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Why the whole world detest Bush?


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I have long supported the movement for a 3 party system and manisfested that by voting for 3rd party candidates in each of the last 3 presidential elections, even though I did not particularly like those candidates. I felt it necessary to send a message that we need that 3rd party. I thought Jesse Ventura and the Reform Party were going to take off and I would have voted for him, but for some reason the Reform Party never went anywhere.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I am watching the Republican convention, and I am noticing two distinctive strategies at work here:

(1) The Republicans are subtly attacking Kerry's waffling on the issues by billing Bush as the candidate who "sticks to what he says." I think you will see this theme repeated over and over. Bush will be touted as the candidate from whom "you'll know what you will get."

(2) The Iraq/no WMD fiasco is being spun as follows: Threats like Saddam Hussein are eliminated by TAKING THEM OUT EARLY. I already heard this phrase used repeatedly. You eliminate a threat by taking it out early. Don't wait for WMD to be developed and used - take out the would be user before the WMD hits the scene.

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Feb 9, 2004
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Re: Still More Facts

Originally posted by curious
"The US economy is doing pretty well compared to when Clinton left the White House."

I'm not going to take the time to respond to your other comments now, but I have to respond to this one.


Unemployment is higher and there are fewer jobs.

43 percent of those who lost jobs from 2001-2003 are still unemployed.

Gasoline costs twice as much as it did under Clinton.

The trade deficit and national deficit are soaring.

Private debt is increasing also.

Fewer Americans have health care and more live in poverty as defined by government statistics.

The stock market is still struggling to get back to where it was four years ago.

More and more U.S. jobs are being outsourced to cheap foreign labor.

I don't doubt that you are doing better but you are not the whole world. The average American is worse off than in 2000.

When I say I am a non-partisan, I mean I have never been a member of any political party and have never voted for a Democrat for president. I dislike Bush, not for who is, but for what he has done. John McCain, or even Pat Buchanon would have made better presidents.

My information comes from legitimate news sources, but if you agree with Jerome Corsi that everyone at NBC is a communist, then I could see why you have trouble accepting what I'm saying.

By the way, it was Carter who pardoned the draft dodgers, not Ford. Most of those draft dodgers didn't have parents who could get them into the National Guard. Anyone who wanted to serve in Vietnam had the opportunity to.

If you think the majority of Republicans support legalized prostitution, try taking a poll at a Republican Web site and see what response you get.

Curious, what facts have you presented?

The unemployment rate now is the same as it was when President Bill Clinton was comfortably re-elected in 1996.

Where did you get the 43 percent figure? What is your source (this gets them everytime because there is no source).

Bush has nothing to do with the Gasoline prices. Increased demand from the Far east, especially China and India, is a major force in increasing Gasoline prices. Also, production means has not increased. Capacity levels have been at a premium for a while. The world is getting bigger in comsumption population and the resources are finite.

Fine Carter pardoned the Vietnam dodgers. I have no qualms about what he did. (Gee you really a Republican?) Why, because I know people who have told me that they dodged the draft. I wouldn't have suspected them in a million years. Everyone is afraid of dying. However, I also know guys who got every deferment under the book and stayed out, and guys who were conscientious objectors and the only reason why the board let them do so is because they lived in a liberal area like NYC or they knew somebody (yet they were not wealthy).


That is the only mention from a search on the RNC website. It says that Bush is against Human trafficing of women and juveniles, meaning people who are prostitutes AGAINST their will. Are you for that kind of prostitution? I am not. If you are, then I pity you. I very much doubt that you are. So stop twisting the facts. Bush is a decent person; a VERY DECENT person.


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Feb 9, 2004
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Regnad, you jump to conclusions. In fact you make leaps and bounds with what people say. Bush, if he said that, never claimed responsiblity for the ad in this quote. He is just saying Slime like is saying not so nice things about Bush. Why is Kerry so upset with us? yes us, because it is the flip flop Kerry who is accusing Bush of producing the ads, which is not true. There is NO proof. And the accusation is not true. You just infer this falsehood from his quote, by taking his quote out of context. It is a typical leftist tatic.

Kerry is the lowest slimeball of them all. Think of all the jobs he and his wife export while owning a ketchup company.


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Feb 9, 2004
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Originally posted by regnad
Here's what Andrew Sullivan, conservative Republican, has to say about this decent person.:

In some ways, you have to hand it to president Bush. He has cojones. Most politicians who found a cushy domestic out during Vietnam might be leery of attacking the war record of a man who volunteered for duty, took shrapnel, and got Purple Hearts for his courage and heroism. But not Bush. Recall that in 2000, at a very similar juncture in a tight presidential race against John McCain, the Bush campaign also unleashed the hounds against a man who had been imprisoned and tortured at the hands of the Viet Cong. Flyers appeared throughout South Carolina claiming that McCain had a black child, that he was the "fag candidate," that his wife was a drug addict, that his experience under torture had made him unstable, that he had "betrayed" veterans, and on and on. None of this could be traced directly to Bush, but no one was under any illusions. In public, Bush said he honored McCain's service. But his surrogates smeared him relentlessly. And McCain told Bush to his face in a debate that he should be "ashamed" by his campaign tactics.

But shame is not something that comes easily to this president. He had used similar dirt-ball tactics against Ann Richards, the single female governor of Texas whom he defeated. Rumors emerged from East Texas in that race, as CBS News' Dick Meyer recalled last week, that Richards was a lesbian and that she had appointed "avowed homosexuals" to her administration. This year, Bush has played the anti-gay card by backing a constitutional amendment against marriage rights for gays and also the Vietnam card against Kerry. It's a two-fer: the summation of every Bush dirty trick of the past twenty years.

The Bush campaign and its supporters defend themselves as follows. Kerry brought up Vietnam at his convention, they say, thereby legitimizing the attack on his war service. But the book that is at the center of the charges was written months ago, and published by the right-wing house, Regnery. It was hyped by the Drudge Report and mentioned darkly by conservative pundits during the Democratic convention. In other words, this was planned months ago, as soon as it was clear Kerry would be the nominee. The Bushies also say that the ads by the anti-Kerry vets were not coordinated with their campaign. But the lawyer for the group also happens to be a key lawyer for the Bush campaign, and he was forced to resign last week. The bulk of the money came from an old and close friend of Karl Rove, Bush's chief political strategist, and a trustee of former president Bush's presidential library. The "Swift Boat Veterans for Truth," in other words, is as connected to the Bush campaign as the mafia is to the waste disposal industry in New Jersey. It's a front by any other name.

The first and most critical ad is also a classic smear. It's a smear because it mentions no facts. It cannot therefore be rebutted. It contains statements by veterans of swift boats in Vietnam that include the following: "John Kerry has not been honest about what happened in Vietnam." "He is lying about his record." "I know John Kerry is lying about his first Purple Heart because I treated him for that injury." "John Kerry lied to get his bronze star ... I know, I was there, I saw what happened." "John Kerry has not been honest." "And he lacks the capacity to lead." "When the chips were down, you could not count on John Kerry." "John Kerry is no war hero." "He betrayed all his shipmates ... he lied before the Senate."

This is ugly, ugly stuff. Notice no substantiation of any of this is provided in the ad. And although there are some minor discrepancies in the military record - the kind of discrepancies that often emerge in accounts of incidents in wartime - the bulk of the record and the accounts of almost all the men who actually served in the same boat as John Kerry debunk all the claims of the ad. Many of the statements read as if they depict a man who abandoned his comrades, when in fact, he saved at least one life. Many of them use the loaded term "lie" when, of course, the official accounts of Kerry's medals were not written by Kerry but by his superiors. And in the past, many of the men making these very statements had spoken glowingly of Kerry's service. The only real, live "gotcha" in this controversy is that Kerry claimed at one point that he had been in Cambodia at Christmas. He almost certainly wasn't. That's it.

Yeah right, shrapnel from throwing a hand grenade at a bag of rice. Real courage. These are EYEWITNESSES REGNAND. You were not there. Kerry is caught lying all the time. It's in his character. Read the book and then talk. Then you can be a critic.

You said that none of the rumors were traced to Bush. Then why do you put blame on him? Huh? There may be some sick people in South Carolina that were racist enough to spread those rumors and did not want McCain. There are sick racists in some southern states hanging around today. So don't infer Bush did this. No facts, just inferences. That's all you have.


Aug 2, 2004
More Facts ()

quote: Originally posted by curious

Unemployment is higher and there are fewer jobs. 43 percent of those who lost jobs from 2001-2003 are still unemployed.

(Fact, welcome to the innovation economy, the steel industry is not cyclical and thus, if you are still unemployed after 4 years, perhaps it is time to consider a career change… read Steve Forbs Economic Outlook)(Wealth creation is on the rise, with any economic transition, there are those that are left behind due to an inability to catch up with the sectors of job creation, welcome to capitalism)

Gasoline costs twice as much as it did under Clinton.

(In CA, we have the highest fuel cost of the 48 contagious states, it is currently at 1.35x under Clinton’s last year in office)

The trade deficit and national deficit are soaring.

(As a % of GDP, this is falling – less cost of war to keep u free)

Private debt is increasing also. (Lowest interest rates in 25 years, money is inexpensive, a good economic indicator in growing dept to feed investment)

Fewer Americans have health care and more live in poverty as defined by government statistics.

(Again, with poverty this is not true in terms of %, only actual head count)(healthcare, yes this is indeed an issue and is being driven by costs, an issue for competitive/regulation)

The stock market is still struggling to get back to where it was four years ago.

(Can anyone seriously suggest that the correction was not warranted, or that today’s valuations are not more inline with reality than at ant time during the past 10 years, again healthy and on the move)

More and more U.S. jobs are being outsourced to cheap foreign labor.

(Again, study your economics, this is a very socialistic argument, lets look at this for a moment, the job sectors being effected by this are typically marginalized positions which had little or no future in a global market space such as the services and software sectors, the end benefit is actually very positive for the US economy; we outsource to Canada, Mexico and India as hot spots, in turn, their new found wealth drives US exports to these new markets (Chevy, Coke, Starbucks, Levis, etc..) which it turn are outsourcing to other global emerging markets, in the end, the winner is the American investor and shareholder, who in turn invests in new emerging markets thereby creating job growth with a focus on innovation.)

I don't doubt that you are doing better but you are not the whole world. The average American is worse off than in 2000. (speculation on your part, I suggest you reconsider supporting your local worker’s union, they are forcing your employer to be less that competitive in a global economy, and thus further driving outsourcing or putting your firm out of business, while this may be good for me as a long term smart investor, it may not be good if your job is in the steel mill.)

(Put down the paper, use your head, or better yet, take a class in global economics.)



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Feb 9, 2004
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Fuzzy math - no facts to prove your point, Regnad. Oh well, just statements, but no facts reg. Where do you get the 7 million figure? CNN? That lovely honest organization run by Ted Turner, former wife of the commie Jane Fonda?


If mophead takes office, there will be 70 million out of work after he gets thru. Sort of like Carter with the 20 percent interest rates.

Curious, Read the RNC website? Why do you make things up? Really, voluntarily prostitution is non-existent on the Republican agenda. In fact, it is a state and local municipality matter, so don't give this Nevada crap. In fact, Republicans are strong believers of local matters being decided by local governments. That's what prostitution is, a local matter.

And where do you live regnad? The DOW is at 10,100. The NASDAQ is down, but the tech bubble was the problem and that happened under your man, BJ Clinton.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Bush Flip Flops

In a flip flop that would make John Kerry blush, George Bush one day after saying we can't win the war on terror now says we can.

I think that both Bush and Kerry need to refuse the nominations and let Cheney and Edwards battle it out for the presidency. Bush and Kerry should then together as equal partners open up an International House of Pancakes in downtown Montreal. Kerry would be the waffle chef and Bush the pancake chef and give them both a number of flapjacks so they can flip those things all day long. I think that the business would be very successful.


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Jul 21, 2003
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regnad, you are correct, Campbell was in interim between resignation (Brian Mulroney) and the election where the Conservative party was almost erased from the map !


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I voted for Nader in 2000, not to elect him, but to send a message of strength on additional political parties. I loathe partisan politics inherent in the 2 party system.


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Dec 15, 2003
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If Nader were elected, we should bring back Kim Campbell....or..J. Clark or even Chretien, they would then stand a chance of election!!
Our friends in the USA should let Vermont voters choose a president!!!!
As it stands now, Bush will be reelected!
Even without having to fing WMD.
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Jul 16, 2004
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I have nothing against anybody in Canada or in the US nor do I have ANYTHING AGAINST REPUBLICANS, but I personally do not like Bush.

I know that ppl have their opinions & ppl get criticised for their opinions especially by Bush supporters, but I have my opinions.

Concerning this topic we don't have to like eachothers opinions nor does it mean that ppl here or anywhere have to become enemies just b/c of who they vote for but we are each entitled to our opinions.

If I was American (which I was 1yr away from being born in Boston as my parents were living in Boston & moved in 1978 & I was born in 1977), I would probably have voted for Al Gore as I love Bill Clinton as he got the country out of the deficit.

& I would probably vote for Kerry or Lieberman if he was running.

But that's just MO.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Your post is a most interesting perspective. Regarding the proposed Bush for Charest trade, would you agree to throw in Jose Vidro to play second base for the Yankees?;)
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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I saw my first (and likely last) Expos game a few weeks ago, and met Youppi. I am not sure how Youppi would go over at Yankee Stadium.......the Yankees have never had a mascot, and don't seem to need to do anything like that to stimulate fan interest. What they really need right now is some better pitching and I don't think Youppi can help with that!


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Dec 15, 2003
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Vidro is no longer the property of Montreal as the Expos are owned by MLB!!
Too bad as it would be interresting for us to acquire Bush!
Would you be willing to chip in The Terminator and his brainy wife?


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Feb 9, 2004
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Originally posted by curious

I'm not the one who's making things up. You need only see what many prominent conservatives have said about prostitution to see what the general attitude is. I could spend hours searching the Internet to prove this, but why should I bother? Note how prostitution is automatically linked to gay sex and acts like bestiality, incest and pedophilia. Here is a one small sample. There are many others if you want to research them.

Curious, so what? In the US, the vast majority of laws on prostitution are state and local laws, which means your state representatives pass these laws. Even extremely liberal states like Massachusetts have laws against prostitution. Why? Because of a few reasons. The worst prostitution, street prostitution, involves drugs and drug addicts; pimps. Another reason is most parents don't want their children to be prostitutes. The average John wants a young woman between 18 and 21 --- you know college age. For some girls the illegality may be a disincentive. Another reason is it can be a nusiance, especially incall apartments where men parade in and out all day, and the apartment can be a target for robberies. And some local government pass laws because of morality of the subject.

So who cares what the RNC thinks or conservatives thinks. The power of passing laws against prostitution is on the level of your state reps. The federal laws on the books may be against pimps that operate across state lines.

There are muncipalities in the NY and NJ that look the other way except for street prostitution. There are municipalities in the same states that vigorously arrest both the John and prostitute and then set up stings to get the agency owners. So, what does the Bush have to do with what your local police chief or council does about prostitution?


Aug 2, 2004
Note to StripperLover


Your point on canada is well taken, it is by all means a matured and diverse economy, no offense in lumping you with the others, only done to shorted the previous text.

That said, I would however consider "Montreal and parts of Quebec" as an emerging economy in several sectors. The whole reason I am here is to help US business locate to the region with the $$$ support of the provincial and local gov'ts.

This is by all means something to celebrate, where as Quebec has been held down by the national govt for so very long, it's current economic positioning along with the recent (10 years)cultural and language diverification on the island makes this a very attractive marketplace for US & Global service sector firms seeking skilled labor at a cost reduction point of 35-40% of US costs, fully burdened.

Think of this as a leap frogging effect that Toronto or Calgary could never achive due to legacy burden costs and fat budgets.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Kerry In Trouble

The new Bush commercial which depicts Kerry windsurfing while Kerry's flip flops are recounted is devastating to Kerry, IMHO. The theme of the commercial is that Kerry "blows with the wind", and imagery of Kerry on the windsurfer is searing. This commercial may have the same impact as the 1988 commercial depicting Mike Dukakis in a tank.

Bush did not perform well in part 1 of his interview with Bill O'Reilly tonight, but you have to at least credit him with being very confident in his own positions. I think that confidence in one's position, not correctness in one's position, is what may decide this election.
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