Absolutely because they are a women if they identify as such.
The only reason I would recommend they make sure to mention they're trans, is for their own safety from all you disgusting, weak individuals.
How about both extreme colliding...
First you have a dude that would get violent(what the fuck...) and then you have a pro feminaz.... oups feminist(sorry too used to it

) that think we are all disgusting pervert or whatever.
Ok let me be clear on this thread.
1) I made the thread
2) I was not talking of the person some guy refer in it as "post 84"
3) I never seen this person personally, saw ads and saw pretty solide evidence he/she is a dude that got changed
So yeah, i read the 4 pages i miss while my internet was not working properly kinda fast, but i didn't intended this thread to be that agressive.
I share the same view as meatstick even tough comparing women to car may seem unpolite, but its still a rather decent exemple. Being a women is not how "you feel" im sorry. Its how you ARE. The day post op trans may have baby then alright i may have a look again on this.
And dear Amber, we never said anything about those people not having the right to do what they want with there body, or work the business they want to, we said they should advertise as what they are !!!
To each there own taste in humans(as long as its legal obviously) no matter the type, but just as most guys think Bait and switch is wrong, then so is it this, even more, to advertise as a woman when you are in fact not.