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What's In The SP Name

Does the name of an SP play a role in whether you book her or not?

  • Yes, I love a girl with a sexy name..., I will never get a girl with the same name as my ex...

    Votes: 15 50.0%
  • No, I won't remember her name anyways...

    Votes: 15 50.0%

  • Total voters

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
I always tell my real name... i mean whats the harm in a first name anyway. When an SP tell me her real first name, its also more fun in my opinion. It personalize a bit more the encounter...

Over the years i managed to get some escorts full name too, 1 was an accident by her friend(she had tell me just her first name, but when i mentioned it to her friend she gave me the full name) , another one was a first time meeting and she was like "im not nervous at all with that" and seem pretty confident with me, she saw i was a good jack. Last one it happened after a certain number of sessions.

Oh and there is also Kelly Summer... when she was on facebook you could see her real name, she was not shy of showing it up.


New Member
Nov 6, 2009
Western USA
As long as her name isn`t Hilda, Zelda or Matilda I`m fine.
I'll add "Bob" to cloudsurf's list....
I'll add "cloudsurf" to cloudsurf's list.:lol:
I use my real name when i book a lady. Usually I even let the booker know my MERB handle, because I think my voice sounds like someone who has been banned at some agencies, the booker may think I am that person and either hang up on me or put me on hold for long enough to get frustrated and hang up on them.


May 24, 2013
Las Vegas, NV
I also never use my real name at any time with escorts or associates any more, except with a couple of the closest friends.

Another benefit of hobbying in Montreal...I know from some of my US counterparts that they require at a minimum a gentleman's first and last name and phone number for screening purposes before they will consider seeing him.


Sep 4, 2006
Samantha and Roberta could be a guy names?

No but Sam and Bobby could be. Unisex name or nickname is what does it for me. Assuming due diligence pans out.

In terms of dealing with an SP or agency, I have no problem giving my real name. In some instances agencies and indies will call you through the hotel phone as a safety check (happened twice to me, once with agency and once with an indy), since apparently the hotel won't transfer the call unless you can name the person in the room. Anyway, I might feel differently if I lived in Montreal, but I don't.

I got my MERB handle when I drew a blank and saw the latest issue of Rolling Stone sitting on my desk.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Hum yes you girls should be almost carefull when meeting strangers(first time clients) from your home... Its a must.

On the other hand agency girls meeting in hotels... i doubt a full name is nessary, i mean the hotel ask for so much informations and cards already, and its not like there would be any chances of going away with anything in that case lol...

Anyway personally i always give my real name, and if someone ask me my real last name, i have no problem giving it. I would apreciate if the SP give me hers as well, make the whole relation a little bit more GFE in a way... at least i can put a name(a real one) on a girl i had intimate moment with... even if its in term of 'business".


May 24, 2013
Las Vegas, NV
it is a benefit. But, as the girl who is meeting a stranger - I have no problem wanting or expecting more information if I feel like I need it.

Also, I think hobbyists should understand the risks that a woman takes meeting men in this environment - especially after seeing numerous posts about escorts being murdered - if a client doesn't want to provide or is against information you ask for - then I, personally, have no problems not meeting them.

Though, from when I first started until now I haven't met anyone who is sketchy. Thankfully. But, I do think it's important to take precautions where you deem necessary. :smile:

You are absolutely right, and each provider is well within their rights to ask for whatever information they need to be comfortable with their decision to see someone. Just as it is also the right of a provider to refeuse to see someone for any reason if they don't feel good about that meeting.

I'm glad you haven't met anyone sketchy! I've been fortunate too. Let's keep it that way. :)

One of the reasons many of the US girls screen so carefully is because of the risk of an LE bust. Of course in this case the men also need to screen the providers to make sure they are legitimate. This is where a system of reviews and references becomes critical to protect everyone involved. It would be nice if we used provider references here in Montreal, I think that would reduce the risk a little.


Active Member
Jan 13, 2004
The Da of the Dasein
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1)Does the name of an SP play a role in your decision to book her?

2)Whether her name conjures up good feelings or bad feelings.

1) No, absolutely not.
I have booked SPs with rather strange or unappealing names such as Fernanda (Fernande is a name that reminds me of an old Gaspésienne I knew when I was a kid, you know the type of female name you are more likely to hear in a bingo hall), Coco (uuuh! :confused :because "coco" means "****" in creole) or Shéhérazade (how do you whisper that name in the heat of the action when you are close to ejaculate?)

Plato's dialogue (Cratylus) concerning the debate if language represents a system of arbitrary signs (a thesis which is called conventionalism) or whether words/names have an intrinsic relation to the things they signify (the thesis of naturalism) tells us, at the end, that they are no fundamental relationship between a name and the things that is represented by that name.

Honestly, sometimes it may be tempting to associate the name off a person with a physical attribute or a quality of that applies to that same person. I remember that I once met a SP from British Colombia and her name was Tina. Nothing exceptional you would say. I agree. But the problem was that when she took her panties off I smelled a bad odour of rotten fish (this is a true story, I swear to God!) I told her then, "Remind me what is your name, Tina or Tuna?) I don't know why but she was not very friendly after that...

We know particularly since Ferdinand de Saussure that all names/words are arbitrary. So, no, names don't play a role in my decision to book a SP. We all know that the name they give us is not their real name. Anyways, when you see a SP more than a couple of times she habitually discloses her real name after two or three sessions.

2) Names can conjure up good or bad feelings. If you had a bad experience with a SP sporting a certain name you can transfer that feeling on other SP.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
But the problem was that when she took her panties off I smelled a bad odour of rotten fish (this is a true story, I swear to God!) I told her then, "Remind me what is your name, Tina or Tuna?) I don't know why but she was not very friendly after that...

LOOOOOL, this one cracked me up so badly !!!


New Member
Dec 17, 2009
For me, the name does not make a difference in my decision. I base my final decision on how they carry themselves on this board, on their site, and in our email communication. I get a good feel for the SP that way and whether our personalities will be a good match for a fun, respectful meeting :)

I also have no problem giving my real name when meeting a SP.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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For me, the name does not make a difference in my decision. I base my final decision on how they carry themselves on this board, on their site, and in our email communication.

Those are important factors, for sure. It's the same thing with in person meetings at GTs - how she looks, dresses and carries herself are important considerations.


Mar 28, 2007
I have a particularly homely cousin named Vicky and completely forgot her when another Vicky entered my hotel room. The name doesn't matter to me.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I have a particularly homely cousin named Vicky

I can think off the top of my head of 3 very ugly women named Stacey. Yet Stacey Kiebler, ex GF of George Clooney, is one of the most beautiful women in the world. Oh, the confusion!!!:confused: What are we to make of a world where ugly and gorgeous women have the same name?


Active Member
May 23, 2005
Since their names are made up I don't place much importance on it.


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2004
Anywhere and everywhere
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I once saw a girl using the name Zora (I actually think that was her name) not my cup of tea if I was seeing her based on the name alone, but wow, she was amazing. Joined me in the shower for one of the best BBBJ's I have ever had. Took me to the bad after she dried me off and had her way with me. We were together for 90 minutes and she made me cum three times, almost impossible for me but I only saw her once, was never able to find her again and will always remember her fondly

Lily from Montreal

Actually for me the name has to have some meaning ,maybe a spin off of the real one, otherwise if I had chosen let's say ''Fernande (!)'' maybe a bad example as there is nothing remotly sexy in that name loll, but if the name do not have a meaning and in the midst of action I hear ''Fernande!!!''..I would think there is someone else in the bed ,which is not a bad thing per se but...


New Member
Aug 3, 2011
I can testify that your real name is not Fernande. You revealed it to me in a moment of intense pleasure... But don't worry, your secret's safe with me ;)


New Member
Aug 3, 2011
Actually for me the name has to have some meaning ,maybe a spin off of the real one, otherwise if I had chosen let's say ''Fernande (!)'' maybe a bad example as there is nothing remotly sexy in that name loll, but if the name do not have a meaning and in the midst of action I hear ''Fernande!!!''..I would think there is someone else in the bed ,which is not a bad thing per se but...

Et pourtant... N'était-ce pas Brassens qui chantait: "Quand je pense à Fernande je bande, je bande..."?
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