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Why the whole world detest Bush?


New Member
Mar 17, 2004
Please bear with me, my rant may be spread over a few posts..thank you

Being from Canada, i'm quite shocked at how easily the American people have been brainwashed by bush and his republican war mongering croonies!!, as far as i can see when it comes to the republican party..either your with us or against!!

If your not with them then your branded unpatriotic,
i see nothing patriotic about sending Brave American men and women who have dedicated their lives to make sure YOU (the american people) sleep safe at night into harms way and getting them killed for no good reason other than to line haliburtons pockets and make bushes rich buddies, "or his base as he so puts it" richer than they already are.
now lets look at the term patriotic for a minute

"\Pa"tri*ot*ism\, n. [Cf. F. patriotisme.] Love of country; devotion to the welfare of one's country; the virtues and actions of a patriot; the passion which inspires one to serve one's country. --Berkley."
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New Member
Mar 17, 2004
As with patriotism everywhere it is constructed!!! with all its trappings of bunting and anthems upon a downright lie : the lie that we all have a stake in common in the state, and hence in "the nation." In fact, the state, in every land, is the executive arm of the capitalist class (the means by which it retains power in its hands), and the nation belongs to that class, and that class alone, and not to the majority of the population ~ the working class ~ who are nonetheless expected to feel patriotism and support military force.
America needs to wake up and realize that a big blanket has been pulled over your eyes for the passed 4 years, The sole purpose to blind you from the simple and obvious truth


New Member
Mar 17, 2004
that the bush croonies have played the heart strings of the american people by claiming themselves patriotic and anyone who opposes them unpatriotic, and in the process sending billions to their close friends, and leaving the American people (YOU) to bear the weight of his decisions. I find it hard to see the patriotism in the very fact that your leader whom you trusted to send your fathers and brothers and sisiters into a useless battle to die, has a better relationship (personal and Business) with the very people who attacked America in the first place..the Saudis!! than the good American people who believed in him.


New Member
Mar 17, 2004
That's Bushes version of patriotism..personally i don't like it, I like the version where Americans aren't sent overseas to die to make the rich richer, the version where your rights arent stripped, cencored and then insultingly called the "PATRIOT ACT". The version where America works together WITH other nations to build a better world for everyone, not just the CEO's of Halliburton.

Shame on you George W, for besmerching the good name of the brave American troops who have given their lives, not to keep america safe, but to make the rich...richer. And mostly for lying to the good American people for 4 straight years.

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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I don't think that the Kerry "windsurfer" ad is dirty. It is actually quite accurate and effective. Have you seen it?

Regna D,

O'Reilly's interview with Bush was not so many slow pitch softballs. He went after Bush on: (1) the "Mission Accomplished" speech, and (2) the ridiculous invasion of illegal aliens into this country through the Mexican border. Bush's responses to O'Reilly's very good questions consisted of feeble platitudes. He did not come off well. O'Reilly did not press him as much on WMD. For some reason O'Reilly is obsessed with illegal aliens and went after Bush hard on that and did not accept his answers.

Of course, O'Reilly was not as hardball as he is with his liberal guests. Bush is after all a sitting President deserving of a modicum of respect, and O'Reilly did not tell him to shut up.

O'Reilly then had some lady from Kerry's camp on post-interview to critique Bush's answers. I forget what her name is. O'Reilly let her go off on Bush, then tried to noodle her into getting Kerry on the show.

I will watch part II of the interview tonight.
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Well, well, well, here we go again.
Everybody jumping on Bush about IRAQ, UNEMPLOYMENT, ECONOMY blahblahblah

Here is a little American Goverment 101 fro my Canadian(and some of my American friends as well).
Unlike the prime miinister, the president of the USA has very little actual power.
While he does have the power to declare war on his own, he can only to it for 30 days. He then needs the approval of the senate and the congree to continue.
I believe the Senate vote was something like 98-2 in favor of the war. The congress vote was something 450- 10 (close enough). Which means that the majority of the poltitcians have voted for the war. Where are those guys now???
I guess that is the price of leadership. Kind of like in Hockey, when the team wins eberybody says "WE won" when the team loses everybody says "THEY lost".
I won't even start on the UN. For years the UN (which includes Canada) has believed that Saddam was up to no good.
In retrospect it is always easy to make a better decision. Personally i would have preferred a commando action to take Saddam out, but that is against our laws.

The biggest misscalculation that Bush has made, that he was expecting the Iraquis would welcome their liberation from a dictator, and they actually want democracy. He was wrong on both accounts.
There is no question that his style is quiet abrassive and he comes across as harsh.
Personally I like him for that.i also appreciate that he has exposed some of our so-called friends. We Americans have this childish notion, that most of the world really likes us.
While most of them like our products as in Hollywood, Coca Cola and such and to no lesser degree our money. Most of them would also like a green card...LOL
The truth is that most world leaders and their politicians are scared shitless of the American system of goverment.
Most prime ministers and chancellors have a lot more free hand within their respective countries, that any American president will ever have.

Do I agree with everything Bush does and say..hell no, but he is certainly the lesser of the two evils.
My biggest beef with Kerry is, that he actually gives a shit, what the rest of the world leaders think.
NOTE..I said world leaders as in polticians.... not the average joe.

Of course the press, which has always been slanted to the left, doesn't help. If you think I am full of it, well than you missed the whole Dan Rather story.
Mud slinging has been part of American politics ever since Jefferson. So its part of the big show..sit back and enjoy..I do.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Dubya's Monday interview

Originally posted by EagerBeaver
Bush did not perform well in part 1 of his interview with Bill O'Reilly tonight.....

Boy, i'll say! I'm not a big fan of O'Lielly, however, i tip my hat off to him for not being afraid to ask tough questions last night:

Dubya's interview, part 1


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Well said. I agree with about 98% of what you say..........Bush is the lesser of two evils. I will not vote for him, however. I will vote for Nader to send a message on a stronger 3rd party to combat partisan politics.
If the senate and the house only voted for Iraq because of Bush, than none of the senators or congress man deserve to be in the positon they are in.
Frankly I think it is a poor excuse. If the war would have gone differently, everybody would be high fiving now.

I never mentioned Kerry was flip flopping, you brought it up.
I believe it was either Jefferson or Adams that said "We should have fair trade agreements with everybody, but alliances with nobody" I fully support this statement.
In the long run America can not be the cash cow or the policemen of the world. It is time for all the nations to stp up to the plate and face their own problems.
Hey Stripper,

While you right about most Americans not knowing the Canadian parlamentary system.
The revrse is true as well. Most Canadians have no clue about the US system.
I love the look of disbelieve on Canadians, when I explain to them, that there prime minister has more parlamentary power than the president of the USA.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Again I totally agree with your comments. You are the only poster in this thread whose views come close to my own.

I also agree that most Canadians are clueless about the US system. I have read the Canadian English language newspapers which have so infuriated me that I had to stop reading them. I don't know whether the French language papers are any better.

Even though Stripper Lover generally seems well informed about the US political system, even he has at times shown that he is misinformed. Such as believing that Connecticut has sheriffs who are elected when such is not the case.

Langeweile you should post more often as you are a voice of truth.
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I have been living in Canada for the past three years. I would say that 8 out of 10 Canadians don't know how the US system works.
Maybe I just met the wrong people.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I have previously related the story that I was in Montreal when hostilities broke out in Iraq, and read a front page article in one of the papers which was filled with lies, bullshit, and revisionist was the most irresponsible reporting I ever read in my life, and at the time, it took all my powers of self control and restraint to prevent myself from walking down to the office of the editor, dragging him from his office and beating him. Don't ask me the name of the paper, I don't remember. Since then I only read the Sports pages of the Canadian papers, and get my news online from reliable sources.
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New Member
Nov 9, 2003
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Personally, I don't tell you good people in Canada how to vote when there is a vote for PM; so, please, don't try to tell us how to vote fot President.

Just my opinion.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Originally posted by rdsw1965
Personally, I don't tell you good people in Canada how to vote when there is a vote for PM; so, please, don't try to tell us how to vote fot President.

Just my opinion.

Actually, how americans vote does affect Canada, and the rest of the world. This is why we do care!! So, we will continue to try to lead you guys on the right path....:)


Aug 18, 2004
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If the world was voting for president of the United States then John Kerry would win in a landslide. In fact, I believe that with the hostility level that the rest of the world feels towards US now any incumbent president would lose.

Whoever is elected has to do a much better job of international diplomacy. We really need to make an effort to change our image so people don't hate us because this is the only way the war on terror can be won.

A major perception problem the president faces is that the title of US president as chief diplomat comes in direct conflict with his other job of commander and chief of the army.

This reminds me of an old joke.

When a diplomat says yes he means maybe. When a diplomat says maybe he means no ... and if a diplomat says no then what kind of diplomat is he?

When a general says yes he means no. When a general says no he means yes ... and if a general says maybe then what kind of general is he?

Now ... if a girl says no she means maybe. If a girl says maybe she means yes ... and if a girl says yes then what kind of girl is she?

- Salinar


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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In fact if I recall correctly, O'Reilly specifically asked Bush about militarizing the Mexican border, and Bush ducked the question. O'Reilly also noted that while "90%" of the illegals are your average joes looking to make $5.00/hour in USA rather than 50 cents per day in Mexico, "10%" are "bad guys" who should not be allowed into the USA. I don't know where O'Reilly gets these numbers, and I am not even sure he meant them to be accurate.

Langeweile, I agree that illegals are necessary to perform many menial jobs that the American workers will not perform.


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Feb 2, 2004
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Originally posted by wakeman
To understand why the whole world hate Bush, I'm curious to read the arguments of fellow merbites.
1rst,sorry for my poor english.
But at my point of vue,it is half of the wold that dont like americans.
Poorly educated,they beleave in tv,false info.war to solve problems.underground sabotage an coup detat subventioned by there gouvernement.They vote for the well dressed guy!!
An thinck that they are attack by terrorist for the fun!.
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New Member
Feb 2, 2004
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I know the opinion is pretty darck there,an with some ineactituds.
An i can tacke criticks.(about the reason of non comercial trade with cuba)
But time has pass it is ridiculus.
"be with us or agains us" that is bullshit
French done the same long time ago an paid by terrorisme to.
Terrorist is bad specialy with civilians.
Nobody deserve to die specialy for money.
Leave them along .I am not trying to start a war on the merb,but read papers,not tv hebdo or playboy.get inform an then judge.
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