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Very Bad Experience with a Stripper for Takeout


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
I'm just curious what would have happened with the police? You gave her the money in your hotel room. Since it's like an outcall, it's not illegal and she did not "steal" the money from a legal standpoint. I'm glad she gave you your money back, but she could just have called your bluff on this? I wonder how the police would have handled this.

I basically played poker with her. I essentially bluffed her. I had to rattle her cage. There was no other way. Physically forcing her was out of the question for me as that would make me the criminal. She blurted out that she already had a police record. What the charges were I do not know. But she freaked out. She kept on saying that I better hang up or she will punch me. I ignored her. Within 2 minutes of speaking with the police she handed my money back and stormed off. She said that she cannot believe I called the cops and lost all respect for me.

I did what I had to do to get my money back. No way in hell she was going to get away with that. I encourage everyone to stand your ground no matter how frightening this may seem.

On a final note the operator said that hiring a prostitute was illegal :confused: I explained to her that it was not and that she should reread the Canadian prostitution laws. The police let it go.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
These stripper girls are all the same, they just put on an act and can't be trusted.

You just have to keep this in the back of your mind no matter how close you might think you are to her.

Yep. Well said. Now I will say that all strippers are unreliable. Reliability is the basis for all relations. And they can never be trusted. Never will I pay a stripper upfront for take out. I did not know how to react cuz no other stripper ever asked me to pay upfront. She would be the first.


ebonylover retired...
Mar 26, 2010
These stripper girls are all the same, they just put on an act and can't be trusted.
Yep. Well said. Now I will say that all strippers are unreliable.
I just want to add that I dont agree with these generalisations ... des généralisations hâtives like we say in french :D
Nah not "ALL" strippers are unreliable...
I happened to know hmm let me count ... at least two heu nah .. 3 nah nah 4 even 5 ;) that were reliable!
Oupsss I just realized two of them are... retired ... heu maybe more :lol: ;)
Just saying... :amen:


New Member
Jun 21, 2003
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Don't get me wrong pat98, there are a few who are reliable and can be trusted to some point.

But these girls are a few and far between. I know this as I am more active in the strip club scene than the SP scene which puzzles my friends as they tell me my money would be better spent with SPs.

I guess it's all about the chase....I like the chase.....


The Don


ebonylover retired...
Mar 26, 2010
Don't get me wrong pat98, there are a few who are reliable and can be trusted to some point.
I guess it's all about the chase....I like the chase.....
Its ok I dont get it wrong at all... :peace:
I was just venting out about those easy and so common "generalizations" ...

Most of the time; when I was able to have some nice relationship with a stripper I must say she was quite reliable...
Of course am not stupid it was mostly about emptying my wallet :lol:
But as long as services and what is expected is delivered... just stick to your budget and no big deal!

Dunno tho why some girls are so stupid with some guys ... kk they are young immature greedy name it ...
I guess I may havent experienced it ... :noidea:

Strippers are much more fun and there is a social aspect to it. You can also get more out of a stripper...

Same here about the fucking comparison stripper vs escort!
Well first there is another thing that u guys must understand: It's not only about sex!!! :D
Nah... u said it sooooo well ... It's all about the chase ... and okay there is more ... the fun ... and oui getting really more out... and I can testify :nod:


Jul 31, 2011

But she baited me and then switched on me once she got payed. She just wanted the money badly and thought that my need for service from her would be so high that I would have accepted no DFK.

Cloud 500 your analysis is bang on.

Stripping attracts a different type of girl than it once did.

Today's strippers are like the old street-walker whores from the 1970s and 1980s....they walk around the club hustling you for money....everything is negotiation with them .... they want to get as much out of giving as little as possible.

You identified all the red flags .... but just did not use the knowledge. No doubt you'll do better next time. Keep it up though ... the chase is half the fun.

One hint: when a stripper, or even an SP starts "negotiating" with you ... ditch her.

Even if you get what you want....the vibe will not be great...and the whole experience won't be worth it.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Its ok I dont get it wrong at all... :peace:
I was just venting out about those easy and so common "generalizations" ...

I like to clarify I meant most of them. Obviously not all.

Dunno tho why some girls are so stupid with some guys ... kk they are young immature greedy name it ...
I guess I may havent experienced it ... :noidea:

You did. Remember Nina? Sassy? And the list goes on. If these strippers saw your money lieing on the table they would not hesitate to take it including your two darlings. Never trust any one of them no matter how good the relation will seem. Money makes them do strange things. These are girls living under intimidation always. Not princesses in paradise.


Active Member
Sep 11, 2010
In my head
Sorry to hear about the bad experience, Cloud.

Strippers are much more fun and there is a social aspect to it. You can also get more out of a stripper... I did a while back for $300 she stayed with me from 11pm to 3am 100% GFE. Imagine how much that would have cost me with an escort? Me and not too satisfyed with the whole pizza delivery experience of calling a SP. Very boooring.

I agree with the social angle to the stripper experience. But financially, you are probably better off with an escort. How much did you spend BEFORE you got to the $300 GFE stripper experience? with that one stripper and all the other ones leading up to that one...?

But I also totally understand the cat and mouse thrill of it... :eyebrows:

Good hunting! :lol:
Last edited:


Active Member
Sep 11, 2010
In my head
I just want to add that I dont agree with these generalisations ... des généralisations hâtives like we say in french :D
Nah not "ALL" strippers are unreliable...
I happened to know hmm let me count ... at least two heu nah .. 3 nah nah 4 even 5 ;) that were reliable!
Oupsss I just realized two of them are... retired ... heu maybe more :lol: ;)
Just saying... :amen:

Words fail me...

E. F. Hutton

New Member
Jan 20, 2009
Strippers are usually girls that are taking the easy way out, do as little as possible and expect to make a bundle of cash. There are the odd few that are there to make tuition money for their PHDs. You are getting less than you expect and she is giving you more that what she believes you should get.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Strippers are usually girls that are taking the easy way out, do as little as possible and expect to make a bundle of cash.

You took the words out of my mouth. That is always what I tell everyone. But stupid me I trusted this girl just cuz we went out a few times. Boy was I wrong. Had I withheld the money she would have given me what I wanted cuz she wanted the money. Once I gave it to her she no longer cared cuz she got what she wanted. One has to control them to get more.

I remember one time at Sexy Hollywood I took this tiny Black. I told her for my $200 I wanted 45 mins in the room with her and DFK. She agreed and I did not pay her till the service was received. She DFK cuz she knew she otherwise she would not get paid.


New Member
Dec 1, 2011
Montreal & Toronto
Appeler une fille .. pfffff ... trop simple ... lolll U guys are soooooo lazy :cool:
Like they say "To each his own" !

Lazy ? nah ! a bit wiser.
You'll see with time how dumb it is for you to believe in 'more game'.

If you only knew !

Anyway faut croire qu'yen a qui aime se casser la tete a se rouler d'la pate et faire d'la pizza....alors que d'autre aime bien mieux la manger ! :D


New Member
Dec 1, 2011
Montreal & Toronto
Strippers are much more fun and there is a social aspect to it. You can also get more out of a stripper... I did a while back for $300 she stayed with me from 11pm to 3am 100% GFE. Imagine how much that would have cost me with an escort? Me and not too satisfyed with the whole pizza delivery experience of calling a SP. Very boooring.

Again you guys don't seem to know there is different type of SPs.
How about one for $600 who stayed with me a full week ?

What do you think you're doing when you go in a strip club ?
Call the girl to go into a boot ? now what is the difference you think ?
Same sh!t ! you pick one you want and she goes with you.

Being a stripper or SP or Indy doesn't have anything to do with making it more challenging or shall we say 'hard to get'.
It's all a matter of $$$ and how much she want for it, at that moment vs. what you want to give.

But hey ! keep on dreamin' and have fun !

I still think you guys are taking strippers for real GFs and getting fooled !
Hey! You know what they say... there's one born every minute ! :lol:


ebonylover retired...
Mar 26, 2010
Lazy ? nah ! a bit wiser.
You'll see with time how dumb it is for you to believe in 'more game'.
If you only knew !
bah depends on wat u want 1st and how much u can afford but yup basically ... ur absolutely right! :thumb:
My experience after 3y ... Escorts thing is too much YMMV ... and am more attracted by a "no strings attached relationship really more than 1 or 2 hour in a fuck motel lol"
BTW am really not into the urge to fuck from time to time becoz no sex at home or simply becoz its an addiction :lol:

About Strippers... Yeah its not wise at all as it could be really expensive... Been there Done that ! ;)
But from my last 2y ... had some long "relationships" including traveling outside country and really nice cool good time!
Anyway to each his own ... Ce qui compte c'est d'avoir du plaisir pis j'en ai eu en masse ... hé hé :cool:

Anyway faut croire qu'yen a qui aime se casser la tete a se rouler d'la pate et faire d'la pizza....alors que d'autre aime bien mieux la manger ! :D
Ah ah ah ah ah ah lé trop bonne celle là ... bien vu...
Bon anyway ouaip je m'affirme lol... c'est quand même bon de passer derrière les fourneaux !
Faut croire que je suis plus "cuisinier" que toi ! (pis là me dit pas que té en plus esti bon cuisto... je te crée pas ... tabarnak :lol:)
Bon je retourne aux fourneaux lolll je viens de finir une pizza moi-même et c'est bientôt prêt !
Pis devine qui c'est qui va la déguster ? c'est moi ! c'est tellement meilleur quand c'est fait à maison... :lol::nod:;)

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