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What to tell a girl when she ask how your skills can be so good in bed...


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
But we are getting off track in regards to topic. My bad too.. hehe

As the OP mentioned he is getting remarks about his performance. I also experience the same. And his main question his:

"You can't possibly tell her you've been seeing escorts to keep your skills sharp during your downtime. Or can you?"

No you cannot!

From my own experience if you want to make sure not to see the girl ever again tell her you do sharp your skill with SP ;)


Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Just mention you go to many family reunions and have some hot first cousins, check out the response.


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Jun 21, 2003
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I don't think he's being presumptuous if I'm reading his post correctly. He's saying that a non-SP is asking how he's that good when he hasn't seen anyone in a long time and he wants to know how to answer.

yes ssj124, you are reading my post correctly

But we are getting off track in regards to topic. My bad too.. hehe

As the OP mentioned he is getting remarks about his performance. I also experience the same. And his main question his:

"You can't possibly tell her you've been seeing escorts to keep your skills sharp during your downtime. Or can you?"

No you cannot!

From my own experience if you want to make sure not to see the girl ever again tell her you do sharp your skill with SP ;)


jalimon, I will take your word on that. No need for me to test that theory myself...


Active Member
Aug 9, 2017
Ce n'est pas supposé être une compétition mais une détente. On a assez du travail où il faut tjrs performer. Une fille me demandant ça ne serait clairement pas une fille pour moi

This is not a compétition but a relaxation. We have enough the working where we should perform. A girl asking that to me will not a girl for me


Active Member
Mar 1, 2012
I really believe that it's pretty presumptuous to believe that just because you've been seeing escorts that you're great in bed. Stop and think for a moment, maybe all the escorts have been faking when you've been with them, ( it happens ) lol and maybe, just maybe you're awful in bed. I really believe that every woman and every man is different depending on who they are making love to. Stop being so egotistical and be humble when it comes to your prowess

One can be humble, but if you pay attention, you can definitely learn a lot from some of these women. Or in the process of playing and having fun with an SP.
So, you may have started as "bad"...but at least you get better....

I agree, one can be lied to, which usually does not improve things. But there are some things that cannot be lied about.

Now.... about getting rougher.... some civvie women are not as into it. (Perhaps more SPs at least put up with it...) No talking really rough, but more pounding, for example. I think some civvies might not like it.
Then again, there are so many ways to dance. Probably no one likes every way to dance.
If you're better, you lead the girl, but you also find her rhythm.


Oct 21, 2016
Speaking from personal experience I agree with Doggy that often everything depends on individual chemistry, and I should further specify "sexual" chemistry because its happened that I've bonded really well with a lady personally but surprisingly (and unfortunately) not sexually. I say "surprisingly" because the lady may be beautiful, charming and very experienced and still no go or at best work in progress. Meanwhile with other ladies who are generally given lower marks than the very highly regarded SP in question by the hobbying community the encounters can be really great and certainly very different. Experienced SPs are pretty good at figuring out what buttons to push and how to push them especially with regular clients but even then its sometimes not enuf. Not sure what accounts for this. To me whatever is going on takes place above the shoulders, not below.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
When a civie girl makes this kind of statement she is really wondering how many sexual partners you had without actually directly asking you this question. Also she is wondering in the back of her mind if you are banging other chics. No matter how you answer this question directly or not there are no good outcomes in the end. Best approach? Just smile and reply "If you think I am done with you......."


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009

That is very good insight that I did not think about.

I almost forgot also she is worried about STDs. If you are good or know what you are doing this means that you have been with your fair share of women. As a hobbyist our number of partners far exceeds the average civilian who drank the high moral fiber kool aid. So we learned a thing or two and bring much to the table in our sexual encounters. Best to divert the topic as fast and light as possible and to use protection. This reassures her that you play things safe.


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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Having been single for a long time does not mean to practice abstinence. And if you are active sexually without having a steady girlfriend does not mean you're seeing SPs... Most people would have one-night-stands, fuck friends and other similar alternatives. It does not necessarily mean you've paid for sex, which generally leads to judgmental reactions from GFs.....

But if you act guilty, she will guess it for sure!
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