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Vegas mass shooting 50 dead


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Automatic weapons may be legal in Nevada but only if you have a license I believe like those ubiquitous gun ranges in Vegas that have all types of guns you can shoot

Ubiquitous not just in Vegas but all through the west. Who can forget the 9 year old girl who blasted her instructor's head with an Uzi when the gun recoiled on her, anyone remember this? It was just south in Arizona:

You can also have your 9 year old girl shoot Uzis on the ranges in Nevada, of course. However that article points out that tort law may ultimately be more effective in modifying behavior than anything else. When you hit people in their wallet, they will disassociate from guns.


Jun 14, 2015
...So tell the Germans and Israelis and Russians and Chinese to stop selling here because there will always be buyers, legal or not.

Ok... Alors, pourquoi ces fabricants d'armes se concentrent-ils sur les USA pour écouler leurs stocks? J'avance une hypothèse... simplement parce que les américains sont fous des armes ET parce que les lois aux USA protègent le droit d'être fou des armes...

Appliquons des lois plus sévères et la sélection naturelle va opérer... Plus ça sera difficile de se procurer des armes, plus ça sera facile de trouver les vrais fous... Le faux-fous paresseux qui va trouver trop d'embuches sur son chemin va renoncer à se procurer des armes qui, autrefois, auraient été plus faciles à posséder.

D'ici là... Les américains s'inventent des terroristes en Afghanistan, en Irak, au Soudan et ailleurs alors qu'en réalité ils sont leurs propres terroristes eux-mêmes...


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Well, any product seller will go where it is easiest to sell products and with the least restrictions, not to mention the greatest demand. That is basic Economics. But that is not the point. The point I wanted to make is that these automatic weapons are originating elsewhere. But laws only creates a black market, such as there is for cocaine. Laws do not and have not stopped cocaine from being smuggled into the US. Instead, the cocaine and heroin coming in is cut and resulting in more overdose deaths than ever. Maybe one can argue that black markets will result in even more dangerous weapons being sold than the ones that are now legal to sell. I don't really think it's a problem that goes away with a flick of the wrist once any laws get passed...............


Jun 14, 2015
Les lois sont trop faibles aux USA... Partout ailleurs, dans les pays civilisés, des lois plus sévères existent. Le marché noir n'est pas inexistant dans ces pays, mais c'est beaucoup plus difficile d'avoir accès à des armes et de la drogue dans ces pays.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
This is awful really, at this point I don't think laws will do anything. The problem is deeper.

The decline and fall of the roman empire.

To be honest probably the first time I agree with you Clark ;)

When you see the newly elected senator of Alabama lift a gun in the air during his opening speech (and a guy who once blame 9/11 on a act of god because the US accept that dude fuck other dude) you realize how fuck up the country is.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Les lois sont trop faibles aux USA... Partout ailleurs, dans les pays civilisés, des lois plus sévères existent. Le marché noir n'est pas inexistant dans ces pays, mais c'est beaucoup plus difficile d'avoir accès à des armes et de la drogue dans ces pays.

Not true Titilleur, kindle surprise chocolate a banned in the US, too dangerous.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Wingmik this love for guns has killed more Americans in all history of American wars (Secession, first and second world war, vietnam, afghanistan, name it...). But right wingers gun lover that backed Trump do not like stats. Each time such a carnage happened it's becoming difficult to have any empathy because lots of prayer are said but not action done whatsoever.



I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Patron in regards to your post below regarding the media just to let you know there is a mouvement towards the press to ban naming the killer in any media (as long as he's dead of course). Study says this would have huge impact on these retarded and mentally psychopath. They should be named as hurricane and no mention of their family.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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The meticulous nature with which this crime was planned suggests to me that nothing would have stopped this suspect. He had the financial wherewithal to purchase and modify many weapons and to also send his woman overseas with $100,000.00 so she wouldn't be around to be questioned and harassed about his crime. He had no criminal record. This isn't the typical loser flunkie hate group dude already on the radar of LE, who might have been deterred or prevented from acting. This guy is more in the category of the Unibomber. These lone wolf types with brains and resources are the most dangerous criminals out there. But fortunately not very common.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
With 30k death per year by firearm in the us can anyone found me a logical reason why the second amendment is good? No one can, i dare you.



Active Member
Oct 17, 2006
With 30k death per year by firearm in the us can anyone found me a logical reason why the second amendment is good? No one can, i dare you.


Excellent point

Nothing good about it, nothing logical about it.

After every massacres all these so called experts go on on TV and blah blah blah and nobody can give an straight answers,
they meant this, they meant that and so on (Don't think they meant hunting rifles to bring food on the table).

In any case, the 2nd amendment "The right to bear arm"...against whom ? (The people, militias against the government) ???
IMHO, bottom line, it was meant armed Americans groups against another armed Americans group.

I am sure the fathers of the constitution must be "Going nuts" in their graves "Seeing" these armed Americans massacring
un-armed Americans. I don't think they had the vision to see that some of the worst killers (Dare we call them Terrorists) ?
wiould be Americans living in the USA.

Of course these days, the 2nd amendment means big $$$$ for the gun industry, thats it.


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2015
With 30k death per year by firearm in the us can anyone found me a logical reason why the second amendment is good? No one can, i dare you.

The purpose of the 2nd amendment was to give the people the ability to resist against government tyranny. History is replete with democracies that have gone tyrannical. To think that there’s no possible way that your government could ever turn on its own people (maybe not in your lifetime but later on down the road) is shortsighted to say the least. An unarmed population is a subservient one, plain and simple.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Jalimon and Cruiser regrettably didn't do well in their American history classes. The 2nd amendment traces directly to the practice of the British government of quartering troops at gunpoint before and during the Revolutionary War. Homeowners without guns were forced to be innkeepers for the British- the soldiers slept in their beds and ate their chickens and eggs. This was intolerable. This was the tyranny spoken of and the constitution gave the private property owner the power to resist it.

I would also note that there are militia like groups in parts of the United States (especially the far west) and if they come on your property you would want to tell them to get off and also want to resist them with force or suffer a similar fate. This actually has happened as we saw a few times in recent history in the American west.

Cruiser your American history paper gets a F and you have detention for a week. You need to ask your school if you may repeat the class.
Last edited:


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015

30 millions given by the NRA to the republicain, so there is some truth to Cruiser's last sentence.

I did study a bit of history. Enough to know that I still speak french because of the Bristish, giving some slack to the french so they would not join the americans on their war againsts them.

As society evolves things changes. Important to evolved with with.

And SSJ: "An unarmed population is a subservient one, plain and simple." Yes and a society that kills it's own people intentionally or by accident at the highest level among all developed nation. Non sense. Tell that sentence too all relatives of the 89 people on average killed each day (more then las vegas, each day!) by gun and misuse of guns. Pure non sense. It reminds me of the thinking of a smoker who say's "ho I am gonna die of something anyway...".



Jun 14, 2015
SSJ: "An unarmed population is a subservient one, plain and simple."

Ça c'est un des plus risibles arguments qu'on peut trouver...

Y a juste les américains qui pensent ainsi... Pourtant, il y a tout plein de pays CIVILISÉS qui se sont donnés des moyens pacifiques pour empêcher un tyran de prendre le pouvoir.

Par ailleurs... si l'argument de SSJ était vrai, comment cela se fait-il que Trump soit encore en vie? Ah oui, c'est vrai... Les milices extrémistes sont AVEC lui...


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015
I did not find fresh statistics and this is for 2013:

All suicides
• Number of deaths: 42,826
• Deaths per 100,000 population: 13.4
• Cause of death rank: 10

Firearm suicides
• Number of deaths: 21,386
• Deaths per 100,000 population: 6.7
Thus 2/3 of the firearm casualties are suicides. Another very big chunk is due to inter-gang shootings in several big cities like Chicago. If you deduct these the statistics of the firearm casualties would look completely different. "There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics." Mark Twain


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Americans are 10 times more likely to be killed by guns than people in other developed countries, a new study finds.

Compared to 22 other high-income nations, the United States' gun-related murder rate is 25 times higher. And, even though the United States' suicide rate is similar to other countries, the nation's gun-related suicide rate is eight times higher than other high-income countries

So you saw as long as people suicides themselves and/or are inter-gang shootings (which is in itself un tabarnak de big problem in the states) all is fine?



I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
SSJ: "An unarmed population is a subservient one, plain and simple."

Ça c'est un des plus risibles arguments qu'on peut trouver...

Y a juste les américains qui pensent ainsi... Pourtant, il y a tout plein de pays CIVILISÉS qui se sont donnés des moyens pacifiques pour empêcher un tyran de prendre le pouvoir.

Par ailleurs... si l'argument de SSJ était vrai, comment cela se fait-il que Trump soit encore en vie? Ah oui, c'est vrai... Les milices extrémistes sont AVEC lui...

Titilleur you know what worries the most? It's that I know SSJ very well and he is a great and generous guy, cannot find any better dude then him I am telling you. So you know if a guy like that thinks like that, we have a long way to go for peace, or we are doomed to vanish.



Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015
Americans are 10 times more likely to be killed by guns than people in other developed countries, a new study finds.


Americans more likely to commit suicide with a firearm than other nations. Thus suicides should be taken out of the statistics on firearm casualties. People will always find the way to kill themselves with firearm or not.
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