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When an sp says she is an open spirit, what does it mean ?


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hello all,

If "overte d'esprit" does not mean GFE and more, as described in one post, then it does not translate well into the English of American understanding. Being a free spirit in the sexual context may not be an exact equivalent of "open minded" but it does translate into a fairly liberal attitude about sex that implies openness even if greek and other less common options might no be implied. To say free spirit sexually would definitely include DFK, Daty, BBBJ. An American would find restrictions on those options under the offering of being a "free spirit" something like a trick, probably a deception.

To me "free spirit" conjures the breakout of the 60s regarding intimacy and opening up against views on old restrictive ideas about premarital celibacy and even what was so-called proper between a man and wife in bed...or that it had to be a man and woman. A sexual "free spirit" the cannot be restrictive, at least about DFK, Daty, and BBBJ.

But thanks for the information about what "overte d'esprit" means in Montreal, which surprises me very much. I'll put it down as something to avoid.

...for a sp it is an oxymoron...

Agreed. People can define free spirit as they wish, and of course anyone has the right to refuse something. But using the term as an SP is a contradiction for any lady who intends to be conservative about options, and it would set up confusion about intentions that leads to expectation problems.




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