Montreal Escorts

Winter Blues: 2012 Official Offseason Baseball Thread

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I wasn't aware that they were paying Kuroda $10 million last year.

I also didn't know that he had pitched anywhere else but Japan.

I am also troubled that the Yankees would give $15 million PER season to a 38-year old pitcher who appears to have had a career year. He's 37 years old??? How come i've never heard about this guy until last season?? Holy crap! :eek:

Any chances of Carl Pavano signing with the Yankees? How about Roger Clemens? Chan Ho Park?


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Maybe because you don't pay much attention to the Dodgers?

This is likely. I haven't been paying much to the National League since the Expos moved to Washington.

I still think they overpaid him, but i suppose if his mind was set to move back to the west coast in order to be close to his kids, NY had to overpay to get him to change his mind. Not much different than what Canadian hockey teams (and the Blue Jays, for the matter) have to do to attract talent north of the border in order to deal with high Canadian taxes.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Yes, they overpaid him, Doc, but not by a whole lot. The key to the deal is that it's for one year and, again, that's real important to the Yankees, who will be slashing payroll (and wins) in 2014.

Nice get for the Sox this afternoon in signing Jonny Gomes cheap. Considering how many lefties there are in the division Sabathia, Pettitte (?), Romero, Buehrle, Moore, Price, Chen, Britton, he should give them 300 fabulous plate appearances. And it leaves them plenty of $$ for Hamilton?


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2003
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First the corpse of David Ross and now Jonny Gomes, who's next, Johnny Damon?.:rolleyes:

The best post that I read about the Red Sox was today on another board, and I quote-

"Every move Cherington made last year turned out bad besides Ross. Baily/Melanson/Punto/Cook/Shopach, converting Bard to become a starter, etc"

Last place for the Red Sox again in 2013?, it definitely looks that way.

Special K

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May 3, 2003
Red Sox Nation
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Nice get for the Sox this afternoon in signing Jonny Gomes cheap. Considering how many lefties there are in the division Sabathia, Pettitte (?), Romero, Buehrle, Moore, Price, Chen, Britton, he should give them 300 fabulous plate appearances. And it leaves them plenty of $$ for Hamilton?

Jonny f'n Gomes? Really? Yea, cue the duckboats Rumps!! Haha.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Jonny f'n Gomes? Really? Yea, cue the duckboats Rumps!! Haha.
Gomes is a real nice get, K. He absolutely clubs lefties to the tune of about .900. 300 PAs he's a great player; 600 PAs, he's a serious boo-boo. Gomes had the second best road OPS in the American League last year: .987. Remember who won the AL West last year? Gomes was a big reason why.

And, you'll be glad to hear, Gomes is a better defensive left fielder than Manny Ramirez.

The Sox as they stand now appear to be at about $95 M after all the arb and pre-arb guys are signed. If the Sox wind up at $120 M, they'll be an 80-82 win team. If they get up near $150 M, they'll contend. They have holes: a top flight starter, an outfielder, a platoon partner for Gomes...and they have more than enough money to fill them and contend.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
And it leaves them plenty of $$ for Hamilton?

I for one am hoping that the Red Sox sign Josh Hamilton. He'd be a great fit for them. And he'd have the perfect manager, who wouldn't care what he does on & off the field & whatever boneheaded thing he'd do, he'd know that he'd still be penciled into the starting lineup the following day.

"Off the wagon again, Jeff? Drunk as a skunk or high as a kite? No problem. You don't have to go back to rehab, nor will we advise the commish. You're playing tomorrow!" :lol:

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I was driving home tonight from a trip out of town & was listening to XM Radio. I can't remember which call-in show i was listening to, but several callers seemed upset at whichever GM had signed Gomes. I didn't know whom he had signed with since i hadn't checked the web since 3pm. Only now do i know that he signed with Boston.

When i saw him play with the A's last year, i had been under the impression that he was either out of baseball or playing in Japan.

I guess he's a decent utility player to have on your team. In my opinion, not that bad of a signing as long as they didn't overpay for him (since likely no one else wanted him).


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
How about $5mil per year..... he signed a 2yr deal worth $10mil......... remind you, he is a part time player so basically he would make 10 mil a year if he was a full time player based on what cherrington gave him lol....... Great signing Benny boy! Keep up the good, no GREAT work the rest of the offseason :thumb:
I guess he's a decent utility player to have on your team. In my opinion, not that bad of a signing as long as they didn't overpay for him (since likely no one else wanted him).


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Yes, I read the article, iggy, and it seems to be missing a few things: facts. From looking at your posts both here, in the politics thread and (especially) in the hockey threads, it's pretty clear that facts don't really count with you, but out here, it's what people use to prove their point.

I wonder who is going to give us better info than the linked piece?


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
remind you, he is a part time player...Great signing Benny boy!
Yup, a part time player who hit 18 bombs with an .868 OPS, playing his home games in one of the worst hitter's parks in all of MLB. Frankly, I wasn't aware of just how good a hitter Gomes is until I looked at his numbers.

If they can get a similar lefty hitter, that's 36 bombs from one position. A bargain at $10 M.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Bwahahahahaahahahah......... whats a matter rumpie, truth hurts? Face it, your red sox are pretenders not contenders this coming season, and likely 2 more, at least! Oh man you sure know how to start Turkey day for me! Merci beaucoup!
Yes, I read the article, iggy, and it seems to be missing a few things: facts. From looking at your posts both here, in the politics thread and (especially) in the hockey threads, it's pretty clear that facts don't really count with you, but out here, it's what people use to prove their point.

I wonder who is going to give us better info than the linked piece?


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Oh man please stop, your killing me here with laughter! only in your world was this a great "deal", you crack me up
you should go read all over the net how astute red sox fans feel about jonny on the spots signing for that kind of cha-ching, i think Special K summed it up quite well, then again if you would take off the blinders, you also would come to terms with what a stupid move it was for that kind of money....

The guy has had a few decent part time seasons and one full time season in 10 years and goes from 1mil to 5 per, only in red sox land lol. Dont get me wrong, i LOVE this signing. :D

Again with the metrics?
please refresh my memory how they worked out so well the last 2 seasons? Btw, whats the metrics on mr jonny`s defensive game? he is a bad fielder in case you did not know, but of course you did, which is why you failed to mention that part. And save me the "if this and if thats" he did nothing in the past to earn 5mil per year and you can sugar coat all you want, but it does not make it so.
Yup, a part time player who hit 18 bombs with an .868 OPS, playing his home games in one of the worst hitter`s parks in all of MLB. Frankly, I wasn`t aware of just how good a hitter Gomes is until I looked at his numbers.

If they can get a similar lefty hitter, that`s 36 bombs from one position. A bargain at $10 M.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
you should go read all over the net how astute red sox fans feel about jonny on the spots signing for that kind of cha-ching
As if you'd recognize an astute fan if you tripped over one on the street. ROFLMAO

Again with the metrics?
I don't think I've ever met someone who hates facts quite as much as you do. Must come from all the time you spend with Rush the fat drug addict.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
nice insults rumps! that didnt take long lol........ your one classy guy my friend.

In other news, maybe the Yanks wont be so hell bent on reducing payroll in 2014 as planned

It's good to be the New York Yankees. The team that baseball fans across the country love -- or love to hate -- is a money-making machine, even with the highest payroll in baseball.

On Tuesday, the company's television subsidiary, the YES Network, announced it was selling 49 percent of its business in a deal that values the network at $3 billion. That's a lot of scratch for the Yankees and other YES owners. And the numbers get even bigger from here.

According to Bloomberg, the Yankees are now signed with the YES Network through 2042 -- an incredibly long 30-year television contract. The club got $85 million in fees from YES for the current year, and the sale includes a 5 percent increase annually in that rate for 30 years.

That means that by 2042, the club will be making $367 million per year just to have their games shown on TV. At today's salaries for ball players, that's enough to pay the top 16 contracts in baseball -- with enough money left to fill out the roster.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
New Blue Jays skipper John Gibbons endorsed by former antagonist Shea Hillenbrand


Of all the people who might be happy about John Gibbons’ reunion with the Blue Jays, you’d think Shea Hillenbrand wouldn’t be among them.

The Jays’ former corner infielder, who played a season and a half in Toronto in 2005-06, had a well-documented confrontation with Gibbons in July 2006, an incident that marked a precipitous decline in Hillenbrand’s career.

After Hillenbrand wrote “play for yourself” and “the ship is sinking” on a clubhouse bulletin board, Gibbons called a team meeting and, in front of the other players and coaches, challenged Hillenbrand to a fight. Gibbons later told the Jays’ front office he would quit if Hillenbrand wasn’t cut.

Then-GM J.P. Ricciardi sided with Gibbons, said the team was better off without Hillenbrand and sent the former all-star packing to San Francisco.

Hillenbrand’s career lasted just one more season, which was spent with three different teams.

So if anyone might hold a grudge against Gibbons, it would be Hillenbrand.

And yet, over the phone from his home in Phoenix, the 37-year-old sounded thrilled by news of Gibbons’ hiring.

“That’s awesome,” he said. “He’s a great guy.”

Hillenbrand, who has been out of baseball for four years, said the highly publicized conflict was his doing.

“I think he handled the situation that we had very professionally and I didn’t handle it professionally at all,” said the father of three, who owns a ranch in Arizona and devotes most of his time these days to a foundation that uses baseball and animals to teach life lessons to at-risk youth.

“All I know is that during my time with him he was a really good manager and I think he did a really good job with what he had.”

Ironically, what Hillenbrand said made Gibbons such a great manager was how approachable and accessible he was. “I think John’s going to be a great addition to that ball club and he’s a great guy.”

Hillenbrand’s reaction befits a Jays team that has been full of surprises of late, with Gibbons’ redux hiring just the latest unexpected move from GM Alex Anthopoulos.

The decision to bring back Gibbons, who managed the Jays over four seasons from 2004-08, even caught team president Paul Beeston off guard.

“Are you serious?” Beeston asked Anthopoulos when the young GM first mentioned Gibbons’ name as a potential replacement for John Farrell.

Many Jays fans may have echoed Beeston on Tuesday morning, when news of the hiring first broke.

Anthopoulos himself said he was aware that bringing back a past manager, one who has never managed any other big-league club, might make for bad publicity and kill the team’s off-season buzz.

But the 35-year-old, beginning his fourth year as GM, said of all the decisions he’s made in his tenure, the only ones he regrets are when he has favoured public perception over his own instincts.

“From my standpoint, I don’t have any stronger belief that this is the right guy to lead this team,” Anthopoulos said. “I’ve got more conviction in this hire, in this move, than with any transaction we’ve made here. I’m thrilled to have him.”

The hiring was as much a surprise to the man himself.

“It really came out of nowhere,” said Gibbons, who was first hired by Ricciardi in 2002 to be the Jays’ bullpen catcher. Gibbons said he “never would have guessed” he was in the running to return to Toronto and acknowledged the club was going “out on a limb” by tapping him to lead its revamped, big-budget lineup. “It’s really a thrill and honour to be back here.”

Although the hiring happened quickly — Anthopoulos asked for permission to speak to Gibbons on Thursday or Friday, and the deal was sealed at a face-to-face dinner on Sunday night — Anthopoulos said he has long thought of Gibbons as someone he’d like to bring back to the organization in some capacity.

“Players love playing for him. They’d go through a wall for him. They respect him. At the same time, if he needed to put his foot down to let someone know where they stood he wasn’t afraid to do that either. You combine all those things and the added layer is that he connected very well with the front office.”

Despite being the last Jays manager to lead the team to a second-place finish, Gibbons is probably best remembered for his clashes with Hillenbrand and pitcher Ted Lilly in 2006.

“Yeah, I had some dust-ups,” Gibbons conceded, before saying he regretted the incidents. “That was really a black eye for me. The organization didn’t look real well after that. Plus I’m too old to be getting physical anyways. But in all seriousness, I wish it didn’t happen.”

Anthopoulos, however, said he had no problem with the incidents.

“I actually looked at it as a strong point,” he said. “What happened with Shea Hillenbrand, he better be confronted. Sometimes I think it needs to be done in front of his teammates. . . . I think it’s a strong suit that you know he’s a great guy and he’s easy to play for, but if you push, he’ll react.”

Ultimately, Gibbons said, he will be judged by how the Jays perform on the field.

“What’s happened here the last few weeks, the trades, the signings, the front office has put together a legitimate contending-type team,” he said. “Now it’s the manager’s job and the coaches’ job to pull it together as a team and get the most out of these guys. That’s our No. 1 job. Get the most out of these guys and then get out of the way.”

As the replacement for John Farrell, who twice asked to be released from his three-year contract with the Jays to pursue his “dream job” in Boston, many fans may also be wondering if this is Gibbons’ dream job.

Gibbons said he had his dream job last year, managing in his hometown of San Antonio, Texas.

“But I left that job for this one, so that ought to tell you something.”

The Jays also used Tuesday’s media event to officially announce their 12-player trade with the Miami Marlins — which was finally approved by commissioner Bud Selig on Tuesday — and last week’s signing of left fielder Melky Cabrera.

But Gibbons was the only one of the new Jays who was on hand in person.

Anthopoulos praised Gibbons’ bullpen management, ability to hold players accountable and his relationship with management.

Beeston said he bought into the choice of Gibbons when he realized the kind of relationship he would have with Anthopoulos, who was assistant GM under J.P. Ricciardi when Gibbons was last at the Jays’ helm.

“If there’s one thing I’ve learned, it is absolutely, 100 per cent essential that the manager and the general manager are on the same wavelength and they’re hand in glove,” Beeston said.

Gibbons said he’s a passionate competitor who believes everybody on a team needs to be pulling in the same direction.

“You can have all the talent in the world, but if you don’t come together as a team” you aren’t going to win, he said.

Anthopoulos said that in baseball and in life, he’s a “big believer” in the axiom that everything happens for a reason.

“I remember a lot of times I talked to our staff during the summer saying, ‘Why is everything that could go wrong going wrong, even when it comes to the roof? One after the other. But I do believe everything happens for a reason, it’s why we’re sitting here today and things, we feel, are starting to fall into place.”

Special K

‹^› ‹(•¿•)› ‹^›
May 3, 2003
Red Sox Nation
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Oh man please stop, your killing me here with laughter! only in your world was this a great "deal", you crack me up :lol: you should go read all over the net how astute red sox fans feel about jonny on the spots signing for that kind of cha-ching, i think Special K summed it up quite well, then again if you would take off the blinders, you also would come to terms with what a stupid move it was for that kind of money....

Iggy, really? Don't even begin to speak to anyone about wearing blinders, as that is the only way you see anything in Yankeeland!! This can't be denied! There isn't an unbiased bone in your body when it comes to them.

BTW, if you think Russell Martin's worth the 6M he made last season or the 7.5M he's looking for making this upcoming season then you're truly out of your fucken head!! He's no better than Gomes.
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