Montreal Escorts

WTF ??? Are some agencies still open ?


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2005
@Rinzler. what frustrates me is that the health care system in Montreal HAS ALWAYS BEEN FUNCTIONNING AT OVERCAPACITY. I have been hearing about Montreal emergency rooms being overflowing since I am a child (40 years ago) and that wait times for elective (and not so elective) sugeries are in the months, not days or weeks. The Legault government liberated 6000 beds in preparation for the Covid crisis, but it feels like 5900 of those are off island where we dont need them. And how did they liberate those beds?? by cancelling every non-life threatening procedure imaginable, and delaying life-threating procedures like putting off cancer treatments and therapies for weeks. Yeah, lets make the 40 year old mother of 3 wait 3 weeks more for her cancer treatment so the 90 year old has a chance at a respirator....fucked up. The reason some countries faired well like germany (on top of testing, and a more logical approach) is hospital capacity, which we never had here in Montreal over serveral generations. So the solution? confine everybody until the economy crashes and burns, create endless other problems that will take years to fix, instead of simply isolating those at risk. If young healthy people need to fuck after 2 months of confinement, who the fuck dares criticize them? Critizise bad decisions by the decision makers of the last x generations. Thats my rant.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005

You sound like those paranoid ppl who are wearing masks and think they will die of Covid. I completely agree with 2fast2slow he nailed it. I just wanted to add yes we got to take precautions for covid-19 but now the media created so much fear and the government is so focused on one thing that they are ignoring everything else. Cancer treatments are not getting done, people with heart problems are not getting the care they need, your teeth is very important and linked to your health all dentists shut except emergency care. And to add the government is destroying everything with their extreme security measures like tanking the economy. The economy is just as important. Businesses are going bankrupt. We currently have 17% unemployment and that is very scary. Some larger businesses began to file for Chapter 11. 70% of restaurants stand to close down permanently if things are not reopened in a month. How long can the government continue to lend money as in printing money out of thing air? They are keeping everyone on life support. At this rate the government can go bankrupt also. Mental illness will go sky high. Suicides will go sky high then you will get social disorder and crimes will go up. All those deaths that will happen will be related to covid. Countries like South Korea and Germany took the approach of mass testing, trace, and isolate. Not to lock everyone down as prisoners. Me personally the lockdown and the tanking of the economy scares me a lot more then this virus. I have never heard in any disease outbreak the government punishing the healthy with the sick. In this case they should protect the vunerable and let the healthy live their lives. It has already been two months of this nonsense.


Active Member
Nov 11, 2017
the only nonsense here is that of the bozos who keep arguing that covid-19 is not that much of a problem and that virtually no measures should be taken.

yeah the economy is in terrible shape, but you know what its not the be-all and end-all that you guys pretend it is. theres no economic system that can stand when people are falling sick in droves at work like whats happening in health care facilities, postal plants, factories and slaughterhouses like whats been happening. the economy is there to serve people not the other way around

the only reason that quebec's health system hasn't completely fallen apart is because of the current lockdown. letting everybody run wild would just be a disaster

like the sweden approach. the quacks and kooks call it a success but its anything but. the death rate is one of the highest in the world and its only because the swedes are among the healthiest people in the world that things that things arent worst. a point made quite clear in this article from a staunchly conservative paper:

that whole idea of just protecting the elderly and vulnerable has so far backfired and the swedes have a pretty good health are system. here with the shit show of a health care system we have, itd be a trainwreck

we certainly dont need any more dead and sick health care workers, hospitals swamped, and retirement homes filled with elderly people dying sooner than they would have. which is exactly what you guys keep pushing with your "me, myself, and i" attitude

if theres a sex industry left at the end of this crisis, it can build itself back up when things are going to be under control. not just because some jerkwads are more concerned about their dicks than the common welfare


Mar 22, 2019
Hey. Not trying to be alarmist or spread fake news, just spreading on-going scientific evidence that CoVid can apparently be found in men's semen after they have recovered from the disease.

Not sure if this is a 'thing' or not; but would want to make sure we all make decisions with the correct information. I think we'll all be much happier when this situation is over; but in the meantime I'd urge caution on ensuring we take the right level of precaution.
I also wish there was an easy way we could support the community of affected SP workers.


Vicky Lopez

Active Member
Oct 29, 2017
The elderly are MORE at risk that being said wisdom is wasted on youth ! Insane is anyone taking the risk to meet a SW right now then possibly bring this virus to your parents, friends, family, do the see a SW and she saw 5 clients how many people are at risk ? This is why Quebec has been unable to flatten the curve because people don't believe this is dangerous and are not social distancing ! Wake up folks

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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
How many people is the virus going to kill? At my local hospital, as of 2 weeks ago, we have had 2 deaths that have been attributed to Covid 19 and the victims were very sick and infirm. Covid was just the coup de grace. There are three others in intensive care. Meanwhile, my colonoscopy was pushed back for another month (am I dying of cancer right now?). The emergency room is empty, there are no ambulatory surgeries. Cancers are going undiagnosed, stroke and heart attack symptoms are being mother had a slight heart attack and refused to go to the hospital due to fear of Covid 19...My sister stepped in and made her go to the empty emergency room. Yep, she had a heart attack.

MEANWHILE, WE ARE DOING IRREPARABLE DAMAGE TO THE ECONOMY FOR A DISEASE THAT IS FATAL IN 0 in 100,000 cases for ages 0-18 and 13 in 100,000 cases in ages 18-45 (according to a Stanford Epidemiologist in a recent NYT Op Ed). THERE HAS GOT TO BE A BETTER WAY!!!!


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Here is the way I see it. This strange virus will take a long and winding path through earth`s human population. It`s giving us weekly surprises and there is more that`s unknown than known at this point. The virus will probably be around until there is an effective vaccine or herd immunity. Neither are a given.
Forget about seeing an escort this year, unless you are willing to take very strict precautions along with the risk. This nonsense talk about GFE service and cim transmission is just that....nonsense. Girls who will risk seeing clients will offer the exact same service as before . If they were full GFE and or PSE that`s what they will offer. Prices may go up by 10 t0 15%. A lot of the popular girls both Indy and ex agency will not be coming back. 20% claim that they are making more money with their social distance services and video creations than they did as escorts. When the agencies re-open some of the old girls will be back along with new ones.....but it`s anyone`s guess as to when that will be. But GFE will be on the menu.


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2005
Unfortunately hungry that figure is not correct especially now that recent findings have seen life threatening complications in children up to 2 months after recovering from covid19.
but they did not die, so hungry's stat stands

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
3 kids in NYC died


The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Oh wait, please ignore last article. No kid died, just went to ICU, my apologies


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
TNB unfortunately you were right the first time. Both Cuomo and the NY Times had announced that 3 kids have died in NY of possible covid19 related heart complications.


Active Member
Sep 22, 2011
... died in NY of possible covid19 related heart complications.

Key word ... "POSSIB:E" ... everything is OFF the table as to what the REAL numbers are in the US since greed has played a critical role in states, mostly run by liberal government officials ... getting PAID tens of thousands of dollars to report CCPVirus cases as cause of illness and then TRIPLE that amount of money when they hook them to a ventilator .... there have been actual cases of someone being shot and killed, but a blood test is MANDATED to see if they had CCP Virus in their system .. and IF SO ... that is cause of death - chaaching - NOT the fact that they were shot.

Wise up people ... may be harder in Canada since liberalism has taken a deep root up there ... but there are some conservative thinkers left who see past the charrade that this CCP Virus has become ... all these actions are not about health, they are about control of the masses.


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2019
Man, It is really hard to argue with dramatic people. We say that the media coverage has created an atmosphere of social fear, and they advance their cases by providing evidence of the media????
I am going to use the same language they do. So bottom line:
- The virus is contagious and seems to be fatal in certain cases, especially elderly, exactly like flue can be
- the mortality rate of those infected and reported seems to be low
- the probability of recovery is pretty high even among old people
Those that favors drama scenarios reminds of the characters we see in Medieval movies. These will be those guys that would say that this is a punishement for the sins of man, and that we should pray 24/24 or we are sinners. Anyone who disagree will be called names.... For those who believe that our reasons are selfish or short sighted, it is the exact opposite. We are thinking of our kids future. Inheriting a fucked up eco!?!?!?


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
A young kid in Detroit died today. Yes, he had Covid 19. They were able to tell after they scraped his body off the pavement when he was run down by a Mack Truck. Cause of death: Covid 19.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015
Guys, I see a lot of irrational thinking on both sides. Let me formulate why I think we should look at this problem with a cool head.

  • Remember, we went to lockdown only with one goal: to flatten the curve. The number of people who eventually will get COVID (the area under the curve) will be about the same if there is no vaccine soon.
  • The strong correlation of the overall mortality rate with the ability for hospitalization is not obvious as there is still no efficient cure, only symptomatic treatment. It might be soon, let’s prey. But this rational for flattening the curve may not work and about the same or almost the same number will eventually die with or without lockdown.
  • With the prolong lockdown, the overall mortality rate not related to COVID goes up due to sharp economic decline, inability to get medical help for other illnesses, crime rise (always go up with economy down) etc. It will reverberate for many years and diminishes the rational for the prolong lockdown
I would like to remind people who declare themselves humanists and want to save maximum number of lives that “the road to hell is paved with good intentions”. Communism also looked as a very good idea, but only on paper, not so much in practice. As for the opening of sex industry, I believe it is an important part of the economy and for many people is an” essential service”. In some cases this is the only thing that keeps people functional mentally and physically. Thus, its limited availability even under lockdown is essential.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I'm just trying to make a point. Of course that didn't happen. Unfortunately, people of all ages die everyday. Did Covid 19 really kill someone who had one foot in the graveyard and another foot on a banana peel? Why are medical personal being forced to say so? We need to be a little more pragmatic about this. We need to go through the same analysis that we do for everything else using actuarial science. Locking people up in counties with zero cases of Covid 19 is nonsensical. Meanwhile, it took 20 minutes to check out at Home Depot today. The place is swamped...Does the sawdust from freshly cut lumber and the frequency of the rhythmic drumming of the paint shakers contain the spread of Covid 19?


New Member
May 8, 2020
Covid-19 is worst than having the common cold and the flu. It will most likely not kill you but you must seriously consider the fact you might get it. Tons of people who were healthy and young who got it said it was the most sick they have ever been. To make matters worst, covid 19 can cause permanent damage to your lungs even after you recover from the virus. The reason being is the coronavirus attacks the lung in some cases making it very hard to breathe and can cause pneumonia. The fact is do you really want to risk it? Even if the odds are catching it are low and the chances of dying are pretty low. You can’t argue the fact that this coronavirus is something you don’t what to get in the first place. As much as we want agencies and massage parlours to open it it’s just a hard decision when infections are still occurring on the daily. It seems like it won’t be safe to visit SPs until next year in 2021.
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