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WTF ??? Are some agencies still open ?

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
What lock down are you yanks fucking talking about?? Unless ur living in tri state area, there are some people getting their pubes nipped in salons in USA?

I guess I’m on another end of the spectrum, the hobby isn’t a necessity for me. I can live without. But all the people who r coming on and saying all this shit about how this ain’t fair to sex workers and what not. Lol, where the fuck were you when they were getting paid $220/hour to deal with some of ur bullshit? How many of you would pay $250/hour once shit opens up again? None

I can understand those who r close to retirement realizing u may have to work another couple of years cause they lost cash on 401K or a biz owner watching biz wither away. But those of you who are just pissed cause you can’t get into MTL or anywhere else cause you wanna fuck don’t use others as an excuse and regurgitate bullshit %’s and numbers


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2017
This nonsense talk about GFE service and cim transmission is just that....nonsense. Girls who will risk seeing clients will offer the exact same service as before . If they were full GFE and or PSE that`s what they will offer.

Quite right. Only a silly or willfully ignorant person (there's a couple around here) actually think offering GFE or not makes any difference at all in terms of catching the virus. Then there's all that CIM talk - really?
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Nov 11, 2017
Man, It is really hard to argue with dramatic people. We say that the media coverage has created an atmosphere of social fear, and they advance their cases by providing evidence of the media????
I am going to use the same language they do. So bottom line:
- The virus is contagious and seems to be fatal in certain cases, especially elderly, exactly like flue can be
- the mortality rate of those infected and reported seems to be low
- the probability of recovery is pretty high even among old people

this is the kind of cherry-picking and rethoric that people in denial about the scale of a crisis keep using. the reports about the situation in health care abound, in many cases unfiltered first person accounts yet we're being told by these folks "no, no, its just fear mongering by liberal media" despite that many of those news reports are based on news from public health agencies, or research undergoing peer-review.

instead the denial crowd lavish us as a retort utter nonsense from far-right outlets, quackery from social media, or pieces from news organizations like fox whove been the in back pocket of to conservative big money for years, all of which trying to downplay how serious the situation is

yet anyone who bothers to look at the statistics, models, projections and numbers posted daily by health agencies across the globe keep underscoring how serious the situation. you dont even need the filter of media to see this. saying that its not real, and just fear-mongering is just plain quackery

covid-19 isnt the flu, its not a mild cold, and the numbers arent cooked up no matter what you people keep pretending. its not only elderly dying, health care and essential workers too. the impacts on the health care system are profound and reveal in how disarray it already was

and surviving covid-19 isnt going to be a cakewalk as the kooks are trying to pretend:

‘Finally, a virus got me.’ Scientist who fought Ebola and HIV reflects on facing death from COVID-19

quote: "Many people think COVID-19 kills 1% of patients, and the rest get away with some flulike symptoms. But the story gets more complicated. Many people will be left with chronic kidney and heart problems. Even their neural system is disrupted. There will be hundreds of thousands of people worldwide, possibly more, who will need treatments such as renal dialysis for the rest of their lives."

dealing with this is way more important than the inconvenience of not being able to see girls just for a few months. as for the economy it can be built back up in a relatively short order, all the major economic agencies like the oecd have pointed out as much


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
They locked us down for two months and the reality is their methods are not working. That is fact. The cases keep on going up. But with the lockdown they are tanking the economy. They are destroying whatever that is there. Unemployment stands at 17%. The government is lending money at rates not seen since WW2. 70% of small businesses stand to go bankrupt. Other problems are being overlooked like cancer treatments and heart issues and those ppl stand to die and it will be because of this lockdown. I can go on and on with the problems. There must be another way because the lockdown is clearly ineffective. It just is not working so they must try something different. Instead of Trudeau throwing $2000 free money around and then ppl do not want to work. I believe the course of action should be to test, trace, and isolate. Why punish the healthy with the sick? Spend the budget on mass testing of everyone, trace who got covid, and then isolate them without locking down everyone. That is the method South Korea and Germany used.


Active Member
Nov 11, 2017
^no the lockdown has just prevented a complete collapse of the health care system. its been said and shown over and over again but there are people who are either just too thick or in such a state of denial about the crisis that theres no possible hope for them to ever get it. boiling it down covid-19 as a disease that can be addressed by just protecting the sick and elderly fails is completely disregarding how the virus transmits. but again no surprises there, i keep reading the same old tired arguments by these folks

things would have been a lot worse without the lockdown. and its becoming increasingly clear where cases are rising the most like in neighbourhoods like montreal north with poor and marginalized immigrants

that the govts could have made better plans to handle whats going in the retirement homes, the outbreaks in crumbling hospitals, the lack of ppe and their mismanagement of the health care sector for years, their incapacity to increase the testing, their stubbornness with their testing strategy or lack thereof, the lack of contact tracing, the lack of planning with addressing other health issues, the general lack of guidance and support for front line workers, the lack of clear criteria to explain what guides the projected deconfinement, all of that is clear

but they need to get started on fixing all of this stuff before even thinking of opening things up a bit more. germany has started its deconfinement on pretty solid footing and with an idea of how they would manage forward. we're nowhere that well prepared over here

i dont think anyone expects that we'll stay locked down for months and months. but if the govts are expecting to see people going back to work in the weeks to come, they need to do a lot better than what they've done so far

and its not with news like this one that people will feel safe resuming their routine activities:

New projections find deconfinement in Montreal could lead to sharp increase in deaths

as to what this thread was initially about and given the latest news about where a hurried deconfinement would lead us, ill restate that agencies which are still running are behaving like sociopaths and people who keep pushing for opening things up at all cost are just as irresponsible

when the govts have all their ducks in a row, yes to deconfinement. until then, no way jose


Active Member
Sep 22, 2011
Too funny ... those that want to be little robots on leases believing that a name like WHO or CDC means they will always be honest .... dudes, money talks and will twist a scientist just as much as it will a politician. And you don;t think ole Fauci isn't raking it in and has a vest interest ... follow the money. It is the answer to uncovering everything ...

Explain Sweden then if "without the lockdown it would have been far worse" ... will wait ....

Testing, really? Yeah those proved to be 100% accurate so far haven't they? Ever take your kid to the doc and they did a office Strep test and said - nope, she's fine ... only to call you 2 days later and say, sorry, she does or did have strep ... yeah, will believe these "tests" like, um ... never.

Tracing? Will wait and watch you fine folks get chipped and then see how that turns out for you over the next 10 years of your life. And don't use the BS excuse, oh Google and Apple are watching all you do ... NOT the same liberal spinsters.

And to call those who question everything, look behind curtains for the man pulling the levers "thick", just more deflection to get in line like little sheep to collect the $2,000 from white Obama and be more a a suckling pig on the teat of big controlling government.

No thanks
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Jun 29, 2004
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Did everyone abstain from this hobby when the H1N1 or SARS was circulating? The Corona virus is only slightly more active than the others!
Do you know how many people were/are killed by the normal influenza virus every year! This is planned! We are destined to forced vaccination and
RFID chips or similar!



Jun 28, 2005
Too funny ... those that want to be little robots on leases believing that a name like WHO or CDC means they will always be honest .... dudes, money talks and will twist a scientist just as much as it will a politician. And you don;t think ole Fauci isn't raking it in and has a vest interest ... follow the money. It is the answer to uncovering everything ...

Explain Sweden then if "without the lockdown it would have been far worse" ... will wait ....

Sweden's death rate is actually one of the worst. The ninth worst, at 319 deaths per 1M. Sweden's death rate is even worse than that in the U.S., and far worse than what it is in Canada.


Active Member
Jul 6, 2008
Explain Sweden then if "without the lockdown it would have been far worse" ... will wait ....

Sweden has a death rate 6 times bigger that other Scandinavian countries like Norway and Finland.
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Jan 28, 2004
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Montreal is the Epicenter of Covid-19 in Canada and the reason for that is there are segments of the population who just aren't taking it seriously. Social distancing will beat this virus into submission that being said today being mothers day and uncomfortably cool my neighbours all have family visiting and their gatherings are all indoors. Is this responsible, not on your life. I know that being cooped up is not great but I have shut myself in since the 13th of March. I intend to stay at home until this is done as I fear for my life. So many others will end up with the virus and will die, because they thought it couldn't happen to them. The stupidity of the human race is something I'll never understand. Stay home, stay safe and know that you're perhaps saving not only your life but the life of someone you love.


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Jan 28, 2004
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As I read through the responses in this thread there were a couple of things I wanted to mention. Dr Fauci in it for the money ? He has contradicted the administration at almost every turn , to the point they will not allow him to testify before congress and do any more media interviews and today it was announced that he has tested positive for covid-19.
As for the flu and how many people it kills annually as opposed to covid-19. The flu in 2019 killed 1% of all cases in the world 35.5 Million Covid-19 by comparison has killed 7% of all reported cases so far with only 4 million cases worldwide. There is a vaccine for the flu there is none for covid-19 Countries around the world haven't shut down their economies in an effort to save live as a big media propaganda campaign, this my friends is REAL and mark my words, "The world as we knew it will exist no longer, this is the new normal " This is not going to end suddenly, there will be no vaccination for a couple of years during which time different strains of other viruses will emerge, barriers, masks and disinfectants will be the norm, not the exception. Businesses being run out of office towers will evolve, more and more the norm will be working from home with zoom meetings. I have worked from home since the 13th of March and have no plans to return to my office, I can and will continue to work from home and interact with my clients via web meetings, e mail and telephone, how about you


Active Member
Jul 6, 2008
. Dr Fauci in it for the money ? He has contradicted the administration at almost every turn ,... ... and today it was announced that he has tested positive for covid-19.

Just to clarify, Fauci did NOT test positive for covid-19. He was in contact with someone who tested positive, so according to his own guidelines he is putting himself in quarantine, so are 2 other doctors of the task force.


Jun 29, 2004
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In the US if someone comes in with pneumonia on medicare the hospital gets $5000 .00 ,but if they are even assumed to have Covid they get $13,000.00 and plus if they intubate they get $39,000.00. So they have a huge incentive to fudge the numbers! The CDC guidelines even spell out marking assumed Covid patients as real Covid patients .A few doctors have spoken out , but the pressure to keep silent is overwhelming! This whole thing stinks!


The Longest Title in MERB
Mar 16, 2003
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US hospitals are losing more than $1 Billion per day b/c of Covid-19.

If hospitals just want to make the big bucks, they could simply close their doors to Covid-19 patients and focus on high margin elective surgery.

Don’t involve the heathcare professionals in yr malicious conspiracy theories, these people are true heroes who put their own lives at risk everyday to help us all.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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In the US if someone comes in with pneumonia on medicare the hospital gets $5000 .00 ,but if they are even assumed to have Covid they get $13,000.00 and plus if they intubate they get $39,000.00.

I am not sure of the source of this information, if you have it please post it.

Fellas I deal with these issues as part of my job and it really is not clear what numbers you are talking about, what is billed or what is actually collected. In most cases- and I read hospital bills every day- what Medicare is billed by the hospital is approximately 10 times what the hospital is actually paid. The remainder is adjusted and written off by Medicare and there is not anything the hospitals can do about it. There is an interesting fight under Connecticut law over the consequences of the Medicare writeoffs and adjustments. It had been the law in Connecticut that after trial, a personal injury plaintiff could keep the full amount of his medical bills and the defendant had no offset for the amount adjusted and written off by Medicare. A decision came down late last year which says that federal law does not authorize anyone to collect that money written off or adjusted by Medicare. This only applies to Medicare payments/adjustments/writeoffs. In other cases where a Medicaid or other lien exists for which there is a right of subrogation, the plaintiff keeps the full amount of the medical bills as his or her economic damages even if that full amount is partially adjusted and written off, and goes from $10,000 to $1000.

It is plausible to me that hospitals are getting hammered financially on Medicare cases, because they usually do, anyway.
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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I happen to know someone who is second in command to the CFO at a large hospital in CT and I will check with her about these claims by Senator Jensen.


Active Member
Sep 22, 2011
Dude, the front line workers are valiant respectable professionals who mean to serve and treat ... and also follow orders and directives of their superiors, much like the rank and file in the FBI and CIA - not diminishing their work AT ALL ... the cronyism is at the top - anyone should know that, but I feel, again, the intent is to deflect to preserve the scheme on WHY CCP Virus numbers have tilted the scales ... and it is not conspiracy when rank and file officers share candidly with family that any death they encounter they are to swab the person and IF CCP Virus positive regardless of actual cause of death (suicide, gun shot, heart attack) - the paperwork must instead show CCP Virus to get the cash.


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Jan 28, 2004
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80,645 Deaths in the U.S. since this started and you imply this is all about money . Get your head out of your ass, this is about human lives. You want to risk yours I have zero problem with that but when by risking yours you then put others at risk I definitely have a problem with that . You may be sitting too close to me on the Metro or you may have opened that door a moment before I did, think before spouting stats 4,906 Deaths here in Canada over half of those right here in Quebec 2,928 This is real and you, I and everyone out there have a responsibility to help end this
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