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Transgender who advertise as female escorts... right or wrong?


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Too bad Naomi Lauren erased her comments.....I thought she had balls for expressing an opinion on a controversial topic.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
I consider this very wrong. This is very deceitful and is extremely misleading. If I am looking for a female escort then I expect her to be a female. A transgender is in a sex category of their own as should advertise as such. Some of you suggested the free market and laisser faire but this has nothing to do with the market. A SP who advertises as GFE should provide GFE, her pictures should also be real, and also if she advertises herself as a female then she should be a female. Anything else in my opinion is bait and switch. There are clients who seek transgender SPs so there is of course a market for it but they should advertise themselves as transgender.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Its not a matter of "lets look whats the worst situation possible guys". Of course given the choice at gun point i would rather have sex with a post op trans than have unprotected sex with an AIDS female...

But if we go that route then we can do it for everything, i would rather have my pinky finger cut than my whole hand. Does not mean i want my pinky cut or i wouldn't be hurt if it happen.

No matter the reason, if its mentally or physically, a client should have the right to know it, just as a female escort who is HIV positive should never work in this business...

To me its unethical, thats all.


New Member
May 14, 2016
I was very impressed with the courage and the very direct and simple way Naomi Lauren made her point. Too bad the comment was erased.

Client and escort should be able to know anything about each other that could change their minds about seeing the other person which affects their preferences or health safety. That probably never happens in reality. What I find contradictory regarding these rights is I and the rest of us know that typically all clients will concern themselves with in choosing an escort is how hot she is and what services she provides. Yes, we should know if an escort is transgender. But what I think bothers some here is they might be more spooked about having enjoyed a lot someone who is transgender than having not known this person is transgender.

For the male client maybe it bothers them more they couldn't know just by looking and enjoyed the meeting more than not being told. I know plenty of guys who would say because "I'm a man" they could never be deceived or go through that situation because of their "macho instincts", and it would bother them more they couldn't tell on their own than not being told. They may feel more wounded they couldn't see it.


Apr 7, 2015
Passionnée - hands down the transgender... who could also be participating in high risk activities...
Not sure why you think one must choose between the 2 options.
All sex workers come with risk... looks like we have to now add true gender to the list.
My opinion - operations don't change your sex - no more than a change in hairstyle changes your ethnicity... it's all cosmetic.


New Member
May 14, 2016
Not sure why you think one must choose between the 2 options.

Hello Sir,

That's not what I meant or suggested. I was wondering why people seem to say being with a transgender was so instantly objectionable versus real risks. I agree clients should be able to know right away and being with a transgender person conflicts so much more with their sensitivities. Admittedly I have similar conflicting sensitivities but it's a bit striking we worry so much about that rather than health risks, as I do also. Maybe our natural instincts feel threatened much more when it comes to sexual identity and comfort levels than health risks. I find that interesting.

My opinion - operations don't change your sex - no more than a change in hairstyle changes your ethnicity... it's all cosmetic.

It's definitely something that brings a lot of instinctual reaction conflict, for me too if I had experienced it. Just thinking about it is discomforting. But it is also very interesting that not knowing, not having those immediate instinctual conflicts because of not knowing, allowed some to enjoy themselves fully until they knew. Does that mean the discomfort of knowing is in our heads or something else.

Overall, though no one should have to explain themselves for their right to be who they are it is only fair to be upfront about being transgender because it can touch such deep sensitivities within the clients.



New Member
Jul 3, 2009
deplorable basket case
That is like feeding a Jewish or Muslim guy pork and telling him later. Unethical.

It's not exactly that straightforward. While I cant speak for my Muslim friends, I was reviewing my notes on asceticism from Talmud class and came across the following quote:
A person will be called to account on Judgment Day for every BBBJNQNS he might have enjoyed but did not because tranny


fucker :)
Jan 1, 2014
very wrong because its not true

its not a female ... if this happen to me it can be dangerous ... no way this can touch me

What's My Name

Who Are You?
Mar 16, 2014
Can someone please send me a PM about who it was? And when I use "IT" I mean the person's name


New Member
May 14, 2016
its not a female ... if this happen to me it can be dangerous ... no way this can touch me

No doubt the more I think about the idea of facing this situation theoretically of not having been told before the act the more it discomforts me a lot. In fact it's scary. However, implying you'd do great harm to the transgender person is nothing short of being an animal in my opinion. Whether you know a head of time or not the one very basic thing I'd ask myself is what was I attracted to??? It would be I believed I was with a woman, and that's all that counts.

Sure given the male ego a transgender must know the fire she's playing with by not being open about this issue, though it's surely not her fault the male ego works that way. But this he-man view that being fooled means she has to take a serious beating because a guy couldn't tell the difference, went through with it, and enjoyed it is the logic of someone with a gravely misplaced archaic idea that any man must redeem his ego by beating another person. It's so cheaply blaming someone else for a badly outmoded idea of what a man must be. You're not gay or less of a man for not knowing, even if she should be totally honest and open about the situation.

Is she the one to blame because you had a great time with a transgender???



New Member
May 14, 2016
You have a great time with her and then 6 months later your read post 84?

H101, no offense to the guys involved, but that post is hilarious.


Apr 7, 2015
Well wether amber is disgusted or not is beside the point - a transgender should advertise as a transgender.


nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
I would beat the crap out of he/her/it.

You would the crap out of them over something that trivial?

I got fooled once in Vancouver, she/he was attractive and I was disappointed and surprised. But no need to get violent.
I just walked out.
No big deal.


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
I had one time in my tenants a trans gender of 4'11" ,short height isn't a guaranty .
The hint was laryngeal prominence.

A noticeable difference between the genders


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