblay when he realized he was running out of room to pass. Is it a questionable call? Sure, but these happen all the time in short track and Americans were the beneficiary of questionable calls going against the Koreans in previous race. But for Ohno to whine to the media about some sort of conspiracy to get two Canadians on the podium is ridiculous. Not to mention the idiotic "cut throat" gesture he made on the ice after a race where two Koreans wiped out in front of him, giving him an unlikely silver medal. I respect Ohno's accomplishments in his sport but let's face it, he has a history of displaying poor sportsmanship and acting like a prima donna douchebag...


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Ohno was entitled to put his hands wherever he wanted, the only issue is whether he caused the Canadian skater to fall or whether the Canadian simply clumsily lost his balance coming around the turn. It is easy to conclude causation from Ohno's hand being on the Canadian as he began his fall, but we don't know whether that amounted to a "push" or whether the guy just lost his balance which happens all the time in that sport. Had the guy not fallen, Ohno might still have finished second, possibly even 1st as Hamelin was out of control as he crossed the finish line. Ohno had a right to be upset especially since he knows how much pressure his hand placed on the other skater. To me it was a very close call but the benefit was given to the Canadian skater and not Ohno. Ohno was probably frustrated after the race as he wanted that last medal, which is why he spoke out. The guy trained very hard for these Olympics and is entitled to blow off some steam. Even with the DQ, he is by 2 medals the most decorated US Winter Olympian ever. It also should be noted that Ohno was absolutely awesome in his semifinal heat, starting from position 4 and winning against 3 great skaters.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
In short track, it's common to see skaters DQ'd when they're in contact with another skater who goes down. And the benefit is almost always given to the skater who falls. When a skater is in a turn, their balance is so fine that it takes very little to cause them to go down. It's one of the hazards of the sport and Ohno has been skating long enough to accept that and his complaining was beneath him. But no matter what he said, at least he said it with a smile and accepted his fate.


Oct 16, 2004
6' under
It also should be noted that Ohno was absolutely awesome in his semifinal heat, starting from position 4 and winning against 3 great skaters.
doesn't matter. that's like saying canada out played usa in their first hockey game. uhhh... what was the final score?

short track relay makes me dizzy. but its a good kind of dizzy. i can't be the only one who tilts their head when they fly thru the turns... can i?

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
The Canadian skater, Tremblay, very rarely falls in his races. It's rather obvious that Ohno caused his fall, whether it was intentional or not. Considering the speeds that these athletes reach during such races, it doesn't take much to make a skater lose his balance. The replays showed that the referee made the correct decision.

I was, however, quite surprised at Ohno's comments, even if he was smiling while making them. I thought he had more class than that. His assumptions why he got disqualified were absolutely ridiculous. Yes, the guy trained very hard for these Olympics, but so did all of the other skaters involved, including those who also got disqualified in other races.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Canada wins the gold in men's curling! This ties Canada with Norway and the defunct USSR for the most gold medals ever won by a nation in a Winter Olympic Games at 13!!!!!

Tomorrow when we win gold in hockey, Canada will stand alone!!!

!!!!!GO CANADA!!!!!


Red Sox Nation
Jan 28, 2009

This is just a random point...made through an observation of the development of this thread...
I really like to watch human interaction. You gotta love the game of: point/counterpoint.

One of the many things I know about being a male is we grow up being taught bigger/better syndrome as a way of life. Some refer to it as small syndrome; others see it as the need to compensate. Anyway, we instinctual learn this trait or tactic. I am sure you can remember as a kid saying well my xyz is better than your xyz. Oh yeah, well my dad is better than your dad...and so on.

Then some of us carry it through to adulthood and to the extreme.
But those who learn how to manage it and when to stop are ultimately the richer and the wiser....;)

LOL...just and off the wall observation and thought I so often have when reading these sports threads when things get fired up sometimes...Carry on.:D

Have fun!


PS Congrats to Canada on tying the Olympic most Golds record.
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New Member
Jan 31, 2004
wishing I was in Montreal
Canada wins the gold in men's curling!

I think the most touching moment was, just before Canada had locked up the win, the crowd spontaneously started singing the Canadian National Anthem...

Tomorrow when we win gold in hockey, Canada will stand alone!
It should be a great game, and I do think Canada will stand alone... on the Silver platform!! ;)


Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Canada wins the gold in men's curling! This ties Canada with Norway and the defunct USSR for the most gold medals ever won by a nation in a Winter Olympic Games at 13!!!!!

Tomorrow when we win gold in hockey, Canada will stand alone!!!

!!!!!GO CANADA!!!!!

They should have had that record by now.

I'm still bitter at how the women choked in the last 2 ends in curling yesterday. The last time i felt that bad about a loss was a few weeks ago when the Leafs blew 3 goal lead late in their game against New Jersey.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Gee, Doc...I'd think you'd be used to seeing the Leafs lose by now. After all, they do it so often and so well! LOL


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hello all,

It looks to me like Ohno pushed Tremblay when he realized he was running out of room to pass. Is it a questionable call? Sure, but these happen all the time in short track and Americans were the beneficiary of questionable calls going against the Koreans in previous race. But for Ohno to whine to the media about some sort of conspiracy to get two Canadians on the podium is ridiculous. Not to mention the idiotic "cut throat" gesture he made on the ice after a race where two Koreans wiped out in front of him, giving him an unlikely silver medal. I respect Ohno's accomplishments in his sport but let's face it, he has a history of displaying poor sportsmanship and acting like a prima donna douchebag...

JB, what the heck are you talking about? I just watched the video again, including the interview with Apolo starting at 5:10, and if you are referring to this then for you to use the say he accused anyone of conspiracy is a silly. His statement that the judging is lead by a "Canadian ref" certainly doesn't amount to an accusation of "conspiracy". He just lost a silver medal on a judgment call you called "questionable" moments before and he made a poor statement at the end on the interview from great disappointment. That's all.

The Canadian skater, Tremblay, very rarely falls in his races. It's rather obvious that Ohno caused his fall, whether it was intentional or not. Considering the speeds that these athletes reach during such races, it doesn't take much to make a skater lose his balance. The replays showed that the referee made the correct decision.

Are you sure? It doesn't take much but it's obvious Ohno was the cause for certain? I forgot to ask the other night if you ever ice skated Doc at all? You do realize cuts and ruts become more of an issue with each pass, especially if several skaters make tracks in the same path and when you need to lean to one side steeply at high speed cutting into the ice is how you keep balance in that situation. One female figure skater (the Japanese silver medalist) very obviously hit a rut and went slightly off balance while only gliding in a straight line positioned pretty much straight up. Just a possibility then that a rut was the cause. And "rarely" does not mean never.

In short track, it's common to see skaters DQ'd when they're in contact with another skater who goes down. And the benefit is almost always given to the skater who falls. When a skater is in a turn, their balance is so fine that it takes very little to cause them to go down. It's one of the hazards of the sport and Ohno has been skating long enough to accept that and his complaining was beneath him. But no matter what he said, at least he said it with a smile and accepted his fate.

Especially at the highest speeds skaters make and having to lean in steeply with the force of their weight pushing them outward there are obviously more and more ruts with each pass.

Well, "beneath him"? Okay. All athletes must know that no matter how much they train it can all come down to a judgment call. When asked a question regarding such a "questionable call" after so many years of training and waiting for the moment what would you say. If you just said "those are the breaks, it's just a game" (ala Manny Ramirez) we'd think you were just a bit...OFF.

With today's two gold medals and two more medals guaranteed by the men's curling and hockey teams, Canada has set a new record for Canadian medals at a Winter Olympic Games with 25! If we win gold in both the curling tonight and hockey tomorrow, Canada will set a new record for most gold medals, 14, by any country at a Winter Games . There's also a chance at a 26th medal in the 4 man bobsleigh. That makes a fantastic showing by Canadian athletes!

I'm glad to see one Canadian is not acting like the men's hockey team is the sum of the games or 90% of it, and that one Canadian actually mentioned their women's hockey team gold. Frankly, I think it's sad that the impression is if the men's hockey team doesn't win it's a national tragedy. Shame on those of any country who don't appreciate the achievements in all sports instead of sometimes acting like one is the sum of all pride. It will be a great game tomorrow. I just hope no one north of the border jumps off the roof if it goes the wrong way for them. Many are crazy for hockey here too, but we won't cut our wrists if we don't win.

BTW...the U.S.A today has 36 medals tying the all-time winter Olympic medals totals. Of course WE are guaranteed a medal from men's hockey that will break the all-time mark Germany held. Slightly premature CONGRATULATIONS!

GO U.S.A.​


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The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
One thing I've found very refreshing is the humility displayed by every athlete that I've seen interviewed, whether they've won a medal of any variety or lost out on the medals entirely. Every man or woman interviewed has shown amazing poise and has spoken with honour about representing their respective countries. The joy I've seen athletes express for their fellow competitors has really been impressive.

With very few exceptions, notable ones being the mogul skier Dale Begg-Smith and the USA women's hockey team, all other comptetitors showed great sportsmanship at their medal ceremonies and they should all be commended for this.


New Member
Nov 19, 2004
Hello all,

JB, what the heck are you talking about? I just watched the video again, including the interview with Apolo starting at 5:10, and if you are referring to this then for you to use the say he accused anyone of conspiracy is a silly. His statement that the judging is lead by a "Canadian ref" certainly doesn't amount to an accusation of "conspiracy". He just lost a silver medal on a judgment call you called "questionable" moments before and he made a poor statement at the end on the interview from great disappointment. That's all.



Well perhaps "conspiracy" is a tad strong but:

"But uh, you know, that’s the, that’s the head Canadian ref out there and we’re on Canadian soil."

Sure sounds like he's trying to lay blame... And, as I suggested, it's not the first time he's acted like a sore loser and/or displayed poor sportsmanship.

To quote a US journalist (about the interview):

"Honestly, if you took a black marker to all the points where he’s making excuses and accusations and only left the words where he congratulates the other racers and blames himself for not being faster, there’d be nothing to write about. You’d say, wow, that guy is charismatic, or man, that Ohno has really white teeth, but he can’t help himself. He just needs us to believe he’s the best so much that he sticks his foot in his mouth every time. And I can’t just sit here while nobody else calls him out and let him get away with it. Here’s a little secret coming too late to Ohno: You don’t actually need to win Gold Medals to be our Golden boy, you just have to have a little class."


Habs Fan
Aug 27, 2003
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The last time i felt that bad about a loss was a few weeks ago when the Leafs blew 3 goal lead late in their game against New Jersey.

I would think Leaf fans would have been more bitter on January 30, when Toronto was up 3-0 after the first on Vancouver but blew it and lost 5-3 on 5 unanswered Canuck goals.

  • Or how about on January 21, the Leafs were up 2-1 late in the third when TB tied it up and then won it in OT.
  • What about on January 19, Toronto was up 2-0 on Atlanta after the first; then the Thrashers came back and won it 4-3.
  • What about on January 12, the Leafs were up 2-1 when Carolina came back with 3 unanswered goals and won 4-2.
  • What about on January 2, the Leafs were up 1-0 after one on Calgary when the Flames came back with 3 unanswered goals and won 3-1.
  • What about on December 21, the Leafs were up 2-1 after two on Buffalo when the Sabres came back and tied it and won in OT 3-2.
  • What about on December 18, the Leafs were up 1-0 after one on Buffalo when the Sabres came back with 4 goals in the second and won 5-2.

etc ...

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Frankly, I think it's sad that the impression is if the men's hockey team doesn't win it's a national tragedy. Shame on those of any country who don't appreciate the achievements in all sports instead of sometimes acting like one is the sum of all pride. It will be a great game tomorrow. I just hope no one north of the border jumps off the roof if it goes the wrong way for them. Many are crazy for hockey here too, but we won't cut our wrists if we don't win.

I for one will of course, be cheering for Canada. I also believe they'll win by a couple of goals. However, i'm not gonna be totally depressed if they don't win. Team USA has a very good team & they're well coached. They play very well as a group, are young & quick. They also have the best goaltender in the tournament, if not on the entire planet. If Canada wins, i'll be eccstatic! If USA wins, i'll tip my hat off to them & will look at it as a victory for the sport of hockey. I'll probably even say after the game that they've won it fair n' square & deserved it.

Any team who's made it that far in the tournament can win on any given day. I wouldn't be that surprised if the USA wins the game. It's basically a one-game playoff. Make it a seven game playoff and the outcome might not be the same. Who knows.

Tidbit: Hard to believe, but USA goalie Mike Richter allowed less goals in 2002 (in Salt Lake City) prior to the gold medal game than Ryan Miller has so far.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I would think Leaf fans would have been more bitter on January 30, when Toronto was up 3-0 after the first on Vancouver but blew it and lost 5-3 on 5 unanswered Canuck goals.

Ya lookin' to get banned again? :confused:

This is a thread about the Olympics, you jerk!


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
"Sushi is Bait"

if you liked the recent Olympic interview , check out this classic one from Brian Burke , esp when the host asks Brian if he could pass at Harvard.

Hello all,

Just incredibly HILARIOUS! Burke was being interviewed by what's his name (it wasn't Costas) at NBC and the host said something like, don't you think it's great what these Olympic games have done for hockey across the world...don't you hope the NHL players will be in the games the next time? Well, Burke looks at him and says, that's because you got the match-up you want in the finals with U.S.A. v Canada and you (NBC) are making millions of weren't saying that at Torino (2008 Olympics) or for the three preceding Vancouver. I mean...BOOM... right between the eyes. I hardly knew this guy before these games but I am starting to love him...LOL!


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