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Transgender who advertise as female escorts... right or wrong?


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Amber after all these years of fucking heterosexual men you still don`t understand them.
If I am going to spend money on a painting I want a real one or a fake one....for the same amount of money.
Its fair to let me know beforehand in the sp`s ad if she is trans.


Sexual Deviant
Sep 1, 2014
Montreal, Ottawa
Amber after all these years of fucking heterosexual men you still don`t understand them.
If I am going to spend money on a painting I want a real one or a fake one....for the same amount of money.
Its fair to let me know beforehand in the sp`s ad if she is trans.

Oh trust me, I understand you guys veeeery well ;)

If we get to determine whether a person is a real man or women, then I hope you guys don't call yourselves real men... I certainly wouldn't say you are :)


New Member
Apr 10, 2011
Amber after all these years of fucking heterosexual men you still don`t understand them.
If I am going to spend money on a painting I want a real one or a fake one....for the same amount of money.
Its fair to let me know beforehand in the sp`s ad if she is trans.

I think we have room for some middle ground here... I do agree that one should mention that they are post-op, for the sake of complete, unimpeachable honesty. But if the person identifies as a woman, and has the proper equipment, then what's the problem? It's something that I would like to experience for myself sometime, most definitely. But then again, I have met with a pre-op transgendered person, as part of a healthy diet of debauchery, so perhaps I'm not a "real man" either.... :)


Jul 10, 2015
Laval, Qc
I'm attracted to women. However, I myself don't see an issue with any individuals who identify themselves as a woman. She is a she.
I do understand that there are those who can't go beyond their own limitations of who can be seen and indentified as a woman, even if initially were not. I think their is fear from others that if seen being attracted to transsexual is to be seen as being gay. Oh no!!
There's nothing fake about an individual who identifies themselves in any gender. Gender is a social construct of how to behave and act in society. It's not based biology but how we classify others based on social norms.


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2004
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....disgusting, weak individuals....

If we get to determine whether a person is a real man or women, then I hope you guys don't call yourselves real men... I certainly wouldn't say you are :)

Debate the issues with politeness and logic. Is it necessary or productive in getting your points across to insult those who disagree with you?


New Member
Apr 10, 2011
So a transvestite (not a transsexual, i.e. still has a penis) is a woman if he so states?

How about a transsexual who has an Adam's apple and a deep, "manly" voice?

You are missing the point... why not read the OP?! This thread about post-op transgendered persons.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
We are getting away from the question.
Is it right or wrong to advertise as a woman without mentioning that you are post op transgender.
I think, like most guys would. that its wrong and misleading.
But I must say that it can work for some. The trans I`m referring to had more positive reviews than Amber and Gabriella combined.
BTW Mike or Merlot you may want to add a pole onto this thread.


New Member
Jul 3, 2009
deplorable basket case
Simple question, is it OK for this person to represent herself as female? ( not tell the client )

It cant be a simple question because there's no easy way to define what "OK" means in a practical sense with regards to this industry, which I would consider a highly efficient, nonperfect system. If this issue had any real significance, the smarter agencies and indies would respond to ensure clients they're getting what they want, and if potential clients cant bear the minuscule chance an ex-man touched their weenie then they'll find another hobby.


Sexual Deviant
Sep 1, 2014
Montreal, Ottawa
We are getting away from the question.
Is it right or wrong to advertise as a woman without mentioning that you are post op transgender
I think it's pretty clear by now the only answer is that it's entirely subjective and no one can say if it's right or wrong since everyone has different views, attractions, and opinions.


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2004
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You are missing the point... why not read the OP?! This thread about post-op transgendered persons.

I was aware that the thread pertains to transsexuals. I was simply questioning the apparent assertion that someone is automatically a woman if she/he so identifies.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
No matter which side of this debate one is taking, that was a good post, i must admit.

That last sentence really made me :pound:

Wrong... no reproductive organs or natural ability to breast feed... just a small detail I guess...
Does painting my car Ferrari red and placing a logo of a stallion turn my car into a Ferrari? Or does it depend on what's under the hood? Just asking.... and saying...

Your genes will say wether your a male or female or a bit of both... cosmetic changes won't change your genes and thus your real gender... so much for loving yourself...

Now I really must go paint myself black so that I'll have a bigger penis... ;-)


New Member
May 14, 2016
Absolutely because they are a women if they identify as such.

The only reason I would recommend they make sure to mention they're trans, is for their own safety from all you disgusting, weak individuals.

As I said before, I think the real problem is it offends the manhood, the sense of male machismo some cling to more not to be able to KNOW these women were not men once, than not being TOLD before the meeting.

When I was young and practically forever after the "GUY CODE" was if you can't tell you must be gay. It's pretty stupid and ignorant really, but that's how it's been. Any sign of weakness or failure to know just by instinct was indicting against a guy's manhood. And heaven help any guy who knew and still went ahead with a transgender meeting. That's what in my view is a large part of this is about. Some guys here had a very good time not knowing. Now that they know the prehistory of the escort in question it's like that enjoyment didn't and couldn't have happened.

The GUY CODE says no guy can ever be a woman and it threatens male identity to allow anything else. That's outdated bigoted machismo. It's not wrong to say you don't want to be with a transgender person but it's over the top to allow your old notions to define who a person is.


Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Absolutely because they are a women if they identify as such.

The only reason I would recommend they make sure to mention they're trans, is for their own safety from all you disgusting, weak individuals.

How about both extreme colliding...

First you have a dude that would get violent(what the fuck...) and then you have a pro feminaz.... oups feminist(sorry too used to it :p) that think we are all disgusting pervert or whatever.

Ok let me be clear on this thread.

1) I made the thread
2) I was not talking of the person some guy refer in it as "post 84"
3) I never seen this person personally, saw ads and saw pretty solide evidence he/she is a dude that got changed

So yeah, i read the 4 pages i miss while my internet was not working properly kinda fast, but i didn't intended this thread to be that agressive.

I share the same view as meatstick even tough comparing women to car may seem unpolite, but its still a rather decent exemple. Being a women is not how "you feel" im sorry. Its how you ARE. The day post op trans may have baby then alright i may have a look again on this.

And dear Amber, we never said anything about those people not having the right to do what they want with there body, or work the business they want to, we said they should advertise as what they are !!!

To each there own taste in humans(as long as its legal obviously) no matter the type, but just as most guys think Bait and switch is wrong, then so is it this, even more, to advertise as a woman when you are in fact not.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I am 100% heterosexual and like natural women and respect the rights of others to be otherwise, but a transgender woman marketing to male heterosexual clients should identify if her native sexuality is male and "she" is transgender. To do otherwise is simply unfair or deceptive advertising. I have been approached in the past by transgender men and also gay male prostitutes (in the Caribbean), and in those cases I politely declined and told them what I was completely a straight heterosexual. The responses I got from them were along the lines of "you should be more open minded", in other words, they were trying to shame me for having normal male urges. Fuck that! It has nothing to do with being open minded, I am open minded on a lot of things but I know what I like sexually and what TOTALLY DOES NOT INTEREST ME, and it is not being open or closed minded, it is just the way I feel.

Amber if someone tells you they don't like the taste of chocolate, or maple syrup, or poutine, do you tell them to open their minds to new tastes?


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
The most logical reason is that trans women have always had a historically high HIV rate

Now granted this should go down over time, as the future statistics will reflect younger transgendered women who have more confidence to demand condom use, and of course HIV transmission is highly unlikely with condom use.

But choosing to avoid transgendered women is a rational John choice, just like avoiding heroin users, to reduce the already low chance of HIV transmission. That has nothing to do with macho culture. I have nothing against them. I took Hungry's comments as trans positive when he said the Thai ladyboys are gorgeous. I wandered into a ladyboy strip club in Pattaya to watch once for entertainment and amusement. I did not partake since I had just finished two sex sessions with "biological" women in a couple of hotels attached to the beer halls in a nearby Soi. I had no nightmares, Cloud, from what I saw. But it didn't turn me on, either.

My point is that a person can make a rational choice not see a transgendered person without having anything against them. And most guys who would make that choice would prefer to know whether or not they are trans.

I was reading the HIV rate and the 36.3% HIV rate came from a study of 11 TS woman. Therefore 4 out of 11 were HIV positive. This is the problem by these damn journalistas. Don't let the facts get in the way of a good story. For the life of me I cannot see why the infection rates for the TS would be any higher than the infection rates for gay men. The one kicker is that police are using condoms as evidence. This is a practice that has to stop. But it will not....too logical.

And for this suspected post-op trans Montreal escort that was outed after no more than 84 positive comments - How is she presenting more of a risk than the genetic females at the agency?


New Member
Jun 19, 2016
Some of the comments on this thread are really frightening.

A complete disregard for people and their values or limits. It is immoral.

Just because you think something is 'no big deal' does not mean that it is no big deal for everyone.

Someone cited feeding a Jewish or Muslim person pork. I would add feeding a vegetarian meat... Or you could divert someone's donation to a cause they completely oppose. Maybe they were 'happy' till they found out the truth.

I can name a lot of activities where no physical harm takes place other than psychological trauma which are a very big deal. People create blocks and identity they accept. We all do it to define ourselves and what we do or do not accept for ourselves.

What they enjoyed is the experience they thought they were getting. Then they find out they were DECEIVED. You can apply that to many scenarios where people are naturally disgusted when so deceived.

This is like being VIOLATED to those people. Don't you get that? Do you want everyone to be so insensitive when people are VIOLATED of their choices. Enjoying something with a person does not mean enjoying it with another.

I find it surprising how many people aren't getting this...I would hope they would for other similar scenarios....I guess it is no big deal for them to be taken advantage of as long as they 'enjoy it in the moment'.

If some are making sure to put out the message that there can be serious consequences, and there are, then I find that acts to remind and warn would be violators not to practice serious and deceptive acts as they carry dangers.

Would you rather people who like to vilolate other's choices get the message that it's no big deal and they can just violate people's mental state at will so long as they are convinced the victim will enjoy it in the moment. I guess everyone can get that message. If it's no big deal for you i guess you can impose that on another.

I guess for some people here if they met their long lost parent and had sex they wouldn't care if they found out later...after all they enjoyed it at the time...


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
What is the Shakespeare quote???? The lady doth protest too much, methinks. No offense to anyone but I wonder how many closet cock-suckers are posting in this thread. What do psychologists call it? Projecting I think they call it?


New Member
Jun 19, 2016
What is the Shakespeare quote???? The lady doth protest too much, methinks. No offense to anyone but I wonder how many closet cock-suckers are posting in this thread. What do psychologists call it? Projecting I think they call it?

We know about projection you haven't addressed anything.

I don't have to agree or not agree to understand. I wouldn't feed a vegetarian meat nor would i setup siblings who don't know eachother on a blind date.

It's called respect for others.

Seriously Hungry if the lady protested your cock then would that be doth too much...
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