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What is a good reason to cancel an appointment last minute ?


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Tell a snake a secret eh? Now there is a oxymoron if i ever heard one, good luck Chow :lol:
Pleasssse who that was by private message. This.kinda juicy stuff is what gets my blood boiling. Don't worry, I won't share any secrets with anyone. They use to call me the vault ;)


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2016
I had diarrea so I had to cancel but the SP didn't believe me


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
haha good one....... I had a SP cancel our first ever meeting the morning of our date later that night with the reason being she ate some shell fish and had an allergic reaction which translates to she got an offer from a bigger fish who likely booked more hours ;)

She was miraculously better the next day. Never did end up rescheduling her.

Could have text a picture, all was lost anyway.


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Jun 21, 2003
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In my early days of hobbying when I was booking siestas at motels for outcalls the girl arrives and as my french was not good at that time she had to have the booker tell me in english that the girl cannot work because of urinary infection. This was a girl I've seen before and after this situation so I know it wasn't me. My loss that night was the 25$ spent for the siesta but I was not that upset but she should have cancelled her shift so I could have made other arrangements instead of showing up to cancel.

Another situation involved an incall with a well know agency that cancelled when i arrived informing me that the toilet was backed up and needed to be fixed and the SP also wanted to go eat afterwards because she was hungry. I found the timing of the cancellation and excuse to be unprofessional.

Naomi Loren

Active Member
Mar 26, 2016
I don't think I've ever cancelled last minute or been the recipient of a last minute cancellation (like, with less than 12-24 hours notice). I have cancelled on guests the day before if I can tell I'm getting sick, which I think is justified. It's way better than waking up more sick and having to give less notice, and there are ways to make it up to people : )


Dec 15, 2013
Forgive me !! I cancelled 3 hours before my appointment it was an agency (I didn't feel super bad) cause I was worn out and saw too many appointments.. canceled Daryn
I regret it . Daryn !!!

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
All happened in 4 days. I still regret I didn't repeat with Chloe.

About a year later I visited Mtl again, both Isabella and Chloe were retired already.

At least you saw her once. I didn't had this chance. I regret a lot not having tried harder to see her. If she ever come back she will be at the top of my list. There is a few girls i would had love to repeat but when i think about it i tell myself at least i had the pleasure of seeing them once.


nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
Had a date with a touring lady I had never seen. Really nervous and wanted to impress her. Sitting in her parking lot half an hour before, got the bright idea to get her flowers and wine. Drive a couple of kilometres to mall, get them, but lock myself out of my car.
Cellphone is on seat, so near but so far...
No idea what her phone number is.
Tow truck gets door open half an hour after date time.
Phoned to explain, got chilly but polite answer that maybe we could reschedule next visit.
She never answered my calls again.

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
Had a date with a touring lady I had never seen. Really nervous and wanted to impress her. Sitting in her parking lot half an hour before, got the bright idea to get her flowers and wine. Drive a couple of kilometres to mall, get them, but lock myself out of my car.
Cellphone is on seat, so near but so far...
No idea what her phone number is.
Tow truck gets door open half an hour after date time.
Phoned to explain, got chilly but polite answer that maybe we could reschedule next visit.
She never answered my calls again.

You should have called a taxi... They will open your car door in less than 15-20min for just a few bucks. :p

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
But his phone was in the car.

Thanks God most people have a cellphone, I mean if you can't find a human with a phone in a, he called the towing, so why not the taxi

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
I have cancelled Jennifer@mtlgfe because apparently 10 pm was too late for me and I was too horny just wanted to have someone right away. Most idiotic thing I did during my hobbying.

Lol well good news is you can still book her at Xo :) You should, she is so great !!

Drive a couple of kilometres to mall, get them, but lock myself out of my car.

My friend did that so many times couple years ago, to a point he even gave me a copy of his car key for security purpose cause i was often either with him or close to him, we also lived together as roomates back then.

I would recommand you to make a copy that you would hide in your wallet, in case, as this is mostly always on you.


nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
You should have called a taxi... They will open your car door in less than 15-20min for just a few bucks. :p

I live in Winnipeg, taxis here do not open your car for you.
Tow truck driver had to use a pry bar and had a hell of a time. I bet it took him half an hour. He only charged ten bucks, he wouldn't quit, it was a matter of pride.

Halloween Mike, after that I did make a copy and keep it in my wallet.
I bought a brand new car on New Year's Eve and it has the chip and transmitter in the key.
They only give you two and a replacement is $400!!!
Now I'm really scared of losing one.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
A good reason not to show up at all or very very late is having the orange subway line go out of service, AGAIN!!!!!!



Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Locked Out of Car

I live in Winnipeg, taxis here do not open your car for you..

When I was a much younger man in my early 20s, I locked my keys in my parents' 1974 Nova which I had parked outside a strip club in Bridgeport, CT. Apart from the fact that it was a terrible neighborhood and I was low on cash from having spent it inside the strip club, this was before the advent of the cellphone and I had no payphone nearby. So I had to walk to a few nearby residences and ask complete strangers, who were black (I am white) to use their phone. I think I knocked on a few doors before someone apparently took pity on my pathetic ass, and let me use their phone, although they would not let me in the house and made me call from the front porch.

I realized calling my parents was out of the question with my car parked in front of a strip club in a seedy section of Bridgeport where people like me were not supposed to be. So I called my Grandfather, who was actually closer, and concocted a lie that worked. My Grandpa was a huge fisherman, and I used to go fishing with him all the time. I noticed that across the street from the strip club there was a Bait and Tackle shop. So I called Gramps and said, "hey Gramps, I stopped at the Bait and Tackle shop to buy some sandworms (a live bait used to catch striped bass in CT) but the ones they had were kind of dead looking. Locked my keys in the car. Can you come and pick me up?" Gramps never saw a neighborhood anywhere that scared his ass, he was in the US Navy and served all over the world.

My Gramps broke into the car (which was my parents' car) with a coat hanger he brought. My Grandpa had like a third grade education but he was handy as shit and got in that car with the coat hanger in like 30 seconds with no damage. And he never said a thing to my parents, dismissing it as nothing and just helping his Grandson in his head.

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
I love your grandpa.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Xo usually post the schedule at the beginning of the week. Can you not pre-book her for later? I know she book fast but with pre-booking you should be alright.

Also its not same agency as back then, why would you be banned?


I did, but she is very very hard to book again, it even made me wonder if I was banned by the agency…
My regret was about a year ago when she wasn’t this hard to book, I could have seen her 5 times during my stay if I wanted, but I was an idiot back then.
I can understand how you feel. It is hard to book but always worth the wait when you meet her. According to me 5 is not enough. I have seen her 10x and still can't get enough of her. She is the best that I've ever seen
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