Montreal Escorts

We only have MERB (ourselves) to blame for what's happening to our SP market

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Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Merlot, can you please stop talking nonsense and going off-topic. This is the sex business. Don't talk about about your own experiences or issues and then try to pass them on me. We're all different guys on these boards whether it's looks, age, background, ethnicity, income......

If you've had issues with liberal services or compatibility issues, speak for yourself instead of talking nonsense. Not accusing, just saying. If you tell girls or agency operators you are Merlot prior to booking an appointment then you are just dumb.

To me being happy to destroy someone's business displays a predisposition to do so. For me I have never been happy about going after anyone or their livelihood. Had you said, if the truth destroys someone's business so be it, I'd find it just a matter of facts justifying results. For me doing it happily is an over the top zealousness that is suspicious. That's just the way I feel about how I view this attitude, it didn't mean the facts you provided weren't honest necessarily.

I gladly DESTROY with pleasure the livelyhood of someone who doesn't deserve it.

To me this is very ugly, and I give it no credibility because it taints everything else no matter how much truth you provide. It comes over being very negatively emotional, and that means unreliable to me. That attitude gives me pause, even though everything you say may have been perfectly truthful.

I don't see where I made any comments about liberal services or impinged anything about your methods. But the character of being glad to destroy someone to me indicates a motivation that exceeds rationality.

As for Cloudsurf being the opposite extreme, I don't see it that way. If he came out and said he was going to do everything he could to promote escorts to make as much as they can I would find that attitude tainted also. But, focusing only on truthful positive reviews in not the same, even if I wished he would be more balanced. Reporting to the agency is fine, but making the criticism publicly available would be significantly better.


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Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Let's backtrack a little bit here. One poster said he would never post a negative review because he was worried about the livelyhood of a girl regardless of how bad the experience was personally to him.
And I'm still in my 30's by the way.

Close but no cigar.
If I had a bad experience that was due to the girl`s attitude and lack of service and not due to just bad chemistry...I would, and I have, complained to the Agency owner. Secondly if I wrote a positive review on someone and found that their service had deteriorated the second time around I will post a negative comment like I have on Arya, Lindsay and others. Thirdly if most reviewers are scoring someone higher than I would then again I will comment like I have on Sophie-Lee, Star and others.
I`m not shy about turning girls away if they don`t meet my expectations.

I happen to like your reviews Eddie but what I can`t understand is why a handsome blue-green eyed 30 something guy like you would have to pay for sex.
When I was your age I had a beautiful wife and half a dozen fuck friends. It was only after turning 55 that I had to start paying for it.


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
When I was your age I had a beautiful wife and half a dozen fuck friends. It was only after turning 55 that I had to start paying for it.

We always have to work or pay for everything in some way. Money is just the most convenient currency.


Jun 13, 2003
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I happen to like your reviews Eddie but what I can`t understand is why a handsome blue-green eyed 30 something guy like you would have to pay for sex.
When I was your age I had a beautiful wife and half a dozen fuck friends. It was only after turning 55 that I had to start paying for it.

I still have fuck friends. Had girlfriends but I'm a sexaholic who likes variety but unfortunately cannot stay with one girl or I would have settled down a long time ago. And Montreal is a small city my friend. You cheat on your wife or your girlfriend and no girl wants to touch you after or you get fucked over hard because any right minded girl who even starts off as a fuckfriend wants a relationship or commitment down the road.

Once you get a bad rep, women try to stay away from you because they know you will play them.

God willing, I will become a one girl guy one day. LOL

Even with escorts. Even if I find them awesome and the chemistry is great. I never repeat more than 3 times. After the third time, I tell them: I m not paying no more to see you as an escort so if you wanna see me personally, here is my number. If they call great. If they don't, I move on.

I challenge any girl to come out and say I have seen them more than 3 times within a span of 3 or more years.

I ain't nobody's regular. Question of pride.


Jun 13, 2003
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P.S. Cloudsurf.

I was even seeing an active Indie that YOU COMMENTED ON, for free. Wasn't about money as she was making 10 times more money than me and was paying for most of our nights out. I'm a VERY AVERAGE person financially and don't think I'm very handsome either but for some reason I have gotten lucky. Women are less shallow than men I guess as they say.

And guess what? Things started to sour and she gave me major attitude and withheld the sex when she found out I fucked other escorts even though she is an escort. She got offended and thought I wasn't attracted to her because I had a need to fuck other women. A few veteran merbites can confirm this as the truth as they know the story.

So if an escort thinks like this, you could imagine what "real" civilian girls think of me. Hahahahaha! So I just get my sex on. Relationships are not something I am good for at this point in time. I just like having fun.

I don't care how good looking you are or how big your dick is. Even if an escort finds out all you want from her is free sex, she will dump you as well and find someone else who truly cares for her and where it's deeper than sex. Many of these escorts are more sensitive and lonely than civilian girls because they think all guys want is to fuck them.

Back to the topic: Girls get paid well. So being reviewed is part of the game whether it's good or bad. One bad or good review will not make or break a girl. Multiple ones will.



Born again punter
Nov 13, 2005
On anonymity

sapman, i flipped back to your retro look at Penelope and wondered if you dislike it when a girl knows you, your handle and comments how she didn't like something you posted either about her or the session with her.
Ok, so first of all when I flipped back I see that my pal told Penelope he was seeing her on a recommend by me. But did he say my name, or that it was my (sapman99) review :).

Regardless. There are clearly different currents here regarding anonymity. I think that is okay, as long as everyone is being fully honest.

In my case, I have not cared from the get-go if the people I call on the phone to book make the connection with my MERB handle. I want to stress that I don't call and announce myself as "sapman" either LOL. Because of the many duos I have done, the tone of my descriptive reviews and my presence at GT's, yes I am known in the circle. Independent escorts who see less clients are usually able to read my reviews and figure out who they had met. Once again, I never make a special effort at announcing my MERB identity, but I do not care if they know. My prerogative.

If someone else wishes to remain anonymous, all the power to them, but I don't see it at all like a badge of virtue. It is only a personal choice.

What irks me more is guys members nagging others about anonymity when they are just as "guilty". Let me illustrate:

  • A very renowned poster here has hammered us long and wide about this and board terrorism. Claimed no one knew him
    • One day I was at an agency party. The agency owner points me to a guy an says "Buddy (not his real name) is here". I look a bit confused and he says "oh, you might know him as Captain Thunder" (not his real handle)
    • In the summer of 2010, I manned the phones for three weeks at an escort agency. It was also my job to post here and empty the PM box. The same member requested a booking by PM. He is far from the only one
  • Another poster chided us recently about this same topic. Funny how a girl told me that all the girls in the cars actually look forward to spending time with him (referring to his MERB handle)
I have I don't know how many other examples.

Anonymity has its merits that is for sure, but also sometimes one wonders who one is dealing with. There are some handles out there where I'm more than a little curious to meet who is really behind them :D.

Movie, culture, wine and restaurant critics are usually known to the people in the business.

I do not feel that my situation is compromising the objectiveness of the reviews I am writing. I will say what I feel in the most honest way possible at all times. It is a free board as I have pointed out in the past, and everyone is free (that word again) to take or leave what another is writing.


Sep 8, 2004
A great review can of course make a girl harder to book although I was always able to book a girl I had targeted even after glaring reviews. And even in the event where I wouldn't be able to book a specific girl because of an increase in popularity or increased rate, there are still plenty of quality girls to choose from at different price range.

As for the second topic, ideally, people would review their experiences good or bad but a review is better than no review at all. I always preferred the "play-by-play" reviews but again, I respect every style and can usually find something useful in most reviews, even the ones that are more general. I prefer that to people never contributing but yet asking questions after questions in the 411 section.


Sep 8, 2004
As far as anonymity goes, of course it can be difficult for some to hide their identity especially if they receive at their place all the time. After a few calls the agency owner starts connecting the dots and obviously knows who he's dealing with. I personnaly always rent a room or go incall so I've been able to remain anonymous for the most part. I did book a few indies directly within MERB but I would never expect any favor or compensation for a positive review. Being fairly young and good looking and with good maners, it's my belief that I don't have to resort to such tactics to find myself in the higher end of the YMMV. Regretfully, history has proven that some people will resort to anything in their quest for the gfe/pse experience that they have a hard time getting even with a paid date.


Fun n games til some1...
Dec 29, 2010
...There are clearly different currents here regarding anonymity. I think that is okay, as long as everyone is being fully honest.


Movie, culture, wine and restaurant critics are usually known to the people in the business.

I do not feel that my situation is compromising the objectiveness of the reviews I am writing. I will say what I feel in the most honest way possible at all times. It is a free board as I have pointed out in the past, and everyone is free (that word again) to take or leave what another is writing.

[ clap ] [ clap ] [ clap ]
honestly, that was the most lucid post i've read to date! great POV :thumb: :hail:


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
Long answer to the basic question: yes with a "but". Short answer: no with an "if".


Born again punter
Nov 13, 2005
Can we come back to the basic question.(can we blame merb for what's happening to our sp market)
Euh yeah!The reason for this "sidetracking" is because the thread starter was bemoaning the fact prices were going up because of glowing reviews. Then it was suggested that glowing reviews could come from being known as a board member by the providers (to which I suggest that there is an equal chance that reviews by glorious unknowns are tainted in "unknown" ways).

So we have been talking about review styles, and what could influence reviews... We have also argued (successfully I hope) that having no reviews would be detrimental.

Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007
Hello everyone,

Things are getting just a little too heated in this thread with numerous comments directed at other posters and their reviews. I have already edited one post and could probably edit a number of others if I had the inclination to do so.

If anyone has something useful to contribute to this GENERAL discussion without putting other members under attack, please feel free to do so. But if this thread continues to be a bash fest directed at other reviewers I see no point in keeping it open as no one will want to bother posting any review, good or bad, in the future.

Mod 8


Fun n games til some1...
Dec 29, 2010
M8, you snuffed the life out of this thread... geeez, killjoy! :lol:


I do think merbites need to remember to post useful info (especially bad experiences) to spread the word to other hobbyists. talking about a shitty experience with a girl who's not into delivering good service or needs 3/4 of the time to "warm up" yet is charging the same as a girl who's GFE from the word "GO" and who's trying to leave a smile on your face, that's just wrong.

don't say "she's like a flower you have to nurture and she will open up for you!" WTF... tell it like it is... that you had to work for it like you were booking your wife, mistress or girlfriend for an hour or two and it was work from the get-go ... it's that type of fluffy rose-tinted-glasses-type review that screws hobbyists up and let a girl work when she shouldn't either because her personality isn't cut out for this line of work or she's working so much that she's burned out beyond repair.

think of it this way if we help weed out shitty service, everyone wins (aside for the shitty SPs and the agencies that staff girls from the low end of the SP food chain).

Agencies win by satisfying customers and develop/sustain a solid reputation for amazing service and quality while spending less time dealing with their girls and "horny bastard" complaints.

SPs win because the market grows a little faster and cash flows readily because MTL is hobbyland, the ultimate adult playground for guys, couples, whatever... the Disney and Vegas of FS.

Clients win because we get great service at any and all agencies and spend more and increase frequency.

Alright, that's it for me. Now where's the troublemaker who started this thread anyway. :cool:


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
Ok, maybe one more post then...

It's good to try and be as useful and honest as possible, but I think people sometime take reviews too seriously and expect too much. It's a forum, and its' not like buying the 2012 Car guide to choose your next ride. It's more like sitting in the pub and listening to a bunch of strangers telling their stories. Some are veteran drunks, others can't hold their drink yet. Some mumble a few incoherent words, some won't shut up and other just sit and stare. But if you listen carefully you'll learn enough to make your own mind.
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