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Vegas mass shooting 50 dead


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2015
Titilleur, you can say it’s laughable all you want but the fact of the matter is that that was the purpose of the 2nd amendment to begin with.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Americans more likely to commit suicide with a firearm than other nations. Thus suicides should be taken out of the statistics on firearm casualties. People will always find the way to kill themselves with firearm or not.

Makes no sense. Take it of the stats only for the US to please the NRA?


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015
Makes no sense. Take it of the stats only for the US to please the NRA?

Yes it does, as firearms do not increase suicide rate. US ranks 48 in suicides per capita behind Japan (26) and Sweden (46) that have a very strict gun law


Jun 14, 2015
Titilleur, you can say it’s laughable all you want but the fact of the matter is that that was the purpose of the 2nd amendment to begin with.

C'était en quelle année déjà?

Crois-tu sincèrement qu'un gouvernement élu de façon responsable pourrait, subitement, devenir despotique ou dictatorial sans que les mécanismes internes de chaque administration publique puisse réagir? Je parle ici de la plupart des pays civilisés... Le G20, tient...

À moins que les USA soient comme les pays où l'anarchie règne... Disons, Haïti, le Soudan, l'Érythrée...


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Titilleur, you can say it’s laughable all you want but the fact of the matter is that that was the purpose of the 2nd amendment to begin with.

SSJ yes that was back then, how many years ago? If you are worried about the government to turn back on it's own population build you bunker right now as the menace of north korea are much more dangerous ! ;)


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2015
SSJ yes that was back then, how many years ago? If you are worried about the government to turn back on it's own population build you bunker right now as the menace of north korea are much more dangerous ! ;)

I’m not worried about it in my lifetime..but like I said earlier, the chances of it happening in the future are there (however small). It doesn’t matter how long ago it was enacted, the possibility still exists. Also, hoping and praying that everything will work out peacefully with everyone gathered around the campfire singing kumbaya in the event of things turning bad is just a pie in the sky mentality. The amendment is there for the POSSIBILITY of government tyranny and gives the people the ability to defend themselves period.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
I’m not worried about it in my lifetime..but like I said earlier, the chances of it happening in the future are there (however small). It doesn’t matter how long ago it was enacted, the possibility still exists. Also, hoping and praying that everything will work out peacefully with everyone gathered around the campfire singing kumbaya in the event of things turning bad is just a pie in the sky mentality. The amendment is there for the POSSIBILITY of government tyranny and gives the people the ability to defend themselves period.

Your reasoning would make sense if everyone would keep their gun at home in a safe (how many injured and dead each year because of accident? Insane!). And if everyone owning one would for one own only one. Why in the hell would you need 42 guns? And the reasoning would make sense if you had to pass a minimal mentally skill test, just like the one we need to get a driving license. We do not say to remove the 2nd amendment, just re-write it so it make sense.



Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2015
I absolutely agree on the psychological test requirement. There are multiple reasons why someone would own more than one gun. There are people that hunt and use several different kinds of rifles. Most people will own a shotgun for home defense and a handgun for portability.


Jun 14, 2015
De la façon que la politique fonctionne de nos jours, dans un pays civilisé, ça serait surprenant qu'un président décide, sur un coup de tête, de devenir un tyran... Même le moins compétent des psy verrait les signes de dérangement et alerterait les autorités compétentes pour faire mettre hors d'état de nuire le futur "tyran"...

Vraiment... le 2e amendement est archaïque et complètement inutiles...

C'est tout à fait impossible de passer à travers tous les mécanismes d'élection pour ensuite devenir un tyran...

Y a Donald Trump qui montre des signes inquiétants... Mais je suis certain que l'armée interviendrait contre lui assez rapidement s'il devait péter une coche... Et encore là, les services secrets agiraient bien avant...

Sans blague... Ça prend presque 2 ans pour devenir Président... Et avant de devenir Président, il faut passer par un paquet de concours de sélection... C'est impossible de prendre le pouvoir par la force aux USA ou dans n'importe quel pays du G20.


Jun 14, 2015
SSJ: "Most people will own a shotgun for home defense and a handgun for portability"

Dis donc... T'as pas oublié un mot? "Most AMERICAN people..."

Ça, c'est encore une preuve de la décadence des USA... La police et les forces de l'ordre et la Loi... Ça ne fonctionne pas aux USA? Personne ne fait confiance à la police aux USA? Tsé... Ailleurs dans les pays civilisés, la majorité des familles ne possède aucune arme à feu.

Le cool-aid de la NRA a rendu les américains vraiment paranos...


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Titilleur I think exactly like you. Strong gun owner and strong defendant of the 2nd amendment are for me like drug addict who do not see a problem spending their retirement or kids school money on their addiction. They are blinded in their reality.

They cannot see the lie in that gun do not kill people. They think people kill people. Sorry, gun kill people. Period.



Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2015
Sorry, but I don’t know anyone who has spent their kid’s education money or their retirement on guns and I know A LOT of gun owners. Guns do not kill people just like knives don’t kill people. There has to be someone on the other end of that weapon to kill. Titilleur, you do realize that it takes time for the police to respond to an emergency right? You cannot always depend on the police to arrive on time to protect you when it’s a matter of life and death. I’m finished debating with you guys, it’s been civil and I appreciate that but this conversation just keeps going in circles.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Sorry, but I don’t know anyone who has spent their kid’s education money or their retirement on guns and I know A LOT of gun owners. Guns do not kill people just like knives don’t kill people. There has to be someone on the other end of that weapon to kill. Titilleur, you do realize that it takes time for the police to respond to an emergency right? You cannot always depend on the police to arrive on time to protect you when it’s a matter of life and death. I’m finished debating with you guys, it’s been civil and I appreciate that but this conversation just keeps going in circles.

Gun kills peoples SSJ. A knife can kill a few all right but not 59 and 500 wounded? You see the difference? Nothing is going is circle you know me I am not a fool ;)



Jun 14, 2015
SSJ: "You cannot always depend on the police to arrive on time to protect you when it’s a matter of life and death"

Ça c'est encore de la paranoïa renforcée par le cool-aid de la NRA.

Franchement... Ça arrive pratiquement rien qu'au USA... Il y a encore beaucoup d'endroits au Canada ou dans des villages en Europe où les portes des maisons ne sont jamais barrées... Pourtant, les habitants de ces maisons ne sont pas tous armés. Ça serait tellement facile d'entrer sans frapper, de commettre un crime et de repartir sans être inquiété... Mais ça n'arrive pas. Ou très peu souvent...


Active Member
Oct 17, 2006
Jalimon and Cruiser regrettably didn't do well in their American history classes. The 2nd amendment traces directly to the practice of the British government of quartering troops at gunpoint before and during the Revolutionary War.

Cruiser your American history paper gets a F and you have detention for a week. You need to ask your school if you may repeat the class.


If that was the case, I say I agree...(Maybe, something that made sense few centuries back).

BUT it is 2017, the Brits are gone, the Brits are gone loooooong time ago, what good the 2nd amendment is doing
these days other then criminals hiding behind it and hurting innocent and law abiding Americans.

I may get an "F" but so many Americans are getting "K"s. They won't have the chance to go back to school and ask
"What the F happened" ???

"k" = Killed

Blaming the guns in an incident like this is like blaming the car manufacturer when some nut drives into a crowd. It's misplaced criticism.

Sometimes the comment above make sense depending on circumstances , but...

Car is made for transportation, people buy it to get around, mainly it is used for transportation.

Gun is made to kill people, people buy guns so they can kill people if and when they want to.

In the U S though, both together make a good combination as drive by shooting is a fairly common thing in the U S cities.
Jun 15, 2015
Who knows
What is interesting in this particular shoot out is the motivation of the killer. Isis claimed responsibility early on, which was quickly dismissed , but I wonder, with his Philippine wife, the careful planning, the huge arsenal, did he have help?, was this an act of terror? Was isis behind it?


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Blaming the guns in an incident like this is like blaming the car manufacturer when some nut drives into a crowd. It's misplaced criticism.

Are you serious? You are joking right?


Gordon Ramsay

New Member
Sep 8, 2010
What is interesting in this particular shoot out is the motivation of the killer. Isis claimed responsibility early on, which was quickly dismissed , but I wonder, with his Philippine wife, the careful planning, the huge arsenal, did he have help?, was this an act of terror? Was isis behind it?

The woman was not his wife, it was his GF.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Again it's unfortunate that this tragedy has been used to reignite debate over gun control. It's fairly clear that this guy would not have been stopped by any laws. He certainly had the money needed to buy his weaponry on the black market if needed. The fact that he bought non-automatic weapons and modified them doesn't seem to be on anyone's radar. This crime was likely not preventable given the totality of what we know.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Yes EB tell that to all family and relatives of the dead and wounded. Sorry folks we won't do anything..

Not only nothing will be done. Worst the Republicans are currently passing a law to allow silencer. This way the killer will in the future be able to kill in silence. Making sure they can kill more people without hurting their ears and be heard.


p.s. at least some are changing their mind. But he had to live it for that, unfortunately...
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