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Vegas mass shooting 50 dead


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
This is horrible.

I know I will again be a pain but it is time for the US to revise the constitution which was written when it took 5 minutes to fire 2 gun shot...

Pray for Vegas


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2015
Jalimon, what happened was a tragedy but stricter gun laws will not solve the problem. Criminals will always find a way to get their hands on guns no matter how illegal they are. Paris has some of the strictest gun laws in the world and that did nothing to prevent what happened there.


New Member
Aug 23, 2017
No gun law, will be enough to stop shootings but it definitely is a great step forward. Most shootings are done outside of the criminal element. The 1st cause of gun deaths in the US are suicides. The problem is easy access to own a gun with a total lack of regulations or screening. Laws needs to be applied, and limitations towards the kind of weapon available also need to be in place. Unfortunately, the NRA is a powerful organization with greasy fingers. Until the American people says it’s enough, we can only pray for them!


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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A lot of people I know own guns, including people who are politically liberal. In the western USA, gun ownership is cultural and historical going back to Wild Bill Hickock and the Wild West. See the TV show Deadwood if you are not familiar with this period of American history. I don't see gun laws changing and not really sure it would really matter due to the black market. Regarding the black market of assault weapons, most of it comes from outside the USA.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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The latest reports indicate he modified some of the rifles used to be assault weapons. Obviously even a assault weapon ban doesn't stop anyone from modifying a non assault weapon into an assault weapon. The belief that laws can stop all tragedies from happening is misguided. Most laws on weapons can and will be circumvented.


New Member
Apr 3, 2012
This is awful really, at this point I don't think laws will do anything. The problem is deeper.

The decline and fall of the roman empire.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
SSJ look at the killing rate of France versus USA. Also, even worst, look at the ratio of killed or injured by misuses of a gun in the states versus any civilized country.

But of course it will not solved all these shooting problems. It would only show that the far west way of thinking is over. The idea that any terrorist or mental patient can buy automatic weapons without any kind of vouching is very scary.


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2015
Automatic weapons have been banned in the US for decades Jalimon. He either modified his guns (which is quite unreliable) to become fully automatic or he purchased them on the black market.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Dont know much about gun I admit. This is from Orlando massacre:

"Federal officials said a SIG Sauer MCX semi-automatic rifle and a 9mm Glock 17 semi-automatic pistol were recovered from Mateen's body, along with additional rounds.[10][227][228] Mateen had legally purchased the two guns used in the shooting from a shop in Port St. Lucie: the SIG Sauer MCX rifle on June 4 and the Glock 17 pistol on June 5." He was able to shoot 110 rounds in a few minutes...


New Member
Aug 23, 2017
What ssj124 is referring to are State Laws not Federal laws meaning that it varies depending on the state. Certain states are VERY open about their guns and no to little restrictions, which is why is it such a hot topic in the US, making gun control a federal law would require a constitutional review because particular gun-hungry states would call the rule unconstitutional. The Supreme Court being republican (5 out of 9), guns are here to stay in the US. Congress most probably not allow another divisive subject become the highlight except if the people rallies under the idea.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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This guy modified his weapons and like I said earlier, the belief that changing laws (which are already on the books) would have stopped this is very misguided and delusional thinking. Modification and black markets enable the weaponry, and laws don't stop those things, end of story. The flow of illegal weapons is mostly from outside the US in. So tell the Germans and Israelis and Russians and Chinese to stop selling here because there will always be buyers, legal or not.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
EB it is not misguided nor delusional to just hope that weapon that can kill many people should be at least controlled.

You need to take course and pass a test to get a driver's license. Why? Because there would be too many dangerous driver on the road. There is still some accident yes but I am sure quite less then if anyone could drive a car at will.



Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2004
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They are controlled. ...

"Nevada law does not require firearms owners to have licenses or register their weapons, nor does it limit the number of firearms an individual posses. Automatic assault weapons and machine guns are also legal in the state.."

50 caliber machine guns capable of shooting down aircraft are legal in Nevada. I can't help wondering what is controlled - bazookas, surface to air missiles or not even?

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
I was very sad to learn about this. Coward shooting on defenseless peoples for no reason at all. I hate that such things are possible.

Of course those monsters will always find a way to hurt peoples no matter what, but i think controlling guns would help dearly. I agree with Jalimon and can't understand the constitution has not been rewritten in all those years. Back then you could shoot one time and had to take 30 secs to reload...

They could at least make it that only certain small firearms are permited. I find it aberant that semi-auto weapons are legally allowed.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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"Nevada law does not require firearms owners to have licenses or register their weapons, nor does it limit the number of firearms an individual posses. Automatic assault weapons and machine guns are also legal in the state.."

50 caliber machine guns capable of shooting down aircraft are legal in Nevada. I can't help wondering what is controlled - bazookas, surface to air missiles or not even?

Well Nevada is an odd state, but you bring up a point that a lot of posters do not not understand here, which is federalism. The 10th amendment. All powers not expressly vested in the federal government are left to the States, so when you talk about gun control it's a broad and varied brush.

The laws in my State are obviously quite different. But I have represented clients on gun charges, and once you have any kind of criminal record, your chances of getting a gun registered/permitted legally are basically none. This guy had no criminal record so he would have been able to get pistols or rifles in my State legally and then modify them to be automatic weapons. The ban on assault weapons would not have mattered even if Nevada/Las Vegas had one.

I did see one of my clients lose his license and carrying permit because of a criminal arrest, for threatening and breach of peace. Although I got the charges nolled, he had to sell his guns and waived appeal of the suspension of his carrying permit. Although the agreement was without prejudice to reapply for a permit to carry (which would be unconstitutional under the 2nd amendment if the State denied that right), the State Police retained the power to deny him a permit to carry in the future and they probably will, and he will likely go to jail if he gets any kind of gun charge.

All of this is to say that even if it doesn't look like there are controls, there actually are at the State level in most States other than Nevada. I had read this guy actually got his guns in California. But most of the western US states are very unregulated in regards to guns, for historical and cultural reasons previously mentioned.

The Sandy Hook case raised a more troubling issue. In Connecticut a mentally defective person cannot get a carrying permit. But in that case the weapon was owned by the suspect's mother. He shot her with it, then a bunch of school kids, all because Mom did not properly secure her weapons. How do you make people properly secure the weapons? You don't. You also cannot ask people not to give birth to mentally disturbed persons. Laws would not have stopped that tragedy, unless there were laws requiring people to secure their weapons where mentally disturbed children cannot find them, or else requiring no guns in premises occupied by mentally disturbed persons. Such laws don't exist and could never be practically enforced.


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2015
Automatic weapons may be legal in Nevada but only if you have a license I believe like those ubiquitous gun ranges in Vegas that have all types of guns you can shoot. Automatic weapons have been federally banned in the US for decades. Federal law supersedes state law unless the state law is more strict than the federal one. For example, federal law allows you to purchase more pseudoephedrine per transaction than most states. In this case, state law takes precedence.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Federal law supersedes state law

That's correct, it's called the doctrine of preemption. In the areas where the federal government has legislated, the federal law is the Supreme Law of the land and it preempts any conflicting State laws. However if there is no conflict or tension with applicable federal law, the State can legislate or not legislate as it sees fit. Licensing and permitting is a State level restriction.

Abortion rights are largely left to the States to regulate based on Roe v. Wade, and that is as it should be.
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